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Table 15: Access to agricultural training among rice farmers
Table 15: Access to agricultural training among rice farmers Variables Crops Cassava Sorghum Rice
Access to training Yes No *Years of training Before 2015 2015 2016 2017 *Aspect of training Farm establishment method Cultivar selection Water management Nutrient management Weed management Farm production practices Others Aspect of production requiring more training Farm establishment method Cultivar selection Water management Nutrient management Weed management Farm production practices Financial management Seed treatment Good storage practices 59(98.33) 75(93.75) 80(100) 1(1.67) 5(6.25) -
- 1(1.25) - 2(2.5) 17(28.33) 32(40) 46(57.5) 50(83.33) 63(78.75) 65(81.2)
26(43.33) 33(41.25) 53(66.3) 17(28.33) 18(22.5) 27(33.8) 6(10) 15(18.75) 46(57.5) 13(21.67) 27(33.75) 40(50.0) 21(35) 45(56.25) 51(63.8) 42(70) 55(68.78) 54(67.5)
8(13.33) 15(18.75) 19(23.8) 17(28.33) 19(23.75) 23(28.8) 8(13.33) 18(22.5) 17(21.3) 11(18.33) 21(26.25) 22(27.5) 18(30) 19(23.75) 23(28.8) 15(25) 13(16.25) 8(10) - 4(5) 2(2.5) - 7(8.75) 3(3.8) - 3(3.75) 1(1.3)
Figures in parentheses are percentages
5.1.16 Inputs used in crop production (Cassava, Sorghum and Rice) Inputs are an essential derivatives from which production are made possible in any production system. Without inputs, there can be no outputs. Table 16 showed the inputs that were used by farmers under the project for the production of their cassava, sorghum and rice.
The average Inputs that were used in cassava production as shown in table 16 were 58.05 Kg of cuttings, 5.25 litres of agrochemical, 50.97 mad-day of labour, 191.93Kg of fertilizer while the average output was 18732.22Kg of cassava tuber.More so, the average inputs used for sorghum production by participating farmers were 16.165Kg of seed, 5.258 litres of agrochemical, 65.10 man day of labour, 300.54 Kg of fertilizer while the output was averagely 1535.82Kg of grain.
On the other hand, the average inputs used in rice production per ha were 64.83Kg of seed, 11.57 litres of agrochemical, 86.50 man day of labour, 573.38 Kg of fertilizer while the output was averagely 5647.14Kg. There seems to have been an increment in yields over what is obtainable under local production as a result of good agronomic practices employed under the project by the participating farmers.