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Quality improvement is a strong focus of AACHC through the Quality Improvement Peer Networking Committee (QIC) and other initiatives AACHC is working on with a variety of partners. The QIC meets regularly to promote best practices for quality improvement and evaluate tools and messages from partners and vendors to determine usefulness and applicability in health centers.
• In 2018, diabetes management was added as one of the clinical focuses of the committee based on
HRSA’s updated areas of interest. • Additionally, there is an emphasis on heart health due to an Arizona Department of Health Services/CDC grant through which AACHC is partnering with the American Heart Association and pre-determined
CHCs. The goal of this partnership is improving compliance for patients with hypertension and/ or hypercholesterolemia by working with CHCs to optimize their data, to develop targeted quality improvement initiatives and by providing applicable training and technical assistance. • Beginning in 2019, and continuing into 2020, AACHC partnered with the American Cancer Society and 17 FQHCs on a Learning Collaborative that aims to improve colorectal cancer screening (CRC) rates.
This collaborative consists of monthly Zoom calls where didactic quality improvement information is presented and interactive presentations are given by the FQHCs where they can showcase their CRC work and ask for help determining how to overcome recurring barriers. The second half of this Learning
Collaborative will have FQHCs conducting Plan-Do-Study-Act cycles based on the foundational work done so far. • AACHC continues to work closely with Collaborative Ventures Network and Healthy Communities
Collaborative Network to optimize use of the Azara DRVS reporting tool so clinics have consistent and up to date access to their screening rates, quality measures and patient gaps in care.
Health Center Quality Leader - Gold 5%