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Overcoming the FCA firewall

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In 2018, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) installed a firewall in their vehicles, known as the Secure Gateway (SGW). FCA covers Alfa Romeo, Fiat, Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge and RAM branded vehicles. Other manufacturers will soon be following suit, as an EU standard valid from 2020 now obliges manufacturers to protect their electronic systems from unauthorised access and tampering. FCA’s SGW module prevents non-FCA authorised scan tools from communicating with vehicle systems, other than to read fault codes. To ensure your scan tool can navigate around this Firewall, your tool needs to be registered with FCA. FCA says it has setup a “bridge server” and user management system called AutoAuth that mimics the user and tool authentication process that FCA certified dealerships use with the FCA scan tool. This solution allows the aftermarket scan tools with WiFi to unlock the SGW and perform all the necessary repair procedures.

FCA says all aftermarket scan tool companies that currently have an active scan tool license agreement with FCA have been contacted so they can be provided with this capability. It explains that once the SGW is unlocked through the authentication process, the aftermarket scan tool has the same capabilities as they did on non SGW equipped FCA vehicles. The registration is done one time and there is a yearly subscription required. The number of vehicles you can service is unlimited. To ensure access for your individual scan tool, contact your scan tool provider and ask them for the procedure for their scan tool to allow access to FCA vehicles with the SGW. Automotive Repairers Council of Australia Convener, Mike Smith, reports that Bosch has already built a token into its annual subscription and Snap-on also has new software to link to a subscription site.

For more information or assistance, email Mike Smith on msmith@aaaa.com.au AUTOBARN ROLLS OUT NEW STORE FIT OUTS A better customer experience is reportedly just one of the benefits promised by an improved store design

Auto parts and accessories chain Autobarn says it has engaged world-leading retail design firm, McCartney Design, to roll out a new store concept which will become the standard for all new Autobarn store designs. The first store to undergo the transition was its company-owned store at Bayswater in Victoria, which was unveiled on the 1st of August, 2020. Stores at Coburg (also in Victoria) and at Belmont in Western Australia have since had their updates completed. The next stores in the pipeline for a makeover are located at DFO Moorabbin (Victoria), Bankstown (New South Wales), Delacombe (Victoria), Midland (WA) and Townsville (Queensland). The company says it required a store format that allowed it to better represent its extensive ranges of automotive accessories and parts while allowing customers to benefit from an overall better experience. The new design includes navigational signage; new displays that better showcase its range; and improved flooring and lighting standards. Also featured are new fixtures which better allow the display of big and bulky items at eye level while also giving the customer better access to the products. Bapcor Retail Executive General Manager, Tim Cockayne, said Autobarn customers have responded extremely positively to the new design with sales reflecting this at its Coburg and Bayswater stores post lockdown. “Our customers are excited about the changes and are continually commenting on how bright the store is and how easy it is to shop,” Tim said. “Many locals are commenting that they cannot believe it is the same shop. They say the shop looks bigger and appears to have an increased range – which it does. This store design represents how Autobarn stores will be rolled out going forward and we couldn’t be happier with it. “We are excited for the future based on a number of things, including the strong visual presence the store now provides from the exterior; the way the merchandise is better presented to customers in store; and the extremely positive manner in which customers have responded thus far. “We have been very conscious of the changing world we live in and the availability to purchase products without leaving home. We needed to provide an exciting and engaging experience instore to entice our customers to choose to visit our stores and which would stand the test of time over the next ten years. “The result we have achieved through collaboration with Garry McCartney (of McCartney Design) and his team is fantastic and we are seeing an improvement in all aspects of the customer journey within the store.”

Autobarn Bayswater helps teen

In October, 17-year-old student Levi Charles woke up to find the first car and restoration project he was working on with his two grandfathers had been stolen. After a public appeal, the vehicle was found abandoned but relatively unscathed, but with the radio and speakers missing. After hearing of Levi’s predicament, Autobarn decided to give the story a happy ending with the support of suppliers Kicker, Pioneer and Gator; fitting out Levi’s Corolla at Autobarn Bayswater in November with new Kicker speakers, subwoofer, amp and a Pioneer head unit, as well as a Gator dash cam, immobiliser and GPS tracker.

For more information, visit www.autobarn.com.au

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