Resources and Proposal to encourage youth entrepreneurship related to the Mediterranean and its resources: a support to youth employment/self-employment.
Manual of best practices INDICE Project summary Without the invaluable assistance of our sponsor and volunteer s not been possible to carry out our project so quickly and successfully.
Association Andalucía en Obra Social
Association Giovani per l`Europa
Research 10 Directory 11 1.AGRICULTURe
Patrocina nuestro proyecto – dentro del:
ASAJA Asociación Agraria de Jóvenes Agricultores Casa Comerci Sa.R.L. Ecovalle Metera Amor Mediterráneo Hortigas Familia Crudo Pecorino, ‘Nduja Y… Moyano Gomez Frantoio Badia Medma Sapori
Youth in Action Programme and (ANE) Spanish National Agency. We are extremely grateful for the support you have given us.
11 12 12 14 14 15 16 18 18
2.ECO-TURISMO 20 La Alquería di Morayma Le Terrazze Di Martina “Il Borgo Del Popolo” Cuevas Del Sur Frantoio Mafrica Agriturismo Cally Cally 3.EDUCACIÓN AMBIENTAL
Huerto Alegre: Environmental education Sanearte Idea 4.PESCA
20 20 21 22 23
24 24 25 26
Motopesca Pacifica 26 Río Frío Granada 26 Tomeo Mare New S.R.L. 27 5. RETE DI VOLONTARIATO AMBIENTALE RedVolam
28 28
Programa “Juventud en Acción”
Project Summary
YOUTH AND THE MEDITERRANEAN The project provides research on corporate initiatives implemented by young people who are related to the Mediterranean area and to exploit its resources. You want to also include proposals to boost employment and youth entrepreneurship. The aim is to gather information, data and proposals to combat youth unemployment through the exchange of best practices between the two countries, creating a website, in Spanish, Italian and English, is to promote the dissemination of information about opportunities employment and self-employment at European level, also favoring European cohesion and awareness of different realities. With all the material collected will prepare a manual of best practices as additional means of exploitation of the results, in Spanish, Italian and English.
Organizations that promote this initiative 1.2 transnational of Youth in Action Programme
Association “Andalucía en Obra Social” AAOSS We are a Spanish NGO in Granada, Andalusia. As the largest of the 17 autonomous communities of Spain, is the best to evoke the most emblematic images of a country famous for its flamenco shows and the pure passion. It is a land that has given rise yet has inspired great writers, poets, actors and painters. Andalucia gave birth to Pablo Picasso and Velázquez and fascinated novelists such as Ernest Hemingway and Washington Irving. It is the scene of one of the most performed and famous operas of all time, “Carmen” by Bizet. It is a unique place where East and West blend and coexist people of Christian origin, Gypsy, Arab and Jewish.
8 8
Our NGO was founded in 2009 in Granada - one of the jewels of Spain and one of the most visited cities by tourists from around the world, the capital for a long time of the Arabs. Granada offers the most important memories of this time in Spanish history, with the world famous “Alhambra”. We mainly there and in the village Herrera - which is situated in the south-east of the province of Seville and has a privileged geographical location as it is located in the center of Andalusia. Major cities (Seville, Granada, Cordoba and Malaga) are less
than an hour away. Our main objectives are: education and non-formal and informal education, promoting social inclusion and employment of excluded social groups by origin, ethnicity, culture or religion, to support any person or group of people in need, promote cooperation and cultural exchange between the association and any other associations, governments, institutions and organizations. To achieve this, the association organizes cultural activities for further development and dissemination of the culture of Andalusia, organizes all kinds of cultural and artistic events, including exhibitions, conferences, workshops, courses, concerts, travel, tours, festivals and competitions. Some of our activities are: development of projects that run the European Union guidelines, network work together with other institutions and agencies, both public and private, volunteer work, which is actively involved in the development and implementation of projects of the association, courses and workshops and guidance, integration actions of different groups in society, awareness-raising on gender and equality.
Association “Giovani per l`Europa” Giovani per l’Europa is a nonprofit organization based in Nicotera, province of Vibo Valentia, founded in 2006 by the will of some young people with various educational and career paths. The partnership, in fulfillment of the purposes for which it was created, is active in several areas, it proposes to grant social assistance, education and training, with particular reference to people who have problems related to the structure and organization of society human from the point of view of history and ideology it expresses. The association has always been committed to promoting gender equality, providing advice to women with difficulties in accessing the labor market, by opening a door “friend” that is to provide the user with information on the opportunities that the territory also offers women the reconciliation of work and family life. In this regard, it has enabled a conciliation service, through a database of qualified nannies open to all women who have difficulty in caring for young children due to their work. Since 2009, moreover, the association participates in the coordination of the project “The Side of the Elders” launched by the City of Nicotera and directed to the care of the elderly poor of the people, in order to ensure equal dignity even to those who, on their own, and are not able to managed care or can access a resource center as a residence. Among the objectives of the association is also to inform young people - particularly
those who have any kind of difficulty and disadvantage for different reasons (economic, social, disability, dropouts, etc..) - The diverse cultures of Europe In order to promote a mutual exchange between European populations and greater consolidation of European solidarity. To do this, you have activated a department specializing in the coordination, promotion and design of European projects (such as Leonardo Da Vinci - belonging to the framework of the “Lifelong Learning Programme”) to support the education and training of young Europeans. The association has created over the years a strong partnership with many educational institutions across Europe, welcoming in Italy and sent abroad, many students. The strength of this network has allowed us to be part of a multilateral cooperation project at European level (still running) between local agencies, research centers and research institutions concerned with lifelong learning issues - built with in order to reflect, share best practices and promote the exchange of tools and methods to combat the dropout problem and vocational training in order to promote equal opportunities for young people who, for reasons beyond their control (whether personal, family, social or economic) are more difficult to integrate into the labor market.
Research A research has been developed upon to entreprenuership innitiatives of Young people and which are related to the área of the Meditarrenean and its resources. We have compiled information, data and proposals to fight youth unemployment by sharing good practices in Italy and Spain. We to disseminate information about employment and self employment opportunities at European level, trying to promote European cohesion and awareness of different realities.
Youth initiatives are projects where young people participate actively and directly in their own design actions, which play an active role in its implementation, in order to stimulate their entrepreneurial spirit and creativity.
This action supports projects designed at local, regional and national levels, as well as networking of similar projects in other countries in order to strengthen their European aspect and to extend the scope of cooperation and exchange of experiences between youth.
1.AGRICOLTURE ASAJA Asociación Agraria de Jóvenes Agricultores
Start date
ASAJA is made for the representation, management, protection and promotion of the professional interests of the agricultural sector in general and of its member organizations with full legal and strictly subject to democratic principles.
Its aim is to protect family farms and agricultural enterprises in any form of private initiative, and its development as a viable economic activity, seeking to improve the conditions of access of young people to conduct of business, training and vocational training and generally defending both nationally and internationally, the Spanish agricultural sector competitiveness. BDA has a national headquarters, 15 regional centers, 40 provincial offices and 810 local offices, as well as a permanent representative office in Brussels.
1. Biomasa: poplar short rotation plan 2. Energy Products: agro biogas (residues based) 3. Biopros
European grants and work developed
Final user
Programa “Juventud en Acción”
In the consumer area: innovation in this field has been the development and implementation of our own Participatory Guarantee System (PGS) for organic production. Participatory Guarantee Systems (GPS) are far more than a stamp or certificate to sell. They are forms of organization among producers / and consumers / as in order to ensure active and participatory manner a system of production and marketing. In our case we focused on ensuring ecological production by monitoring naturalness in land used, followed by the production processes and the use of biological products, both the subscriber and in the treatment of pests. SPG The choice of a model to develop in our environment is presented as the most consistent with the objectives of our association. Reflection within Ecovalle, what model in the relationship production, distribution and consumption, led us to seek a system to share the principles of sociopolitical dimension of agroecology. A system that meets the needs and realities of producers / consumers as and / as Lecrín Valley and to flesh out a new form of relationship between production and consumption. As performances this SPG have a visit to farms of Ecovalle a month, inviting consumers
Wine producton
Start date
Cultivation of vineyards. Processing and production of wine. The vineyards are located in a prime location in the south of Mount Poro and within walking distance from the sea, so enjoy the sun, sea breeze dela, fine sediment (silt and clay) of marine origin.
The company is managed by young entrepreneurs utilizing the latest technologies. Magliocco Canino is grown, indigenous grape capable of extracting perfumes from the ground for a bright and harmonious wine, aided by the winds of the Mediterranean and the sun.
Second half of the 1800
Financing under evaluation
Final user
Italian and European User. Two years ago user also Miami and Boston.
In the production area: The project is autonomous Ecovalle Produtivo in the field, ie, all the machinery, supplies, etc.. Are acquired and managed cooperatively. The necessary investments are divided between all partners and the operation generates an income that keeps each service. For example, each producer must pay a fee for the use of each machine (trimmer, van, etc..) So as to generate a fund that is managed independently. In the training area: Ecovalle has received some public funding (Junta de Andalucía) for organziación oriented courses particularly young people and women in the region to develop complementary activities (canning, pest treatments and recovery of seeds, etc. ...)
In the consumer area: Ecovalle has received some public funding (Junta de Andalucía) for the implementation of the GSP, in terms of technical advice and materials. Organic farming
Through this organization is to meet the needs of organic farmers in the region in terms of training, inputs (fertilizers ...), machinery, etc.. While meeting the needs of consumers of organic products facilitating direct communication between them and articulating it through a Participatory Guarantee System.
Final user
In the production area: Ecovalle is developing systems crop joint planning between all partners. This schedule lets you calculate plantations will be needed depending on the demands of consumers and more interested in species or varieties. Also is organized so as to ensure crop rotations on each farm, with rotation periods of three years, so that is provided to the farmer information which should grow well in advance and knowing how much production will exit within of the association. This provides great benefits to the soil, maintaining its fertility and farmers in organization of their time and terrain.
Programa “Juventud en Acción”
In the production area: the user of the services we offer are the same organic farmers of the region which we benefit. In the area of consumption: consumer partners benefit from the proximity and relationship with producer prices affordable organic products, food safety, etc.. The scope of our activity is provincial, as both producers andconsumers are in the province of Granada. Although there have been developed some links with consumer groups in other parts of Spanish territory to which they provide some products that our association has surpluses and / or in other territories can not be produced (subtropical, etc..)
Programa “Juventud en Acción”
It is financed through monthly installments of partners
Final user
I soci stessi
Production and sale of organic productos.
Production and sales of certified organic products: oil, extra-virgin olive oil (cold pressed) and flavored, pasta, sauces, pates big oil, herbs and spices, Mediterranean pasta, mediterranean orange blossom honey, wine typical Metera.Protección products and tastings spread across the company and theme nights.
Start date
Early 2012
The International Academy of reference of the Mediterranean Diet has decided that the business project Metera is best lends itself to the dissemination and use of biological reference dela Mediterranean diet, as well as the area of land on the southern sea coast, which is in the center, the City of Nicotera. Part of CONF COMMERCE YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS
Auto financing.
Final user
National user
From Hortigas proposes an alternative model of production, distribution and consumption of food. The purpose of this group is self-management of our food by cultivating orchards, fruit, barter and / or mutual support with other projects for the production of food (such as cheese, wine, oil, jam, etc.)
The innovation of Hortigas is a producer and consumer at the same time
Programa “Juventud en Acción”
Sustainable and solidarity agriculture
Company owned by a young man of 28 years whose initiative contributes to the development of a rural area. Livestock and direct production of meats and cheeses, highly biological products. Among them: ‘Nduja, fresh Pecorino, Pecorino seasoned, Chorizo, sobresada spicy, spicy sausage.
Made art healthily and respecting the environment and animals, Crude family products express the best of traditional grazing of Monte Poro. The milk used, as rennet, meat, fat, tripe, etc.. Come exclusively from animals raised by the family.
Tel. 333 446 7638; E-mail:
FAMILIA CRUDO pecorino, ‘nduja y…
Start date
The realities like these are a real starting point for a future centered on sustainable development. It is a vision of the future that maintains a harmonious relationship with the natural balance and territory. The family joined the SOS Raw Rosario project, so that 5% of the proceeds from the sales of all products go to support charitable projects.
Own financing
Final user
Especially users from Calabria but also the rest of italians.
Tel. 3899210822; E-mail:
Programa “Juventud en Acción”
- Lower cost of collection. Super-harvesters are conducted by a single operator, which significantly reduces the costs of collection. - Early entry into production and high productivity. The varieties used are very early, this coupled with the high density planting, makes you get high yields from the second or third year of planting.
Start date
They have two main lines of activity: 1) Olive plantations, currently most of the Spanish olive oil sector is stuck in traditional plantations, which are not economically sustainable if not for subsidies, such subsidies have an uncertain future, and maintaining a culture system that is not profitable by itself is not feasible, so we encourage the renewal of traditional plantations, consisting of olive trees three and four feet (logs), where the olive harvest is a major cost to the farmer, to substitute plantations a foot, which are more easily machined and production, thereby reducing costs of cultivation. 2) Tillage and conservation agriculture. Such seed is used in arable crops, particularly cereals and some in spring crops. In direct seeding is not done any work from harvest to next planting, crop residues remaining on the ground.
In the second case: This avoids excessive compaction by the passage of machinery, controlling weeds prior to planting by applying herbicides reduced doses of low hazard. In direct seeding is not done any work from harvest to next planting, crop residues remaining on the ground. Advantages of direct seeding: - It reduces erosion, which is the main problem of Spanish soils. - Increased water retention in the soil, very important in the years of low rainfall, especially in upland.Incremento del nivel de materia orgánica. - Improving soil structure. - Lower emissions of CO2 into the atmosphere. - With all this not only improves the soil, which is the production base of agriculture, but we are also helping to protect the environment.
In the first case: With more innovative farmers opt for super-intensive olive groves, the olive is a highly intensive culture system where olive trees are planted in hedge, leaving a distance of 1.5 m. between trees in the same row and 4 m between rows, so if there is a common olive 200 olive trees per hectare, in this intensive system are achieved 1,600 olive trees per hectare. The main innovation of this system is that the collection is done with a combine comprehensive, very similar to grape harvesters, so that saves a lot in the collection as it is 100% automated. Also in favor of the environment we have implemented a large number of trees per surface, which act as carbon sinks, helping to remove C02 from the atmosphere.
Some European subsidies for the acquisition of new technologies and machinery renewal. Work developed.
Final user
The farmer, especially in Andalusia, but also travel to the rest of Spain and Portugal.
Benefits of olive superintensive: - Quick return on investment Plantations are designed to recoup investments early in the third year and are collected significant amounts of olive and five years are in full production. - Lower cost of production by oil kg. The average cost of production is about 1.20 € / kg. Oil, while in the conventional olive production cost is about 2 €. - 100% of the oil produced is extra virgin. The olives are harvested at optimum maturity, the total harvested olive tree, without touching the ground, resulting in high quality oils and highly valued in the market, and can reach a higher price. This is possible due to high work performance combines that allow collecting a hectare approximately two hours. 16
Programa “Juventud en Acción”
Programa “Juventud en Acción”
Certified organic producer, Vito Malfara of 21 years with his company brings to the tables of Italians and not only, the best typical Calabrian products, all carefully selected: - The ‘nduja of Spilinga produced without dyes and / or preservatives using only the meat of pigs born and raised in Calabria; - Poro Pecorino is added to the list of traditional products of Calabria, Olive oil-extra virgin territory
Cultivation and oil mill. Production of extra-virgin organic olive.
Start date
- Salami and pork bacon with special recipes prepared in the area
- Oil Canned specialties, crafts and traditional food of Calabria
The Frantoio offers the opportunity for everyone to know the quality of olive oil extra virgin. The final product oil is produced from selected olives on lands dela family management, as reflected in its mature stage and pressed within 24 hours, which makes it possible to obtain a product with great fruity fragrance for an oil of great value. The olives come from forests under strict controls throughout the year by agronomists and industry specialists.
The Frantoio is green, thanks to a photo voltaic system of 100 kW / h of ownership, installed on the floor because it is completely self-sufficient for processing olives CO2igualesa with zero emissions. The company’s mission is to educate the consumer to determine the quality of the oil and also to give to know benefits of extra-virgin oil olive regarding health.
European Grants.
Final user
Italy, Switzerland, Germany.
Tel.: 0963889536; E-mail:
A great innovation, unique, is the recent production of “tube of Nduja” to preserve freshness and flavor.
Self financing
Final user
Italian user.
Tel. 329 2598199; E-mail:
Agriculture production characteristic of the area and typical products.
“When nature is mixed with the flavor.” This is the firm intention of Flavors Medma. The company is committed to bring to market products that give guarantee of authenticity and quality, which is, in itself, the tradition of Calabria and in particular Valentia Vivbo territory. Your goal is to use and appreciate the aromas and flavors of healthy nutrition dela “Mediterranean diet”, recognized by UNESCO’s intangible heritage.
Programa “Juventud en Acción”
Start date
Early 2013
Programa “Juventud en Acción”
Construction Biosostenibile: houses equipped with solar panels for low environmental impact and zero CO2 emissions, recovery and recycling of materials in the same place (tiles, stones, tuff), rain water through underground tanks. SOS project also involved the Rosarno, which 5% of sales go to charity projects ...
Auto financing. There are not, at the moment, appropriate subsidies.
Final user
Italian and international turists.
Tel. 0963 88448; E-mail:
La Alquería de Morayma Field
eco tourism
LA CORTIJADA formed by homes, cottages converted into apartments and hotel rooms scattered. Rural Tourism Centre is located on the south side of Sierra Nevada, La Alpujarra, offering multiple rural activities, winery, farming, courses, ... Note: National Award of Tourism 1998
- -
Grants and work developed
Final user
Spanish user
Revaluation Andalusian heritage Environmental education through courses, workshops
Cuevas del Sur Field
eco tourism
In the region of Altiplano de Granada, close to Lake Negratín, south of the Natural Park of Sierra de Cazorla, Segura and Las Villas, about an hour from Granada and the Alhambra, an hour and a half from Sierra Nevada. They offer a wide variety of outdoor activities: hiking, 4x4 routes, mountain and water.
Revalue the historical heritage
Grants and work develope
Final user
Spaninsh and international tourist
Start date
Telf.: 953 718 297
LE TERRAZZE DI MARTINA “Il borgo del popolo”
Sustainable and responsible tourism. Development of an old neighborhood.
Sustainable construction project led to the recovery of the old medieval city Nicotera long abandoned and exposed to degradation. A project dedicated to hospitality and at the same time, social housing, to the possibility that you can repopulate the area. Recovery and rehabilitation of seven houses abandoned and in a state of decay to avoid depopulation.
Programa “Juventud en Acción”
Start date
Programa “Juventud en Acción”
Oil Production, Teaching Farm, Gastronomic tourism. Production of cosmetics with olive oil.
Mafrica Frantoio is a story of three generations, which began in 1950 and has always been linked to the production of extra virgin olive oil. The company, which is located in Limbadi in the province of Vibo Valentia, currently covers an area of about 50 hectares and 5,000 living braticas otto plant varieties and “Cicerello”. The olives are hand picked and processed at the mill family resulting in an oil of exceptional quality, full and fragrant. Made according to seriously ancient and modern technologies.
Start date
The energy required for the production process is generated by a solar panel system installed on the roof of the company. In addition, through innovative technology waste is extracted from olives processing, the “Nocciolino”, an environmentally friendly fuel that is burned in special boilers and produces the heat needed for the production process. That’s why oil is Mafrica, really, respect for nature: through the food processing technologies and environmentally friendly, the company has undertaken a project virtuoso production and environmental friendliness. In fact, the company has chosen Mafrica be in total harmony with the environment, and so on until the end. From this came the idea of creating, within the enterprise, an educational farm for Italian and foreign tourists and, of course, for student groups. Visitors are offered the opportunity to learn about the activities and resources of FrantoioMafrica, and have a good time in contact with nature, plants and animals. Thus, the environment becomes an integral part of the company. The most important is undoubtedly the production of cosmetics based on olive oil as cleansing milk, soaps, moisturizers, etc ... The new line of cosmetics that has been called “Enjoil.” In hydration and nutrition skin, the active ingredients of the olive oil are particularly effective. Olive oil ideal for cosmetics occur all skin types that are recommended for those who wish to heal naturally. In fact, the cosmetic line “Enjoil” are alcohol-free, skin friendly.
European grants
Final user
Italian and european users.
Programa “Juventud en Acción”
Sustainable Tourism. Sale of typical products and food tourism.
Start date
Farm, farm, organic garden, local products on sale. Set consists of comfortable apartments offer a pleasant holiday encontacto with nature in an unspoiled and natural.
The company is located on a hill overlooking the beaches of Nicotera Marina. The olárium overlooks the charming town of Nicotera that seems to emerge from the waters of the pool, the spectacular Coast of the Gods and the background the Aeolian Islands and Mount Etna, the Sicilian volcano. The estate of “14 acres”, is full of olive plants, cítricosy kiwi, the entire production is carried out by the methods of organic farming that delights all guests with typical Calabrian cuisine and home products as “extra virgin olive oil, jam, citrus fruits, kiwi.
The culinary art of leading owners firsthand the kitchen, your own recipes based primarily on the products fields agroturismo.La cultivanen soil quality, clean air and strictly biological cultivation offer typical high quality genuine. Excellent EXTRADE virgin olive oil quality, healthy and very pleasing to the palate thanks to its peculiar characteristics. They offer trips and boat excursionesde culturalen interest: Nicotera, with its cathedral and castilloRuffo, 3 km Torre deJoppolo in deTropea Km.25 with SantaMaríay Island’s historic center, the Cathedral and the portalesde algunospalacios, 71 kilometers Serras. Brunola Cartuja, 85 km from Reggio Calabria to the museum, the Riace bronzes and port.
European grants.
Final user
Italian and international toursits (especially dutch)
Tel./Fax. 0963 887833; E-mail:
Tlf: 096385479 Email:
Programa “Juventud en Acción”
3.ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION Huerto Alegre: environmental education and culture
environmental education
Start date
A cooperative that was founded in order to educate and raise awareness about environmental issues and support the educational task, providing outputs to the environment for teachers.
Try different aspects of human health and its relationship to the environment presenting the options available in an objective and always trying to promote independent health through the use responsible resource.
Self financing
Final user
General public
programs and activities in the fields of environmental education and interpretation of heritage
Grants and work developed
Environmental education
Final user
Spanish and european users
IDEA arises from the conviction that the Environmental Education and Heritage Interpretation are one of the ideal tools to meet certain environmental and social demands in order to achieve sustainable development of our land.
Design and development of Environmental Education and Interpretation Programs Patrimonio.Diseño and elaboration of Materials and Media’s own Environmental Education and Heritage Interpretation.
Grants and developed work
Final user
Spanish and european users
holistic view of health in their sense wider. Integrate nutrition, physical activity, reproductive and parenting, drug and conventional medicine, alternative medicine, social and ecological awareness and crafts as a means towards health, comprehensive and responsible.
Environmental education
Initiative online outreach and social care education whose main aim is to promote responsible health. We are a group of health professionals from different areas (pharmacists, nutritionists, therapists, social workers, fitness instructors) with a
Programa “Juventud en Acción”
Start date
Start date
Programa “Juventud en Acción”
Very known for shrimp fishing, among the best in the area, hence highlight seponga fishing a typical fish whose quality makes the company and young people who run famous and known everywhere. Respect the European regulations on the exercise of the activity, the absolute respect of sanitation practices within business practices, health and safety in the port of Gioia Tauro, where the ship is moored, and directives to disinfect the ship “Pacifica”.
Rio Frío Granada
It guarantees the freshness and quality of fish straight from the sea and reaches the consumer’s table. Provides the best restaurants in the area. Obtained recently published in the book “Between Land and Sea”.
fish industry
With over 50 years experience in breeding fish and three facilities, including two of the most important sturgeon has Europe, today we are one of the largest sturgeon fish farmers in the world, the most important of A. naccarii and the only certified organic for caviar and sturgeon.
Grants and work developed
Sovvenzioni e lavoro sviluppato
Final user
Spanish and european users
Auto Financing. Trabajo desarrollado.
Final user
Consumers Nicotera and the province of Vibo Valentia. The best restaurants in the area.
TOMEO MARE NEW s.r.l. Field
Production and preserving of fish, crustaceans and molluscs
Company managed by a group of young people has become a lead the field of fresh seafood and frozen. Production of selected also for the consumer.
Segúnla Quality System Certificate ISO9002 standard. The final product is the result of a processing technique that comes naturally fish and ensures product freshness. The company applies a strictly environmental hygiene plan for all critical points, according to the system HACCP Decreto Legislativo155/97
Own grants
Final user
Italian users, particulary from center-south.
Fishing activity and retail sales and auctions. “Tradition Sailor”, generations of fishermen.
Start date
The company is engaged in fishing, especially shrimp, shrimp, anchovies, sardines, octopus, hake, spatulas, “occhialoni”, longlines, etc.. It has a wooden boat, named “Pacifica” deGioiaTauro docked in port, during the winter months is used for catching seafood in the South Sea, and during the summer months in search of swordfish, pushing to get to Greece.
Programa “Juventud en Acción”
Start date
Tel. 0963 81010; E-mail:
Programa “Juventud en Acción”
environmental volunteering
The Environmental Volunteer Network is coordinated by Granada Ornithological Station Padula. This network brings together all of the county environmental associations working with volunteers, opening like public portal on the web.
To link all environmental associations in the province and disseminate their work
Funded by the Ministry of Local Government and Institutional Relations of the Junta de Andalucia
Final user
Environmental associations and the general population
Programa “Juventud en Acción”
Start date