NYDKC-11 Panda Club Newsletter Volume I Issue 2

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New Yor kDi s t r i ctDi vi s i on11

GOODJ OB PandaCl ubNews l et t er :Vol umeI ,I s s ue2

T abl eofCont ent s

T abl eofCont ent s I . L i eut enantGover nor ’ sGr eet i ng I I . S er vi ceS pot l i ght s I I I . Di vi s i onal T r ai ni ngConf er ence( DT C) I V. MemberS pot l i ght V. I nt er nat i onal Convent i on( I CON) VI . Racet o10K VI I .Di s t r i ctPr oj ect s VI I I .El i mi nat eWeekRecogni t i on I X. F un& Games X. Paper wor k& Cont actI nf or mat i on May24:Par t ner sofRockawayEvent J une13:Di vi s i onal Meet i ng


3 46 7 8 9 10 1112 13 14 15

Wor dsf r om t heL i eut enantGover nor

Mes s agef r om t heL i eut enantGover nor HiDi vi s i on11Pandas , Wehavewor kedhar dandki ckedof ft hes er vi ceyearr unni ng.Att heDi s t r i ctl evel , wehaveal r eadydet er mi nedours er vi cegoal s ,f undr ai s i nggoal s ,anddi s t r i ctpr oj ect s .I n t hedi vi s i on,wer ans ever alf undr ai s er sands er vi ceevent s ,i ns t al l edournew cabi netand s t ar t edani nt i at i vet or ai s e$10, 000byt heendoft hes er vi ceyear . I nt henextmont h,Iwantyout or eflectonhow youcanmakeKeyCl ubs t r ongerand bet t erf ort henexts er vi ceyear .I st her eapr oj ectt hatyoual wayswant edt odobutnever hadachance?Doyouhaveanew wayt or ai s emoneyf ort heEl i mi nat ePr oj ect ?I fs o,t hen pl eas econt actmeandwewi l ls eei fwecanmakei thappen! I nt hel as ts er vi ceyear ,wer ai s edappr oxi mat el y$6, 000.T hi syear ,Iwantt oi ncr eas e t heamountofmoneyf undr ai s edby67%,oranaddi t i on$4, 000.T hi si ni t i at i ve,t he“ Racef or 10K”wi l lbet heover ar chi ngf undr ai s i ngobj ect i vef ort he20142015Ser vi ceYear . Your si nCar eandi nSer vi ce, Aar onCheung New Yor kDi s t r i ctKeyCl ub 2014-2015L i eut enantGover nor 2013-2014Di vi s i onalExecut i veAs s i s t ant aar oncheung. l t g@nydkc. or g


S er vi ceS pot l i ght Amaz i ngRace

T ammyCheng&Chr i s t i neNg,Hunt erCol l egeHi ghSchool

T opRow:Sophi aYu,Al i ceL i u,Kal vi nChi ,F annyL i n,T er r el l Mer r i t t ,MuhammadHas an Bot t om Row:Namr aZ ul fiqar ,L i l l i anXi e

L ef tt oRi ght :PauRi usVal or ,Kyl eL u,T ammyCheng, Chr i s t i naNg


Whi l ewai t i ngf orr egi s t r at i ont obegi n,t eam memberPauRi usgat her edusf or apept al k,cr eat i ngaf or um f orouropi ni onsandi deas .Weagr eedt os t ay col l ect ed,r eadt hr ought hecl uest hor oughl ybef or es pr i nt i ngof ft owhoknows wher e,andmos ti mpor t ant l y,es t abl i s hedwhogott hefinals ayi ncas esof di s agr eement . Ourt eam f el labi tbehi ndaswes t r uggl edt ofindt hefir s tcheckpoi ntat Ri ver s i dePar k.However ,t hi sonl ymot i vat eust opul laheadofourcompet i t i on.Wi t h t hi ss pi r i tandadr enal i neal i vei nust ot hever yend,wer us hedheads t r ongi nt oour fir s tpl acefini s h.T hi sr acer ei nf or cedi nust hel es s ont onevergi veupbecaus eeven af t erf al l i ngbehi ndi nt hebegi nni ng,wecaughtupandr egai neddomi nancei nt he fiel doncemor e.Not hi ngi si mpos s i bl e! Hi ghl i ght soft hi sAmaz i ngRacei ncl udedt hewi des pr eadchal l enges ,t he oppor t uni t yt oi nf or m cur i oust our i s t sofourcaus e,t heEl i mi nat ePr oj ect ,andaf un dayoff r i endl ycompet i t i onamongs ts t udent sf r om s chool st hr oughoutNew Yor k Ci t y.Manyoft hechal l engesf ocus edonl i t t l edet ai l soft heWes tSi deofManhat t an t hatmos tofushadnevernot i ced,f or ci ngust or eal l ys l ow downandact ual l yt akea l ookatt heci t yt hatweal lt houghtweknew s owel l .Al t hought het i mi ngoft heevent wasnott hebes t ,asmanypot ent i alr unner swer eawayf orSpr i ngBr eak,adefini t e ups i dewashow t i ght l ykni tt hi seventwas .Speaki ngf orourt eam,wemadeal otof new f r i endsi nt hes panofaf ew hour s ,mos t l ywhi l eavoi di ngt eamswhower et r yi ng t ol ookoverours houl der sandaf t ercol l aps i ngatt hefinalcheckpoi nt ,St r awber r y F i el ds . $830wasr ai s edf ort heEl i mi nat ePr oj ect ;agr eatwayt obegi nt hes er vi ce year !

S er vi ceS pot l i ght Mar chofDi mes

T i mmyZ hu,Vi cePr es i dent ,Br onxHSofSci ence No,Mar chofDi mesi s n’ tamar chi nwhi chpeopl et hr ow di mes ateachot her .Mar chofDi mesi sanannualeventwhi chi shel d i nt er nat i onal l yt or ai s ef undsf orr es ear chonpr emat ur ebabi es .T he fir s tt i met hatIwasatt hi seventwasl as tyearandal lIcoul d r ememberwast hati twasamaz i ng!WhenIar r i vedatL i ncol nCent er t hemor ni ngoft hewal k,Iwaspr epar edf ort heawes omet i met hatI wasgoi ngt ohave.Ast heVi cePr es i dentofmycl ub,Iwasi nchar ge ofcol l ect i ngmoneyf oranydonat i onst hatpeopl ewant edt omakeas wel last aki ngat t endance.Whi l ewai t i ngf orever yonet oar r i ve,i twas ni cet os eeever yonet al ki ngt oeachot herandhavi ngf un. Mar chofDi meswasani ncr edi bl eevent .Notonl ydi dIgett o s oci al i z ewi t hmyf el l ow KeyCl ubber s ,butIwaswal ki ngf oragood caus easwel l .T hewal kwas n’ tl i keanyot herwal kt hatIhadbeent o. Whi l eget t i ngt oknow ever yonebet t er ,Iwasal s oabl et oenj oyt he vi ew changef r om t heWes tSi det ot heEas tSi deofManhat t an.And whocanf or getaboutcount i ngt henumberofSt ar buckst hatwe pas s ed?Butbes i dest hat ,l aughed,j ogged,r anar ound,anddi dmany mor et hi ngsasacl ub.


S er vi ceS pot l i ght AI DSWal k

Er naRadonci c,Br onxHi ghSchoolofSci ence

I twas7: 30onaSundaymor ni ngwhenweal lmetup.Wewer et i r ed, col d,andmanyofuss t i l lhadhomewor kt odo.Manyofuswer enotl ooki ng f or war dt ot heupcomi nghour sbecaus ewehadt owal k6. 2mi l es .T hi swasan eventwhi chIt houghtIwoul dr egr etpar t i ci pat i ngi nbecaus eIt houghtI woul dbegoi nghomewi t hbl i s t er si never ypl acepos s i bl e,buti nt heend, ever yt hi ngpul l edt hr oughandt heeventwasver ys ucces s f ul .Br onxSci ence KeyCl ubwasf or t unat eenought oi nt er cl ubwi t hSt uyves antKeyCl uband manyofuswer eal s oabl et omeets omeKeyCl ubber sf r om Di vi s i ons8,8A, and9;hopef ul l ywe' l lhavemor eevent st oget her ! Wewer ewal ki ngf orAI DSandi twasanant i ci pat edevent ,notonl yby t hepubl i c,butbyourboar daswel l .T heywant edt omakes ur eever yt hi ng wentwel landi tdi d.Over40member scamet opar t i ci pat ei nt hewal kand over20ofusvol unt eer edf ort hi sevent .Iwasf or t unat eenought owal kt he6. 2 mi l es( j okes ) .However ,t heeventwasj us tt hewhol ecl ubwal ki ngt oget her .Al l ofuswer ef ami l i arwi t honeanot her .So,wechat t ed,l aughed,ands angour wayt ot heďŹ ni s hl i ne.I tt ookusf ourandahal fhour st ocr os st heďŹ ni s hl i ne,but wedi di tt oget her ,happi l yandt hankf ul l y.


Di vi s i onal T r ai ni ngConf er ence Di vi s i onalT r ai ni ngConf er ence( DT C) Yi ngchaoHe,Br onxHSofSci ence

T he2014Di vi s i onalT r ai ni ngConf er ence( DT C)wasonSat ur day,May17at Bays i deHi ghSchool .I tbeganatar ound9: 30AM andendedat3: 30PM.Key Cl ubber sf r om di vi s i ons8,8A,and11wer epr es ent ,aswel lasmanypas tand pr es entof ficer sandL i eut enantGover nor s .Hos t edbyL i eut enantGover nor sCi ndy Pi et r akows ki ,Henr yWang,andAar onCheung,DT C wasaneventt or emember . L i ket heL eader s hi pT r ai ni ngConf er ence,whi chwasear l i ert hi syear ,DT C hadavar i et yofpanel sandwor ks hopsf orbot hcl ubof ficer sandmember st o enj oy.Anew t hi ngt hi syearwasKF ai r !AtKF ai rKeyCl ubber sf r om al lfive bor oughswer eabl et omi ngl eandgett oknow oneanot her .Oneact i vi t ywe par t i ci pat edi nwasmaki ngagi antci r cl e,andt henonebyone,s i t t i ngont hel ap oft heper s onbehi ndus ;i twasgr eat …unt i lwef el l . DT C endedwi t h“ HappyDol l ar s ” .F or“ HappyDol l ar s ” ,anyonecoul d es s ent i al l ydonat emoneyandt al kaboutwhyt heywer ehappy.However ,i tdi d notendt her e.Af t erExecut i veAs s i s t antofDi vi s i on11,Kenj iYeohpl acedi na dol l ar ,s ayi nghewast hel as t‘ HappyDol l ar ’ ,ever yonewast empt edt obet he‘ l as t happydol l ar ’ .T hi scont i nuedunt i lDi vi s i on11donat edawhoppi ng fif t yone dol l ar s ,whi chfinal l yendedt hehas s l e.Al li nal l ,t hi swasaver ymemor abl eevent andwewer eabl et or ai s eagr eatamountt odonat et ot heEl i mi nat ePr oj ect .


MemberS pot l i ght

MemberSpot l i ght Vi vi anF eng “ Vi vi anF engi sadi l i gentmembert hat par t i ci pat esact i vel yi nbot ht hecl ub anddi vi s i onl evel .Shes et sanexampl ef orot herKeyCl ubmember si nher cl ubt of ol l ow. ” Aar onCheung,L i eut enantGover nor

“ Vi vi ani sonl yaf r es hmenbuther i nvol vementi nt hecl ubi si ncr edi bl e. Yess hei ss hybutIcans eehers l owl y comi ngoutofhers hel landt r yi ngt o becomet hebes tkeycl ubmember s hecoul dbe. ” Hei dyCor der o,L aGuar di aKeyCl ub


“ Icanhones t l ys ayVi vi ani ns pi r es me.Evenf ort hemos tdedi cat ed member s ,Iwoul dt hi nki ti ss t i l lhar d t ogoof fonyourownonanover ni ght t r i pwhenyoudonotevenknow who ever yonei s .But ,t hatdi dnots t opher f r om goi ngandget t i ngt oknow al lof us .Mos tpeopl ewi l lt endt ohave ot hermot i veswhent heyj oi nKey Cl ub,butal lIs eef r om heri sa genui nedes i r et ohel pever ycaus e. I tmakesmewantt obeabet t er pr es i dents ot hats hewi l lnothavet o wor r yaboutanyt hi ngel s ebutdoi ng herbes tf ort hecl ub. ” J es s i caMal l eck,Vi cePr es i dent , L aGuar di aKeyCl ub

KeyCl ubI nt er nat i onal

I nt er nat i onalConvent i on Whati sI CON? T heI nt er nat i onalConvent i on,orI CONi sanannualeventhel deachyear .I CONi sal ar ger ver s i onofDT Ci nwhi chmember sf r om acr os sKeyCl ubI nt er nat i onalmeetands har et hei r i deasandexper i ences .

Wher ei sI CONhel d? T hi syear ’ sI nt er nat i onalConvent i oni shel di nAnahei m,Cal i f or ni a.

CanIat t endt heconvent i on? T hedeadl i nef ort hedepos i tf ort het r i phaspas s ed.However ,anymembermayat t endt heI nt er nat i onalConvent i onnextyear ! T hi syear ,Di vi s i on11wi l ls endei ghtmember st ot heI nt er nat i onalConvent i on.Wear es oexci t edt hatt hes emember swi l lbe at t endi ngI CONandt hatt heywi l lbr i ngbacknew i deas ,s er vi cepr oj ect sandr es our cesf orust ous e!


Racet o10K

Di vi s i onalF undr ai s i ngI ni t i at i ve:Racet o10K F undr ai s i ngI ni t i at i ve:Racet o10K

T hi syear ’ sdi vi s i onalf undr ai s i nggoali st or ai s e$10, 000byt heendofMar ch.Al t hought hi si sadi f ficul tt as k,Ibel i evet hatwecan achi evei t .Al ldonat i onsmadebyi ndi vi dualmember s ,cl ubs ,andt hedi vi s i onwi l lgot owar dst hi sgoal .

F act sandSt at i s t i cs • • • • •

I nt he20132014Ser vi ceYear ,Di vi s i on11r ai s ed$6, 000. L as tyear ’ st opt hr eef undr ai s i ngcl ubswer e:Br onxHSofSci ence,St uyves antHS,andL aGuar di aHS Weneedt or ai s e66% mor et hanl as tyeart or eachourf undr ai s i nggoal . Wehavef undr ai s ed$2, 497. 00wi t hpr oof s( 24. 97%) . Wehavef undr ai s ed$3, 811. 85i ncl udi ngevent swi t hnopr oof s( 38. 12%) .

T heRaceI nPr act i ce

T heobj ect i veoft heRacet o10Ki snotonl yt or ai s emoneyf orours er vi cepr oj ect s ,butt oal s oi ncr eas et heamountofhi ghqual i t y event savai l abl et omember s .I naddi t i on,wehopet hatt heRacet o10Kwi l lal s ohel pr ai s eawar enes sofKeyCl ub,ourmi s s i ons andgoal s .

How canyouhel p?

Youcanhel pbypr omot i ngKeyCl ubi nyourowns chool !Encour agemember st oj oi nandpaydues ,andi nvi t et hem t oat t end bot hs er vi cepr oj ect sandf undr ai s i ngevent s .Whenyourcl ubi sat t endi ngawor koranot herevent ,t r yt oencour agenonmember s andmember st odonat et owar dst hecaus e.


Di s t r i ctPr oj ect s

St .J udeChi l dr en’ sHos pi t al Whati saDi s t r i ctPr oj ect ?

Adi s t r i ctpr oj ecti sadi s t r i ct wi dei ni t i at i vet ohel pcer t ai nor gani z at i onsori ns t i t ut i ons .T hi syear ’ sdi s t r i ctpr oj ect si ncl udeSt .J ude Chi l dr en’ sHos pi t alandt heMakeAWi s hF oundat i on. Di s t r i ctF undr ai s i ngGoal : Di s t r i ctSer vi ceHourGoal :

$75, 000 65, 000Hour s

St .J udeChi l dr en’ sHos pi t al

St .J udeChi l dr en’ sHos pi t aldel i ver sper s onal i z edmedi ci net oyoungchi l dr ent hathavet er mi nalorl i f et hr eat eni ngdi s eas es . T hei rmi s s i onsi st ogi vei ndi vi dual i z edcar eandat t ent i onandper f or mr es ear cht hatcans avet hatchi l d.Cer t ai nmedi calcondi t i onsordi s eas esar er ar e,andt r eat mentopt i onsmaynotbeavai l abl eatmanyhos pi t al s .However ,St .J udeChi l dr en’ sHos pi t al accept st hes echi l dr enandt r i est ofindacur et ot hatr ar edi s eas e.

F unF act s • • • •

F ami l i esneverr ecei veabi l lf r om St .J ude T r eat ment si nvent edatSt .J udehavehel pedpus ht heover al lchi l dhoodcancers ur vi valr at ef r om 20per centt o mor et han80per cents i ncei topenedi n1962 T r eat ment si nvent edatSt .J udehavei ncr eas edover al ls ur vi valr at eofchi l dhoodcancerf r om 20% t o80% St .J udehasmor et han67, 000pat i ent seachyear .


Di s t r i ctPr oj ect s

MakeAWi s hF oundat i on MakeAWi s hF oundat i on

T heMakeAWi s hF oundat i ont r i est omaket hewi s hesoft hos ewi t ht er mi nalorl i f et hr eat eni ngdi s eas escomet r ue.T hes ewi s hescani ncl udeanyt hi ngf r om meet i ngcel ebr i t i es , vi s i t i ngaf or ei gncount r yt obei ngas uper her o.T hef oundat i oni scompos edofvol unt eer s t hatt r yt ohel pgi veper s onal i z edat t ent i ons ot hatever ychi l dcanenj oyhi sorherl i f e.

F unF act s • • • • •

MakeAWi s hcover sal lexpens esf ort hechi l d’ swi s h. MakeAWi s hdoest hi sever y38mi nut es ,butt ogr antawi s hf orever y el i gi bl echi l d,weneedt ogr antawi s hever y19mi nut es . 89% ofdoct or s ,nur s esandheal t hpr of es s i onal ss ur veys ayt heybel i evea wi s hexper i encecani nfluencewi s hki ds ’phys i calheal t h. 99% ofpar ent sr epor t edt hatt hewi s hexper i encegavet hei rchi l dr en i ncr eas edf eel i ngsofhappi nes sand96% s ai dt hatt hewi s hexper i ence s t r engt henedt hei rf ami l i es . T her ear e25, 000vol unt eer swi t hi nt heUni t edSt at es .


El i mi nat eWeekRecogni t i on

El i mi nat eWeekRecogni t i on T hi syear ’ sEl i mi nat eWeekwasamaz i ng!Asadi vi s i on,wewer eabl et or ai s e$521. 00f ort hepr oj ect .Att hi st i me,Iwoul dl i ket o t hankourdonor s .Bel ow i sal i s tofourhi ghachi evi ngdonor s . Br onz e-$5. 40( 3Vacci nat i ons ) St anl eyL ok,St uyves antHi ghSchool T i mmyZ hu,Br onxHi ghSchoolofSci ence Cas s andr aWong,Br onxHi ghSchoolofSci ence Ci ndyPi et r akows ki ,Mas pet hHi ghSchool

Hi ghAchi evi ngCl ubs :

Hi ghSchoolofAmer i canSt udi es Hi ghSchoolofAmer i canSt udi esi sr ecogni z ed f orr ai s i ng$247. 00.

Si l ver-$10. 80( 6Vacci nat i ons ) J eni f erZ heng,Br onxHi ghSchoolofSci ence Gol d-$16. 20( 9Vacci nat i ons ) Aar onCheung,Br onxHi ghSchoolofSci ence Chr i sRubano,L i eut enantGover nor ,Met r opol i t anDi vi s i onofKi wani s Pl at i num -$27. 00( 15Vacci nat i ons ) Kal vi nChi ,St uyves antHi ghSchool Shar onL i n,St uyves antHi ghSchool Di amond-$36. 00( 20Vacci nat i ons ) Heat herF ar l ey,Wi l l i am F l oydHi ghSchool


F un& Games

KeyCl ubCr os s wor dPuz z l e

Acr os s 5. #003366 8. F undr ai s i ngGoal 9. Manhat t anandSt at enI s l andKi wani s 10. F or merDi vi s i on11L i eut enantGov. 11. OurWayofL i f e 12. Di s t r i ctGover nor Down 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 10.


Di s t r i ctAdmi ni s t r at or Appr ovedKeyCl ubF ont #ofMember si nNYDKC El i mi nat eWeekF undr ai s er _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _K St uy’ sKi wani sCl ub Hi ghSchoolofAmer i canSt udi es

KeyCl ubI nt er nat i onal

Paper wor kandCont actI nf or mat i on L i eut enantGover norAar onCheung aar oncheung. l t g@nydkc. or g KCRMr .J as onSt ei neri anj s @aol . com KCRMs .Char l ot t eOwenschar l ot t e. c. owens @gmai l . com Di s t r i ctAdmi ni s t r at orMr .J ohnGol ds t ei n nydkca@f r ont i er . com Di s t r i ctGover norJ acobSpencerj acobs pencer . gov@nydkc. or g Di s t r i ctSecr et ar yHeat herF ar l ey heat her f ar l ey. s ec@nydkc. or g Di s t r i ctT r eas ur erAnus haSyed anus has yed. t r eas @nydkc. or g F acebook: T wi t t er : I ns t agr am:

ht t ps : / / www. f acebook. com/ gr oups / nydkc11/ ht t ps : / / t wi t t er . com/ NYDKCDi vi s i on11 ht t p: / / i ns t agr am. com/ nydkcdi vi s i on11

Edi t or i nChi ef : Edi t or :

L i eut enantGover norAar onCheung Hi s t or i anKal vi nChi

Congr at ul at i onst oournew Di vi s i onalBoar d: Execut i veAs s i s t ant Kenj iYeoh Secr et ar y Kyl eL u Hi s t or i an Kal vi nChi Webmas t er T anyaHao Soci alMedi aChai r J eni f erZ hang


New Yor kDi s t r i ctKeyCl ubDi vi s i on11

nydkc11. or g/nydkc. or g keycl ub. or g

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