Aalok Biswas Founder Editor at Veritas NetworX™ aalok.biswas@aalbis.org
Experience Founder Editor at Veritas NetworX™ January 2014 - Present (2 months) http://aalbis.org Veritas NetWorx INDIA EVENT ON NETAJI'S BIRTHDAY! The True Warrior and Soldier We Deeply Mourn the fact that HE is lost in oblivion. And this is my sincere effort "TO BRING BACK THE LOST GLORY" http://iReport.cnn.com at CNN December 2013 - Present (3 months) http://ireport.cnn.com/people/Vishwacloud Campaign Manager (Part Time) at Developments in Literacy USA June 2012 - Present (1 year 9 months) DIL: Developments in Literacy INDIA Chapter Mission DIL educates and empowers underprivileged students, especially girls, by operating student-centered model schools; and provides high-quality professional development to teachers and principals worldwide. Vision DIL believes that no child in the world, no matter how poor or underprivileged, should be denied access to quality education. All children should have equal opportunity to reach their full potential and contribute Page1