Looking to make more money in 2018?
Find out how at Graphics of the Americas.
Something Missing?
It’s Savings. If you are not a member of the PAF, then you are missing out on programs,
• Members get Cost-Effective Shipping Personalized to Their Needs with DLS Worldwide.
information, and services that positively impact the profitability and professional growth of you business.
• Members Regularly Save 10% - 40% Off Their Existing
Don’t miss out on opportunities to save your business thousands of dollars. Call 407-240-8009 or visit and join PAF today.
Credit Card Processing Fees. • Members Reduce Costs, Liability and Improve Investments with Printers’ 401K.
Be Profitable. Be Connected. Be a Member. • And much More
NIGHTS Florida printers celebrate another fantastic year! Featuring the
Friday, July 20, 2018 Visit for more info.
We are so happy to present the 2018 edition of Graphics of the Americas. Come attend the show at the Broward County Convention Center in Fort Lauderdale, FL. The show takes place on Thursday, Feb. 22 through Saturday, Feb. 24, 2018. Hundreds of exhibitors will be presenting the latest solutions to help your business profits go through the roof in 2018. Please visit to get more information about the show and register to attend.
Make sure to check out the GOA Seminars as we are offering workshops that can help you take your career, and your business, to the next level. We have a special offer going on right now that will give you a Total Access Pass for only $100. That is a savings of $149! To take advantage of this special offer, use the offer code PAF when you register for a Total Access Pass by clicking the register button on the top right of the website. Remember, you get free access to the show when you register for any seminar. See you at the show!
ART ABBOTT, Chairman Abbott Communications Group, Maitland, FL KIMBERLY LAWTON KOON, 1st Vice Chair Lawton Connect, Orlando, FL JOHN BEADEL, 2nd Vice Chair Associated Printing Productions Inc., Miami, FL ROBERT T. DAVIS, Treasurer Roberts Printing, Clearwater, FL CURT KREISLER, Prev Chairman of the Board Gold Star Printers, North Miami Beach, FL SYLVESTER CAMPAGNA Xerox Corporation, Orlando, FL
COURTNEY MCGEHEE Asst Director Sustainable Development Jacksonville, FL
We are heading into another busy year full of PAF member events. The BBQ will return this year in April and September. Stay tuned for complete time and location details. Our annual Golf Classic returns but it will take place later in the year, FALL 2018, to take advantage of cooler temperatures. This change is taking place in response to the high volume of member requests. Most of which included the phrase, “It’s way too hot to golf in July!” The Florida Print Awards will stay in its traditional time slot of late July, but there will be some changes to the biggest annual PAF event. To start, the categories will be updated to include more options for Digital, Wide Format and Packaging. Also, we will be accepting non-member entries at a higher, non-member rate. This will both expand the number of entries and promote the association to potential new members. We are excited to present these fantastic member events and look forward to seeing you there. If you have any questions about our events schedule, benefit offerings and anything else PAF related, visit, or call 407-240-8009. Thank you and happy 2018!
CHRIS MURPHY Hewlett Packard Company, Windermere, FL SHARON PRATT Sandy Alexander, St. Petersburg, FL JOHNHENRY RUGGIERI Sundance marketing and solutions Orlando, FL BO YOUNG Southeast Finishing Group, Orlando, FL SHANNON YANNONE MBI Direct Mail, DeLand, FL
5770 Hoffner Ave., Suite 103 Orlando, FL 32822 P: 407.240.8009 F: 407.240.8333
Gabriel Hernandez President Printing Association of Florida 4
NEW MEMBERS Listed below are all of the new members in last year’s issues of Graphics Update and those that joined in January 2018. AD GRAPHICS INC. Pompano Beach, FL (954) 974-9900 Full service graphic design agency. Services include logo design, web design, illustration, packaging, 3D modeling, animation, motion graphics and more!
CASA GRAFICA USA, INC. Sunrise, FL (954) 749-7880 Equipment dealer covering the entire graphic arts industry in South Florida, Central America, South America and the Caribbean.
PREPRESS RX, INC. St. Cloud, FL (800) 975-7361 Provides sales and support for prepress equipment, including but not limited to service contracts, training, and installation of sold equipment.
AIRIS Miami, FL (813) 846-5583 An energy savings company that specializing in LED lighting solutions.
EQUIGRAPH TRADING CORP. Miami, FL (786)237-5665 Sales of new and used graphics equipment.
ALL SERVICE GRAPHICS, INC. Melbourne, FL (321-259-8957) Commercial printer with full in-house bindery, full in-house mailing shop, die cutting, gluing, hot film laminating, kitting and fulfillment operations.
GENERAL FORMULATIONS Sparta, MI (800) 253-3664 Family owned company with several solvent and water based coating lines as well as one of the largest converting operations in the industry, specializing in slitting, sheeting, punching and packaging.
PRINT MEDIA CENTR, INC. St. Petersburg, FL (727)329-8520 Provides topical information and resources to the global Print and Integrated Marketing community … with some fun in the mix.
ALLEON GROUP Jacksonville, FL (201)303-2365 Sales and marketing consultants help you to develop Sales Methodology, Sourcing Methodology / Business Process Outsourcing and Market Effectiveness to better connect customers. BCT INTERNATIONAL, INC. Fort Lauderdale, FL (954) 563-1224 BCT provides wholesale printing products and services to print shops and brokers, warehouse office supply companies, and postal centers. BRUNNER CONSULTANTS, INC. Miami, FL (305)592-2945 Distributor of high-performing print products and value-added consulting services for the Southeast US, Caribbean and South America. CALEV SYSTEMS Miami, FL (305) 672-2900 Provider of Managed Services, with a focus on the print and direct mail marketing industries. Core competencies include managing, procuring, executing print, paper, and distribution both domestically and internationally.
IMPACT EMPLOYMENT SOLUTIONS OF FLORIDA Longwood, FL (407)774-4884 One of the top ten employment agencies in the area, ranked by the Orlando Business Journal. Multiple locations, the warehouse, fulfillment, and manufacturing divisions provides “Stress Free Working Solutions to your Staffing Needs”. NAVITAS CREDIT CORP. Ponte Vedra, FL (904)955-2406 Assists companies in getting the equipment, software and services that they need to grow and compete through our wide range of commercial financing solutions that include loans, leases, and working capital. PAPER HANDLING SOLUTIONS Marietta, GA (877) 955-3770 Graphic Arts equipment supplier. PAPP FAMILY ENTERPRISES Lighthouse Point, FL (954)854-8048 Discount printing and mailing equipment.
STRATEGIC ACCOUNT MARKETING, LLC. Palm Harbor, FL (888)270-0596 Specializes in adapting time-tested proven sales, marketing, and leadership skills to the innovations and change of today’s market place. THIELE TECHNOLOGIES Minneapolis, MN (612)782-1200 Thiele Technologies’ Streamfeeder product line offers automation solutions to the commercial printing, contract packaging, and mailing & fulfillment industries. WE GET CUSTOMERS Deltona, FL (407) 900-7181 Sales and marketing agency which plans, budgets, and executes a marketing strategy for your business.
BECOME A MEMBER Email or call 407-240-8009. Please visit us at to learn more about the Printing Association of Florida.
Create a Strategic Sales Organization Written by Courtney Allen and Todd Leonard of the Alleon Group
What does your sales organization look like? Is it producing the results? Would you describe them as “strategic?� 6
If you are like many companies serving the needs of printed communications, you may be facing some challenges with building and/or sustaining the ideal sales organization. As demand for printed communications change, so must the approach to business development. This likely means moving away from a tactical selling approach to more strategic relationships.
What does a strategic client relationship look like? A tactical sales organization is one that spends most of their time responding to quote requests, whereas a strategic sales team focuses on solving customer problems by adding value with an optimal solution. It is the difference between a commodity and a custom solution. This can be a tough transition – as many print companies have spent years at the tactical level. While the demand for print has stabilized in recent years, there remains an abundance of capacity in the marketplace. At a tactical level, that means margins will continue to be depressed at the order level. To combat this, print providers need to provide solutions that solve customer problems – rather than continuing to quote on individual jobs, and hoping for a positive outcome. As you begin having more strategic conversations with your customers, and shifting to helping them solve their business needs with optimal solutions, you will find they will embrace the process. Customers are looking for print providers to help them drive their businesses with more effective business communications.
Stop bidding on jobs where you never win. Many sales organizations in the print industry spend a significant amount of time quoting individual jobs, and hoping for an occasional win. This may include unsolicited visits with customers or prospects to drop off gifts or an invitation to lunch … just to remain top of mind for the buyer. In these scenarios, it is not uncommon to win 10% or less of the jobs quoted. This means as much as 90% (or more) unproductive sales time. Unless you have built your business on being the low-cost provider in the sea of printing companies, this is not a sustainable model in the long-term. When we see companies spending inordinate amounts of sales time quoting on jobs to win so few, we are reminded of the definition of insanity: Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. What if you made a conscious decision today that your reps will stop quoting on jobs for customers where you never win? Instead, use that time to develop a strategic relationship with key decision makers who can select your company based on mutual benefits.
Include multiple levels in the sales process. How involved is your company leadership in the sales development process of your existing clients and prospects? Oftentimes, the entire selling process is left up to the sales representative. And, this relationship may be at a very tactical level – where it’s all about specifications and unit price.
A single-threaded sales approach increases the risk of existing customers, and creates a challenge to expand or grow your business. Consider a 3 X 3 strategy. This is a selling approach that includes three levels of contact from your organization with three contacts at the customer. And, the second and third levels are more strategic than the former. For example, the methodology may include a sales representative working with a buyer; your sales director calling on the marketing director; and the executive in your company meeting with an executive at your customer. In this model, it is equally important for all three to cultivate and manage relationships – on an on-going basis. The more actively engaged each is with the 3 X 3, the more solid and valuable the customer/provider relationship becomes.
Focus on Total Cost of Ownership. As challenging as it may seem, strategic needs demand more than a just a unit cost discount. They require a total cost of ownership approach, well beyond the cost of a particular product. And, it is our jobs as sales professionals to help companies understand this. A strategic approach forces an evaluation of the optimal solution, beyond costs that are easily visible. This includes how the solution will be used, the workflow impact, and reducing product consumption. A typical “buyer” may not realize this. But, he executive they report to does. To an executive, strategy will win over unit cost every time. 7
MEMBER NEWS A unit cost model focuses exclusively on a snapshot in time of the need, anticipating that it will not significantly change in the future. In this process, the most aggressive unit price is negotiated. This can be an effective model when the solution is a mature commodity. However, it rarely yields overall financial benefit if the need requires a more strategic solution. Today, more than ever before, organizations find their business requirements for printed communications changing rapidly. The specifications of strategic solutions change at an even faster pace. Because of these two factors, the unit cost model may appear attractive even in a strategic buy at first, but often becomes obsolete almost immediately afterwards. A buyer will almost always focus on unit price, whereas a strategic executive looks for the best overall solution, inclusive of a positive return on investment. Most senior executives will also focus on the overall value to the organization, as opposed to the tactical cost components.
But, if you can bring innovative solutions to your customers- beyond an order that has been spec’d and awaiting a quote, you become that trusted advisor. Help solve your customer’s goals of growing their business, and you will become significantly more valuable than any of your competitors.
Help your customers grow profitable revenue. We worked with a client that once said, “A company cannot grow its business by cutting costs.” While your customers’ operating costs are an important aspect of managing their business, growing revenue is top of mind for any of the executives – just as it likely is in your company.
Become a Trusted Advisor. When you speak with any executive of a company, they will tell you their number one goal of their business partners is helping them achieve their business objectives. At a strategic level, you will never hear an executive say they are looking for a better unit price. This translates into becoming a trusted advisor for your customers. Anyone can take a job, run the specs through a pricing engine and create a quote. But, is this adding any value? Unless you are the lowest price, the answer is no – and you won’t win the deal. 8
Imagine if you and your organization were approaching the market, whether existing customers or prospects, with how you can help them achieve their revenue goals. While a buyer may not be terribly interested in this approach, the executive charged with growing the company (i.e. marketing or sales) will certainly want to know what you can do for them. The best way to demonstrate this is by sharing what you have done with other clients. Case studies (and not necessarily references) go a long way in demonstrating how you have positively impacted revenue with your solutions. An added benefit: wouldn’t you rather spend your time demonstrating what you can do to help a client grow their business as opposed to pricing and bidding on jobs?
Make sure you are chasing the right client relationships. Sometimes it is easy to get caught up in the sales activities of a customer … even when a deal or relationship is not winnable. Whether we want to admit or not, we have all chased unwinnable deals and customers long past the time we should have let them go. As leaders in the print provider space, it is important that we challenge our sales organization (and ourselves) on the likelihood of winning. Even when you know you may have the absolute best solution … but you cannot gain momentum, let it go. Save that energy for customers where you know you will win – and thus grow your own business. The very first question you should ask your reps on a new opportunity is, “Can we win this?” The challenge with this question is the answer may not align with your ability to solve the customer’s needs. You may have the absolute best solution – and know that few competitors can deliver like your company. But, if the likelihood of being selected is less than 50%, walk away!
Challenge your sales organization to become more strategic. Changing a sales organization from a tactical sales approach to a strategic selling engine won’t happen overnight. The early stages of a transformation will seem that for every step you take
forward, you may slip back a couple. But, continued coaching and reinforcement on strategic selling will result in a shift toward the behaviors you are looking for. Begin with a scheduled pipeline review. This should be done each week, and include group sessions as well as individual. Consider scheduling one-on-one reviews every other week. Then, on the off weeks have a group meeting. For the one-on-one meetings, have the sales rep to go through their pipeline. Ask probing questions about the nature of the opportunity and customer relationship. Challenge their sales approach – and offer to become a part of the sales process. For the group meetings, ask one or more of your reps to present one of their opportunities. Then, solicit input from others attending on how they may recommend more strategically positioning the sales process. You may be surprised at the excellent ideas that come out of the meeting. For most of us, having a fresh set of eyes on an opportunity provides insights we would not otherwise have thought of. In either case, keep these meetings to a schedule of no more than an hour and a half. After that, the effectiveness begins to slip away.
About Alleon Group. Todd Leonard and Courtney Allen are managing partners in the consulting firm, Alleon Group. They help printing companies increase revenue by building go-to-market strategies and strategic sales teams. Todd is the author of, “The Other Side of the Table,” a book on strategic selling and buying. The Alleon Group Ascend. Accelerate. Achieve.
Print providers who embrace strategic selling, and make the shift away from tactical sales approaches will be the growth companies in the printing industry. The rest are destined to continue the futile fight of remaining relevant as a commodity print provider. As you do this, you will find your customers value you more than ever before – providing for a longer, richer relationship. And, the sales organization will have a means of developing long-term relationships that result in positive sales growth – for them and the company. Where do you want your company to be?
February 22-24, 2018
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
The GOA Expo is back in Fort Lauderdale, FL again and will attract thousands of attendees, hundreds of exhibitors and a multitude of industry experts. But why should YOU attend GOA? Is it because GOA gives you the opportunity to explore latest technology? Or implement the newest equipment? Those make great sense, but the real reason is
You Want to Make More Money!
In this preview, we show you how the GOA expo will maximize profits for Exhibitors and Attendees.
Take Your Career to the
Next Level
Graphics of the Americas Seminars Get the latest techniques, tips, and best practices you need to advance your career. Over 40 seminars in the following tracks:
The strategically selected GOA Conference program
• Operations
shares ways to grow your business by operating more
• Sales • Leadership • AGI Design Courses
presented by the authors of the widely popular Digital Classroom book series.
efficiently, increasing sales, exploring new opportunities and improving your staff’s skills.
FREE expo floor access with any seminar purchase.
Special Offer From Seminar Pricing
249 Total Access Pass
Total Access Pass Only
Includes Admission to Expo
119 Two Sessions
Includes Admission to Expo
59 One Session
Includes Admission to Expo
Take your career to the next level. Register at
When you use offer code: PAF The Printing Association of Florida (PAF) is committed to the welfare of the graphic arts industry in Florida. Education is key to this effort and they happily offer this special reduced pricing for GOA Seminars.
THE LATEST IN INKJET PRODUCTION PRINTING HAS ARRIVED Approximately 246 billion impressions will be produced by production inkjet devices in 20211. Canon Solutions America delivers innovative inkjet technology
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Canon is a registered trademark of Canon Inc. in the United States and elsewhere. Océ, Océ VarioPrint, and Océ ColorStream are registered trademarks of Océ-Technologies B.V. in the United States and elsewhere. Océ ProStream is a trademark of Océ-Technologies B.V. in the United States and elsewhere. All other referenced product names and marks are trademarks of their respective owners and are hereby acknowledged. 1 InfoTrends U.S. Digital Production Printing Application Forecast: 2016–2021 © 2018 Canon Solutions America, Inc. All rights reserved.
Show Floor Features GOA is not just another show with row, after row of exhibitors. We listened to attendees and created the expo they are looking for ...
a hybrid event with super-sized value.
The GOA 2018 Show Floor will Feature:
Live Demonstrations Newest Equipment Trending Applications These Features will Focus on:
Technology (Software & Pre-Press) Print (All Types of Printing) Finishing (Post-Press & Finishing) Packaging (All Types of Labels & Packaging) Live Presentations at the
Expo Theater! Live and FREE presentations, right on the
show floor, from the industries top experts. Presentations in both English and Spanish!
For the latest details on GOA Show Floor Features, please visit
Step Into the Spotlight Want to be featured in the next issue of Graphics Update? Call 407-240-8009 and promote your business to the state of Florida.
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Feb. 22-24, 2018 Register at
No Charge for Waste Disposal at GOA Expo The ‘06 Graphics of the Americas (GOA) expo was a great success. Unfortunately, several exhibitors decided to leave their hazardous and regulated waste behind. Staff at PAF contacted Bob Woodard, President of RDW Environmental Inc. of the urgent situation who responded immediately. Woodard profiled, inventoried, and provided immediate removal of the hazardous waste material from the convention center at no cost to the Printing Association of Florida. At the request of PAF, RDW Environmental accepted the responsibility to work with each exhibitor that generates hazardous and regulated waste since the ‘ 07 GOA Expo. RDW Environmental, Inc., partnered with Photographic Waste Control (PWC) in 1997, and is known as a leader in the transportation and disposal of hazardous waste for hundreds of litho, flexo, screen and wide format digital printing facilities in Florida. Serving the printing industry since 1992, PWC’s partnership with RDW Environmental allows exhibitors to properly dispose of the hazardous and regulated waste generated during this year’s event, at NO COST. Contact Bob Woodard to discuss container requirements for your waste at 800-906-0996. They welcome all printers to stop by booth 1409 to discuss OSHA & EPA employee safety training updates and cost effective waste recycling/disposal alternatives for their printing operations. Also to minimize existing and future EPA & DOT fines and liabilities, confirmation that they are using a licensed and accredited PAF
member company for hazardous waste and regulated waste disposal can be discussed by visiting our booth. RDW and PWC also offer this opportunity to better educate the waste generator of the hazards associated with their various waste streams and employee safety. Improper handling and disposal methods have shown increases in employee exposure, resulting in a rise in workers compensation cases. Many of these cases result from exposure to high levels of volatile organic compounds (VOC’s) inherent in products used in the printing process. These high levels of VOC’s are also inherent in truesolvent wide format print shops. In 2003 RDW Environmental became a dealer for Island Clean Air to represent their line of air purification equipment specifically designed to extract toxic fumes, odors, and dust particulate generated from litho, flexo, and digital printing environments. This equipment, proven effective in thousands of printing operations worldwide, has their employees breathing a lot easier. RDW Environmental, now the Primary Distributor for Island Clean Air, will display this equipment at booth 1409. Please stop by and enjoy a breath of fresh air while you see this equipment in operation.
See us at GOA 2018
Booth #1409
• Hazardous Waste Disposal • Air Purification Equipment • OSHA Compliance Training 800-906-0996 Please visit our newly redesigned, interactive web site for more information. “ISN’T IT TIME YOU CHOOSE THE AIR YOU BREATHE”
RDW Environmental also assists printing operations with on-site OSHA Compliance Training programs. To contact Bob Woodard or learn more about the many services and products RDW Environmental, Inc. offers, visit their website at www.fumecontrol. net or see their advertisement in The Marketplace on page 22.
The Xerox Versant® 80® Digital Press A Major Attraction at GOA 2018 with the presentation of the XLS Package printing 13”x26” banner sized sheets, thick cardstock & envelopes! 20
Xerox® Versant 80® Digital Press
13x26”? 350 GSM? Digital? Xerox® Versant® does it all! We are proud to offer both The Xerox® Versant® 80 and Xerox® Versant® 2100 digital presses at wholesale pricing. Both Versant® models are designed to help maximize business productivity and automate time-consuming processes. Xerox® Versants streamline the production process, making it an ideal solution for commercial print shops or in-house operations.
With this new technology, you can now produce higher quality jobs faster with improved output and less waste.
Some of the expanded options we can print on include: Textured stocks (like linen or other finishes), envelopes, labels and durable/synthetic papers.
The Xerox® Versant® 80 production press provides its users with high image quality and fidelity. It is one of the best production digital presses in the industry according to our clients.
• High Performance - Faster, flexible and full-featured optimal size to fit into a commercial print shop.
Interface Printers, LLC is the leading supplier of pre-owned Xerox® printing equipment in the United States. Family owned and operated, we pride ourselves on providing highest quality products at the lowest possible prices- keeping more money in your pockets. Interface Printers specializes in Xerox® production units, as well as all accessory types, such as feeders, fiery print controllers, and finishers. Our experienced team follows a stringent quality control method. All of our equipment is tested, cleared of any error codes, cleaned to mint condition, and delivered ready for production.
Print in color at speeds up to 100 PPM on a robust range of media, up to 350 GSM! The Xerox® Versant® outperforms any other presses in its class in regards to speed and color accuracy. Not to mention you can now print up to 13”x26” long! A new Compact Belt Fuser applies uniform heat and pressure that is needed to bond toner to a wide range of surfaces without slowing production speeds…all while optimizing image quality on solids, tints and halftones while delivering faster output of mixed media jobs. The Belt Fuser gives the ability to print on heavy stock, up to 350 GSM, and prints envelopes without wrinkles, making it excellent for small or large runs!
Xerox® Versant® Presses Feature:
• Reliability - Enjoy more running time, fewer service calls, and little to no down time. • Vivid color and sharper resolution. • Quick set up and installation - Be up and running within minutes. • Increase in profitability We value each customer greatly and will listen to your individual needs, to help match you with the ideal product for your specific business. Your success is our success! Author: Interface Printers 12/2017
GOA 2018 - Booth #1001
With our centrally located warehouse in North Texas, we can easily ship domestically and internationally, offering personalized customerfocused service worldwide. Our unique model grants our customers savings up to 70% off retail prices. As a result, dealers are able to increase their profitability, allowing printing companies to benefit from reliable and low-meter units, saving them time and money.
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PAF-2.5x3-Ad-2016-final.indd 1
3/28/16 1:12 PM (561) 543-2323 (561) 543-2323 (561) 543-2323 (561) 543-2323 (561) 543-2323
The savings alone can pay for your dues.
Buying Power gives PAF members some powerful benefits. Call us at 800-245-6421 or visit
• Hazardous Waste Disposal • Air Purification Equipment • OSHA Compliance Training
800-906-0996 Please visit our newly redesigned, interactive web site for more information. “ISN’T IT TIME YOU CHOOSE THE AIR YOU BREATHE”
Graphics of the Americas Seminars
Take Your Career to the
Next Level
Get the latest techniques, tips, and
best practices to advance your career.
SPECIAL OFFER! Total Access Pass-$100
Register today at
Use offer code: PAF
For information on advertising in Graphics Update, call 407-240-8009.
Everglades Envelope Company, Inc............................... 954-783-7920 6650 NW 15 Ave, Ft. Lauderdale 33309 On Demand Specialty Envelope Co. Inc .....................1-800-439-7144 1170 NW 163 Drive, Miami 33196
L&N Label..................................1-800-944-5401 1245 N Hercules Ave, Clearwater - A leading manufacturer of custom labels, decals,coupons & more. SEE OUR AD IN MARKET PLACE
Rollem International.................1-800-272-4381 Distributor of rotary print finishing machinery with focus on Slitting, Scoring, Perforating, Collating and Card Pack Production.
Tags & Labels...........................1-800-940-1770 Tag stringing & Metal Eyelettering SEE OUR AD ON PAGE 16
DLS Worldwide ........................1-877-744-3818 SEE OUR AD ON PAGE 18
La Manna Alliance ...................... 561-543-2323 SEE OUR AD IN MARKET PLACE
Printers 401K ...........................1-800-307-0376 SEE OUR AD IN MARKET PLACE
Common Sense Marketing......... 386-263-2078 Case Paper................................1-800-225-2259 Quality standard/custom size economy fine printing papers for the commercial printer
Bay Tech Label.........................1-800-229-8321 12177 27th St. N, St. Petersburg - Quality custom labels to the trade since 1986
MAC PAPERS ...........................1-800-342-3949 Converting all of Florida. SEE OUR AD ON THE BACK COVER
Blue Ribbon Tag & Label 4035 N 29 Ave. Hollywood............ 954-922-9292 Die cut pressure sensitive labels. Printed on paper, film or foil.............................800-433-4974 Up to 10 colors. Creative design services. Low trade pricing.
Canon Solutions of America...1-877-623-4969 Award winning products recognized by its customers year after year SEE OUR AD ON PAGE 12
Bottcher America Corp............... 727-858-1262 4600 Mercedes Dr, Belcamp, MD 21017 G.A.T.F. Award winning “Glaze Free Rollers” Custom Index Tabs...................... 954-783-7920 6650 NW 15 Ave, Ft. Lauderdale 33309 Plain or maylar reinforced.
Blue Ribbon Tag & Label Corp. 4035 N 29 Ave., Hollywood........... 954-922-9292 Polyester or Elastic String, Metal Eyeletting, Low trade pricing.....1-800-433-4974
Photographic Waste.................1-800-582-4833 Protecting the environment & serving the printing industry since 1992 RDW Environmental ................1-800-906-0996 SEE OUR AD IN MARKET PLACE AND OUR ARTICLE ON PAGE 19
Don’t Pay Sales Tax On New Equipment!
Printing Association of Florida 5770 Hoffner Avenue, Suite 103 Orlando, FL 32822
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