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AAAA looks forward to consultation on national Electric Vehicle strategy

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This Damon Richards quote rings very true in the Aftermarket right now

There isn’t a sector in our economy that will not feel the affect of increasing interest rates. The Reserve Bank efforts to curb inflation growth with interest rate hikes is now disturbingly regular. The news of stressed households will increase, and we need to respond accordingly. We shouldn’t continue a business-as-usual operation when so many households are feeling the stress of increased interest rates that are now passed on, in full and with remarkable speed. The household budget is under pressure, and we know from past economic events that in these conditions, families and households quickly reduce spending on discretionary services before going on to reduce spending on discretionary goods. The auto sector often sails through the storm of economic upheaval. Whilst no sector can be immune to global or domestic recession, we often fare better than most: people delay new vehicle purchases and hang on to vehicles longer and that trend leads to more maintenance services, more repair and replacement parts. But we’re in an unusual place right now. Interest rate increases combined with a worrying inflation rate means the fortnightly or monthly mortgage payment will leave less cash for expenditures on discretionary items. Now nobody delivering auto service and repair would argue that maintaining a vehicle to ensure that it is safe and reliable should be considered ‘discretionary’ – it is certainly not a luxury or an optional purchase when you rely on the car to get you to and from work and to meet family and community commitments. If you want to rely on the car to get you from A to B and to do so safely, it has to be maintained and serviced. But conveying this imperative to car owners is not going to be enough and there is more that we can do. We should be concerned and deliberately aware that, despite the current backlog of auto service that is still occurring, we are about to enter a period in which car owners start to delay scheduled services and become reticent about additional purchases or repair work that is not absolutely critical. Supporting long term customers with some empathy here and supporting the scheduling process has now become more important. It doesn’t matter how families came to be in mortgage stress – what matters now is how we support people in difficult times. Being aware that there are difficult conversations to come and that bookings may be delayed because there is stress and worry has now become an important way to support customers, as is taking some time to listen carefully to the reticence about investing more in a vehicle when the family is struggling to manage all of the outgoings. Strategies on how to manage the delayed or missed scheduled service should be developed Lesley Yates, AAAA Director of Government Relations and Advocacy info@aaaa.com.au

and additional time taken during the call about what work is required on the vehicle. Can the work be broken into smaller components? Can we give the customer the option to authorise the urgent repairs and come back next month for the other items? More emphasis on choice of parts is also important because it reveals to the customer that we know, and we care, that some families are facing some tough decisions and we are here to help where we can. The high community trust levels that independent technicians enjoy is not simply a function of mechanical knowledge – we are in a unique position to do what we can to listen and offer understanding and support. Loyal long-term customers know that you are technically adept and that you know what you are doing. The challenge for all of us over the next six to 12 months is to show that we also care, and we are here to support them.


The aftermarket industry has an important role to play in this strategy

The Australian Automotive Aftermarket Association (AAAA) has welcomed the Federal Government’s announcement to consult with the aftermarket on the establishment of a national electric vehicle strategy. The consultation process will allow the AAAA to ensure the aftermarket industry, which comprises more than 50,000 businesses and 300,000 workers, is geared up to support this transition. The aftermarket is critical to giving consumer confidence that they will be able to have their vehicles serviced, repaired and modified as their popularity increases. “The AAAA looks forward to an ongoing dialogue with government on behalf of the aftermarket industry on what is a critical matter for Australia to get right,” AAAA Chief Executive Officer, Stuart Charity, said. “We’d like to congratulate Chris Bowen, Minister for Climate Change and Energy, for this positive announcement that will ensure the automotive industry, and ultimately consumers, are supported through this important transitional phase. “The aftermarket industry has an important role to play in this strategy. Independent workshops and technicians will be at the forefront of servicing and repairing Zero and Low Emissions Vehicles (ZLEV). “The forthcoming ZLEV transition will also yield growth and new business opportunities in the aftermarket industry. Consultation will ensure business is heard, informed and ready to capitalise on this industry evolution. “Electric vehicles will undoubtedly be central to this new strategy, however hydrogen powered, and sustainably fuelled efficient internal combustion vehicles should also be considered to be part of the solution.” For more from the AAAA, visit www.aaaa.com.au


The winners will be announced in November at a gala event

The Motor Trades Association of Queensland (MTA Queensland) says it is elated to announce the finalists for its 2022 Industry Awards, recognising some truly outstanding individuals and businesses for their contributions to the automotive and mobility industries. To be announced at the 2022 MTA Queensland Industry Awards Gala on Saturday the 19th of November 2022 at the Emporium Hotel, Southbank, the awards are a celebration of the incredible contributions MTA Queensland member businesses and individuals continue to make in driving the forward progress of the automotive industry. The award categories to be celebrated at the Industry Awards Gala include:

2022 Innovation Award Finalist Wolfgang Roffmann and Harry Proskefalas, E-Motion Concepts • Community Award – presented to an individual or member business who is a role model in their community. • Innovation Award – presented to an innovative individual or business that is supporting or implementing emerging technologies in the automotive or mobility industry. • Women in Industry Award – presented to an outstanding female leader or business achieving success through their commitment to driving change in the automotive or mobility industry. • Apprentice of the Year Award – presented to an

MTA Institute apprentice who demonstrates a dedication to learning and performs above and beyond expectations and their peers. Finalists for the Community Award include Jeeepart Recyclers (Hervey Bay), Southeast Auto Mechanical (Beenleigh), and The Garage Miami. Finalists for the Innovation Award include Benzina Zero, E-Motion Concepts, and Sarfraz Ali Kyani. Finalists for the Women in Industry Award include Hatice Hutchinson (All Car Engine Reconditioning Services, Yatala), Skid Control (Brendale), and Tania Meli (Frizelle Sunshine Automotive, Southport). The finalists for the Apprentice of the Year Award are made up of the 12 MTA Institute Apprentice of the Month winners from the preceding 12-months and will be announced shortly. “Over the last 12 months, we have experienced extreme weather events, impacts from COVID19, shortages in both skilled labour and parts and supplies, and ongoing disruption at the hands of technological advancements. However, the ingenuity, dedication, and excellence displayed by this year’s finalists in leading us through these challenges and continuing to prosper gives me comfort knowing our industry is in safe hands, and they truly deserve the recognition,” MTA Queensland Chief Executive Officer, Rod Camm, said. MTA Queensland thanks platinum event supporters BUSY At Work, Spirit Super, and Capricorn for their ongoing support of the Industry Awards Gala. For more information, visit www.mtaq.com.au

2022 Women in Industry Award nominee, Tania Meli


The show will host 3,500 exhibitors from 21 countries and regions from 1 to 4 December at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai)

The influence of future mobility, new energy solutions, a resilient consumer market and an evolving regulatory environment are sending ripples of innovation around the automotive ecosystem. The 17th edition of Automechanika Shanghai will adopt a theme of Innovation4Mobility to play into a unique way of presenting China’s transformational direction in the automotive industry to a global audience. Themes under this concept will echo the country’s ‘four new modernisations’ (electrification, intelligence, connectivity and sharing) and ‘dual carbon goals.’ The show draws attention to the fundamental changes in the supply chain and consumer market by leveraging Innovation4Mobility in four specialised areas: the Innovation4Mobility Mainstage (Hall 2.1), A New Era of Commercial Vehicles (North Hall), Green Repair (Hall 7.2) and Motorsport and High Performance (Hall 8.2). The Innovation4Mobility Mainstage will champion the advancing technologies and innovations in the value chain, while Parts and Components is a key sector highlighting how digitalisation and electrification enable higher efficiency and connectivity. Elsewhere, Tomorrow’s Service and Mobility prepares to cover opportunities that extend to both the alternative drive technologies and the e-mobility chain. Additionally, A New Era of Commercial Vehicles will go even further to address the role of commercial vehicles in the logistics industry with a scenariobased display of the hydrogen energy supply chain. Innovation is also sweeping across the Diagnostics and Repair / Body and Paint sector with exhibitors to present their latest after-sales solutions. The Green Repair area will see new energy vehicle automakers, battery companies and training institutes offer vital knowledge transfer to cultivate talent in the maintenance of batteries and electric power control units, as well as learn about insulated workshop environments. Exhibitors in the Services and Supply Chain zone will become leading examples of companies developing new business models around connectivity, digitalisation, data sharing and tech-savvy vehicle owners; while Accessories and Customising sectors will also feature new energy vehicle lubricants and car tuning. The Motorsport and High Performance area will showcase leading brands and motorsport displays, as well as offer technical seminars, and experience sharing. Other value-added services will include AMS Live, Match Up, skills training, and visits to new energy vehicle industrial parks and institutions. At the show, more than 50 fringe events will touch upon advancements in mobility, environmental protection and more. For more information, visit www.automechanika-shanghai.com or email auto@hongkong.messefrankfurt.com

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