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Member Opportunities
The Allied Arts Council engaged in a number of initiatives in 2018 that allowed our members to share their artwork, organizational information and enthusiasm for the arts with the larger community. We also provided a number of opportunities for local artists to grow their arts administration knowledge and skills.
The Farmers' Market at Exhibition Park runs from May through October, and is a vibrant event in our community in the summer months. The Allied Arts Council rents a table which is made available to our membership providing an affordable display and sales venue for all participants.
The Allied Arts Council has an ongoing relationship with the Lethbridge Public Library downtown branch who provide their glass display cases, which are located in high traffic areas, to AAC members on a rotating basis. The AAC manages the scheduling of the display cases which permits arts organization to display member works, highlight upcoming activities, or share information about their organization.
The Allied Arts Council also manages a program to allow visual artists to exhibit their work in a number of alternative gallery spaces. Art works are installed at Royal LePage, the Joan Waterfield Gallery at the Yates (currently under renovation), and the AAC 7 Street office on a rotating schedule throughout the year. SOAR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT SERIES: The AAC presented a number of information series for community artists including:
TAX TIPS FOR ARTISTS –JANUARY 22, 2018: The annual Tax Tips for Artists session was presented by KPMG. Fourteen artists attended the session.
ALBERTA BRANDED - APRIL 26, 2018: The Allied Arts Council hosted the Visitor Experience Manager from the Legislative Assembly of Alberta who educated Lethbridge artists on performance and exhibition opportunities in the Borealis Gallery, Alberta Branded, retail store and the summer performance series. Twelve Lethbridge artists attended the workshop.
ALBERTA CRAFT COUNCIL – MAY 7, 2018: The Alberta Craft Council presented information on working in Fine Craft in Alberta including professional development and exhibition opportunities. Fourteen artists attended the session.
ARTSVEST: Business for the Arts’ national flagship program, artsVest, works directly with small to mid-sized arts organizations to help them in their fund development by equipping them with in-depth training, tools, mentorship relationships and matching incentive grants. The Allied Arts Council hosted an introductory artsVest information session in late 2017 resulting in nine of twenty-two attending organizations entering the artsVest sponsorship program in 2018. The Allied Arts Council served as an umbrella organization for two of the participating arts groups.