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The dichotomous relationships between natural and artificial objects fascinate us.By supplanting and re-assembling a complex array of day-to-day objects weexplore the contradictions between advertised assumptions of modern utilitarianlifestyle and individual experience of the same. Combining natural materialssuch as leaves, mud, hay with concrete, fiberglass, shrink-wrap, foam peanuts,and furniture in our installations, we emphasize the strained, and oftenfractured, relationships between natural phenomenon, and human ideas ofcomfort. Living in a consumerist society that presumes superabundance, one can observe a commercially and technologically driventransition of natural elements and occurrences into manmade products. Ourinstallations often address this transition as a flawless commoditization ofthe human experience. By presenting unlikely juxtaposition of organic andsynthetic objects, our installations become meticulously ordered and, (yet)often, chaotic environments where the viewers simultaneously become aware oftheir natural instincts and their (excessive) habits as loyal consumers. Theuse of technology allows the viewers interactive engagement through which theyunveil and redefine their relationship with a variety of technologicalmanifestations. By incorporating obsolete machines we explore issues of agingand abandonment, which haunt the contemporary nuclear lives. For example, in the installation designed Obsolescence (2005, Lubbock, TX). I worked in theabandoned building which had been a Korean Church, Spanish newspaper office,hospital, and an elementary school. I typed Kafka?s Metamorphosis using a fax machine and alabel printer that was found in the building. Ribbons of text ran through theoffice corridors, and were magnified using a microfiche reader. We are increasingly leaning towards making ourinstallations site-specific by experimenting with the regional materials thatreference local history, social, political, and cultural milieu. Our processbegins with identifying the characters of public spaces, researching the localhistory, and interactions with the common people from the community. We intendour installation work to be de-commoditized interactive art experience thataestheticizes the subtle human experience. - Ian F. Thomas + Shreepad Joglekar

shreepad joglekar blah blah blah blahblah blahblah blah 2005

Ian Thomas blah blah blah blahblah blahblah blah 2005

shreepad joglekar, Ian Thomas blah blah blah blahblah blahblah blah 2005

shreepad joglekar blah blah blah blahblah blahblah blah 2005

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