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In 2023, Century is celebrating more than 95 years of producing Australia’s greatest batteries

Century makes some of Australia’s most widely recognised batteries, and this year the company is celebrating 95 years of manufacturing.

When it comes to our vehicles, we push them hard and so does the Australian environment. In summer, under the bonnet temperatures are often pushing 80°C, and our journeys could take us from the city to the outback, taking in the smoothest of roads or the roughest corrugated red sand, continually pushing our batteries to the edge.

Batteries designed for Australian conditions

Century says it is no accident that it makes toughas-nails batteries that are genuinely designed for Australian conditions – stating that the company has been researching and developing battery technology for the better part of a century, after all.

Designed and built right here in Australia, Century’s range of iconic blue and yellow batteries are manufactured with calcium battery plate groups, advanced grid designs and optimised paste formulation.

The advanced labyrinth lid system also helps reduce water loss by up to 40 percent*, meaning that Century batteries are truly better suited to Australia’s extreme climate and harsh conditions.

Celebrating 95 Years of Australian Manufacturing

The Century Batteries journey began in the Sydney suburb of Alexandria with the introduction of Century’s first ever lead acid battery.

From humble beginnings in 1928, the product range has evolved from using hard rubber battery cases to the introduction of Australia’s only locally made Sealed Maintenance Free battery range; designed and built right here in Australia.

For over 95 years, Century says its commitment to new product development and innovation has ensured that its range of iconic blue and yellow batteries are better suited to Australia’s extreme climate and harsh conditions and continue to set new standards in design and performance.

Today Century continues to innovate and prides itself in offering a range of market leading products and services which continue to set new standards.

Century Batteries Automotive General Manager, Stu Stanners, said manufacturing in Australia has helped Century stand apart.

“Our batteries are designed and made for Australian conditions,” Stu said.

“For over 95 years we have really honed the experience and knowledge needed to develop products that can withstand the harsh and unique Australian environment. The brand is trusted because it’s made by Australians, for Australians.

“We recognise the importance of supporting local and reinvesting into the local economy.

“We use locally sourced components such as lead from South Australia, recycled components from New South Wales, and plastics and signage from Queensland.

“We are proud to support local jobs and the local economy wherever we can.”

Century hasn’t gotten to where it is by sitting still, and each year it invests significantly in research, development, and its manufacturing facility to ensure its batteries continue to meet the needs of the marketplace and the next generation of vehicles.

This year additional multimillion dollar investments will go on upgrading the Queensland manufacturing facility’s technology and machinery, with further investments slated for the years ahead.

With a workforce of over 600 employees and producing over 1.2 million batteries each year, Century remains committed to manufacturing in Australia and supporting local jobs.

“We’re on track to achieve a ‘Century’ in business in 2028,” Stu said.

“And we’re proud to say that we’ve been supporting our fellow Australians throughout our entire journey.”

Partnering with Century Batteries

The benefit of building batteries in Australia also means that Century has a more consistent supply of locally held stock throughout the year when some other battery importers might be struggling.

Research conducted by Roy Morgan identifies support for buying Australian-made goods significantly increased during 2020, the first year of the pandemic, and has remained strong in 2022 with 96 percent of Australians saying they are more likely to buy products made in Australia, far exceeding products made from other countries^.

Century’s network of 34 distribution centres across the country means that no matter where you arethere’s a dynamic supply of stock to service your business and help your customers.

Century’s comprehensive nationwide warranty also means that no matter where your customers travel across this vast land, support and assistance will be available locally should they require it.

In recent times Century has seen a resurgence of support for locally made products, with many consumers stating that they would be willing to pay more to purchase and support products which are Australian made – because the flow on effects for the Australian economy have never been more obvious.

Thanks in part to its Australian manufacturing facility, Century puts more than $110 million back into the local economy every year – with over 98 percent of components from its locally built battery range sourced from Australian suppliers.

To help your business keep pace with the latest changes and advancements in the automotive arena, Century also offers its partners access to a comprehensive online battery training program.

It is regularly updated with the latest battery technology and training information to ensure your workshop is powered with the most up-to-date information and skills when it comes to batteries.

Century’s ‘Battery Finder’ portal also enables you to quickly choose the right battery for any vehicle, and even provides fitment instructions and a time estimate for the work – making it easy for you to produce quick and accurate quotes to your customers.

For more information on Century Yuasa’s extensive range of products and to understand how your business can benefit from becoming a stockist, contact your local Century Yuasa representative on 1300 362 287.

* compared to standard lid design

^ https://www.roymorgan.com/findings/ preference-for-australian-made-goods-unchanged-at-96in-2022-goods-from-nz-uk-and-usa-are-also-highly-rated

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