The Wey & Arun Canal Trust is trying to restore a lost route from London to the south coast
In association with Self Select Distribution, AAH is available from free pick-up points at Tesco Extra in Broadbridge Heath and Sainsbury’s in Horsham. For other pick-up points, see right.
LEAFLETS We can deliver leaflets with AAH at a cost of only £40 + VAT per 1,000. For details, email Ben at
ADVERT RATES Eighth Page: £55 + VAT (93mm x 63mm) Quarter Page: £110 + VAT (93mm x 133mm) Half Page: £185 + VAT (190mm x 133mm) Full Page: £310 + VAT (A4 with 4mm bleed) Double Page: £520 + VAT SPECIAL OFFER: Every 6th advert is free of charge, like a coffee shop! We can also design adverts if you need help at no extra charge.
AAH is printed with FSC® certified paper. This means it has been sourced from sustainably managed forests and other controlled sources, and its site of origin is proven and traceable under FSC certification.
DOOR-TO-DOOR TEAM Jacquie Paterson, the Judd family, the Voisey family, Katie Drysdale, Hazel Garner, Jill Shuker, the Arliss family, the Bloomfield family, Eve Lovett, Lara Green, the Gavira family, Harvey Dold, Alessandro Cavallo, Jack Nicholls, the McCormick family, Charlie Merchant, Harry Baker, the Walker family (all AAH is published online on the 1st of each month. Archive editions are online too.
Alan works for AAH on a freelance basis and is available for family portraits, as well as corporate and commercial work.
Special Feature
Cover Feature
The Woodgate development in Pease Pottage launches its stylish range of Villas on the Green 35
AAHis an independent monthly magazine, owned by editor Ben Morris, a life-long resident of the Horsham District. It is distributed to doors and pick-up points around the Horsham District.
The September 2022 cover features David and Chris Hale-Woods, owners of Major Mind Games, the new escape rooms in Swan Walk. They are pictured in a room called Knottooshabby, inspired by Downton Abbey. The shoot was challenging, as it was imperative that we didn’t photograph anything that could help people solve the room. “It sounds crazy, but there will be escape room fanatics who will inspect the pictures for clues!” warned David. So, Alan used the blue wall as a backdrop, rather than the cabinet or chest of drawers. Several items on the dining table (which is just out of frame, concealed by the Christ’s Hospital School advert) needed to be removed too. Other cover contenders included Sally Schupke, Chair of Wey & Arun Canal Trust, paddleboarder Oscar using the canal, and Kim Billings of KimmyB.
Horsham Arun Badminton Club has a Keenagers section, helping over-50s stay fit and active 49
DISTRIBUTION The magazine is delivered to about 13,000 homes in Horsham, Southwater and villages.
Thousands of copies of AAH are also available in our stands at businesses, clubs and shops.
Horsham)The Brown family and the Chapman family (Southwater), the Palmer family (BBH) the Murray family (Wickhurst Green) Luke Butcher (Mannings Heath); Lynsey Hare (Billingshurst), Derek Bradnum (Nuthurst) The Morris family (West Chiltington)
The Religious Society of Friends, known as Quakers, hold silent contemplation at its Horsham Meeting House 61 Education Christ’s Hospital School celebrates 120 years since its move from London to Horsham 66 Final Word Leith Hill, the former home of composer Ralph Vaughan Williams, boasts the highest point in the south east
EDITOR: Ben (01903)
Art Steyning artist Sarah Duffield’s Stuck project, created during lockdown, has inspired a new direction 25 Business Kim Billings has established her own candle company, KimmyB, and hopes to find success with her new diffusers 30
Horsham: The Living Room (Swan Walk), Henry Adams (Carfax), Crates Local (Carfax) Pavilions in the Park, Horsham Rail Station, New House Farm, New Street Butchers, At Home Estate Agents (Caterways),The Holbrook Club, Gwyn’s Bakery (Bishopric) Village Stands: Billingshurst Leisure Centre, Bluecoat Sports (Christ’s Hospital), Leonardslee Lakes & Gardens (Lower Beeding), Warnham Village Stores (Warnham), Slinfold Golf Club (Slinfold), Steyning Leisure Centre and Cobblestone Walk (Steyning), Spring Gardens Nursery (Washington), Joanna’s Boutique Tearooms (Storrington), The Milk Churn (Rudgwick), Meadow Stores and Cafe (Thakeham), Golden Plaice (Ashington) Supermarkets: Tesco Extra in Broadbridge Heath, Sainsbury’s in Horsham.
The escape room phenomenon comes to Horsham with the opening of Major Mind Games in Swan Walk
7 News Round-Up New skate park planned for Horsham and 37 juvenile white storks released on the Knepp estate in West Grinstead
AAH, 2 Viney Close, Ashington, RH20 3PT ADVERTISING: Ben (01903)

Last month, The Department for Education (DofE) informed West Sussex County Council that a proposed primary school at Wickhurst Green was no longer needed. It was surplus to requirements. It wasn’t long before a petition to save the school was circulating. To date, it has only attracted a little over 500 signatures, a relatively poor response which can be attributed to three factors: 1 - It was started by the Lib Dems. I don’t doubt for a second that their frustration is genuine, but nothing kills the momentum of a community campaign than the involvement of a political party. The same applies when celebrities get involved in elections; 2 - Any children who moved into Wickhurst Green expecting to one day attend the new primary school are probably at secondary school now; 3 - Apathy, caused by years of disappointment.
When it comes to these major developments, there are always promises of community centres, health facilities, sports clubs - even railway stations, as was the case at Kilnwood Vale - as developers do their upmost to get through the planning process. Not all of it comes to fruition and sadly, the residents of Wickhurst Green have seen less than most.
All we can hope is that Horsham District Council learns from these experiences. The signs suggest that they have.
In some of the more recent developments, community facilities have been built early and there’s consideration to what is needed, and where. They may have attracted local opposition with valid concerns (when is a new estate welcomed?) but at least Thakeham Homes’ Woodgate development at Pease Pottage, Oakford Homes’ Abingworth Meadows estate in Thakeham and Berkeley’s Broadacres development in Southwater have provided the community with meaningful Mowbrayfacilities. has followed suit with the new school and supermarket, and although the removal of Rookwood from the Local Plan was met with relief by just about everyone (probably more for our love of Warnham Nature Reserve than our wish to protect a golf course) the concepts behind it were forward thinking.
You have to take your hat off to the development companies at Wickhurst Green.
Maybe HDC is learning some tricks of its own too. The Local Plan, which outlines sites for future development, is currently in a state of limbo due to water neutrality issues. The Council has stated that in order for any development to proceed, it should not increase the rate of water abstraction from the supply site, based on advice from Natural England. This announcement has put the brakes on major development plans at sites like Buck Barn and Adversane. Now, you have to say, that’s savvy!
Notes from the Editor: Has Wickhurst Green Pulled a Fast One? 5
I’m sure those who moved in during the first phase of development didn’t particularly enjoy having to wipe dust off their windows and cars, caused by the constant flow of construction vehicles. Or for that matter, having to walk along pavements with kerbs that almost qualified for mountain status. But perhaps the hope of a primary school, doctor’s surgery, pub and neighbourhood centre made it bearable. “It’ll all be worth it one day, dear, I promise!”
But years later, what have they got? A Co-Op. Probably not what they wanted, what with Tesco being a stone’s throw away.
Broadbridge Heath development in April 2013 (©AAH/Toby Phillips 2013)
Pretty savvy, right? And to rub salt into the wounds, the developers may end up getting back the land “proposed” for the primary school, potentially leading to more houses and a nice profit.
The Lib Dems may be fighting a lost cause. As the DofE has stated, there’s no shortage of primary school places now, thanks to new schools like Bohunt. Instead, they should be asking exactly how the developers at Wickhurst Green got away with it! I first visited the site (on the invitation of Countryside Properties( back in 2013, when homes were being built at a rapid rate. That was a few months before I walked around green fields in north Horsham, speaking to campaigners who feared that the site could be developed in future. Roll on a decade and a state-of-the-art school opened on those green fields (now called Mowbray) before a single house was built. All of which has saved Wickhurst Green - where about 1,000 homes have been built - the bother!
One can only admire the tactics employed to delay/postpone/loiter on its intentions/ promises/postulations to build community facilities at the Broadbridge Heath site over many years.

Individuality | Opportunity | Community Horsham’s only co-educational independent school for ages 4 to 18 WHOLE SCHOOL OPEN MORNING Saturday 24th September, 10am to 1pm SIXTH FORM OPEN EVENING Tuesday 4th October, 6.30pm Please visit to book your place “The passion of the teachers shines through” PARENT Farlington School | Strood Park | Horsham | West Sussex | RH12 3PN | UK Tel: 01403 254967 | Email: |

An extended Sussex Green Hub is held at United Reformed Church (URC), Springfield Road, Horsham on Saturday 24 September, 10am – 4pm. The hub incorporates the Horsham Community Fridge (which distributes short-dated food items) at 10 – 11am, Transition Horsham (seed saving), Horsham Repair Café (repairs of electrical, mechanical and textiles) and a refill service (personal hygiene and household cleaning products). The Inspiration Eco Station will be in Bishopric, while Fairtrade Horsham and Good Life Horsham have stalls at St John’s Church, Springfield Road. Green Film Fest for Horsham launches with the documentary Kiss the Ground screening in the Christ’s Hospital Theatre. The festival runs from 28 September – 26 October with environmentally-focused films and talks.
Search DC/22/1194 at planning/
Announcements & Events from across the Horsham District Email submissions to
Horsham District Council is proposing to decommission the car park at London Road, Horsham, which has been closed since 2020 as the site was used as an NHS testing centre. The Council is engaging with users of car parks and consulting with businesses and the public before any decisions are taken on the London Road site at the end of September. However, indications are that the car park is surplus to requirements with a shift towards more flexible parking habits from season ticket holders due to hybrid working.
Horsham District Council have approved a new skatepark in Horsham. At a meeting of the planning committee On 2 August, councillors agreed to the demolition of the existing ramps in Horsham Park and the construction of a new facility. Inspired by Scandinavian design concepts, features include a 2.3m high flat back quarterpipe. Users of the facility gave feedback during the redesign process. Due to concerns about anti-social behaviour, lighting and CCTV has been reviewed to eliminate blind spots.
An Evening with Mark Francis and Dr Tony Whitbread, President of Sussex Wildlife Trust, is held at the Allmond Centre, Cowfold, RH13 8BL on Thursday 29 September, 7.30 - 9pm. Tickets free from greeningcowfold@gmail.comAfreeEcoChurchConference is held at St Mark’s Church, St. Mark’s Lane, Horsham, on Saturday 1 October, 10am - 4pm. Speakers include Rev. Dr Richard Coldicott. For more on all these events visit 2011Phillips©AAH/Toby
Paul Bellringer and Carrie Cort of Sussex Green Living (©AAH/Alan Wright 2022)
A revised application has been made for a McDonalds restaurant and drive-thru at the new business park in Billingshurst.
Horsham District Council rejected the first application by landowners Dunmoore Group after residents voiced concerns about littering and traffic congestion at the 100-seat restaurant. However, the applicant claims that the resubmitted plan addresses previous concerns, with new measures including a litter management plan.
Sussex Green Living hosts a series of events in September in support of a UKwide celebration of community action to help tackle climate change.

The 82nd Sunbeam Pioneer Run for Veteran Motorcycles visits 9SundayLowerLakesLeonardslee&GardensinBeedingon2October,–11am.Visitorscan cheer the riders as they arrive at the South Car Park for a break on the London to Brighton Run. It is the largest gathering of pre-1915 motorcycles in the
Phillips)(©AAH/Tobyshow2014theatploughingHorseHorsham Model Railway Club have joined forces with the Dorking Club to host a joint autumn exhibition at The Ashcombe School, Dorking, RH4 1LY on Saturday 1 & Sunday 2 October, 10am - 5pm (closes 4pm Sunday). There will trade stalls and an interactive layout children Tickets £5 (children £3/families £10). Free parking.
and adults.
2013Phillips©AAH/Toby 2014Phillips©AAH/Toby SING IN HARMONY with your local award-winning male acapella group are offering a FREE 4 week learn to ‘SING IN HARMONY’ course October 5, 12, 19, 26th from 8-9pm at their new base DIAL POST VILLAGE HALL, Old Worthing Road, RH13 8NS One hour per week and it might be the CHEAPEST and BEST early Christmas present you will ever have! See us For more details contact VOCAL FUSION ACAPELLA
The West Grinstead & District Ploughing and Agricultural Society holds its annual ploughing match and show at Field Farm, Sands Lane, Dial Post, RH13 8NY on Saturday 17 September, from 9.30am. Highlights include the Crawley & Horsham Hunt parade of hounds, terrier racing, livestock competitions, ploughing for modern, vintage and classic tractors, horse ploughing, hedge laying, clay shooting, tug-o-war, bale rolling, gun dog scurry, poultry displays, ferret racing and steam ploughs. There will be a host of trade, craft and food stalls. The Society was established in 1871 and has promoted the interests of local farmers ever since.

For free, no-obligation valuations, please call to arrange an appointment with our book specialist Charlie Howe
Looking to sell your old books?
Entries are invited for our next specialist sale of Antiquarian & Collectors’ Books on 13th December
2022Wright©AAH/Alan Coolham Live Music returnwelcomeClubtheof CommotionSchwarz’sZoeBlue on Saturday September.17
Vocal Fusion Acapella (VFA), an awardwinning male acapella choral group, has relocated to Dial Post. Since 2015, the VFA have rehearsed weekly at Steyning Methodist Church, using Dial Post Village Hall occasionally to prepare for concerts or competitions. However, following a trial in May, the VFA has made the move permanent. The group sings in four-part harmony with a repertoire that covers American classics, swing, jazz, sea shanties and barbershop. They welcome new singers and will run a free ‘Sing in Harmony’ course at Dial Post Village Hall on four consecutive Wednesdays from 5 October. For information, see the VFA advert on page 8 (opposite) or visit
Christ’s Hospital Choral Society hosts a ‘Sing in a Day’ workshop at Christ’s Hospital School September,Saturdayon24 at 10am. The day’s focus is on learning the 15 short choruses in Henry Purcell’s Dido & Aeneas, under the guidance of director Peter Allwood. Soloists and musicians will join the singers at the end of the day for a performance of the complete opera. The workshop costs £20.
The leading antique and fine art auction house in West Sussex SPRING GARDENS, A24 WASHINGTON, RH20 3BS 01903 891955 9
The band played several years ago and impressed with their funky blues rock. Support comes from soul singer Amba Tremain. Doors open at 7pm with music from 7.45pm. Tickets £20 coolhamtickets@gmail.comfrom Suggs, frontman with ska Madness,bandtells his story September,TuesdayHorsham,atwordsthroughandmusicTheCapitol,on277.30pm.
Suggs: What a King Cnut – A Life in the Realm of Madness see Suggs tells his story with a little help from Deano, his trusty pianist. The evening includes Madness songs as well as solo material. Recommended 16+. Tickets £31.50 thecapitolhorsham.comfrom
TOOVEY’S Ian Fleming, From Russia With Love, London 1963, signed by Fleming the day before he died ~ auctioned in our July sale of books for £1,800

A consultation is being held on facilities at CountrySouthwaterPark. Horsham District Council, which owns managesand the park, is asking visitors and users for their views on all aspects of the site, including the adventure play park (inset), beach area, pathways, facilities and activities, to see if improvements are required. The consultation runs until 30 September.
Thirty seven juvenile white storks were released on the Knepp estate in West Grinstead on Monday 8 August. The storks were bred at Cotswold Wildlife Park and The Wildwood Trust and were released at Knepp as part of the White Stork Project. Storks born in the wild at Knepp this year have already begun their migration to southern Europe and it is hoped the captive-bred juveniles will join them before hopefully returning to breed. In May 2020, two chicks were born at Knepp in what was the first recorded breeding of white storks in the UK for more than 600 years. Since then, nine pairs have successfully bred in Sussex. The newly released juveniles have a unique large blue ring on their upper left leg, with eight of them also fitted with GPS monitoring devices. Members of the public can report sightings
2016Phillips©AAH/Toby We can help you with: •Will •Settingwritingupa trust •Probate and estate administration •Arranging lasting power of attorney To find out more please contact: Gemma Spencer (Solicitor), or Sarah Kench (Solicitor), or Catalina Lowe (Solicitor) For all your business, tax and wealth needs Call: +44 (0)1403 253 282 Email: Visit: Knowing you. We all need legal advice and support at times. Our services are available at competitive fixed prices, designed to give you easy access to specialist legal support when you need it most. We adhere to the Covid-19 guidance by socially distance at meetings, conduct matters over telephone, email or virtually.
10 Park House Sensory Garden in Horsham Park has a new curved bench, installed by the Friends of Horsham Park to commemorate the garden's 30th anniversary. The custom-made bench was made possible thanks to generous contributions from Royal Sun Alliance and the Sussex Community Foundation.

RELAX | TRAIN | PLAY 01403 792620 Stane Street, West Sussex RH13 0RE Plus Receive 3 months free* *Terms & Conditions apply. Three months free refers to September, October and November 2022. Promotion applicable to members joining in September 2022 only. Modern & spacious gym • Wide range of classes across 3 studios • Outdoor functional fitness zone Modern lounge & bar • Fully staffed crèche • 18 hole golf course • 9 hole Academy course Swimming pool • Relaxing Retreat spa • Flood lit Driving range Steam room & Spa pool ...and experience some of the best facilities in the South East Join for in£10OnlySeptember SecureLimitedavailabilityyourplacetoday!

Students at Farlington School in Horsham have enjoyed success at two prestigious competitions for young artists. At the Independent Schools Association (ISA) London South Art Competition, 10 students received prizes, with four progressing to the ISA National Art Competition later this year. Also, two former and one current Sixth Form students who were all in Year 13 when they created their artwork, were selected by The Arts Society West Sussex for the Royal Society of British Artists (RBA) Rising Stars Competition. Rosalyn Sprey, Head of Fine Art at Farlington, said: “It is wonderful to see the talent and dedication of these students being recognised and to see our pupils’ artwork displayed outside of school.”
Locations include Roffey Millennium Hall (7 Sept), Pulborough URC (21 Sept), Chanctonbury Leisure Centre (5 Oct), Steyning Brotherhood Hall (19 Oct), The Allmond Centre, Cowfold (2 Nov), Henfield Evangelical Church (16 Nov), Lavinia House, Horsham (7 Dec), Ashington Scout Hut (21 Dec), The Job Centre, Horsham (4 Jan 2023) and The Bridge, BBH (18 Jan 2023). Events are free with no appointment necessary. They are open to anyone seeking advice on money worries, food poverty, energy costs, mental health and community safety.
All aspects of tree surgery, hedge cutting & garden covered.maintenanceCallforyourFREEquotation.Ed:07812995475|Carl: 07754337926 Email: competitionartSouthLondonISAtheinplace1stawardedwasCrouchAmy commendedhighlywasHolmesBethanpupil9Year
A series of community drop-in sessions have been introduced across the Horsham District to help residents struggling with the cost of living crisis access key services to help them stay independent and healthy. The sessions have been organised by Horsham District Council’s Community Services team in partnership with West Sussex County Council Partnerships and Communities team. Sessions are held on Wednesdays from 10am - 12noon.

and tickets
Horsham Matters hosts a Firewalk at Horsham Rugby Club on Friday 21 October and is inviting anyone over 16 to take up the challenge. It’s a chance to conquer fears by walking barefoot on embers burning at 800 degrees. Firewalkers will by guided by experienced firewalker Cliff Mann from Time 4 Change. Entry includes meal, drink and goodie bag. Early bird rate is £30.
Full programme
There are a number of volunteering opportunities currently available in the HorshamCitizen’sDistrict.Advice Horsham seeks a Volunteer Client Support Assistant, Volunteer Receptionist and Social Media Volunteer. Horsham Debt Advice Service is seeing an increase in demand for their services and seeks advisors with good people and listening skills who can act impartially and non-judgementally. Advisors help clients create a plan to repay debts and give them the tools to control their finances. Henfield Computer Club, which meets on Wednesdays at 9.30 – 11.30am seeks people confident with computers who can help run workshops and talks. Sussex Clubs for Young People need volunteers to help with its outreach youth activities, the Purple Bus in parks and villages, and to become part of club Tomeetings.findout more about these opportunities and others, call (01403) 215191, or visit
13 The Rec Rooms in Horsham is relaunching ‘Showcase Thursdays’ under the new banner of Rec Rooms Revelations. The events promote original music from local, unsigned talent and gives a platform for more established acts to showcase new material. Fresh from Gene Loves Jezebel’s extensive US tour, mercurial frontman Jay Aston (inset) gives a solo performance at the launch night on Thursday 15 September. Support comes from The Absolute Loves, fronted by former Gene Loves Jezebel bass player Stephen Marshall. This opening show is part of the National Lottery's ‘Revive Live’ campaign, so when you buy a ticket (£10) you can claim another free (T&Cs apply).


Nuthurst Cricket Club triumphed over Crawley Eagles in the final of the Gullick Cup at Horsham Cricket Club on Sunday 14 August. The Nutters won the toss and elected to bat, ending on 175 for the loss of six wickets. Crawley made a fast start in reply, but fell 11 runs short of the target. Nuthurst last won the cup (which adopts a T20 format) in 2014. The trophy will now take pride of place in the clubhouse at Mannings Heath. Parham House and Gardens have launched a new venture in collaboration with Joanna’s Boutique Tearoom in Storrington. The tearoom will take on the catering service at Parham, offering a selection of homemade sandwiches, traditional scones, pastries and savouries, as well as daily specials and a variety of drinks to visitors at the Grade I listed house and award-winning gardens. 15
Over 60 people attended a memorial event marking two years since Pathushan Sutharsan was killed on the Downs Link. Pathushan, 20, died when he was hit by an HGV while crossing the A281 near Rudgwick. He was taking part in a charity bike ride when the accident happened. At the memorial event on Saturday 20 July, family and friends were joined by local residents and those from further afield who are concerned about the dangerous crossing. Paul Sathianesan, a close friend of the family, spoke of his hope that a bridge would be built to provide users of the Downs Link safe passage over the A281, and that any bridge might be named in honour of Pathushan, who was a keen bridgethedownslink.orgartist.
IS CONSERVATORYYOURTooinwinter?Too in summer? WE’VE GOT THE SOLUTION Visit our showroom at 3 Foundry Lane, Horsham, West Sussex RH13 5PX Tel: 01403 888300 SPEEDY BUILD

Ben Wilkinson has been appointed Head Chef at The Pass at South Lodge Hotel in Lower Beeding. He brings a wealth of experience following his success at The Cottage in the Wood, a Michelin starred restaurant in the Lake District. Ben’s partner, Monika Zurawska has also joined the team to lead the front of house. In the intimate setting of the 28-seat restaurant, guests can embark on an immersive ‘Chef’s Table’ style experience. Ben’s seven course Tasting Menu begins with a selection of canapés, followed by wild sea trout, Sussex Downs venison, wild Cornish turbot, Herdwick hogget and ending with strawberry ewes' curd, hazelnut coffee and petit

In the poet's bicentenary year, the presentsMemorialShelleyProject‘Reflections on Shelley’ at St Margaret's Church, Warnham, on Saturday 10 September at 6.30pm. This celebration of his life in poetry, music and prose includes performances by BBC Radio 4's Chris Aldridge, Laurie Cuttriss, Steve Dummer from Stane Street Sinfonietta, West Sussex Young Musician of the Year Zoe Barnett and the Lights and Bushels Theatre Company. The evening includes the presentation of prizes to winners of the Shelley 200 Festival poetry competition by Horsham MP Jeremy Quin. Sponsored by Brock Taylor, Gatwick Community Trust and Steyning Bookshop. Tickets £10 through Eventbrite (search Shelley Memorial Project).
Monza Sport, Bridge Garage, London Road, Ashington, RH20 3DD Tel: (01903) 891174 www.monzasport.comAlsoApproved for Jeep owners concerned about the closure of Horsham Car Centre can now have their Jeep serviced and warranty work carried out by Fiat Group trained technicians at Monza Sport. Call us for details. 17
Horsham Unitarian Church in Worthing Road, Horsham, RH12 1SL celebrates 300 years since its construction by opening its doors to the public on Saturday 17 September, 10am - 4.30pm. The event includes a display on the church’s history (second only to St Mary’s as the oldest in town) plus environmental exhibitions, a plant sale and horshamunitarianchurch.comrefreshments.
Some of the finest gardens in the Horsham District have opened to visitors as part of the National Garden Scheme (NGS). Most events were held in July and August, but there are some openings due in September and October. Check before you leave as some venues require pre-booking.
Servicing for:
Approved NOW AN APPROVED JEEP SERVICE CENTRE Monza Sport is an approved service dealer for Fiat, Alfa Romeo, Abarth and now Jeep, offering the highest levels of customer satisfaction. We offer servicing & MOTs, parts and tuning services, aircon re-gas, tyre fitting and 4 wheel laser alignment. We have special labour rates for older cars and offer courtesy cars. We have a vastly experienced Service Manager in Keith Avey and one of the country’s best technicians and diagnostic experts in Kevin Riddles. On four occasions we’ve topped the JD Power customer satisfaction surveys for Alfa Romeo. (*No.1 out of 165 Fiat, Alfa Romeo and Chrysler Jeep dealers for customer satisfaction in the UK, Jan - Mar 2018)
Parsonage Farm, Kirdford, RH14 0NH Sunday 4 Sep, 2pm – 6pm Beautiful garden developed over 30 years with fruit themes and unusual plants. £7. The Old Vicarage, Washington, RH20 4AS Thursdays 1 Sep – 13 Oct & Sun 25 Sep, 10.30am – 4pm 3½ acre gardens set around a Regency house. Features a Japanese garden with waterfall. Pre-booking essential. £7. Sussex Prairies, Morlands Farm, Wheatsheaf Road, Henfield, BN5 9AT Sunday 11 September, 1 - 5pm Exciting prairie garden with 60,000 plants and over 1,600 varieties. £10. Bignor Park, Pulborough, RH20 1HG Tuesday 13 Sep, 2pm – 5pm 11 acre garden with views of the South Downs. Trees, shrubs and wildflower areas. High Beeches, Handcross, RH17 6HQ Sunday 2 October, 3 - 5pm 25 acres of landscaped woodland and water gardens with rare plants and glorious autumn colours. £9.

Sarah Duffield with small canvas painting produced during her lockdown project, Stuck (©AAH/Alan Wright)

Initially titled ‘The One Where Lockdown Finally Got To Me’ and now titled ‘When The Silence Gets Too Loud’, it is Sarah’s take on Cissbury Ring. Its expressive, free-flowing whirl of greys and blues contrast with the darkness of a lone tree.
Feeling that she was becoming “stuck” in her artistic approach, Sarah set herself a challenge. Every week for a year, she created a piece of art on a 15cm x 15cm canvas or board within a three hour window. Viewed collectively, the 52 pictures offer a unique representationof a strange time.
“The project represents my emotional response to what happened, so it was a very cathartic exercise. I would always post my latest work on social media, along with a couple of paragraphs describing it, and it was fascinating how people engaged in the project.”
“On one occasion, I didn’t listen to the news for a whole week as I couldn't bear the negativity surrounding COVID. When I did switch it on, there was news of a vaccine and that must have altered my mindset, as that week my painting featured the sun breaking through clouds, offering a glimmer of hope.”
CISSBURY SILENCE ‘Stuck’ gave Sarah the freedom to experiment with a wider range of colours, tones and materials, while also offering a chance to explore new themes, particularly movement. Naturally, some pieces from the project are more impressive than others. Perhaps the most immediately striking is from week 14.
‘When the Silence Gets Too Loud’
The COVID lockdowns inspired many of us to take up new hobbies or embark on a creative journey. For Steyning artist Sarah Duffield, a pandemic side project has presented exciting new directions.
“I felt stuck in terms of what I was producing,” said Sarah. ‘Also, I wanted to capture fleeting images that stuck in my mind, whether it was waves crashing against a beach or sunlight shining through a woodland canopy. So, I called the project ‘Stuck’.
“Some weeks, I found it difficult to motivate myself to do it, as I often started with no idea of what I would draw or paint. But by the end of the year, it was interesting to see how the changes of the seasons and my mood were reflected by the colour palette. Some pieces were dark pieces in charcoal, while others were bright with swirling colours.”

SeveralFAMILIARtea.SCENESofthepieces(including ‘When The Silence Gets Too Loud’) are now available as full-size paintings, with limited edition prints available too. It may be that ideas from the Stuck project influence the future direction of Sarah’s work too.
Traditionally, her output has had a distinctive style: local landscapes depicted in bursts of bold colour. In addition to Cissbury Ring, many scenes will be familiar to those who enjoy the South Downs. Living in Steyning, Sarah does not need to travel far to see Chanctonbury Ring or coastal highlights such as the Seven Sisters.
“I’ve always thought the tree is a particularly lonely one,” said Sarah. “I have a photo of the spot shrouded in mist and on one particular week, the photo expressed perfectly the loneliness and confusion I felt. I didn't place anyone on the bench as I wanted people to imagine themselves there instead. Otherwise they’d wander what the person sat on the bench was thinking about. I want people to think about the tree and the stories it must have heard over the years.”
With the passing of time, the small pictures in the Stuck project might themselves be worthy of exhibition, charting as they do the emotional journey of an artist in unprecedented times. There are playful moments, while some of the 52 works reflect the boredom of lockdown. One image is a self portrait, depicting the artist switching off her computer and relaxing with a cup of
Garden’Mum’sofEndThe‘From ‘Seat With A View’ ‘Solitary Cissbury’ Fireworks The fun does not stop there: enjoy a spectacular , , and a festive STREET FOOD VANS WITH NIGHT PUTTING FOR KIDS JOIN US AS SPARKS OF COLOUR IGNITE THE NIGHT SKY! 4 NOVEMBER 2

“I missed excitementtheof being able to somethingproducenew and the ‘Stuck’ project allowed me to do that.”
Wellcross Grange Nursing Familywww.wellcrossgrangenursinghome.comHomeWellcrossGrangeNursingHome,FiveOaksRoad,Horshammanagement@wellcrossgrangenursinghome.comrunhomeprovidinghighqualitynursing,residentialandrespitecarefortheelderlyAcceptingadmissionsonariskassessedbasis.Vaccineprioritygroup * As at December 2020
Although these places may be close to her heart, it is usually a feeling that sparks a “Itpainting...isalways something I see that draws me in,” said Sarah. “It could be light, colour or the shape of a landscape, but it’s an emotional feeling that dictates the colour palette of my work. I exaggeratecolours and shapes as I love artists like David Hockney and Van Gogh, as the colour jumps out of their paintings. I have tones that crop up regularly and - oddlysome of my favourites come from the 1970s wallpaper in the house I grew up in!” “Every piece is an emotional journey too. I always start a piece very excited, but the process takes so long that this excitement wanes, as I might spend six hours painting 20 circles for a cluster of trees. When I finish a piece, I feel like I never want to see it again, but a day or two later, I’ll look at it once again and love it. I do have a love-hate relationship with my art!”

Some of the pictures from Sarah’s Stuck project are being reworked as full sized paintings (©AAH/Alan Wright)
COMING UNSTUCK It remains to be seen exactly how the Stuck project will influence Sarah’s future output. Her landscapes may be abstracted by colour, but they do have an element of scale and features like Cissbury Ring are easily recognisable. Perhaps the project will inspire Sarah to develop a faster, more free-flowing approach to her time-consuming paintings, which some people wrongly think are photoshopped! But whatever happens, it has been a beneficial “Iexercise...haveno doubt that I came out of lockdown a better artist,” she said. “I missed the excitement of being able to produce something new and the ‘Stuck’ project allowed me to do that once again.” Further information Sarah will be exhibiting at The Cat and Kiwi Studio, Arundel on 19 - 20 and 26 - 27 November. Stuck paintings can be found on her online

Bluecoat Sports is promoting a Pay Nothing offer until October 1st offer on ANY of our memberships, from 1st September - 20th September. There is nothing to lose by signing up and what’s best is that you can cancel anytime, so long as we know before the 20th of the month! If you would like to view our new-look Fitness Suite along with our other range of facilities, contact to speak to our membership team
We are delighted to announce from Thursday 1st September the opening of our fully refurbished Fitness Suite at Bluecoat Sports. All pre-existing equipment has been replaced with to the latest specification including Stairmasters, Steppers, Wattbike and the amazing Performance plus Treadmill which has a shock absorbing slat-belt, which is like running on a cloud. All Cardio equipment has been upgraded with touch screen consoles which is like operating a smart phone, full of apps and amazing visuals to make your workout less of a slog! Further changes to our downstairs resistance and free weights section include the introduction of a chin/dip assist, a dual action leg extension/leg curl and a glute bridge machine. The latter is now one of the most popular machines, seen in gyms across the UK. As well as updating our equipment, we have made improvements to our flooring, lighting and interior design, with a fresh lick of paint and more branding around the Fitness Suite.
Fully Refurbished Fitness Suite Opens at Bluecoat Sports OPEN DAY On Saturday 24th September, we invite you to our second in-house event of the year – Bluecoats LIVE! Reloaded This annual event every September is a gesture of thanks to our members. We provide them with classes, challenges with a new addition this year of a Western theme! We hope all members will show us their Wild West side, with prizes for the best fancy dress for adults and children. The centre will be decorated with a photo booth and plenty of props! Also, from 24th – 26th September, we will be offering two membership offers; 12 for 10 on any annual membership and referring a friend. All classes on the day are free. Please stay tuned to our social media pages to see class times and further news...


Naturally, I made mistakes! It took time to judge temperatures while making the wax, to perfect a consistent burn, and also to find the right scents. Friends and family gave me great feedback and I was in a position to launch my business in 2017. At a previous workplace, someone called me Kimmy B, although I wasn't sure I liked it! I had thought about putting my own name to the brand, like make-up artist Jo Malone, but wasn’t confident enough to do it. So, I went with KimmyB and registered it as a trademark. I still wonder if it was the right decision, but ultimately it’s the product’s quality that’s more important.
From the outset, I wanted a small range of signature scents, each made with essential oils and carefully selected fragrance oils. There are leading brands that create hundreds of scents using paraffin wax, which maintains a lot of colour and fragrance. However, they often don’t contain any essential oils. They may seem like luxury products, but they’re mass produced. When you’re a small batch producer using 100% eco-soy wax and natural ingredients, you can’t compete with these brands on price and you need to rely on customers loving your product instead.
There are five signature scents in the KimmyB range. Turning Tide was one of my first, made with citrus, seaweed, kelp and sea salt. L’amour has top notes of hyacinth with Bergamot and rose hip too. Lavender and Clary Sage does as it says on the tin. People either love lavender or hate it, but I find it has a soothing effect. Wild Damson contains dark fruits and Patchouli, and is particularly popular with men. The fifth is Shea Bliss, which contains jasmine, Bergamot and natural shea extract. I make two more at Christmas: Festive Spice (cinnamon, nutmeg and orange) is like Christmas in a tin, while Kim Billings with her KimmyB diffusers (©AAH/Alan Wright)
I was surprised to find that some burned unevenly and left a lot of waste. Some “tunnelled” down as they burned, leaving a hole in the middle of hard wax, which reduced the burn time. Also, smoky wicks left black soot marks on the glass and even the ceiling above, as the wax was made of paraffin, a by-product of oil. So, I decided to make my own eco-friendly candles. I experimented with coconut wax, beeswax and soy wax, which I found gave me the cleanest burn, and used cotton wicks too.
KimmyB is a Horsham-based business specialising in hand-crafted candles and diffusers. Founder Kim Billings hopes her signature scents and stylish packaging will help the company make a leap forward. Here, Kim describes her journey so far…
TUNNEL VISION In 2016, I moved into my own flat and was given some pretty candles as moving-in gifts.


The candles are sold in small tins or bigger glass cups, and I also have a range of fragranced flower diffusers. Usually, reeds are used to soak up the scented diffuser oil and emit an aroma. However, I use a flower diffuser made from sola, a sustainable plant wood. As well as being visually appealing, they omit a scent up to a radius of 4m. I have put a lot of time, effort and money into marketing and packaging the diffusers. I find people initially look at my candles but buy a diffuser; they’re fast becoming my best seller! KimmyB’s five signature scents come in two types of candles and a diffuser (©AAH/Alan Wright) Shea Bliss, one of KimmyB’s signature scents (©AAH/Alan Wright)
Initially, I started out selling my products online and at local fairs, but I had a lucky break when I met Sarah from New House Farm. She liked my product and agreed to stock the range at the farm shop, which was a huge boost for my fledgling company, as New House Farm attracts high footfall. I also supply Room on the Row in Forest Row, Berwick’s in Horsham and more recently, Hugo & Green in Swan Walk.
27 Winter Gem has notes of eucalyptus and spruce. They’re both popular seasonal gifts and it’s nice to offer regular customers something different. Very occasionally, I introduce a limited edition scent, a recent example being Just Citronella.
“I firmly believe that you have to put everything into your product to succeed in business.”

Further information: KimmyB® offers a free local Delivery service on orders of £30 or more (RH11 - RH14 postcodes).
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Next year, I’m attending my first major trade show at the NEC with the newly-packaged diffusers. I would like to work with more independent gift shops, farm shops and garden centres to grow the business. My focus is on sustainability and I work with Ecologi to contribute to carbon reduction projects globally and plant trees with every sale. I also recently linked up with Planet, via Shopify, a carbon offsetting initiative. I’m passionate about making products that can be re-used and sell replacement diffuser bottles. The KimmyB tea cups are becoming popular as they can be refilled or used again as a trinket or cup. I hope to create a bespoke tea cup to replace the current range of glass candles, as they’re an unusual product that grab people’s attention. Wright)
KimmyB products are sold at New House Farm (©AAH/Alan
Visit Our New Showroom in Horsham (01403) 241184 | Unit 5, Parsonage Business Park, Horsham, RH12 4AL
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One day, I’d like to focus solely on KimmyB, but at the moment I run it around a full-time job as a Senior Program Manager. I’ve always had an entrepreneurial spirit and as a child would pick edible mushrooms with my grandad and sell them to a local pub. I remember the satisfaction I got from earning my own money and I have the same buzz now. I firmly believe that you have to put everything into your product to succeed in business. Perhaps at some point, I’ll have to accept that I can’t make the next step forward with KimmyB and it’ll just be an enjoyable hobby, but right now I’m investing all I can into the brand. I could have gone on some nice holidays instead, although I must say that from a mental health perspective, nothing makes me feel happier than when I’m making candles.
Heating supplies (radiators, copper tubes, insulation
Reader offer: Use the code AAH22 for 20% off online orders (valid until 23:59 on 1 October 2022. T&Cs online)
provided quality plumbing and heating materials to traders and individual customers

The four-bedroom homes combines the grandeur of Edwardian villas with Nordic architecture, featuring angular facades and large expanses of glass that allow natural light to flood inside.
There are four different styles in the collection, with prices starting from £685,000. Designed to contemporary specification, the interiors capture the essence of “hygge”, a Scandinavian term that denotes a cosy, comforting feel. The three-storey showhome (left and above) has an expansive second floor dedicated to open-plan living, with a large kitchen, dining and living room, elevated ceilings
and bi-fold doors leading out to a sizeable roof terrace, with views overlooking the spacious village green and Tilgate Forest Thebeyond.Villas on the Green mark the latest phase of development at Woodgate, a flagship joint venture by developers Thakeham and Abri, located off Parish Lane in Pease Pottage. The concept is to create a modern village community that utilises the surrounding beauty.
The Woodgate development in Pease Pottage recently unveiled its impressive new collection, Villas on the Green.
Emma Chamberlain, Sales Director, said: “More space, a calmer lifestyle, being part of a community and close to nature are all high on the wish list of buyers. At the same time, they seek quality, a high specification and the convenience of good amenities and transport links. The Villas onThe Villas on the Green showroom at Woodgate (©Thakeham Group) INSPIRATION FOR NEW VILLAS AT WOODGATE
Living space and roof terrace at the Villas on the Green showroom at Woodgate (©Thakeham

An external image of Waterside Edge at Woodgate (©Thakeham) 66 North Street, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 1RD Tel: (01403) 211133 Email: Southern Company of the Year 2018 Winners – The Master Window & Conservatory Installers Association Brochures & examples of our stunning conservatories and orangeries online Shaws Glass is an official outlet and installer of Livin Room by Ultraframe FlushSash windows offer whichweatherproofperformancemodernwithPVC-U,willneverneedsandingorrepainting.WINDOWS At our beautifulshowroom,Horshamviewfrontandbackdoors,patioandFrenchdoorsandconcertinabi-folddoors Shaws Glass has been part of the business landscape in Horsham for over 20 years. Our family firm is the region’s independent choice for all things glass, including: CONSERVATORIES WINDOWS 31
NG the Green meet all these criteria and the contemporary design will appeal to people who want a more unusual home that stands out from the crowd.”
Already, the sense of community is growing, with a new primary school opening last September, catering not only for local children but also serving as a new home for Warninglid Primary. St Catherine’s Hospice is set to move from its old Crawley site to a new facility on the development as early as next year. Thakeham’s support for the 24-bed hospice now stands at over £2m. The Billingshurst-based developer is also working with the Plunkett Foundation to deliver a community-managed shop, café and social hub.

32 Other family-focused features of Woodgate include play areas, trails, pathways and cycle routes linking the development to nearby Tilgate Forest.
Woodgate Primary School opened
Woodgate covers 111 acres and will eventually delivering over 600 new homes as well as local amenities. While the Nordic styling of the Villas on the Green may grab headlines, they’re not the only homes attracting Thakehamattention... recently launched homes and apartments at Waterside Edge, adopting a more traditional, Sussexbased style of architecture. Here, residents can enjoy tranquil surroundings with direct access to Linear Park, a tree-lined walkthrough with plants designed to attract local wildlife. Another recent phase of the Woodgate development are Carina Apartments by Alphium, all set within Woodlands Edge. Further information: Call (01293) last September (©Thakeham)
We have had thousands of satisfied customers in Horsham and surrounding areas. We undertake all aspects of roofing and our work is guaranteed. We are fully insured and offer FREE quotations. References available. Alterations & Conversions uPVC Roof Line Installation (Fascia, Soffits, Gutters etc) ChimneyVeluxDormerMaintenance&Windows Contact us on: (01403) 800232 07825 schiroofing@hotmail.com180303 HOME IMPROVEMENTS SOUTHERNCOUNTIES Re-Roofing & Repairs Southern Counties Home Improvements have built an impeccable name for ourselves for over 15 years Fascia, Soffits & Gutters Chimney Maintenance EPDM Rubber Flat Roofs Velux Windows “We also install fast electric car charging units to reduce barriers to making the switch to an electric vehicle.”
Sustainability has been given great consideration, as Rob Boughton, CEO of Thakeham Group, explains: “It is important that we help homeowners play an active part in their community and become more aware of their impact on our planet. We’ve introduced the Home Hub, a self-contained and fully insulated external room, currently exclusive to Woodgate, which creates a quiet haven for home office working. Residents will have access to a fast-track bus service to Gatwick, while interlinking cycle routes will encourage active transport choices. We also install fast electric car charging units to reduce barriers to making the switch to an electric vehicle.”


By Ben Morris
With no boats running, the relative serenity of the canal and tow path means there’s an abundance of wildlife. First we see a green woodpecker, before catching a grey heron unawares in the shallow canal. At the bridge, a dazzling streak of resplendent blue skims above the surface of the water and disappears in a flash. A kingfisher. My son’s former enthusiasm for wildlife is further rekindled as he creeps closer to a roe deer, sipping at the water’s edge on the opposite side of the canal. There’s plenty of fish too. A few days earlier, I had visited the Canal Centre wearing my AAH hat to interview members of the Wey & Arun Canal Trust. Gill Davies (Press & Publicity Assistant) told me that during work on a lock at Drungewick, a specialist company conducted electrofishing, where an electric current passes through the water to stun the fish, allowing them to be safely relocated while the canal was drained. Some 7,500 fish were found in that one small section, including carp, bream, pike and eels. BID TO RESTORE THE WEY & ARUN CANAL LOST WORLD
35 Years ago, when I was taller than my children, we occasionally enjoyed family walks by the Wey & Arun Canal. We would park near the Canal Centre in Loxwood and follow the tow path, crossing the scenic Barnshill Bridge before trekking through bluebell woods and looping back west, rejoining the path at Brewhurst Lock. It has been so long since our last visit though that my youngest son, now 14, has only vague recollections. During lockdown, the car park was often full with local people enjoying their daily allowance of fresh air. But today, it’s quiet, our only company the odd cyclist and a farmer in a tractor who jokes about joining us for a pint at the Onslow Arms on what is another scorching day.
The lack of rain has seen water levels in the canal drop to such an extent that the popular boat trips, run by the Wey & Arun Trust, have been cancelled for the first time since 2018. The canal normally pumps water from rivers to the north and south, but the Environment Agency has advised against it as the record-breaking summer has impacted the Wey and Arun.
Boats by the Canal Centre in Loxwood (©AAH/Alan Wright) Visitors walk on the tow path (©AAH/Alan Wright)A restored canal bridge (©AAH/Alan Wright) The canal offers natural beauty (©AAH/Alan Wright)

12-year-old Oscar paddleboards north along the canal (©AAH/Alan Wright)

37 PARENTPARENTFREETRIALLESSON&CHILD&TODDLERCLASSESAVAILABLE°Englandregisteredwinningswimschooloversevendaysaweek “The biggest hurdles to overcome are the five points where the canal meets a road, including crossings at Newbridge and the A281.”
So, what is the Wey & Arun Canal? As its name suggests, it’s a canal linking the River Wey in the north at Shalford (just north of Bramley) and the River Arun at Pallingham in the south. Along the 27-mile route, it fringes or passes through villages including Cranleigh, Dunsfold, Loxwood and Wisborough Green. The canal was built with the purpose of transporting supplies from London to Portsmouth during the Napoleonic Wars, as travelling around the English Channel was perilous. The Wey is a tributary of the Thames, linking it to London, while the Arun winds its way south to the Sussex coast. Southerly sections of the canal were open as early as 1787, but it wasn’t completed until 1816. By then, the Napoleonic Wars were over and in the course of the next 50 years, our expanding rail network made the canal increasingly redundant. It was formally abandoned in 1871 and sections were handed back to the original landowners. For a century, nature took over many sections, while others were lost to agriculture, infrastructure or even housing Itdevelopments.wasn’tuntil1970 that The Wey and Arun Canal Society (it later became a Trust) was formed, with the aim of restoring the original sections. Progress was initially slow, but the rate of restoration picked up in the 1990s and that momentum has been continued, increasing hopes that the “lost route to the sea” will one day be fully restored.
Low water levels mean boat trips have been cancelled (©AAH/Alan Wright) This has given a chance for boats to given fresh lick of paint (©AAH/Alan Wright)

PEACEFUL PLACE With very little in the way of grants or heritage funding, the Trust raises money through membership fees and legacies.
“According to our consultancy firm, it will cost in the region of £63m to complete, as each restored lock costs about £360,000.
Some 30 members are trained to captain boat tours, while another 50 volunteer as crew. In normal years, these boat trips are popular throughout the summer holidays, while themed cruises at Easter, Christmas, Halloween and even the occasional Punch and Picnic Sunset Cruise provide visitors with a unique experience at other times of the year.
Wright)(©AAH/AlanTrustCanalArun&WeythewithapprenticeRayner,Adam Garolla garage doors are expertly made to measure in our own UK factories, they’re strong and solidly built. The electric Garolla door rolls up vertically, taking up only 8 inches inside your garage, maximising valuable space. Our expert local installers will fit your new door and they’ll take away the old one too, so there’s no mess. Give us a call today and we’ll come and measure up completely FREE of charge.
Sally Schupke, Chairman of the Wey & Arun Trust, said: “A lot of our success depends not only on finances, but gaining permissions from landowners. However, I hope that in about 20 years’ time we will have completed the canal.”
There are nearly 3000 members and although only a fraction are hands-on volunteers, those that are bring a wealth of skill and experience in fields including engineering, architecture, planning and construction – all useful when it comes to restoring canals.
The biggest hurdles to overcome are the five points where the canal meets a road, including crossings at Newbridge and the A281. These problems may seem insurmountable, but if you look at what we’ve already achieved and factor in the enthusiasm of our team of volunteers, it’s hard to argue that it won't be done.”

During AAH’s visit, Wednesday’s working party required only a tin of green paint and paintbrushes as they spent the day sprucing up the boats, with trips having been Therecurtailed.arethree boats based at Loxwood. Wiggonholt is a large electric-powered boat, funded by the village of Wiggonholt, near Pulborough. Designed by Trust volunteer Kevin Crawley, the boat can seat 50. The second is the Zachariah Keppel, named after the first canal contractor (he was bankrupted by the project), and the third is Josias Jessop, a small, 12-seater often used for children’s parties, as it can be transformed into a pirate ship complete with cannon. A new Wheelyboat for wheelchair passengers should also be operational later this year.
The boat trips raise awareness of the canal, attract new members and provide funding. A smaller income source is boat licences. Since the pandemic, there has been a surge in kayakers and paddleboards using the canal. Last year, this raised £3,623 for the Trust, a four-fold increase compared with 2019. The Trust has linked up with Fluid Adventures to offer canoe hire at Drungewick and has received funding to build four landing points near locks. Bill Nicholson, a Trust Director, said: “One of the advantages of using the canal is that - unlike rivers - there’s no tide, so it's safer for families and people new to paddleboarding or kayaking. Because the canal is so narrow, you can always see the sides too. However, it can involve a lot of getting in and out of the water because of the locks and we want to make that Theeasier.”Trust also has help from an apprentice, Adam Rayner, who loves the variety of the role. “It's very hands-on!” he says. “I would struggle to find a more varied job. Sometimes I’m working on the flat-bed boats we use for maintenance and vegetation control, while other days there’s tree work or construction projects on bridges and locks. The Trust is even helping me Volunteers busy at the Wey & Arun Canal Trust Wright) at Lordings Lock and Arun Canal Trust)

Many of our cakes and sweet treats are handmade on site. Locally sourced ingredients feature throughout our menus including local craft bakers’ breads and burgers from our very own beef herd.
40 take chainsaw qualifications, so I’ll soon be helping resolve the ash dieback problem. I love working here as the canal is beautiful. There’s a spot near Lording’s Flood Lock where you can look across fields towards the Tote Monument. That’s my favourite part as it’s so peaceful.”
Our appropriately named on-site café and bar with its thoughtfully created Breakfast and Seasonal Menus offers a selection of hot and cold options for your indulgence.
LITTLE BY LITTLE Already, the Trust has overcome major obstacles. One of the most challenging was the Loxwood Crossing. In order for boats to pass under the road, the canal had to be lowered by two metres - a huge task. The Trust has now restored more than a dozen locks and even more bridges, sometimes working on several concurrently. They include Harsfold Bridge near Wisborough Green and a bridge at Pallingham. The new Compasses Bridge on the Surrey/Sussex border cost £770,000 and earned the Trust a highly commended award in the Waverley Design CurrentAwards.projects include a road crossing at Tickner's Heath, near Alfold, where the canal will pass under the Dunsfold Road. Another section at Lordings Lock has a restored waterwheel, which will be operational once water levels return to Gapsnormal.remain across the original route, so it is a long way off being entirely navigable, but every restored lock and bridge makes a difference, says Sally. “Every section we complete is vital, as it helps people see what we’re trying to achieve. It might be that a landowner is reluctant to grant the canal passage through their land, but if they see what we’ve done elsewhere and the positive impact it has, they may change their mind. There has already been instances where that has happened .” “There are challenges ahead. In some instances, we must find alternative routes as following the original canal and tow path is impossible. But by working with landowners, local authorities and organisations like the Environment Agency, we hope to overcome them all, little by little.”
Current Opening times: Monday to Sunday 9am to 4pm Food Service: 9am to 3pm Tel: 01403 732539 Web:
Further information: The Canal Centre is behind the Onslow Arms, Loxwood, RH14
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Thisbills.picture shows the difference of heat escaping from a treated and untreated property

Locally, the Horsham Arun Badminton Club (HABC) runs a Keenagers section, giving an opportunity for over 50s to not only stay active, but also providing a social outlet for its members. The Keenagers currently has about 30 members who meet on Mondays (10am – 12pm), Wednesdays (2 – 4pm) and Fridays (12 – 2pm), with numbers slowly recovering after two COVID-affected years.
Marianne Hobby, who has been a member of HABC since 1992, said: “As we have predominantly older members, we do lose players when they’re no longer able to get around the court due to health problems, and COVID was disruptive too. But we had a solid foundation from which to rebuild and we’re now see new faces too.”
Malaysia’s Tan Boon Hoeng hit a shuttlecock at 493km/h, surpassing the fastest golf drive (American Ryan Winther struck the ball at 349km/h) or the fastest tennis serve (263km/h by Australia’s Samuel Groth.)
“We prefer new players to have had some badminton experience. Perhaps they played for a club or enjoyed the game as a junior before stopping to raise a family or pursue a career. Badminton is a great game for keeping fit and healthy. It’s also one of the few games where men and women can compete together, although some of the men still prefer to be at the back of the court in mixed doubles, doing most of the work while their partner stays at the net! The social side is important too and members love talking between games!”
The Keenagers at The Bridge (©AAH/Alan Wright)
The Keenagers section of Horsham Arun Badminton Club (©AAH/Alan Wright)
You may then assume that the speed and agility required to react to such a fast travelling object would make it difficult for older players to compete on an even keel. But that’s not the case. As a shuttlecock takes flight, goose feathers reduce its speed considerably and - combined with its low-impact nature - ensures badminton can be enjoyed by people of all ages.
Here’s a statistic that might surprise you: a shuttlecock is the fastest recorded moving object in sport.

Helga Tomes and Marianne Hobby (©AAH/Alan Wright)

Ian Wood, HBAC Chairman, said: “We have some very good players in Division 1 of the Surrey league, yet don't necessarily see them regularly. Sometimes, they are members of other clubs too, as they like to play as many matches as possible. But within HABC, we have sessions to suit everyone and the Keenagers are a big part of that. While we welcome people from the age of 50, many are playing well beyond that. I’m 78 now but we’ve had people playing into their 90s.”
45 WILL TO WIN Although games are friendlies, they are played in a competitive spirit and the standard can be high. This is important for some players, including Erica Haddon. Erica previously played at a club level but stopped for a while. She has picked up a racquet once again after taking early retirement in 2021 and says thatalthough games are good naturedwinning still counts! “The Keenagers are competitive and some members have been club players in the past, so it’s nice to be able to face players of that calibre. Even though some matches are hard fought, nobody feels intimidated as it’s about sportsmanship and community. I have a father at home with Alzheimer's, so coming here offers me a little respite. As well as getting a good run around, the social benefits are important FOREVERtoo.”
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YOUNG As well as the Keenagers, HABC runs a Daytimers group, which meets on Tuesday and Thursdays at 10am – 12pm. This attracts players of all ages, from students to parents with children at school and also more competitive players in retirement. HABC Club Nights are held on Monday and Wednesday evenings for experienced players only. There is also a dedicated club night for invited match players, with HABC represented by men’s, ladies and mixed teams in the Surrey, Brighton, West Weald and Mid Sussex leagues.
or as a pre-order collection (from
Close) Visit us online at Award Winn ing G Gourmet S Sausage s a nd Q Quality M Me ats (01403) infobangersgalore@gmail.com262233Unit10BlatchfordClose,Horsham,RH135RG Fantastic selection of meats and sausages available from the Horsham Local Produce Market every Saturday from 8am - 4pm. Here is a small selection of what we have to offer you: Rolled turkey breast with a bacon lattice * Ribs of Beef * Pigs In Blankets Sausage Wreaths * Sausage Meats * Gammon Joints Go to our website to see the full range available
Keenagers enjoy a game of mixed doubles (©AAH/Alan Wright)
“Within HABC, we have sessions to suit most people and the Keenagers are partimportantanofthat.” Horsham Market Blatchford

Sadly, one section HABC no longer has is the juniors. In the past, the club helped nurture players like David King, who represented England at two World Junior Championships. However, the junior section broke away to allow youngsters more court time, with Forest Badminton Club now meeting the local need. HABC has also had to adapt to courts at The Bridge, following the loss of the old sports centre in Broadbridge Heath. It is one of the many challenges the club has faced in its history, which can be traced back to 1926.
The social side of the Keenagers is important (©AAH/Alan Wright)
Olive Hubbard has been a member for many years and was playing up to the age of 95, so hopefully I have a few years left in me VENUEyet!”
Erica Haddon previously played at a club level (©AAH/Alan Wright)
HABC was formed in 1954, when the established Roffey Club (founded in 1926) and the West Horsham Club (previously known as Saracens Club) amalgamated. They initially met in Albion Hall, but when Swan Walk was developed, the club moved to the old army camp at Broadbridge Heath, where members persevered with a leaking roof and concrete floor. In the mid-1980s, the site was sold to Tesco and HABC moved again. However, this relocation proved more beneficial, as the club had a purpose-built hall at Broadbridge Heath Sports Centre with its own private changing rooms and a lounge bar overlooking the courts. Since it was closed, the club has met at The MarianneBridge.said: “We used to have our own sports hall, but unfortunately the Council decided to sell the site. HABC joined forces with many other groups that used the sports centre to hold marches and organise petitions. We did all we could to save it, but eventually The Bridge was built instead. It’s not quite what we had before. We share the space with other sports clubs that are not always compatible, and the lighting isn’t perfect, as it lights some courts and leaves others in shadow. But we have to accept that we were spoilt before and The Bridge is still a good venue!”
Dandelion Farewells warmly invites you to contact us if you have any questions about the funeral you need to arrange. We are committed to enabling families to plan a funeral that is personal, meaningful and affordable. We will support you to create a farewell that is appropriate and unique, thereby taking away much We will be with you every step of the way. Church View, Billingshurst Road Wisborough Green, West Sussex RH14 0DY Judith Dandy Independent Funeral Director e: t: 01403 701001 m: 07769 www.dandelionfarewells.com336022
46 Helga Tomes has been a member for more than 20 years, initially joining as a way to meet people after moving to the town. Growing up, Helga lived in East Germany and says that the two things girls were expected to do was to learn Russian and become a gymnast, whether they wanted to or not! Now aged 86, she appreciates the role sport has in maintaining a healthy body and mind. “I still thoroughly enjoy playing, as this is a very friendly club. We share our happiness and sorrow. When members become parents or grandparents, we celebrate, while on other occasions people are bereaved and we help one another get through these times.
I am one of the oldest active players now, but I can still win! Badminton keeps me fit and mentally sharp too, so I don’t plan on stopping anytime soon.
The Keenagers meet on Mondays (10am - 12pm) Wednesdays (2 - 4pm) and Fridays (12 - 2pm). For more information, contact Marianne on (01403) 258086.

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Revealing that would take away some of the fun! David said: “We speak to teams beforehand about their requirements, as keen escape room enthusiasts often want to be left alone, so all we do is give them a bottle of water and an introduction to the room and leave them to it. A family team may ask for help when they’re stuck. There's a clue screen in every room and we can give hints when required, as ultimately we want teams to succeed.”
David and Chris in Knottoosh Abbey, one of the three escape rooms
Not really an “escape room” at all then... Escape room isn’t always an accurate description of the concept, as they usually involve players entering a room to crack a code or solve a mystery within a designated time. Nobody is ever trapped inside.
Why? One reason is to protect the rooms and its props. It’s not unknown in the escape room world for players to dismantle furniture, tear down wallpaper and write on walls in their quest to solve a puzzle. Although cameras are primarily there for safety purposes, they also allow staff to intervene when players venture too far down the wrong path and to pass on clues when necessary.
Knottoosh Abbey (read as Not Too Shabby) is inspired by TV show Downton Abbey, with the game taking the form of a 1920s murder mystery. Espionage is a spy thriller (think James Bond or Mission impossible) and has an unusual design, with teams split into two rooms. They must work independently at times to solve puzzles, riddles and conundrums and unravel the mystery.
How long do games last?
Each game lasts for one hour and are for teams of up to 10 people. You can play all three, with half an hour break in-between for rooms to be reset. Each begins with an audio briefing to provide players with the back story. In the case of Knottosh Abbey, it’s told by a gossipy maid, while Bump in the Night is told as a bedtime story. The staff monitor the room via cameras and can speak to players if required.
Do most people solve the rooms?
So, who’s this then? David and Chris Woods-Hale, owners of Major Mind Games in Swan Walk. It’s something new and exciting for Horsham, as concealed within are three escape rooms.
Like The Crystal Maze? Yes and no. Players do enter a room to try and solve a puzzle within a set amount of time, as they did on the Channel 4 show. But they don’t get locked inside if they fail to complete the task before the clock runs down.
So, how many different rooms are there?
There are three at Major Mind Games in Horsham. The first is Bump in the Night and has a narrative similar to the Disney Pixar film, Monsters Inc. David said: “Players enter the bedroom of a seven-year-old child who is haunted by strange abnormalities. They play the part of monster hunters, hired by the child's parents to discover where they are coming from.”
And the other rooms?

Who writes the mysteries? David and Chris collaborate on them together. As well as the narrative and puzzles, rooms require props too. Some contain secrets, some may be red herrings, while some are so important that they have been specially made. When it comes to the script, timing is vital, as escape rooms shouldn’t be too easy or too hard. Chris said: “We break the hour down into a smaller parts, working out what teams need to do after five minutes, ten minutes and so on. After we’ve gone through enough scraps of paper and drunk enough wine, we have a story that we can build a room around! Before opening, we tested each room with about 50 teams, tweaking them throughout.”
Chris said: “Originality is key and we wanted to offer rooms that we hadn't come across before. We’re not saying there’s nothing like this anywhere else in the world, but certainly they are rooms we would enjoy playing.”
How did Major Mind Games come about?
I guess they took inspiration from other escape rooms too?
As keen players, Chris and David wanted to come up with ideas that would test even die-hard escape room enthusiasts, so went to great lengths to avoid common scenarios.
Both its founders are escape room enthusiasts and their interest grew during the pandemic. Chris has experience of working as a TV producer while David is a former journalist and marketing director, so they felt they had the creative skills to conjure their own escape rooms. They 4350
The escape rooms are not recommended for children under 10 and under 18s must have an adult supervisor. However, they make for fantastic family fun. David said: “Bump in the Night is designed to have many things for young people to find while their parents solve the puzzles. Often, parents will help children work out a riddle, which is nice to watch. We recently welcomed a group of 14-year-olds from Mexico and they did fantastically well, so younger groups can solve a room when they work together.”
They aren’t for kids then?

51 “We’re not saying there’s nothing like this anywhere else in the world, but certainly they are rooms we would enjoy playing.” A puzzle to solve at Major Mind Games Horsham (©AAH/Alan Wright) New House Farm Shop and Tea Room is located in a beautifully renovated 16th Century barn in a quiet spot on the rural outskirts of Horsham. People come from all over to enjoy our cafe and local produce.Strawberry Fields Tea Rooms Enjoy cakes, sandwiches and Ploughman’s from our Strawberry Fields Tea Rooms, with outdoor seating available. Menu includes baps, sandwiches, toasties and cake, with full English Breakfast from 10am-12pm OUTDOOR SEATING AVAILABLE Renovated 16th Century Barn Locally Sourced Food & Drink Visit our Facebook page and website for latest info on opening dates & bookings (01293) 851890 New House Farm, Old Crawley Road, Horsham, RH12 4RU Now open 7 days a week with outside seating Our locally sourced produce includes fruit & veg, fresh bread, local meats (including Bangers Galore), local beers and gins, wines from Bolney Wine Estate and Leonardslee, Sussex cheeses, unique gifts, and much more! Chris Woods-Hale in one of three escape rooms, Bump in the Night (©AAH/Alan Wright)

Reader offer: Major Mind Games are offering a discount for AAH readers. Use promo code AAH2022 at the checkout when booking to receive 10% off. All rooms wheelchair accessible. Wright)
There are lots of them around, then?
4350 explored the option of working with an established escape room company before deciding to take the plunge and embark on an independent venture.
Although the first escape room only appeared in Japan in 2007, they’ve since become a global phenomenon, with the first UK venue opening in 2014. The best known one locally is Tulley’s Escape Rooms in Crawley. Why did they choose Horsham?
What happens when you’ve played all three rooms?
WORDS: BEN MORRIS ALAN WRIGHT Further information: Visit Major Mind Games in Swan Walk, Horsham (opposite Sports www.majormindgames.comDirect)majormindgames
Major Mind Games has plans to create two new rooms upstairs next year, and will regenerate its three current rooms every couple of years. But there’s one thing you won’t see and that’s a horror room. “We won’t do a horror one as we don’t like them!” says David. “We prefer to create fun and clever rooms with our own twist!”
Many escape rooms are in warehouses or clandestine places where you can create hidden spaces. We didn’t think Swan Walk could work, but the centre has been brilliant, allowing us to stay open later and use stockrooms on the floor above as extra space. Because we have a shop front, lots of people have been popping in to find out what we’re doing, so we’ve been fielding a lot of questions and educating people as to what escape rooms are.”
David and Chris live in the town and spotted a gap in the market. It was just a matter of finding the right venue. David says: “We were adamant that it had to be in Horsham as we didn't want to commute! But finding the right venue was difficult.

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So, what do Quakers do and what do they stand for? They are formally known as the Religious Society of Friends, although Quakers remains the commonly used term. It has Protestant roots and believes there is something of God in everyone and that we’re all equal. Quakers say that “the light of God is in every single person” and that everyone can have a relationship with God, without the need for a priest or’saChristian denomination, some perceive Quakers to be a universal religion, incorporating not just Christianity and the Bible, but other faiths and churches too. A book, entitled ‘Quaker Faith and Practice’ offers guidance and spiritual wisdom, with amendments made frequently (in the context of religious documents, anyway!)
If you only know one thing about the Quakers, it’s possibly that they have an association with porridge! Quaker Oats was born when one of the founders of the Chicago-based food company read an article about the Quakers and thought its ethos tied in with his own, so named his product after them. The whitehaired man on the packaging is the Quaker William Penn, who had links to Horsham and founded Pennsylvania.
The Religious Society of Friends - or Quakers - at the Horsham Meeting House (©AAH/Alan Wright)
“I often say that I can’t understand why everyone isn’t a Quaker,” says Tony Cocks, a familiar face at the Meeting House in Worthing Road, Horsham. “It seems to me that the Quakers lead the way in terms of reflecting society. We are concerned about the environment and climate change, have strong views on war and human rights, and in times when many have difficulty saying who or what God is, the Quakers accommodate practically any definition of God.” This capacity to move with the times and in some instances set an example - as in 2009 when the Quakers agreed to perform marriage ceremonies for same sex couples - would appear to fit well with today’s society. Yet, like many religious groups, Quaker numbers are declining. While there are about 400 meeting houses in the UK, there are fewer than 15,000 members and only about 10,000 regularly Ruthattend.Chick is a long-serving Quaker in Horsham, having joined 52 years ago with her husband, Martin. She has noticed the steady decline. “I certainly don't think there are as many people involved now as there were when we joined,” says Ruth. “In those days, we had a number of what we called “weighty friends”, a term not really used today but which essentially means long-serving or influential Quakers that had strong feelings about the order and who others looked up to.”
Tony Cocks said: “The Quakers write such lovely statements. The book opens with these wonderful words: “Take heed, dear friends, to the promptings of love and truth in your hearts.” It is skilfully written to allow an individual to interpret the meaning of what they feel. Many Quakers are pacifists and we might all agree war isn’t in-keeping with the

Jacinta White is originally from the Netherlands and joined Horsham Quakers nine years ago, having found out about them at a meeting of Amnesty International at the same Meeting House. She felt that Quaker values matched her own and says the meetings are important to her wellbeing.
“We mostly sit in silence, but when we speak, it’s often a simple message,” says Jacinta. “It might be something we heard on the radio or read in a newspaper, or an experience we wish to share, but our words are not intended to spark a discussion or debate. We don’t comment on someone else’s statement. It is akin to dropping a pebble into still water and letting the ripples spread. There is a reason why you are moved to speak and it’s likely that there is somebody in the room who needs to hear your words. By responding, you may unintentionally muddy the waters.”
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If you know one thing about the Quakers that isn’t related to oats, it’s perhaps that they conduct meetings largely in silence. Quakers do not meet in churches, but in simple buildings or rooms. In Horsham, they convene in a Grade II listed house with an attached cottage on Worthing Road. There is no pulpit as no priests deliver sermons, and no font for holy water as there are no baptisms. There is no organ to accompany hymns, nor stained glass windows depicting biblical scenes. Instead, worshippers sit on chairs and form a circle, given them equal status. They wait in shared silence, only speaking if they have a strong religious feeling or are “moved by the spirit”.
56 teachings of Jesus, yet we don’t go so far as to say that you must be a pacifist. Everyone is unique with their own situation, history and emotions, and a true friend is one who tries to understand and be supportive. That is the essence of the Quakers.”
“I find that silence connects people. We are short of silence in modern life, as we’re always doing something - listening to someone talk Quakers socialise before a meeting in Horsham (©AAH/Alan Wright) variety of religious books are available to read (©AAH/Alan Wright)

Tony Cocks (©AAH/Alan Wright)
Ascot Care,
“I find silence connects people. We are short of silence in modern life as we’re always something.”doing Jacinta White 6 Kings Court, Harwood Road, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 5UR
Marilyn Quail (©AAH/Alan Wright)
watching something on our screens. How often do we sit in a room with others where nobody speaks? I think it’s beneficial to do that, as you need time with your thoughts. The meetings make space for the light to come in and sometimes I come in with a problem and leave feeling better for the peace. We all need to be in a quiet space from time to time and if everyone did that, it would greatly benefit MODERNsociety.”
The Quakers are known to adjust their beliefs in line with the times and there have been occasions where they’ve had an influence on progressing society. The Quakers played a part in the push for women’s suffrage and the movement to abolish slavery, while more recently, they supported same sex marriages. l 01403 218511

58 Jacinta White at the Quaker Meeting House in Horsham

It’s a form of worship that continues to this day. William Penn was amongst the early followers and his home at Warminghurst Place (between Ashington and Thakeham) became a hub of Quaker activity. After travelling to America with many Quakers, where he founded the state of Pennsylvania, Penn returned to England and helped establish a Meeting House in Coolham. That building was The Blue Idol, where Quakers still meet every Sunday. The Blue Idol in Coolham (©AAH/Toby Phillips 2013)
Quakers have environmentalsupportedcampaigns too, which in Horsham has included recycling initiatives and raising awareness of climate change. Marilyn Quail said: “Quakers have supported Extinction Rebellion, although not everyone agree with all of its actions, and have protested outside of the Defence and Security Equipment International (DSEI) event in London, one of the biggest arms fairs in the world. I’ve also been to Calais to assist at a refugee camp and this was something I did through the Quakers. Closer to home, we have campaigned on behalf of people detained at Brook House Immigration Removal Centre at Gatwick, who often have no idea when they’re going to be released.”
HISTORICAL LINKS Horsham has a historical association to the Quakers. After King Charles I was executed for treason, there was unrest as Oliver Cromwell became the country’s first Lord Protector. During this time, George Fox toured England preaching a simpler, more reflective faith within the Christian family but outside the Church of England, which he believed was corrupt. He rapidly built up a following, known as the Society of Friends.
One Quaker, Thomas Leycock, called John Chatfield, the vicar of the parish church, “a ravening wolf in sheep’s clothing.”
“There's now a drive towards sustainability and we hosted the first Horsham Refill Centre at our Meeting Place. Sadly, it became so popular that we couldn’t carry on hosting it after our former Resident Friend (who lives in the cottage and maintain the building) left. However, the Unitarians stepped in and now the refill centre is part of the Sussex Green Hub at the United Reformed Church. Several Quakers still help run the refill service, offering ecofriendly household products.”
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All of these are little idiosyncrasies that should be known by anyone advising on a mortgage. Whoever you deal with, make sure you understand what you are getting in to and don’t be afraid to ask any
Like most, we’ve had an extremely busy August. Demand for properties has been high, quick turnarounds are key and the uncertainty of rate rises and the frequency that lenders are changing rates is of concern to all. However, the reality is that as market volatility continues, lenders are pulling rates with little notice (some just hours), surveyors can take two weeks to visit a property and lenders might take three weeks to even look at your case.
Having written various column every week or month since the early noughties, this is the most unpredictable I’ve seen it in a long time. That said, lenders have money to lend and with the recent changes to affordability, we are seeing some lenders consider loans up to six times income (subject to T&Cs of course!) The bottom line is that a mortgage is the biggest debt you’re likely to ever take on, so you need to do your homework. Advice is crucial and ideally from a company who can offer ‘whole of market’ mortgages, not just products from a limited panel of lenders, like some estate agency chains or a bank/building society who only offer their own or a limited set of products.
Most lenders have a set of rules and criteria that need to be met even before requesting a decision in principle (stage at which you are credit searched for pre-approval). For example, one lender has a debt utilisation rule at 70%. So, if you had a credit card with a £1k limit and you had a balance of £701, you will be in excess of their 70% rule which means you would be ineligible for this lender. Another stipulates you can have no more than 8 unsecured credit cards or loans at the point of application. Others won’t look at certain size flats, or assist where the customer has had a break in employment in the last 12 months, or lend on properties with a flat roof, and so on.
In March 1655, Fox held a meeting in Steyning and that same year, debated with the Baptist Matthew Caffyn at Sedgwick Lodge. However, the Society didn’t endear themselves to other churches and was known to disrupt services.
The origin of the term ‘Quakers’ is unclear, but one story is that Fox told a magistrate to tremble or “quake” at the name of God, and it stuck. The Quakers refused to bow or take off their hats to social superiors, believing all men equal under God, and also refused to swear oaths of loyalty to the King. For this reason, many were imprisoned and Fox himself spent three months in Horsham jail, which also held Leycock for a time. Another Quaker, Ambrose Rigge, spent 10 years in the town jail for refusing to take the oath of allegiance, with the monarchy re-established under Charles II.
Although they were deemed criminal, Quakers held open air meetings, with members speaking when they felt compelled to do so.

Horsham is now one of six Quaker societies in the West Weald, including the Blue Idol. Occasionally, clerks from houses in Surrey, Sussex and Kent come together at a regional level, and there is also the Yearly Meeting at Friends House in London, which helps shape the movement. Quaker magazines and pamphlets are distributed to spread news and Jacintaguidance.believes there are many people who could benefit from the sense of community that the Friends offer and the peace of contemplative worship. “We have Christian roots, but whereas a lot of churches have it laid out what they should believe in, we don’t. Instead, we have testimonies of equality, truth, justice, simplicity, peace and sustainability. The Quakers move with the times, which is important as religion today is different to what it was like centuries ago.”
Saturday 24 September, 2.30pm. The
Further information: Trust presents Numinous, a solo performance by actor and puppeteer Andy O’ Hanlon, at the Friends’ Horsham, RH12 on production explores life
Meeting House,
and thinking of Henry Morris using poetry, music and object theatre. Tickets via Eventbrite. WORDS: BEN MORRIS PHOTOS: ALAN WRIGHT DecoratingHome Experienced local decorator Friendly, professional manner Interior & low-level exterior projects Competitive pricing Painting & Wallpapering Help choosing the perfect colour scheme for your Pleasehomecontact Tony on 01403 754089 or 07526 658688 No Job Too ExcellentFREESmall!quotationFullyinsuredreferences The Meeting House in Worthing Road, Horsham (©AAH/Alan Wright) CARPET CLEANING We are a local, family run business providing professional carpet and upholstery cleaning in the Horsham area. Does your carpet look dull or dirty? Been a while since it was last cleaned? Don’t think about replacing your carpet before it has been professionally cleaned! We offer carpet cleaning with attention to detail, with your own needs in mind. Call James Widger (01403) 738872 or 07789 714429
“As there is no set creed, we don't say, “this is the past, this is the present, this is the future.” We look at the situation in the world and respond to it. People sometimes associate the Quakers with conscientious objection, which dates back to the Second World War. Yet about a third of Quakers in the UK served, while another third ran the Quaker Ambulance Service. It isn’t “one size fits all” with the Quakers. We are all unique and all children of God, whatever you perceive God to be.”

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We’ve already discussed the residence nil-rate band threshold of £175,000. Then you can factor exempt from IHT. This means that, subject to various conditions, if you’re married or in a civil partnership, you could have a tax-free estate worth £1,000,000. Yet the simple fact is that IHT could be considered a voluntary tax. The Treasury relies on our inertia and reluctance to confront the issues of death and inheritance. To make things worse, the Treasury’s coffers are boosted at the exact time your loved ones least need the added hassle.
There are many perfectly legitimate ways to mitigate
Leaving loved ones to incur up to a 40% reduction due to tax on their inheritance is a hard ask. Yet despite many children and grandchildren being ill-equipped to grapple with IHT, more and more families are having to deal with it. of Budget Responsibility forecasting that IHT revenues will reach £8.4 billion by 2026/2027.
In better news for your family, there’s been a staged increase in the residence nil-rate band threshold, which is now set at £175,000 for those who qualify when passing their main residence to direct lineal in property prices, as well as other asset values recovering, which together have dragged more households into the IHT net. Nevertheless, it can come as a shock to discover that a large proportion of your wealth, which includes the family home, investments such as Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs), life assurance plans not in trust and even old family heirlooms, might have to be sold to meet tax bills when you die.
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You don’t need high-powered tax planning, just a willingness to discuss the issue, act and make use of the many options available. These include establishing trusts (they won’t be regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority) and making use of annual exemptions such as gifting. Bear in mind that if you’re domiciled, or resident, in the UK, IHT rules are complex. Certain transfers are deemed exempt from the tax if they pass between a husband and wife or civil partners.
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SCHOOL HISTORY Christ’s Hospital’s story goes back to 1552, a year before its Royal Charter was granted by King Edward VI. Henry VIII had ordered the closure of monasteries during his reign and, in 1539, the monks at Grey Friars had been forced to give up their site in Newgate Street, London. The monastery was instead used to provide shelter for the poor. King Edward VI later founded three hospitals, including Christ’s Hospital at the Newgate site, used for the care and education of children.
Even after 470 years, the School is finding new ways to support pupils. In 2019, CH launched its ‘Bright Futures’ campaign, aiming to raise enough money to provide 18 bursary places for children from disadvantaged backgrounds. When the scheme ended in the summer of 2021, it had raised more than £1m.
Towards the end of the 17th century, The Royal Mathematic School was founded as a separate school within CH. William Wales took up the post of Master, having returned from a voyage around the world with Captain Cook.Girls were accepted at Christ’s Hospital from the beginning, although the Taunton Commission of 1864 proposed that the school make more places available to them, as only 18 of 1192 pupils were female.
Such traditions may give a perception of elitism, but that’s not the case, as Christ’s Hospital is not like most independent schools. It provides free or substantially reduced places to about 75% of its 900 pupils, with the total bursary support given to pupils this year surpassing £20m. This is more important than ever, as the impact of COVID and the cost of living crisis is affecting the lowest paid families, increasing the need for bursary support. With the support of parents, Old Blues (former pupils) and other friends of the School, livery companies and various organisations, more than 100 pupils pay no fees at all. In some instances, a child’s entire seven year education is provided for free.
Christ’s Hospital, the UK’s largest charitable school, is celebrating 120 years since its relocation to Horsham.
Today, all that exists of Wren's original Christ Church is a tower and a few outer walls.
The move to Horsham came about when The Royal Commission of 1877 reported for a thorough reform in the management and discipline of the school” HospitalChrist’sshouldmovefromLondon.
The school prospered, although the great plague claimed the lives of 32 children and the Great Fire of London caused severe damage which took decades to restore.
It is a school with some unusual traditions. The uniform has barely changed since its foundation in the City of London 470 years ago, with pupils still wearing a long, dark blue belted coat with knee breeches, yellow socks and white neck bands. And since the 19th century, the School’s marching band has led pupils – all neatly arranged in their boarding houses - into the Dining Hall at lunch. The band also performs at prestigious events in the City, including the Lord Mayor’s Show and St Matthew’s Day Parade.
Christ’s Hospital pupils parade in London (©Christ’s Hospital School)

Today, it’s hard not to be impressed by one of the largest quadrangles in the country, The Chapel - with its huge murals by Sir Frank Brangwyn - or the Antonio Verrio painting in the Dining Hall, depicting the granting of the Royal Charter to the Royal Mathematical ManySchool.pupils have gone on to achieve great things. There have been writers and poets including Charles Lamb, Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Edmund Blunden, and from the world of music, conductors Sir William Glock and Sir Colin Davis. Other Old Blues include aviation engineer Barnes Wallis and England rugby player Joe Launchbury, while theatrical alumni include Olivier Award winner Roger Allam. The School’s ethos remains as strong as ever, as was proved yet again when in August, Christ’s Hospital was announced as a finalist in the School/College of the Year category at the sixth annual UK Social Mobility Awards. Simon Reid, Head Teacher, said: “Christ’s Hospital is the leading independent boarding school for fee assisted places and spends £20m each year on life-changing educational bursaries. Our mission is to challenge disadvantage through transformative education, so I am delighted that our efforts are being recognised and supported through the SOMOs.”
After 470 years, Christ’s Hospital remains a school like no other.
Construction of the water tower (©Christ’s Hospital School)
The architects of the Horsham school, Sir Aston Webb and Ingress Bell, incorporated many features of the London design into the new site. However, not everyone was impressed and The Buildings of England described it as having “fatally low creative voltage.”
The Duke of Cambridge, President of CH, was appalled and felt it couldn’t survive outside the City. A farm site, owned by Aylesbury Dairy Company, was bought in 1892 for £47,500 and over the next five years an additional half a million was spent on its construction. On 29 May 1902, 660 boys moved to the new site, coming from both the London site and a second CH school in Hertford, purchased in 1682. The Hertford School remained open for girl pupils and it wasn’t until 1985 that Christ’s Hospital became truly co-educational once again, with the arrival of 200 girls from Hertford.
Further information: Christ’s Hospital’s next Open Morning is on Saturday 10 September 2022. To find out more or visit
Pupils arrive at Christ’s Hospital Rail Station in 1902 The original site in Newgate, London

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Although it’s beyond the northern border of the Horsham District, Leith Hill is a popular destination with residents, being just 11 miles from the town. Set within the Surrey Hills, it’s a scenic spot for families and dog walkers, with some great cycling routes too. It also features two National Trust buildings with their own fascinating history. The first is Leith Hill Place (below), which offers stunning views over the weald from its terrace. It has a remarkable story, as it was the childhood home of the composer Ralph Vaughan Williams and was frequently visited by Charles Darwin. In 1847, the property was bought by Josiah “Joe” Wedgwood III, whose grandfather founded the famous Wedgewood pottery company. It remained in the family until his grandson, Vaughan Williams, inherited the property after the death of his brother in 1944. He gave it to the National Trust and since 2013, Leith Hill Place has been open to the public, serving as a lasting memorial to the composer of The Lark Ascending. Darwin was known to visit as his sister Caroline married into the Wedgwood family. Caroline created the rhododendron wood that spring-time visitors still enjoy. As well as learning about its celebrated residents, visitors can browse in the second-hand bookshop or enjoy delicious scones and cakes baked on-site by the volunteer-run team in The Kitchen. Further up the hill is Leith Hill Tower, the highest point in south east England. Those climbing to the top are standing 1029ft (313m) above sea level. On a clear day, you can see the English Channel and even Big Ben. It was built in 1765 by Richard Hull, who owned Leith Hill Place before the Wedgwood family. The Tower was built so that it would put Leith Hill beyond 1000ft over sea level. Hull loved the tower so much that he is believed to be buried beneath it. After his death, the Tower was stripped of its contents and fell into ruin, with the entrance bricked up. But in 1984, it was restored by the National Trust, with informative displays now telling its story. Leith Hill Place is open to the public every Friday, Saturday and Sunday until 30 October, with the house open from 11am – 5pm and the Tower 11am -3pm. The National Trust is also organising live music in the house to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the birth of Vaughan Williams (inset). The celebrations culminate in a Gala Concert on Wednesday 13 October. This intimate performance will see violinist Midori Komachi and pianist Simon Callaghan perform a selection of his compositions. There’s also a talk by writer and broadcaster Andrew Green. Entitled ‘New Light on the Lark’, it reveals the origins of Vaughan Williams’ best known work. For information on these events or to find out more about Leith Hill,
66 TowerHillLeith

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