Portfolio - Yushun Zhao

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WORK EXPERIENCE 09/2019 - 08/2020

Spatial Designer Schmidhuber Brand Experience GmbH, Munich, Germany

12/2015 - 02/2016

Industrial design intern Industrialpartners GmbH, Tianjin, China

EDUCATION 10/2016 - 07/2019

Master of Arts, Product Design (Grade: 1.7, very good) Saar College of Fine Arts, Saarbrücken, Germany

09/2011 - 07/2015

Bachelor of Science, Industrial Design (Points: 90/100, excellent) Sichuan University, Chengdu, China


Yushun Zhao A Mettinghstr. 6, 80634, Munich, Germany M +49 1746229594 E


Graduation Exhibition Saar College of Fine Arts, Saarbrücken, Germany


Kommune/Commune National School of Art and Design of Nancy, Nancy, France


Celebrate Designblok 2018, Prague, Czech Republic


W yushunzhao.com

PUBLICATION 04/2019 03/2019

Door openers here, destroyed doors there Saarbrücker Newspaper El Retorno del artesano (The Return of the Craftsman) Diseńo Interior (Interior Design), N°314

I'm Yushun Zhao from China and live in Munich. I completed my bachelor's degree in Industrial Design in China and my master's degree in Product Design in Germany. After that, I worked as a Spatial Designer for Schmidhuber in Munich for one year. Now I’m exploring the new world. I am passionate about Sound and Music and I have done a lot of projects about playful products with sound. For me, DESIGN is about trying new things, exploring, adventuring, and having fun. I believe that design is somewhere between Technology and art. I wish people feel friendliness, kindness, and happiness of the world through DESIGN. I hope you enjoy this portfolio and have fun with it. Thanks.

Product Design & Interaction Design about SOUND and MUSIC

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Staccato Dicetwo Piper & Horn Black Sand Soundbox Petta Others

01 11 17 20 24 26

STACCATO STACCATO is an interactive playful bench in public, which offers people different possibilities to play with sound, when they are waiting, resting or playing.

Project Info Project Type: Year: Duration:

Master Design Industrial Design Interaction Design 2019 16 weeks


conception user experience design sketch mock-up 3D models rendering technique research and realize 1:1 prototype photography video

Software Rhino Keyshot Cura Arduino Wav Trigger Init File Maker Audacity Adobe Premiere Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator

What is STACCATO ? STACCATO is an interactive, playful bench in public area which offers people various options to play with sounds, while they are waiting, resting or playing. It doesn’t matter if they are alone, with friends or families, even with strangers, people can have fun with it and communicate with others in an interesting way. 2

How does STACCATO work ?

Sparkfun Instrument Schield

There are different sound system, like sound from nature, symphonic instruments... to pass dif ferent enviroment. Some examples below.

Try different yellow seat to hear different sounds ! Nature



Symphonic instruments Sparkfun Wav Trigger


People Touch the armrest and the person next to you at the same time to hear beautiful melody!

Swing this armrest to hear the sound of rain !

Click or scan QR code to see the video about STACCACO

Design Process Reaserch & Analysis How

Questions about sound in public

to play a bench with sound in public ?

Where can someone play with sound in public ? There is one same thing all around, that is the BENCH. It's a medium for people to wait, rest and play. A bench is for someone alone, for strangers, friends and families. So I decided to 1. stop staion, inside & outside

2. pedestrian zones, shopping mall

3. in park

When can someone play with sound in public ?

1. waiting

2. resting

Hack A Bench

3. playing

Who can someone play with sound in public ?

1. alone

2. strangers

positve act: sit

negative act: touch

There is a main action when it comes to a bench. That is "sit". Sit is actually an action that people do it without feeling it. It also calls affordance. An AFFORDANCE is the possibility of an intuitive action on an object. For example, a chair has an Affordance Character for people to sit, so do a bench. By an armrest, it also has an Affordance Character for people to put their arm on it.

3. friends or family


Design Process Sketch


alone or with others



Design Process Technique Sparkfun Wav Trigger

Steel Profiles

The WAV Trigger is a development platform that allows man to easily add music and sound effects to a project.

Wood Board



Rainstick Sparkfun Instrument Shield Seats with Switch I put a "switch" in seat in order to control the sound when people sit down.

With Sparkfun instrument shield I can make music when people touch, hold hands or kiss. It plays high or low notes depending on how much current flows through the bodies.


Design Process Prototype Bench Frame 5.00


5.00 500.00



























For the main construction of the bench, I used steel profile. Because there are two different layers of the seat, one higher, one lower. In order to make the construction as simple as possible, I chose the 20 mm*40 mm profile. 7

Design Process Prototype two kinds of armrests There are two armrests. One for analog as rainmaker. Another is for digital to conduct electricity. The analog one is with spring, in order to be moved to every direction to make sound. The digital one has been sandblasted to have a better surface to conduct electricity.


A switch is hidden in the seat. So I made different layer of wood and then glue them together.


Spatula, polish, spray, assemble... to build the bench.



STACCATO is a toy for those who are still kids and who once were.

DICETWO DiceTwo is a series of playful music boxes. You can use them off-line or with Wi-Fi or Bluetooth to choose different playlists to listen to your favorite music.

Project Info Project Type: Year: Duration:

Semester Project Industrial Design Interaction Design 2018-2019 12 weeks

Tasks conception user experience design sketch mock-up 3D models rendering technique research and realize 1:1 prototype photography video

Software Rhino Keyshot Cura Arduino Adobe Premiere Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator

What is DICETWO ?

Every side of the little cube can be defined with music styles or different moods.


DICETWO combines with a big cube and a little cube. Key: 6 Physical Playlist with RFID chips

Main Part: music speaker + reader

The big cube is the music speaker and also the reader for RFID chips.

Time Each side of the little cube can be used to get a playlist. It means there are six playlists with each little cube.



Changing of volume, star t, pause, next and previous song a re c o n t ro l l e d b y ro ta t i n g , turning, touching and swiping.

How does DICETWO work ?

1. use the little cube to choose a playlist.

2. rotate the big cube to change volume.

3. turn the big cube to change the song.

4. turn the big cube to stop or start the song.

For every little cube there are six sides of it, which means six playlists.


Click or scan QR code to see the video about DICETWO

How to set up and use DICETWO for the first time? Gift System

DICETWO can be used both online and offline. Those 3 files can be used: audio file, encrypted audio files in mobile phone or in PC and streaming audio.

The little cube can also be presented as a gift. A DIY playlist for your partner, friends and family. use

setting up 2


audio files 1. get audio files.

2. create 6 playlists with APP.

3. choose a playlist for every site.

1. on/off

4.send playlists and files in the Box.

the little cube as gift use

setting up 2


encrypted audio files 1. connect box with phone.

2. search 6 lists in music APP.

3. set playlists for every side.

1.turn on

2. connect box with phone

1. connect to the internet.

1. connect to the internet.


setting up 2


streaming audio

2. download the files in box. 1. connect box and PC or phone with Internet.

2. search 6 lists in music APP.

3. set playlists for every side.

1. turn on


2. connect box with phone with Bluetooth.connect box and PC/phone with Internet.

2. download the lists in PC/phone.

Design Process Background

3 ways to listen to digital audio nowadays

1. Audio files

2. Encrypted audio files

3. Streaming Audio

Forms: mp3, wav, ape Medium: CD player, mp3 player Access: CD, iTunes

Forms: xm, ncm Medium: phone Access: spotify, apple music

Forms: ra, rm Medium: PC, phone, Sound box Access: Spotify,apple music, Spotify Connect


there is a RFID tag in each side of the little cube. So it is possible to use each side to get a playlist.

read audio files

using RFID technique to get different music resources in SD card or in Internet.


control of volume, start, pause, next and previous song

Capacitive Sensor

also with some interesting interactive control of volume, start, pause, next and previous song.


Design Process Sketch & Mockup



PIPER & HORN Celebrate With Music

CELEBRATE is a workshop in cooperation with the CIAV Meisenthal and the UDK Berlin, which has the thematic focus on the design of glass products. PIPER is a musical instrument to celebrate! Expressing feelings with music is deeply rooted in people. In ancient Africa, people expressed their festive mood with music, song and dance.

Project Info Project Type: Year: Duration:

Workshop Product Design Interaction Design 2018 1 week

Tasks conception sketch prototype photography video

Software Adobe Premiere Adobe Photoshop


What is PIPER & HORN ?

How does PIPER & HORN work ?

PIPER is a music instrument, which can be played with water, in order to make various sounds. Attaching HORN to the ear, one can enjoy the sounds of PIPER.

The inspiration for PIPER was taken from a water-filled test tube. Depending on how much water is in the glass, the pitch of the sound changes as it is blown. The volume of air in the glass determines the frequency of vibration, high frequency produces high pitch and low frequency low pitch. In order to change the pitch, you can put a certain amount of water into PIPER and tilt it to reach the desired sound with the Principle of Communicating Vessels. It is through these principles that PIPER can be played.


Click or scan QR code to see the video about PIPER & HORN

Other varieties of glass instruments with water in it.


BLACK SAND SOUNDBOX Black Sand is a kind of pottery unique produced in Yingjing Ancient Town in Sichuan Province, with a history of more than 2000 years and is unique in the world. Pottery firing technique Yingjing sand utensil firing skill is a national intangible cultural heritage, and Yingjing sand utensil is the intangible cultural heritage of Sichuan Province.

Project Info Project Type: Year: Duration:

Bachelor Design Industrial Design Product Design 2015 16 weeks

My Tasks conception sketch mock-up 3D models rendering technique research and realize 1:1 prototype photography

Software Rhino Keyshot Adobe Photoshop


What is BLACK SAND ?

Why do I want to design with Black Sand?


local bun kiln

At present, most black sand products are produced, processed, and sold at the old workshop of Blacksand street in Yingjing County. Labor division in production is jiggering by the male and carving by the female. Cooking products (pan, stockpot, bowel, etc.) and tea sets are here mainly produced.

raw materials: kaolin, local coal

To keep the ancient technique alive, I designed a series of products with Black Sand, including soundbox, tableware, and living goods.

Blacksand is as a kind of craft with a long history and passed generation by generation, before the year 2006, there were hundreds of Blacksand markets in Yingjing County, but left several at present. The youth complain about low income and are not willing to learn the skill, and prefer to work in the city.

In the spring of 2015, I went to Yingjin County twice for research, and later on, I determined to stay there to start my bachelor graduation project. I spent more than one month at a Blacksand workshop in Yingjin. During this time I designed and finally made a set of Blacksand products. That is a wonderful period in my undergraduate career.


Design Process

1. mood

2. sketch 6. glazing

3. rough jiggering 7. into the kiln

8. firing


4. trimming 9. out from the kiln

5. drying 10. installing

Soundbox Vision 1

Soundbox Vision 2


PETTA PETTA is a series of products for analog speakers. It can raise the volume of the smartphone without electricity.

Project Info Project Type: Year: Duration:


Workshop Product Design Interaction Design 2019 1 week

conception user experience design sketch 1:1 prototype

PETTA is an analog soundbox for people to use in public. You just need to put your smartphone in PETTA. P E T TA of fe r s a n o p e n c h a m b e r which modifies the sound from the smartphone and helps transfer that sound to the surrounding air.


Click or scan QR code to see the video about PETTA

Other Projects






FRESH is a set of products that each works with the traditional Arabian cooling method and ancient storage ways like using sand, water, or darkness.

SNOW BL ACK is candles with integrated stands.

CHALKY is about analog time management in a digital way. The classic blackboard becomes the output medium of the digital world and thus combines the digital and the analog.

Every human being is like an island, standing alone on the sea and desiring to make contac t with others.

SATURDAY, inspired by Triadisches Ballett by Oskar Schlemmer, consists of two semicircles.

It is also possible to keep food fresh without electricity, like a long time ago.

They consist of concrete and bio soy wax. After the candles have burned down, you can continue to use the candlesticks with ordinary candlesticks and tealights. When they stand together, they look like a city.

ISLAND is a board game for two people which is not about winning or losing. Based on the answer to different personal questions, the figure moves on the field. The two players will know each other better after the game, no matter if they are friends, family, lovers, or strangers.


It is an outdoor lounger chair for private places such as a garden or balcony and also for public places like the park. The typical steel tube from Bauhaus is used for the lounger chair.

Other Projects

SIXT Counter Design

Domotex 2020 Fair Design

Sparkassen Innovation HUB Office Redesign

WOG Gas Station Design

SIXT is one of the biggest car rental companies in Germany. Our job is to design a new counter for SIXT.

DOMOTEX is the global trade fair for carpets and floor covering in Hannover. The task was to design an entire hall in which DOMOTEX presents itself.

In the Sparkassen Innovation Hub, people work to develop innovative products and services for the Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe. Our job was to redesign an office for them.

WOG is a corporation that operates a national chain of gasoline stations and convenience stores in Ukraine.

Project Info

Project Info

Project Info

Project Info

Client: Sixt Job: Industrial Design Year: 2019

Client: Deutsche Messe Job: Fair Design Year: 2019 - 2020 Location: Hannover, Germany

Client: S-Hub Job: Office Redesign Year: 2020 Location: Hamburg, Germany

Client: WOG Job: Gas Station Design Year: 2020 Location: Kiev, Ukraine

My Tasks

My Tasks

My Tasks

My Tasks

Monitor Arm design Build 1: 1 counter paper prototype draw 2D plans build 3D models with Rhino rendering with Enscape

checking the work on the building site exhibition spaces design draw 2D plans build 3D models with Rhino rendering with Enscape organization material research, furniture research

conception social hub, workplaces, and kids areas design draw 2D plans build 3D models with Rhino rendering with Enscape research

conception roof design gas pump design build 3D models with Rhino rendering with Enscape furniture research


Thanks for reading



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