1 minute read
NABS needs our support more than ever
By Kerry Glazer
NABS sits at the heart of the marketing, media and advertising industry, dedicated to advancing mental wellness, wellbeing and inclusion in our community. Their work is extensive, with calls on their help and resources growing startlingly at the same time as the charity is experiencing a £1.75m loss in income.
NABS has seen a 23% increase in demand for their services since the onset of the pandemic. Calls around mental health surged by 128% in the first half of last year and now make up 28% of all contact with NABS. Therapy referrals, supporting people across a range of needs, soared by a third in the first half of 2022.
Concerningly, calls about conflict in the workplace – essentially, calls from those experiencing bullying and harassment - now account for more than 1 in 10 of the calls NABS receives. The notable appearance of this growing issue in NABS’ statistics suggests that there has been a challenging return to the office for many people across our industry.
NABS has also been doing everything it can to support those struggling with the cost-ofliving crisis, launching a new Cost of Living Grant at the beginning of November. Such was the overwhelming response, applications had to be paused just 36 hours after launching.
Another new NABS initiative is the brandnew Inclusive Leadership Training programme launched in the Autumn. The programme was devised in response to the findings from NABS’ Diversity in Focus research with partners Brixton Finishing School, Media for All (MEFA) and Outvertising, and focuses on creating an industry where everyone feels they belong.
To find out more about NABS’ services and how to support their work, please go to www.nabs.org.uk or contact NABS CEO, Sue Todd on s.todd@nabs.org.uk. ●