Letter from the President 3
Past Attendance 4
Exhibit Space Fees 5 Exhibit Terms 6
Exhibitor Personnel Registration 7
If you have any questions, please contact: Rachel York: rachel@aapm.org | Mike Dickinson: mike@aapm.org
One thing the pandemic has taught us is the value of in-person connections and cooperation. It is with much excitement and anticipation that we look to such an opportunity at the AAPM 65th Annual Meeting & Exhibition on July 23–27, 2023 in Houston, Texas. Houston is a city renowned for its medical physics scholarship and practice. It was the host of our well-celebrated 50th Anniversary in 2008. And in some ways, we are going back to our roots. The 2023 meeting is building upon this strong legacy and will make a new statement of its own.
The theme of the conference is “The Art of Science, The Science of Care.” This theme reminds us how the science of medical physics is informed by imagination, creativity, and ingenuity and then translated into a practice with direct human benefit. This theme is a reminder of the deep calling, opportunity, and responsibility we all have to put our thoughts and our hearts towards advancing human welfare. The topic echoes the themes of the dignity of
caring (for the science and the patient), stewardship (of our intelligence, drive, and imagination), and purposefulness (of our technologies and applications). The Presidential Symposium will include luminary presenters that cover these topics, further exemplified though five days of dedicated scientific, educational, and professional offerings.
No AAPM meeting is fully relevant without a strong presence of exhibitors. We can talk about the theory, but that theory needs to be practiced and as such, first exhibited through resources and products that our exhibitors offer. Ideas without realization cannot really advance human welfare on their own. I thank you for your partnership with the rest of the medical physics community to work towards the same goal that we all strive for — advancing human welfare. On behalf of the entire AAPM enterprise, I wish to extend a warm welcome to you all to the AAPM 65th Annual Meeting & Exhibition. We need you, and more importantly, our patients need you.
Looking forward to welcoming you in person in Houston!
Ehsan SameiAAPM 2023 President
The 2023 AAPM Annual Meeting & Exhibition Floorplan and space application will be available on February 1. At that time, you can begin to sign up for the meeting. Please note the following due dates:
• Applications Due: February 22, 2023
• Space Assignments Sent Via Email: March 22, 2023
• Full Payment Due: April 7, 2023
On February 23 applications will be separated and identified as AAPM Corporate Affiliate Members and Nonmembers. All applications will be assigned a random number beginning with Corporate Affiliate Members being assigned random numbers first followed by applications received by Nonmembers. Exhibit space assignments will then be made based on the random number assigned. Space assignment will begin on February 23.
Application received after February 23, will be assigned based on date order that they are received.
• First Time Exhibitors
o Contact Rachel York at rachel@aapm.org for discount information.
• In-line Booth Space
o $32 per square foot (10 x 10 = $3,200; 10 x 20 = $6,400; 10 x 30 = $9,600; etc.)
o Add $200 for each ‘corner’ included in the inline booth space
• Peninsula Booth Spaces
o $8,500 for 10’ x 20’ space
• Publishers Rate
o $1,500 for a 10’ x 10’ inline space
o $1,700 for a 10’ x 10’ corner space
• Entrepreneur Start-Up Showcase
o $1,400 for the 1st year
o $1,900 for the 2nd year
• Island Booth Formations
o $32 per square foot + $200 per corner
• Two-Story Booth Formations — Cost for 2nd Level
o $15 per 1 square foot for second level to be added to total cost of first level space example:
First Level: 20’ x 40’ = $26,400
Second Level: 10’ x 2’0 = $3,000
Total booth price: $29,400
Exhibitors are responsible for ordering carpet, furnishings, electrical, internet, and other items needed for the booth. Exhibitors are responsible for all fees as outlined in the Exhibitor Service Kit.
If booth payment is not received prior to the AAPM Meeting, the installation of carpet and/or other materials purchased will not be installed until payment is made.
• Upon receipt of space applications, Exhibitors will be sent an invoice via email for booth space requested. Payments can be made in full or in installments, provided full payment is received by April 7
• NEW! If payment is not received by April 7 your booth will be removed from the floorplan.
• Credit cards accepted include Visa, Master Card, Discover and American Express
• Full Payment can be submitted in the form of a check in US funds made payable to AAPM and mailed to AAPM HQ Office: 1631 Prince Street, Alexandria VA, 22314
• Or Full Payment can be submitted by ACH or wire transfer.
Send your cancellation request to rachel@aapm.org
Exhibitors may cancel without penalty if your cancellation request is received on or before April 7
If your cancellation request is received between April 8 – May 25, all sums paid by the Exhibitor, less a service charge of 25% of the contract price, will be refunded.
No refund will be provided for cancellations will be made after May 25. If an exhibitor cancels on May 25 or after and has not made a payment, that does not release the exhibitor from any contractual financial obligation. The exhibitor is obligated to pay the outstanding invoice. If the exhibitor wishes to exhibit with AAPM in future years, the Exhibitor must have any outstanding invoice from the prior year(s) paid in full.
• The draft floorplan posted in the Prospectus will be maxed out with 10’ x 10’ in-line booth spaces only. No ISLAND formations will be indicated on the floorplan.
• If you would like to reserve a space larger than a 10’ x 10’, please list the booth numbers you’d like combined to create your desired booth formation on the Space Application.
• To assist HQ with understanding your intentions, it is suggested you also print the floorplan, use a marker to outline/ indicate your top 3 choices, and submit the floorplan with your space application
For first consideration in space assignment booth application should be submitted by February 22 Email: rachel@aapm.org | Fax: 571-298-1301
For examples of each booth type as well as the full list of booth fees, refer to the Exhibitor Website.
• $32 per square foot (10 x 10 = $3,200; 10 x 20 = $6,400; 10 x 30 = $9,600; etc.)
• Add $200 for each ‘corner’ included in the inline booth space
Peninsula Booth Spaces
• $8,500 for 10 x 20 space
Entrepreneur Start-Up Showcase
• $1,400 for the first year
• $1,900 for the second year
Island Booth Formations
• $32 per square foot + $200 per corner
Two-Story Booth Formations — Cost for 2nd Level
• $15 per 1 square foot for second level to be added to total cost of first level space example:
First Level: 20 x 40 = $26,400
Second Level: 10 x 20 = $3,000
Total booth price: $29,400
• Contact Rachel for first time exhibitor rates.
To complete the Exhibit Space Application:
• Review the AAPM floorplan and determine your top three (3) booth selection requests. The entrances are indicated on the floor plan so please note when selecting your requested booth spaces.
• List any exhibitors you wish to be near and any competitors you do not want to be near.
• Indicate your priority regarding the assignment of your booth space (i.e. floor location, competitor proximity, associate proximity, corner space).
• Indicate the product focus and product line that best applies to your organization.
• The draft floorplan posted in the Prospectus will be maxed out with 10’ x 10’ in-line booth spaces only. No ISLAND formations will be indicated on the floorplan.
• If you would like to reserve a space larger than a 10’ x 10’, please list the booth numbers you’d like combined to create your desired booth formation on the Space Application.
• To assist HQ with understanding your intentions, it is suggested you also print the floorplan, use a marker to outline/indicate your top 3 choices, and submit the floorplan with your space application.
o be a sponsor, exhibitors MUST be registered to exhibit at the meeting.
All Sponsors receive:
• One Quarter Page B &W or Color ad of your design in the Pocket Program. Form and AD must be submitted by May 1 to be included in the Pocket Program. Your Company name and link to your website will appear on the conference website.
• Your booth number will be featured on our “Sponsor Thank You” board which is placed in each refreshment break area in the Exhibit Hall for the entire conference. Form and Logo must be submitted by May 1 to be included on the sign.
• Your logo will appear on the walk-in slides projected in session rooms between all sessions, acknowledging you as an official Sponsor and item “sponsored.”
Vendor Showcases are being offered as an initiative for exhibitors to launch new products, latest research and to increase interaction with attendees. A room accommodating up to 100 people at round tables will be built in the exhibit hall to host Vendor Showcases. Vendors are not limited to hosting educational or sales presentations. Take this opportunity to host an interactive session or a live podcast with audience participation.
30-minute time slot — running in parallel with AAPM meeting sessions: $3,000
30-minute time slot — running unopposed with AAPM meeting sessions: $6,000
60-minute time slot — during a lunch break: $8,000*
*Exhibitors have the option to serve food during the lunch break time slots. Food and beverage expenses are the responsibility of the exhibitor.
Included in This Fee:
• Vendor Showcases will be listed in the “Exhibition Track” of the Meeting Program.
• AAPM will promote the Vendor Showcase schedule in social media blasts.
• Standard AV is provided.
Of Note:
• Vendor Showcases will not be captured. **If an exhibitor would like to record their presentation, the exhibitor will be responsible for ALL logistical and costs.
• The list of attendees who participate in a Vendor Showcase is not provided. However, Vendors are encouraged to use a Lead Retrieval system to capture attendee information.
• Vendors may request a maximum of TWO time slots per day.
Only open to small companies occupying a 10x10 booth.
• 10-minute time slot — running in parallel or unopposed with AAPM Meeting Sessions, based on availability: $1,000
Three mini sessions will be scheduled back-toback to fill a 30-minute time slot. To sign up for the Vendor Showcase, complete the 2023 AAPM Sponsorship Application.
Applications, speaker information, and presentation titles are due April 19, 2023 to be included in the first round of assignments. If there are multiple requests for a time slot, AAPM Corporate Affiliates will be assigned first, followed by Non-AAPM Corporate Affiliates. Vendors will be notified via email of their assignment.
• Skyscraper spec information: 120 px (width) x 600 px (height).
One 30-second exhibitor ad will be played prior to the start of each scientific session. Exhibitors may purchase up to three ads. Exhibitors will be charged the full price for the first ad. A 50% discount will be applied if a second or third ad is purchased.
Ad Cost (applications must be submitted by May 1 to receive this discount):
• $2,000 for the first ad.
• $850 for the second ad.
• $850 for the third ad.
• Ads will be assigned on a first come, firstserved basis. If ad slots are still available after May 1, exhibitors who have purchased three ads will have the option to purchase additional ads at $850 per ad.
• Ad content is due by June 23.
Ad Information:
• Exhibitors will select which session to run their ad.
• Ad length is 30 seconds.
• Only one exhibitor ad will be displayed before each session.
• Ad will run prior to the on-demand recording for a period of one year. Ads will be removed before posting in the Virtual Library.
Social media has become a powerful way to reach a targeted audience. AAPM has created a unique opportunity for Annual Meeting exhibitors to reach its members — as well as meeting attendees — with sponsored content on HQ’s robust Twitter platform.
• Up to five tweets prior to the meeting: Tweets will run from July 16–22.
Application and Content due by June 12
• Up to 10 tweets during the meeting: Tweets will run from July 23–27.
Application and Content due by June 19.
• A 1024 x 512 image, with centered content, and a link are encouraged for each tweet. The #PromotionalAd hashtag will be required.
• AAPM will review all content for approval and exhibitors must follow the Social Media Policy for AAPM Groups AP 94-B
• The following phrase MUST be overlaid on all supplied files (images and videos): This is a promotional ad which is in no way endorsed by AAPM. Information included in this communication reflects that of the advertiser only.
• Exhibitors will be sent instructions on how to upload their Twitter content.
• Facebook or LinkedIn can be substituted for Twitter. Please make the request with Rachel York
Be a part of the first impression AAPM Attendees will receive when registering for the meeting, confirming their registration, and picking up their badge on-site in Houston! This is a new sponsorship opportunity for you to promote your company and booth number.
Sponsorship Includes:
• Company logo along with “thank you for your sponsorship” on the AAPM registration system homepage and the AAPM Annual Meeting website.
• Company logo with “thank you for your sponsorship” on each registration confirmation email that goes out to each registered attendee, guest, and exhibitor.
• Company logo and booth number on the corner of each registration counter on-site in Houston.
Add your logos, images, slogans, and messaging to custom banners, window clings, and column wraps in the George R. Brown Convention Center.
Prices do not include production, installation or removal fees. These services are available through Levy Exposition Services, the official show decorator. Pricing is subject to local taxes when applicable.
Prior to production or installation of any sponsored displays or signage, approval from show management and the convention center is required. All requests must be submitted to Rachel York in writing.
• Escalator clings and runners from Exhibit Level to third floor meeting space are available in different combinations. Contact Rachel York for more information.
• Cost per Cling: $500
• Cost per Escalator Runner: $1,200
The approved sponsor will be responsible for contracts, production, installation, and removal costs.
Column wrap is located on Street Level in front of the Entrance of Hall D and E
• Column Wrap One or all FOUR columns outside the building. Contact Rachel York for more information.
• Cost per wrap: $1,200
The approved sponsor will be responsible for contracts, production, installation, and removal costs.
Column Wrap located inside Convention Center, Exhibit Hall D and E Concourse and on 3rd Level
• Column wraps must be either floor-supported or be self- adhering. Contact Rachel York, for more information.
• Cost per wrap: $1,200
The approved sponsor will be responsible for contracts, production, installation, and removal costs.
• Window Clings located Outside the Building leading into the Exhibit Hall. Contact Rachel York for more information.
• Cost per cling: $500
Pricing can vary depending on size and location, contact Rachel York for more details.
The approved sponsor will be responsible for contracts, production, installation, and removal costs.
Convention Center Banners, located in Concourse, Mezzanine, Pre-Function Space and Escalator Landing
• Banner bars and facility-affixed structures for hanging are located throughout the facility’s public spaces. Contact Rachel York for more information.
• Cost per banner: $1,200
The approved sponsor will be responsible for contracts, production, installation, and removal costs.
Sponsorship Includes:
• Logo on the wi-fi splash screen.
• Signage recognition to include company logo and booth number. Company may provide a QR code to add to the sign.
Sponsorship Includes:
• Logo on the official AAPM wi-fi splash screen.
The AAPM Media Wall is front and center and the focal point at the 2023 Annual Meeting. It will be located on the first floor outside the Exhibit Hall entrance, near the AAPM Registration Desk.
The AAPM Media Wall will be available to a limited number of exhibitors to promote their company’s products and services with custom video content. This is a turn-key solution which includes content management services.
• Signage recognition to include company logo and booth number. Company may provide a QR code to add to the sign.
Please contact Rachel York for more information or submit your application today!
30-second and 60-second spots are available.
• 30-second spot: $2,150
• 60-second spot: $3,600
This is a great opportunity to give AAPM conference attendees something they will continue to use long after the meeting: an environmentally friendly manufactured tote bag with your company name and/or logo and the 2023 AAPM meeting logo.
NOTE: Sponsor is responsible for all costs of bag production and shipping the order to the designated warehouse to arrive in June. Sponsor must receive approval from AAPM on the tote bag graphic.
Refreshment breaks will be held each day in the Exhibit Hall in the designated lounge areas during the exhibit dates. The breaks are open to all attendees and are always well attended!
Refreshment Breaks will take place:
Sunday 12:30 pm, 3:00 pm
Monday 9:30 am, 3:45 pm
Tuesday 9:30 am
Wednesday 9:30 am
NEW! Your logo and booth number will appear on a coffee cup sleeve at the coffee station and “Thank You” table tents in all refreshment seating areas of the Exhibit Hall for the entire day of the sponsored refreshment break.
NEW! Sponsor will receive a 30-second ad in ALL session rooms before the break.
Exhibit Hall, Tuesday, 3:45 pm–6:00 pm
End your day of sessions networking with other attendees and exhibitors at the Meet the Vendor Reception held in the Exhibit Hall. This networking event is designed to give you more time to engage with attendees. AAPM will provide beer/ wine and non-alcoholic beverages along with a little southwest snack to hold you over until the Night Out!
Your logo and booth number will appear on a tabletop sign placed on each bar and “Thank You” table tents in all refreshment seating areas of the Exhibit Hall during the event.
Food station, bars and added seating will be strategically placed near sponsor booths.
NEW! Sponsor will receive a 30-second ad in ALL session rooms before the break.
Boxed Lunches will be provided in the Exhibit Hall in designated lounge areas. Lunches will be served: Monday 12:15 pm–1:45 pm
Wednesday 12:15 pm–1:45 pm Your logo and booth number will appear on “Thank You” table tents in all refreshment seating
To take advantage of this exclusive customized electronic hotel key card sponsorship, you must first complete the sponsorship form for official approval from AAPM. This is a first-come, first-served opportunity and requires working collaboratively with each hotel in the AAPM housing block that provides key cards.
areas of the Exhibit Hall for the entire day of the sponsored refreshment break.
Your logo and booth number will appear on all lunch menus and promotional signs.
NEW! Sponsor will receive a 30-second ad in ALL session rooms before the break.
The approved Exhibitor will be responsible for any contracts and production costs associated with the project. Sponsors will be provided with a list of the hotel contacts. The Exhibitor must contact AAPM for approval of key card design. Sponsor needs to include the AAPM logo on the key card.
Form must be submitted by April 1
The lounge is centrally located in the exhibit hall and is the ideal spot for attendees to take a break and recharge or network with their colleagues. Along with comfortable seating and work spaces, power to charge devices will be provided. Your promotional material and AAPM Meeting material will be displayed on tables in the lounge.
Sponsorship includes:
• Acknowledgement table tents scattered throughout the Connection Lounge that include the company name, booth number and company QR code.
• Sponsors’ Logo will be on the Connection Lounge sign suspended above the lounge area.
All files must be submitted by May 1 to be included in the charging station display.
Support new AAPM members and your future customers at the New Member Symposium. Following the Symposium, new members will have the opportunity to engage with the AAPM leadership during a refreshment break.
Sponsorship includes:
• Company name announced at the Session held on Tuesday, July 25.
Sunday, July 23, 2023 7:00 pm–9:00 pm
Location: TBD
This is your opportunity to support the up-andcoming leaders of AAPM. Students and Trainees organize their own Night Out event each year.
Sponsorship Includes:
• Company logo featured on Annual Meeting website and event signage.
• Opportunity given for a company representative to take a few minutes to address the audience.
• Company logo and booth number on “Thank You” table tents on refreshment break displays.
• Opportunity for sponsors to stay during the refreshment break to socialize with the members.
• Company name announced and acknowledged during event.
• Opportunity for company representative to address audience (maximum 1–2 minutes).
• Three (3) tickets to the event.
Sunday, July 23, 2023
1:00 pm–2:00 pm and 3:00 pm–4:00 pm
George R. Brown Convention Center, Exhibit Hall
Sponsorship Includes:
• Company logo featured on Annual Meeting website and event signage.
Sunday, July 23, 2023
11:30 am
Location: George R. Brown Convention Center
Sponsorship Includes:
• Company logo featured on Annual Meeting website and event signage.
• One (1) dedicated cocktail round.
• Sponsorship acknowledgements sign next to cocktail round.
• Announcement of thanks during Annual Student Meeting.
• Company name announced and acknowledged during event.
• Opportunity for company representatives to address the audience (maximum 1 – 2 minutes).
• Three (3) tickets to the event.
For more information, contact: Rachel York, Exhibits Manager rachel@aapm.org | (571) 298-1230
1631 Prince Street | Alexandria, VA 22314 | 571-298-1300 | www.aapm.org
see: https://helpx.adobe.com/reader/using/fill-and-sign.html
Company Name: Contact: Title: E-mail: Phone:
• One Quarter Page B &W or Color ad of your design in the Pocket Program. (Form must be submitted by May 1 to be included in the Pocket Program. Ad must be submitted by May 1.)
• Your Company name and link to your website will appear on the conference website.
• Your booth number will be featured on our “Sponsor Thank You” board which is placed in each refreshment break area in the Exhibit Hall for the entire conference. (Form must be submitted by May 1 to be included on the sign. Logo must be submitted by May 1.)
• Your logo and sponsorship item are included on the official sponsor slide, projected in all session rooms. Complete this form and return by the dates listed below; if no date is indicated, forms must be submitted by May 1 to be included in printed meeting materials • Sponsors will be contacted with confirmation and invoiced
• VENDOR SHOWCASE: $3,000 for 30-minute time slot — Running in parallel with AAPM meeting sessions $6,000 for 30-minute time slot — Running unopposed with AAPM meeting sessions $8,000* for 60-minute time slot during a lunch break *Exhibitors have the option to serve food during the lunch break time slots. Food and beverage expenses are the responsibility of the exhibitor.
• MINI VENDOR SHOWCASE: $1,000 (only open to small companies occupying a 10’x10’ booth)
• EMAIL BLAST BANNER: $3,000 per email to an estimated 10,000 AAPM members (limited to 1 sponsor per email)
Start Time 7:30 am
TUESDAY Session Start Time 10:15 am
Start Time 1:45 pm
WEDNESDAY Session Start Time 7:30 am
WEDNESDAY Session Start Time 10:15 am
WEDNESDAY Session Start Time 1:45 pm
WEDNESDAY Session Start Time 4:30 pm
Vendor 30-Second Ad Slot 57
THURSDAY Session Start Time 10:00 am
THURSDAY Session Start Time 1:00 pm
$5,000 + Project Costs | Exclusive sponsorship
Sunday 12:30 pm Monday 3:45 pm
Sunday 3:00 pm Tuesday 9:30 am Monday 9:30 am Wednesday 9:30 am
$6,000 | Exclusive Sponsorship $2,000 | Per sponsor for multiple sponsors
$6,000 | Monday 12:15 pm – 1:45 pm | Exclusive sponsorship per lunch $6,000 | Wednesday 12:15 pm – 1:45 pm | Exclusive sponsorship per lunch
$3,000 + Project Costs | Exclusive sponsorship
$2,000 | Exclusive sponsorship
$1,000 | Per sponsor
$700 | Per sponsor
• RESIDENCY FAIR $700 | Per sponsor
$700 | Per sponsor
Printed Name: Date:
By signing this agreement, you agree and give AAPM permission to bill you for the sponsorship you have selected.
• Upon receipt of this application, Vendors will be sent an invoice for the full amount owed.
• Payment instructions will be included on the invoice.
• Full payment can be submitted in the form of either a credit card payment or check in US funds.
• Credit cards accepted include Visa, Master Card, Discover Card, and American Express.
• Checks should be payable to AAPM.
• All payments should be submitted upon receipt of invoice.
Please mail, fax or e-mail this application to: 1631 Prince Street, Alexandria VA 22314 | rachel@aapm.org | 571-298-1230 | (Fax) 571-298-1301