Make thousands of GOA buyers
TALK ABOUT YOU before, during & after the show Promotions/PR
Sponsorships Stand out from the crowd with lobby and exhibit hall signage, exclusive on-site exposure, banner advertising, branded email blasts and more.
Take advantage of FREE publicity in emails, press releases, Expo Guide, e-booth listings and on our website. Ask how we can help you promote your product or business!
Show Floor Features Pre-show Start driving business to your company and your booth before you set foot on the show floor! Choose from a creative mix of direct mail, email, print and online advertising opportunities.
Partnerships Put your brand in front of 300,000 Prospects year round with the PAF/GOA Alliance.
The ultimate way to strut your stuff! Showcase your new products in one of these interactive areas – Wide-Format Print Shop Live!, The Digital Flexo Zone, Dye Sublimation Application Center, 3d Printing Zone, The Wrap Cup Americas
Post-show Keep momentum going with a post-show marketing campaign on, mailing list rental, and lead-retrieval systems. Ask us how we can help you.
Call us today for information 800-331-0461 or 407-240-8009
EXHIBITOR BENEFITS Take advantage of this
Call us today for information 800-331-0461 or 407-240-8009
FREE listings in the GOA Expo Guide and FREE Online Profile in the GOA Floorplan/List of Exhibitors
Advertising is also available.
Deadline for FREE Editorial Promotions: January 3 Deadline for Advertising: January 9
Advertising is also available. Deadline for FREE Editorial Promotions: January 9 Deadline for Advertising: January 9
Advertising is also available. Call Kasondra Weeks at 407-845-0599 Deadline for FREE Editorial Promotions: January 3 Deadline for Advertising: January 3
Use these tools — along with other sponsorships & advertising opportunities —
We get the word out about Your Business!
FREE VIP EXPO PASSES Contests and prize drawings attract more potential prospects to your booth. The interaction gives you a chance to get to know them — and a greater chance of converting visitors into customers.
Send Free VIP Expo Passes to your clients and prospects!
If you plan to hold a contest or prize drawing, please take advantage of these Free Marketing promotions. Send us the details and we’ll get the word out through various media channels before and during the show. Then be sure to let us know who wins the prize(s) and you’ll get more free publicity after the show.
• Electronic Passes — Send unlimited Free Expo Passes to everyone on your email list using our VIP Invite-a-Colleague system. Your unique source code for these free passes provide tracking reports for follow-up.
• Printed Passes — You will receive printed Free Expo Passes (a $20 value each) to distribute to your clients and prospects.
Deadline for FREE Pre-Show Promotions: January 30
GOA AD & LOGO FILES FREE publicity about your products & services Feature your product information, photos, videos & links on’s Exhibitors Showcase. Your information with links is also shared through social media and press releases. Deadline for FREE Exhibitor Showcase Promos: January 15
Tell everyone to look for your company at GOA 2016 by placing a banner ad or logo on your website. GOA logo and banner ad files are available for download on the Exhibiting page of Use these files to promote that you will be at GOA and invite prospects. Please contact your sales representative if you need specific file sizes that are not currently available online.
SOCIAL MEDIA FREE Listings in the GOA Daily Schedule of Events Available as an on-site handout, in the Press Room, and online, attendees and the media use the daily Schedule of Events to plan their GOA experience. Send us information about any events and activities you are planning during the show. We’ll include your information in the daily Schedule of Events — and you’ll get more traffic at your booth!
Tells us where you’re @ on Twitter and Facebook, and we’ll share your tweets and posts with our followers!
Deadline for FREE Exhibitor Showcase Promos: January 30
— to make the most of your time at Graphics of the Americas and increase your ROI.
Get more traffic to your booth by
Venues 4YOU
Call your sales representative today for details.
A business has approximately 11 seconds to catch the attention of trade show visitors, experts say. Make those seconds count with an on-site banner at the show entrance.
Project your message on digital billboards located in the lobby entrances, registration area and the food courts. Messages continuously loop throughout the show.
Multiple locations are available.
Use videos and or still images/ads to capture the attention of buyers and steer them toward your exhibit.
Limited options available.
Keep your name in front of thousands of buyers year round with an ad in the official Expo Guide — attendees’ go-to source for important show information. Take advantage of this low-cost, high-ROI way to put your brand in the hands of decison makers.
Multiple advertising opportunities are available.
GRAPHICS UPDATE MAGAZINE Published by the Printing Association of Florida, Graphics Update is the only magazine published specifically for Florida’s graphic communications professionals. The pre-GOA issue is mailed to over 11,000 of your potential customers, including registered GOA attendees. This special issue features editorial content about what exhibitors are featuring at GOA (free to all exhibitors), along with a preview of GOA conference sessions. The magazine is also available online at and Multiple advertising opportunities are available.
Raise the public’s awareness of your product or service, along with your bottom line with a banner ad on GOA’s website. Online ads build brand recognition, making it an effective marketing tool. Limited options available. Banner ads can be static or contain rich media.
EMAILS & NEWLETTERS Get your brand straight into the inboxes of currently registered and previous GOA attendees. Choose from a banner ad in an issue of the GOA Attendee e-newsletter or a direct email with your exclusive content. Limited options available.
By using the GOA mailing lists, you can mail your own VIP invitations and product information prior to the show or reach attendees as part of your post-show follow-up campaign.
Everywhere you look, people are checking their cell phones nowadays. Send them a text message during the show about what time your next demonstration starts, information about your prize drawing or show specials.
Pre-show and post-show lists are available.
Limited options available.
Full-powered marketing campaigns, attendee engagement programs & a list of exhibitor tools provide you with all the support you need to kick off a successful sales year.
Make thousands of GOA buyers
TALK ABOUT YOU before, during & after the show
Call us to customize a complete marketing &advertising package for you. Discounts offered on multiple sponsorship or advertising programs.
Gain more exposure with
February 16-18, 2017 BOWARD COUNTY CONVENTION CENTER Call us today for information 800-331-0461 or 407-240-8009
BONUS SESSIONS Share your expertise by presenting a Bonus Session. In a classroom setting, your company’s industry experts can share insights, innovations, trends and training.
Position yourself as the official on-site expert in one of these highly-publicized, high-traffic areas!
Limited options available.
— Wide-Format Print Shop Live! — The Digital Flexo Zone — Dye Sublimation Application Center — 3d Printing Zone — The Wrap Cup Americas A Show Floor Feature area is the ideal place for you to demonstrate your products in action. These areas strategically place machinery, substrate and technology innovators alongside each other for actual production simulation. Offer free training on how your products work and watch your sales soar!
Why an investment in promotion is critical Ruth P. Stevens, “How to Triple the Effectiveness of Your Trade Show Marketing Program,”
Trade show marketers often get so preoccupied with designing and building their booths, they can forget to concentrate on driving qualified traffic. There are a number of important reasons why an investment in promotion is critical: You cannot expect show management to do all your recruiting for you. Show management’s real job is to get plenty of attendees to the event itself. It is still your job to get the best prospects to visit your booth. If you just wait for them to walk by randomly, you’ll miss major business opportunity. Business buyers generally plan their trade show time in advance. The Center for Exhibition Industry Research (CEIR) found that 76% of attendees use pre-show information for this purpose. You are competing with conference sessions, and with other exhibitors, and with outside attractions (especially in destination cities), so you must get on your prospects’ calendars early. CEIR commissioned a study by Deloitte & Touche that proves my case. Those exhibitors who conducted a pre-show campaign raised by 46% their “attraction efficiency,” meaning the quality of the audience they were able to attract to their booths. Similarly, the conversion of booth visitors to qualified leads rose 50% when a pre-show promotion was used.
Call us to customize a complete marketing &advertising package for you. Discounts offered on multiple sponsorship or advertising programs.