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Performing Arts Centre
The AAC is committed to ensuring Lethbridge artists, arts aficionados and audiences have sufficient, robust arts facilities and spaces to support their interests and activities. The AAC provided support to the Performing Arts Centre Advocacy Group who met on occasion in 2018 and continued to advocate the merits of a new performing arts centre for Lethbridge.
The City of Lethbridge established a committee of Council, Performing Arts Steering Committee, in 2018 to review previous performing arts centre studies, recommend options for a facility location, assess operating model options and determine financial costs for construction and operation of a Performing Arts Centre. Allied Arts Council staff member Dawn Leite and Performing Arts Centre Advocacy Group member Dianne King were appointed to the Performing Arts Centre Steering Committee in early 2018. The Steering Committee has completed initial work, including a review of the PAC studies from 2010 and 2011, site visits to various Alberta performing arts centres and the development of a vision statement and guiding principles. arts CENTRE PERFORMING
Building for the Future

The AAC continued to inform the community on the work of the PACAG and Steering committee through the distribution of the Next Stage e-newsletter.
Building for the Future