Studio air assignment a

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o u r n a

Part A A.0 Introducation A.1 Design Futuring A.2 Design Computation A.3 Composition & Generation A.4 Conclusion A.5 Learning outcome




My name is Jintao Huo, this is my third year first semester. My major is architecture and I am a internation student. I choose architecture as my major is because I love those amazing buildings and

Design Futuring


The technologies we own are developed during human history, that leads different kinds of building appear. New technology brings a huge innovation normally. As a environment student I did a lot of subjects about sustainability in my first year, so i think the most important innovation will come in the furture is the innovation about sustainability. So sustainability of design is the most imporatant part of “design futruing”. Like Tony Fry said “ as change has to be by design rather than chance, degisn has to be the fornt-line of transformative action.”1 The good news is basic on the technologies invented by human like digital computation design and sustainable metrials, our buildings are actually more sustainable than before, but how to make it more sustainable is a important task.

I know those buildings are came from architects. My father is a civil engineering, so even I am studying architecture but I hope I can be a civil engineering in the futhure.

The second imporant thing that I want to say is tradition of building, we can not creat new if we just follow the traditional style, so the rethinking of trandition is necessary. Like Vidler Anthony says “ Any serious “rethinking” of architecture at the start of this century cannot be undertaken without upsetting the structure and emphases of traditional typologies, and of tranditional modes of envisaging the architecure subjects.”2

BanQ Restaurant The BanQ Restaurant is designed by Office dA, this is a very beautiful and amazing design. The most important part of this building is the ceilling. The ceilling is made by wood and shaped as curves, the wood brings the users into the forest that the building creates, that could be seen as a link to sustainability, The

BanQ Restaurant

curves also provide a feeling of ocean, they are more like the wave. The users could experience two different environments by changing the light inside. By using sunlight lighting, the users feel like stay in selva, it brings hot and zeal, by using blue lighting, people fall into water, they will feel cool and calm. This design is one way of my understanding of future design.

CCTV Headquarters CCTV Headquarters

CCTV Headquarters is one of the famous building in Beijing, it is designed by OMA and famous architect Rem Koolhaas. This building is the most future building for me before I come Australia, it has a impossible shape but fits all needs inside and outside. It does not use common building materials, because they will not be able to suppot this structure. So as I said, the discover of new materials has huge influence on design development. This buildings also has very strong visual impact, that is also a important thing for future design from my understanding. This building is sustable, too. Big proportion of materials it uses are recycle materials, it also miximums the nature lights but at same time manages the energy that nature light brings in. This buildings upsets the tranditional buildings totally and many people can not accept it, Chinese people call this building “big undershorts. That is normal for those future design, people especially old people can not accept this new kind of building, so I think how to let people accept is another imporant question for future desginer to consider.


Design Computation

Design computation defines as “ it is a the art and science of getting computers to propose design solutions, it is creative coding, argumenting the creative process with computational techniques to identify, abstract, and resolve complex design scenarios.”3 From my understanding, design computation could be described as creating fake things in the computer, like Lawson Bryan says” CAD might conspire against creative thought... by encouraging “fake” creativty.”4 These fake models on computer is really good for designer, they give apportunities to designer which allow them to create whatever they want and show them their creation as a model, that will highly develop designers’ ability to design those amazing and futuring buildings. Design computation also brings a good method which allows designer change or correct their design much easiler, like if you make a mistake at somepoint at start, they don’t need to restart, all they need to do is correct the point and computer will do all another corrections consequencely for you. Design computation is a thing which makes the design more easy and accurate, so I think it is not just a tool, it is main part of design and will be more important in the future.

Design Computation

Soumaya Museum Soumaya Museum is designed by Fernando Romero, it locates at Mexico City. As we see, this building has amazing looking and locates at a non-flat landscape. It has beautiful and irregular curves for its body. Whole buildings is designed by CAD and other tools to assist. The force transfer very well through this building and the uneven landscape also shapes it looking. I could say without computer processes imiitate whole building before hand, this building will be much more hard to build. That is what design computation brings to us. Another interest point of this building is the materials used. The facade of building covers by metal, this kind of metal could shine under sunlight and become gold

Soumaya Museum

colour, it turns to silver when no sunlight shine on it. This creates a predictable looking of the building, for example, I want to let this building in gold to light people beside in dusk to help them have more light, I could miximum the surface area to west, I believe the designer of this building should do many times on computer and finally choose this shape. That could be seen as another benefit of design computation. By the way, this kind of building build more in many place around world, I guess it is because the development of design computation and it spread apply and explore in whole world’s architecture.

Guangzhou Opera house Guangzhou Opera house Guangzhou Opera house is good example of design computation. Whole building has a very irregular shape, it makes this building look like an aircraft. I think more complex shape the building has, the more diffcult that for designer to design, the designer should consider how force transfer and where to put structure elements, so without computer it is really hard to achieve. it is sure that the shape is only one important thing for building, for this building, the inside of the house is amazing, too. As picture shows, the layout in the house is good, many different circulations inside the house and interact each other, so I think the compter could also help on the arraangement of house.


Composition & Generation

“Computation is redefining the practice of architecture�5 from Brady Peter tells us about how big influence that computation brings to the architectural form. We are experiencing a shift from composite form to generational form, we all know that composition is simple and not that good to be a integrated role, people make mistakes when they follow this rule, but when computer programs are being perfected, the tranditional composite form shift to a better and logical form named generation. It is true to say that generation plays huge role in architectural design process, it makes the design process more logical and creative. It also increases the speed of design and brings better quality of design. But some shortcomings need to consider as well, I think if generation works too well people probably have no ardour to consider a better form, they will keep follow generation when they are doing their design process. Furthermore, as the techonology is developing with very fast speed, generational form may not suitable for future technology, so I think be critical always good for us to improve, if everyone follows a form you must follow it, too, but remeber to catch every chance to improve it.

Composition & Generation

BurjAl-Arab Hotel BurjAl-Arab is one of the most famous hotel in the world, it is designed by Tom Wright and finished at 1999. This building could be seen as the early building follow the generational form. It locates at the artificial island and uses a bridge connecting to main land. It shows how well a inconceivable BurjAl-Arab

BurjAl-Arab Hotel

buildings can be build prefectly through a good design process. It also show all people in the world, the computer programs have no limite on design, people can’t design a building like this before is not because we are not smart enough but we have no suitable tools to assist our inspiration. One picture shows this buildings on computer software, it gives the desginer a very clear view of how this building will like if we build it. That is like make a “real� one in your computer, that could be said as a amazing design method comparing the old ones before.

National Stadium NNational stadium National stadium is one of my favourite building. The idea of this building comes from bird nest, the reason for that is maybe because Beijing wants everyone comes at 2008 Olypiad feeling welcome. This is one main concept of this building. Anyway, it is no way for us to design a building like this by just copying bird nest, it has very complex structure and special ways of load trasfering. Anyway, the building is absolutely make in computer at first, by correct thousands times and finally find the best way to build it. It is actually follow the generational form as describled before.So I think the design for this building is concept - shape - structure - final. All these things could be done on computer. That is how we use computation on building design.



Learning outcomes


Through the discussions and examples, as a conclusion, I think computation is a very important thing that we need to remember. During last 20 years, it becomes more and more important for design and will be more important in the future. It is not just a tool or assistance of design, it is the thing that we need to use it to design. So it is important to learn how to use those softwares and moreover learn the design process. Those are alll basic requirements for future architect like us.

I already have a very clear view of how important I will learn from this subject, the ability of using software decide how good your design will be. Last year, I do my design normally by using hand drawing and easy software like sketchup. But right now I think if I can use CAD and rhino to do my design ,it will be much more better. Anyway, it is good to know what is this subject about and how important it is.



Fry, T. (2009). ‘Design futuring’ . Oxford: Berg, P.6


Vidler, Anthony (2000). ‘Review of Rethinking Architecture and The Anaesthetics of Architecture by Neal Leach’, Harvard Design Magazine, 11, pp. 1-4, p. 3

3 Peters Brady (2013) ‘ Computation Works: The buildings of Algorithmic Tought’, Architecture Design, pp 8-15 4

Lawson, Bryan (1999). ‘’Fake’ and ‘Real’ Creativity using Computer Aided Design: Some Lessons from Herman Hertzberger’, in Proceedings of the 3rd Conferenceon Creativity & Cognition, ed. by Ernest Edmonds and Linda Candy (New York: ACM Press), pp. 174-179


Kolarevic, Branko. (2003) ‘Architecture in the digital age: Design and Manufacuring’, New York, Spon press, pp. 1-62

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