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International networking among visual Artist Examples, possibilities and barrieres

Autonome Artist in a wordwide net Workshops Artist in residence Exhibitions and other cooperations across borders

Exhibitions 2 different kind 1. The Passive where you just bring a foreign Artist work and show separate or in a Groupexhibition 2. The active way is where you invite an artist to contribute and in a colaboration with lokal artists make exhibitions

Artist in Recidence As Artist you live in a periode in a foreign country making your contribution/interaction with the local established Artscene �A one angled view� A good way to get a specific experience/dialogue

Workshops Creating a platform where Artist can meet and interact with each other under equal conditions A workshop is a very good forum to create personal international networks And the personal network is the perfect basic, for International cooperation of different kind

Challenge To be willing to contribute to and develope international network, even if it not giving personal benefit, in the first place or ever. To find locations / scenes for international artist colaborations And get places and raise funds for Acomondations

Possibibities During the comming years use and stimulate those personal international network witch allready established.And supporting international art projects, international workshops and Artist in recidence programs In that way the region will send the signal that we here are openminded and that a international Contribution to the regional Artscene is a natural part and a necessity for the artscene, simply because it help preventing us to get narrowminded and self satisfied. By suporting initiatives like this I`m sure the region will be better quallified to lift the challange in 2007

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