Air Traffic Control Association
May 2013
The ATCA Awards Program Don’t miss your chance to nominate an outstanding air traffic professional
IN THIS ISSUE: »» A Letter from President & CEO, Peter F. Dumont »» ATCA’s Aviation Cyber Security Day »» Greetings from ATCA’s Young Aviation Professionals »» And More!
May 2013 By Peter F. Dumont
President & CEO, Air Traffic Control Association
Published for
Conferences: A Time for Work City and replace it with two sessions at the William J. Hughes Technical Center. We are busing conference attendees to the Tech Center to meet with government executives, engineers, and program managers. Government entities as well as corporations will present and display their latest technological products and services. Quite simply, we have made sure the people – and organizations – you want to see are all in the same room. Wednesday’s symposium continues at Resorts Hotel with the top-quality programming and exhibits you have come to expect from ATCA. Panels will feature speakers from the FAA, NASA, the U.S. Department of Defense, the U.S. Department of Transportation, and industry leaders. The recently appointed Director of the Technical Center, Dennis Filler, will also speak. In the current landscape, ATCA is working hard to make our programming more valuable than ever before, rather than scale back what is offered. Our events have always provided a beneficial exchange of ideas, opportunities, solutions, and capabilities. This new format for the Technical Symposium allows attendees more face-to-face interaction with government and improves the panel discussions. I look forward to seeing you in Atlantic City.
Calendar of Events May 21 - 23, 2013
ATCA Technical Symposium Resorts Hotel Atlantic City, N.J. June 20, 2013
Cyber Security Day Renaissance Arlington Capital View Arlington, Va.
ATCA Bulletin | May 2013
1101 King Street, Suite 300 Alexandria, VA 22314 Phone: 703-299-2430 Fax: 703-299-2437 Formed in 1956 as a non-profit, professional membership association, ATCA represents the interests of all professionals in the air traffic control industry. Dedicated to the advancement of professionalism and technology of air traffic control, ATCA has grown to represent several thousand individuals and organizations managing and providing ATC services and equipment around the world.
Published by
140 Broadway, 46th Floor New York, NY 10005 Toll-free: 866-953-2189 Toll-free Fax: 877-565-8557 President: Jeff Lester Vice President & Publisher: Sean Davis Editorial Director: Jill Harris
Managing Editor: Kristy Rydz Art Director: Myles O’Reilly
Senior Graphic Designer: John Lyttle Graphic Designers: Jessica Landry Gayl Punzalan Advertising Sales: Connie Lester Walter Lytwyn Joelle Portis
Distribution: Jen Holmes
October 20 - 23, 2013
© 2013 Air Traffic Control Association, Inc. All rights reserved. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of ATCA. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed by the authors of the editorial articles contained in this publication are those of the respective authors and do not necessarily represent the opinion of ATCA.
Fall 2013
Printed in Canada. Please recycle where facilities exist.
ATCA 58th Annual Conference and Exposition Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center National Harbor, Md. UAS Day Washington, D.C. Area
he world of aviation as we know it has changed. We are living in a world where we have to worry about air traffic controllers incurring furloughs, control towers potentially closing, and every bit of travel within the government being closely scrutinized. You have heard me speak about the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) in the past. GSA has shifted the public perspective regarding conferences and expositions. By abusing the trust put in conference planning, they have made “conference” a suspect word. An ATCA conference is not a party, it is not time away from work; it is work. We use the conference to discuss the issues in our industry that need a forum. We network, share ideas, best practices, form partnerships, and make significant progress when we come together – we get work done. In a short period of time – usually two to three days – we can knock out six months’ worth of meetings with the government contacts and industry partners needed to get the job done. ATCA recognized the challenges the government would have with conferences coming off of furloughs. For this reason, we made the decision to repurpose the annual Golf Outing in Atlantic
ATCA’s Aviation Cyber Security Day Renaissance Arlington Capital View, Arlington, Va., June 20, 2013
Schedule of Events 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. Registration Open 8 – 9 a.m. Welcome Coffee 9 a.m. Welcome and Opening Remarks Peter F. Dumont, Air Traffic Control Association (ATCA); Steve Carver, Aviation Management Associates The Honorable Tom Ridge, Former United States Secretary of Homeland Security
9:05 – 9:30 a.m.
9:30 – 11 a.m. 11 – 11:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Tabletop Interactive Exercise Networking Break Industry’s Perspective on Cyber Security in Aviation
This panel will provide an aviation industry perspective on two areas of cyber security: the cyber threats and potential vulnerability that may be exploited against the near, mid, and far term architecture of aviation, and, what measures the industry take to help provide the FAA and other ANSPs a low-risk and operationally aware aviation service? Moderator: Ken Tollstam, SRA International 1 – 2 p.m. 2 – 3 p.m.
Networking Lunch Government Panel
Moderator: Amr ElSawy, Noblis
REGISTRATION FEES Before May 31, 2013
After May 31 (and on site)
Join Now:
Speakers: Joe Albaugh, Department of Transportation (DOT) Jim Daum, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Dennis Filler, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Jeff McCoy, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) 3:30 – 3:45 p.m. Closing Remarks Peter F. Dumont, President & CEO, ATCA Steve Carver, Aviation Management Associates 3:45 – 5 p.m. Reception ATCA Bulletin | May 2013
ATCA Awards Program
ATCA Bulletin | May 2013
Don’t miss your chance to nominate an
outstanding air traffic professional for the ATCA Awards!
What are the ATCA Awards? The Air Traffic Control Association (ATCA) Awards Program gives special recognition to those people and organizations engaged in the development, operation, and maintenance of the worldwide air traffic control system for outstanding achievement or for an outstanding contribution to air traffic control (ATC). The achievement should add to the quality, safety, or efficiency of air traffic control.
Who is eligible to be nominated? Any individual or group of individuals is eligible if properly nominated and qualified. The nominee does not have to be an ATCA member to receive an award, nor do you have to be a member to recommend someone for an award. In keeping with ATCA’s global representation, the ATCA Awards criteria have been amended to encompass the worldwide scope of ATCA. Recommendations for ATCA Awards from all corners of the globe are welcome!
What categories are available? We’re glad you asked! There are many awards available and we can’t fit all of the details here. However, below is a list of the awards that will be presented this year: • The General E.R. Quesada Memorial Award* is presented to an individual for outstanding achievement or contribution during the previous year as an air traffic control manager. • The George W. Kriske Memorial Award* is presented to an individual for an outstanding career, which has added to the quality, safety, or efficiency of air traffic control. • The William A. Parenteau Memorial Award* is presented to an individual for an outstanding contribution or achievement during the previous year, which has added to the * Medallion Awards
quality, safety, or efficiency of air traffic control. • The Earl F. Ward Memorial Award is presented to a group for outstanding achievement during the previous year, which has added to the quality, safety, or efficiency of air traffic control. • The ATCA Industrial Award* is presented to an industry or a group of industries for outstanding achievement or contribution, which has added to the quality, safety, or efficiency of air traffic control. • The ATCA Small & Disadvantaged Business Award is presented to a small business, owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals, for an exemplary achievement or contribution that has added to the safety, quality, or efficiency of air traffic control. • The Charles E. Varnell Memorial Award for Small Business is presented to a small business for an outstanding achievement or contribution that has added to the quality, safety, or efficiency of air traffic control. • The ATCA Air Traffic Control Specialist of the Year Award is presented to three individual civilian air traffic control specialist who have during the previous year, performed in an exemplary or extraordinary manner in support of air traffic control. It is awarded for each specialist discipline in enroute, terminal, and flight service facilities. • The Lingiam “Linn” Odems Memorial Award* is awarded to air traffic control specialists of the military. It is presented to an individual military or civilian air traffic control specialist who has during the previous years performed in an exemplary or extraordinary manner in support of military air traffic control facilities.
• The ATCA Airway Transportation Systems Specialist of the Year Award is presented to an individual military or civilian airway facilities technician acting in a nonsupervisory capacity who has, during the previous year, performed in an exemplary or extraordinary manner in support of air traffic control. • The ATCA Life Cycle Management Award recognizes an individual or group whose design, development, deployment, maintenance, or logistical support had a significant positive impact on the performance or operation of an important air traffic control system in the previous year. • The David J. Hurley Memorial Award for Aviation Traffic Management* is presented to an individual working in the field of aviation traffic management for outstanding achievement or contribution in the area of air traffic control collaborative decision making, balancing air traffic demand and capacity, or maximizing airspace and airport use, which has added to the quality, efficiency, or safety of the Global Airspace System. • The Andy Pitas Memorial Award * is presented to an individual or group who provided flight assistance in the previous year that resulted in the safe recovery of an emergency aircraft through the application of exceptional air traffic service. Nominations for all awards are due to the Awards Committee by July 15, 2013. Please fill out the online form at or you can download a paper form to nominate a deserving individual! For more information and full description of each award, visit Have a question about submitting a nomination? Contact Paul Planzer at 703-299-2430 or email ATCA Bulletin | May 2013
Greetings from ATCA’s Young Aviation Professionals (YAP)
e had a lot of interest in joining YAP at our Annual Meeting in April, so here’s a refresher on how to get involved!
How does membership work again? Young Aviation Professionals targets those in their 20s and 30s. To get involved formally, ATCA has a few options: Membership categories:
• Individual – If you’ve got more than five years of experience under your belt, then consider signing up as a regular member (you still get to go to all the YAP extra events) at $130/year • Individual – YAP: To help those just starting in their careers, a discounted membership category was created for those with zero to five years of experience in the aviation industry at $75/ year • Individual – Student: If you’re a student, you can join at $52/year • Corporate: ATCA includes a few YAP memberships to corporate members (depending on their level). Check with your company (or ATCA) to see if you can get membership this way. Membership gets you:
• Discounts/priority to YAP and general ATCA events, tours, and conferences 6
ATCA Bulletin | May 2013
Why become a YAP member?
Join YAP and Experience More! The Young Avia on Professionals (YAP) organiza on is a networking group comprised of young professionals who aspire to become the next genera on of avia on leaders. Our mission is to empower young professionals with the knowledge, exposure, and rela onships necessary to successfully tackle cri cal avia on challenges over the course of their careers.
As a YAP member, you will be invited to take part in our exciting programs and networking events, meet fellow YAP members and aviation industry leaders, and explore new career opportunities.
Whatever your role… If you’re a young professional in the aviation industry, YAP wants YOU!
KNOWLEDGE Providing the leader of tomorrow with access to events and informa on
• Experien al learning events • Leadership development • Serve on ATCA commi ees • Receive the Air Traffic Control Journal
Controllers Pilots Engineers Program Analysts Business Development Marketing and Sales
Upcoming Events
Providing young professionals access to avia on industry leaders
Tours of TRACONS, Towers and other ATC Facilities
Happy Hour events Aviation excursions and ht lessons Subject matter learning series hosted by various companies Networking events with industry representatives
More fun, more friends, more career growth, and a more awesome you!
Ready to join?
• Roundtable discussions with avia leaders • ATCA volunteering opportun • Annual networking recep n with industry VIPs
R E L AT I O N S H I P S Providing a network for young professionals with diverse backgrounds • Networking happy hours • Philanthropic volunteering opportun • Informal mentoring with industry veterans
Email or visit for more informa
Photos from YAP events: DCA Tower Tour, Potomac TRACON Tour, Fall Foliage Flights, YAP Annual Recep on , and speaker learning series.
• Daily email blasts with timely aviation news • Monthly electronic versions of the ATCA Bulletin • The Journal of Air Traffic Control with a variety of articles on technology, NextGen, and aviation history • Something to bolster your resume • New leadership skills – such as speaking on a panel or helping out with an ATCA committee • Career advancement opportunities through professional relationships and exposure to an array or aviation ideas/concepts
I just want to come to some events. Is that okay? We would love you to become a member, but if that isn’t feasible right now, make sure you’re on our email distribution list to hear about events that are coming up. Keep in mind that we do charge for a few events (like the Rooftop reception) and priority is given to YAPs if space is limited. For more information on h o w t o b e c o m e a m e m b e r, v i s i t
Media Release from Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate
NASA Research Announcement Leading Edge in Aeronautics Research for NASA (LEARN) Funding Opportunity
he Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate (ARMD)’s NASA Aeronautics Research Institute (NARI) intends to release a solicitation for multi-institutional, team-based proposals for research as participating members of Learning Environments and Research Network (LEARN). Proposals must clearly articulate an innovative, broadly based research topic addressing strategically important aeronautics technical challenges that have the potential to mature into technologies of interest to ARMD or commercial aerospace companies. Please monitor the NSPIRES website for specific dates relative to this future solicitation. If you are a registered NSPIRES account holder, you will automatically be notified by email when each new solicita -
tion is issued. You can register at the following URL:
The tentative schedule for LEARN NRA is: ›› Release of NRA at ..... May 28, 2013 ›› Notice of intent to propose due .June 21, 2013 ›› Pre-proposal briefing .................. July 2, 2013 ›› Proposals due .............................. July 26, 2013 ›› Selection of teams ...................... September 2013 ›› Period of performance start ....... October 1, 2013
Media Release from Jeppesen Teams and NAV CANADA
Jeppesen Teams with Nav Canada to Deliver Performance-Based Navigation Procedures
eppesen, a part of Boeing Digital Aviation, has announced a new agreement with NAV CANADA to design and deliver area navigation with required navigation performance (RNAV RNP) instrument flight procedures that are based in performance-based navigation (PBN) principles. The new procedures will provide the benefits of PBN – increased runway throughput, as well as reductions in aircraft fuel burn and greenhouse gas emissions – for Canadian airspace. PBN is the foundation of the FAA’s NextGen modernization program, Europe’s SESAR program and other future air traffic management concepts, which will alleviate much of today’s delays on the ground and in the air. “This agreement marks an exciting milestone for Canadian airspace modernization and has been eagerly anticipated by NAV CANADA and its customers,” said Mark Van Tine, vice president, Boeing Digital Aviation and Jeppesen CEO. “Working together, we will deliver optimized design and airspace procedures that will allow for more optimized operations through reduced fuel consumption and less airline miles flown.”
RNAV differs from traditional navigation, whereby aircraft navigate from beacon to beacon or are given vectors (steered) by air traffic control, by allowing aircraft to fly a course within a network of navigation beacons or waypoints, based on GPS guidance. RNP specifies a minimum level of onboard navigational performance monitoring and alerting. RNAV and RNP specifications facilitate more precise lateral and horizontal aircraft routing and enable aircraft to descend from altitude without intermediate level offs, which greatly reduces fuel consumption and aircraft noise emissions. “We are pleased to be working together with Jeppesen to expedite the continued modernization of the Canadian air navigation system,” said Larry Lachance, vice president, Operations, NAV CANADA. “With Jeppesen’s world leading expertise, combined with the innovative and customer focused approach of NAV CANADA operations staff, I am confident that this partnership will allow NAV CANADA to continue to implement PBN-based procedures that set the bar even higher for safe and efficient air navigation services.” ATCA Bulletin | May 2013
The ATCA Bulletin (ISSN 0402-1977) is published monthly by the Air Traffic Control Association. Periodical postage paid at Alexandria, VA. $5.00 of annual dues are allocated for the publication of the ATCA Bulletin. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ATCA BULLETIN, 1101 King Street, Suite 300, Alexandria, VA 22314. Staff Marion Brophy, Director, Communications Ken Carlisle, Director, Meetings and Expositions Jonathan Fath, New Media Manager Jessica McGarry, Communications Coordinator Christine Oster, Chief Financial Officer Paul Planzer, Manager, ATC Programs Claire Rusk, Vice President of Operations Rugger Smith, Director, International Accounts Sandra Strickland, Events and Exhibits Coordinator Tim Wagner, Membership Manager
1101 King Street Suite 300 Alexandria, VA  22314
Officers and Board of Directors Chairman, James H. Washington Chairman-Elect, Neil Planzer President & CEO, Peter F. Dumont Treasurer, Director at Large, Rachel Jackson Secretary, East Area Director, Jeff Griffith Pacific Area, Asia, Australia Director, Bob Gardiner South Central Area Director, William Cotton Northeast Area Director, Mike Headley Southeast Area Director, Robert Coulson North Central Area Director, Jim Crook Western Area Director, Mike Lewis Canada, Caribbean, Central and South America, Mexico Area Director, Sid Koslow Europe, Africa, Middle East Area Director, Steve James Director at Large, Charlie Keegan Director at Large, Allison Patrick Director at Large, Sandra Samuel