今年二十歲的我,回想我過去的人生,真沒 有什麼特別。不是資優兒童,也不是天生蠢 鈍,每天過著有夢想但只有空想的生活。不 過,我知道我的確比很多人幸福的。 小時候的生活真的很美好,可以不用理會金 錢,不用理會成績,不用理會自己的前途。 只需要幻想,想像一下長大後的自己,想像 一下長大後的職業,只要想像,什麼也可以 做到。可是,慢慢的發現現實跟想像是不會 相同的,有很多事情是我沒有辦法控制的。 我沒有漂亮的外貌,也沒有聰明的頭腦,小 時候想做的,好像也沒有是我做到的。不 過,我現在仍然有我的夢想,我依舊為它而 努力,我不知道我能否實現它們,但至少我 不會放棄。記得自己小時候很想當大人,覺 得大人可以做所有東西,可以做自己想做的 事。真的奇怪,明明是同一個自己,卻有一 百八十度的轉變,我,還是我嗎?
跳 也很喜愛
愛扮 長大後卻
a. 這是五小福。 是我最好的朋友! e
b. 中學的同學會是我 一輩子的朋友。 c. 十兄弟! d. 她們都是我的姊妹 淘。 e. We are four little flowers! f. 由於找不到人幫我 們拍照,所以我把 相機放在地上,叫他 們趴在地上照。效果 也不錯吧!
g. This is my lovely family!
如果要用一首歌來表達我,這首由台灣組合 ”自然捲” 唱作的作 品就是我的歌了。不過我輕微的修改了兩、三個字,以更配合我 呢! 歌名:像我這樣的女孩 歌手:自然捲 作曲/填詞/監製:奇哥 編曲:自然捲 像我這樣的女孩 有一點奇怪 像我這樣的女孩 有一點難猜 像我這樣的女孩 有那麼點不乖 像我這樣的女孩 你不能隨便愛 書讀得不多 想法特別多 每天都要喝養樂多 朋友都愛我 父母親更疼我 希望我永遠的快樂 像我這樣的女孩 有一點奇怪 像我這樣的女孩 有一點難猜 像我這樣的女孩 有那麼點不乖 像我這樣的女孩 你不能隨便愛 有時像天才 大部份在發呆 愛哭 愛笑 愛吵 愛鬧 愛撒嬌 一會兒要這樣 一會兒要那樣 自己都搞不懂自己 喔..天天 喔..天天 喔..天天 喔..天天 喔..天天 喔..天天 喔..天天 喔..天天 像我這樣的女孩 有一點奇怪 像我這樣的女孩 你不能隨便愛
MY WORKS IN YEAR 1 AAMPD Typographic Design Application of types In this project, we have to understand the fundamentals of typograhic design with regard to a specific designer and typeface and learn how to design a poster by using types as a communication tool. Also, to acquire an application skill of typographic design. I studied Eric Gill who is the designer of Gill Sans. I tried many different styles choosing this one eventaully.
Typographic Design Bookmarks
E r i c Gi
Gill S a and is ns was d e s studie ued by M signed by Eric Edwa d under th onotype Gill in in rd Jo e hnsto calligra 1928 to the 1920 so th p e â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 1 n is ba refore it , at the C her and s 930. Eric se c tone Gill m Unde d on his omes as entral Sc hool ason, no su teach rgrou in rp er nd, Jo hnsto s typefac rise that London e G n Un derg for Lond ill Sans roun on d. ABC D abcd EFGHIJK e L 1234 fghijklmn MNOPQ opqr 5 stuvw RSTUVW !"#$% 67890 xyz XYZ &'()* +,-./:; <>[] ^_`{}
This project aims to become familiar with the sequential history of typography and type anatomy. I chose Times New Roman and Century, because they are timeness and unique. I would like to present a modern but still elegant look to these bookmarks. So, i use black and white to represent classsic color and use red to represent trendy. I kept the design simple, therefore, the bookmarks can represent the fonts that i chose.
Gill Sans
Photographic Design & Imaging Effective Lighting Recipes Written on Hong Kong
sTREET Art Publicher:HOW Books,an imprint of F+W Publications,Inc
Available on 2009-12-7
The aims of this workshop are to learn the necessary ability and aesthetic sense in studio lighting arrangement. In this workshop we assigned different positions and i was a model. We had a lot of fun during the process and we learnt many skills. We needed to produce 9 individual “Mugshot Portaits” and redesign the effective light recipes.
1 High Contrast Light at 90˚
2 High Contrast Light at 45˚
3 High Contrast Light at 45˚ with Reflector
4 Diffused Light and Reflector
7. Light the Background
8. Rim Lighting from Behind
9 787549267976569 >
Photographic Design & Imaging Hong Kong Street Art In this project, we had to design a poster which is intended to promote the book of “ Written on Hong Kong- Street Art”, and to intergrate type and image in order to communicate the unique point of view about this topic. The reason why I put the street art on the right side and remain the white part in the left, is because I hope Hong Kong will develop more creative street art in the future. Therefore we have free space to create and build our unique features.
5. Low Contrast at 45˚ with Reflector
6. Add a Hair Light
Single flash head
Effective Lighting Recipes
Single flash head with soft box
Leung On Ying 51847131 AAMPD Relflector or piece of white cardboard
Design Fundamentals Matchbox Discovery Project This project aims to use a matchbox to communicate a word and bring the message to the people. I chose “Future”. We have no future if we keep hurting the earth. So we need to protect our enviroment and be enviromentally friendly. Therefore, I hope my matchbox can bring people awareness. The materials I use are free and recyclable. I used newspaper and toilet paper to make this matchbox. Because their are free and fun. I can draw any things on the toilet paper to enrich the match box. I also use other materials such as product package. They are all enviromentally friendly.
Design Fundamentals T-shirt Design In this project I needed to “draw” a self-portrait using any visual elements (various abstract forms, letterforms, and photographs, etc), to describe how I see myself, or how I would like others to see me. I use the unusual facial features to bring my message which is “ I am different in my own way.” It doesn’t need to be perfect but to be the way i was. The facial features are not normal as I am and I think this is me. At the back, i said “Don’t say things behind me.” is to tell what i think, i would rather you say in front of me.
Web Design Mini Site of GreenSense
This is my first site design for GreenSense. I tried to give it a natural and lively feel on the website. Therefore I mainly use grass to present the picture. Also, I used a little flower to make the rollover buttons. It makes the website fun and brings energy. Making a website brings me a lot of inspirations to design.