Teacher Handbook
Freshman Academy Samuel Fels High School 5500 Langdon Street Philadelphia, PA 19124 (215) 537 – 2516
The School District of Philadelphia Dr. Arlene Ackerman, Superintendent Mr. Michael Silverman, Superintendent of the High School Region Dr. Eileen Coutts, Principal
Samuel S. Fels Freshman Academy 2010-2011
Mrs. Shanti Shreekumar, Assistant Principal Ms. Wanda Allen, Assistant Principal
Rules and Procedures Handbook Table Of Contents 1.
Classroom Rules
p. 2
Disciplinary Action and Consequences
p. 2
Classroom Procedures
p. 3
Attendance and Tardy Procedures
p. 4
Assembly Procedures
p. 5
Grading Policy
Pass Procedures
p. 7
Portfolio Procedures
p. 8
Wikispace Procedures
p. 8
p. 6
Samuel S. Fels Freshman Academy 2010-2011
1. Classroom Rules: PREP for Success! Prepare o Arrive to class with your 3 ring binder, pen or pencil, any due assignments and your assignment book Respect o Treat others as you would like to be treated o Listen quietly while others are speaking and raise your hand to speak or ask questions Engage o Actively listen, read, and take notes during current lessons o Ask content related and thoughtful questions o Relate new knowledge to previous material and things you have learned Punctual o Arrive to class on time o Complete and turn in any assignments on or before the time they are due 2. Disciplinary Action/Consequences Infraction/Detention Slip o Always issue the student a warning first o Complete an Infraction and Detention Slip (See Appendix) •
Fill out all fields completely
Place a check next to the appropriate offense(s)
All slips must be ready by Advisory the following school day for pick up
o Level I.A Offenses •
Result in a phone call home by the Advisory teacher
Calls will be made the 1st and 3rd week of every month 3
Samuel S. Fels Freshman Academy 2010-2011 •
An Academy Detention will be issued
In extreme cases, an official Fels Pink Slip may be issued and that is left to the discretion of the teacher
o Level I.B Offenses •
Result in a phone call home by the Advisory teacher
Calls will be made every week
Attempt to schedule a Parent Conference
An official Fels Pink Slip will be issued
Student receives an automatic suspension, in or out of school for a minimum of 1 day
Academy Detentions o Separated by Team o In session Monday-Thursday from 2:45-3:10
All core subject teachers will supervise detention once per week
Detention will be held in each team’s science room
o Students will complete a Behavioral Reflection Form (see Appendix)
All completed forms must be given to the Advisory teacher to be placed in the student’s portfolio
Mark detentions in the student’s assignment book
3. Classroom Procedures Lessons o Before Class Begins •
All objectives should be written on the board
Today, You Will Learn…
You Know You Have Learned This When…
The Do-Now Problem should be ready and timed using the Promethean board timer
Do-Nows may be collected at the teachers discretion; (See Appendix)
Teachers should stand at their doors in between classes to greet students and usher students into the classroom 4
Samuel S. Fels Freshman Academy 2010-2011 o During Class •
“Writing across the curriculum” Program
Teachers should encourage and implement student writing in class on a daily basis
Every subject must partake in the Literacy Initiative which requires a five paragraph essay - It is recommended that students complete one-five paragraph essay per subject per semester
Any classwork or homework that students do will use the Academy header (See Appendix) and will include the following
Assignment Title
Book Number
o End of Class •
Teachers must have a Summary or Exit Ticket (See Appendix)
A Summary does not have to be an “exit ticket”- it could be a short summarization of the day’s lesson
Materials o 3-inch three ring binder with 5 dividers
Students will have a single binder for all classes filled with loose-leaf paper
After each Chapter/Unit students will purge the binder into individual classroom folders for storage and study purposes
o Pen o Pencil o Assignment book/Planner o Students must buy any missing materials
Lost Assignment Book: $10 5
Samuel S. Fels Freshman Academy 2010-2011
Pens: $1.00
Pencils: $0.50
Loose Leaf: $0.25 per sheet
Decorations o All teachers must have a Late Book near the entrance for all students who are late to sign in o All teachers must have the following things posted in their room •
School Rules
Classroom Rules Poster
Infraction/Detention Slip Poster
Assignment Header Poster
Academy Slogan
Student Work (as the year progresses)
4. Absence and Tardy Procedures Excused Absences o It is the responsibility of the student to meet with the teacher before school or after school to receive any missed work. o When a student is absent and brings in a note the following will take place •
The student will give the note to the advisory teacher
Students should bring a note immediately upon returning to school
Notes must given within three days of the student absence.
The Advisory teacher will complete a Student Excused Absence Form(See Appendix)
The student is responsible for taking the Excused Absence Form to each class and having each teacher sign it
The student is responsible for taking the completed Excused Absence Form back to advisory to be placed in their portfolio
o When a student misses class for a field trip •
A list of attending students will be given out
Students must complete a Field Trip Eligibility Form (See Appendix) and be approved by each teacher in order to participate in any field trip 6
Samuel S. Fels Freshman Academy 2010-2011 •
Students will be given a Proof of Attendance slip that may be shown to all teachers as well
o When a student misses a class for an early dismissal
The student is responsible for showing an early dismissal excuse note to all classes that are missed
o When a student misses a class for seeing a meeting with the nurse, counselor, ect.
The student is responsible for showing an excuse note from the staff member
If the student misses more then one class for the meeting, the student must show the pass to the teacher for each missed class.
o Suspensions
The student is responsible for making up any work missed during their suspensions.
Work missed during a suspension may only be completed for half credit.
Unexcused Absences o It is the responsibility of the student to meet with the teacher before school or after school to receive any missed work. o Absence without an excuse note •
Students will be given a zero for any missed classwork, tests or quizzes
Student is still responsible for missing homework
If the student can demonstrate extenuating circumstances the student may be allowed to make up missed work
This is left to the discretion of the teacher
o Cutting •
Students will be a given a zero for any missed class work, tests or quizzes
Student is still responsible for missing homework
Student does not have the opportunity to make up any missed assignments including tests or quizzes
Excused Lateness o It is the responsibility of the student to meet with the teacher before school or after school to receive any missed work. 7
Samuel S. Fels Freshman Academy 2010-2011 o To be excused a student must have a valid pass from a staff member o Students may be excused from any class work or given the opportunity to make up any missing classwork •
Student is still responsible for that evening’s homework assignment
o This should not affect a student’s Attendance Grade. Unexcused Lateness o It is the responsibility of the student to meet with the teacher before school or after school to receive any missed work. o Students may only be admitted to class within the first 5 minutes without a pass o A tardy pass will admit a student to class but does not excuse their lateness o If a student is over 20 minutes late it will be marked as a cut o If a student is more then 5 minutes late without a valid pass to class they must go to the Academy Dean to receive a pass to class •
The teacher should still write an Infraction Slip for lateness
o Students must sign in the Late Book for any unexcused absence 5. Assembly Procedures Academy Assemblies will always be determined in advanced o Assemblies will be dismissed during the last 5 minutes of the previous period •
For example an assembly 8th period will be dismissed during the last 5 minutes of 7th period.
Each teacher will have an assigned entrance and seating section in the auditorium o Teachers may only use their assigned entrance-this is not an option o Please take attendance once your class is seated •
Any student who is missing should be marked as cutting
This should lower their Attendance Grade by 10 points
Please inform your students to remain quiet and pay attention o Any student who fails to do so should lose points on their Class Participation grade 8
Samuel S. Fels Freshman Academy 2010-2011 It is recommended that teachers give bonus quizzes, mini quizzes, bonus questions on assembly material to ensure students pay attention 6. Grading Policy Student grades shall be calculated in the following way: o 10% Constructed Response •
Ideally teachers should do a constructed response once per week.
o 20% Class Participation •
All students start with a score of 100.
Each time a student does one of the following things their score drops 5 points:
Calls out/Shouts out without being called on
Exhibits disruptive behavior
Sleeps/Puts head down in class
Refuses to answer questions
Example: On the first day of class Sally has a 100 as her class participation grade. One day Sally is being a clown and constantly disrupting class so her class participation grade loses 5 points making her grade a 95 now.
Students may earn points back the discretion of the teacher.
o 10% Homework •
Scoring of homework assignments will be left to the discretion of the teacher
Recommended that homework be graded based on completion, not correctness
Must given on a regular basis (A minimum of 3 days a week)
All homework should use the Academy header (see Appendix)
o 60% Assessment •
Scoring of class work is left to the discretion of the teacher
All class work should use the Academy header (see Appendix)
Ideally, A minimum of two tests must be given per marking period
Ideally, A minimum of one quiz must be given per marking period
Samuel S. Fels Freshman Academy 2010-2011 •
Recommended that teachers work with other teachers of their team so that students do not have more then two tests per day
7. Pass Procedures Student passes will be located in the back of the student’s assignment book o If a student has forgotten their assignment book they may not have a pass anywhere o If a student has used all pass entries they may not have a pass anywhere o Students may not use another student’s assignment book if they have forgotten theirs Teachers should always sign passes using their individual stamp to prevent students from attempting to forge signatures o Always keep your stamp in a safe and secure location Students may not ask for passes during the first or last 10 minutes of class. o Except for emergencies at the discretion of the teacher
Portfolio Procedures Each student will have an official portfolio housed in advisory It is the responsibility of each teacher to collect student work to be put in the student portfolio including the following o A minimum of one test o A minimum of two written assignments •
It is recommended that the written assignments be constructed responses or 5 paragraph PSSA practice essays
It is recommended that one be from the first half of the year and that one be from the second half of the year to demonstrate progress
o Any assignment the teacher or student feels showcases the student’s best abilities
Samuel S. Fels Freshman Academy 2010-2011 Teachers should also keep portfolios for all of their students if they wish as long as they update the student’s official portfolio on a regular basis 9. Wikispace Procedures Each Academy teacher is required to keep a wikispace with a minimum of their contact information The following items are recommended for Academy teachers’ wikispaces o Homework Assignments o On-going Projects o Upcoming Test and Quiz Dates o Available bonus/extra credit assignments Please try to keep your page updated with current assignments and information 10. Advisory Procedures Students will do various enrichment activities or SSR o Magazines, Newspapers, and Books are acceptable o Students may bring their own appropriate reading material o Teachers may have reading material available for students o Teachers should encourage students to read by reading themselves