HELLOTHERE! Who am I? I’m Aaron Gomes, a 23 year old Industrial Design student at ISD Rubika in Pune, India. Here’s a bit more about me and the stuff I’m interested in.
Personal Project : 3 Weeks
KIMONO CULTURE 2014 Dare to Dream Design Awards Revive the Kimono Culture
Modern Urban and
HERITAGE The solution aims to revive a fading Kimono culture among the younger user demographic. but, their living conditions are incredibly constrained by available space in dense urban areas like Tokyo.
Mechanical Motion
Wood Shaping
The Japanese Connection
IDEATION Different possibilities of integrating expansion into the table, making it compace and easy to stow away, by finding innovative ways to redefine space saving furniture, maintaining a link with the heritage a culture of the Kimono.
Surface Tension
SWITCHBACK Fusing the kimono culture with the ideals of space saving furniture to revive the essence of dying traditions.
KERFBENDING A kerfed wood structure enables the switchback to bend to form a table when required. The diagonal cuts allow it to bend along 2 aes creating the final form. The depth of the cuts regulate the bending.
The Kimono
CONNECTION A Unibody structure with a top view inspired by the Kimono neckline, the structure folds over itself to form the table. The customisable and interchangeable fabric strengthens the link.
NEWUSAGE The unique structure allows it to be used in multiple ways; as a bench or a table and seat, or even combining more that one unit to create a social dining environment.
Versatile and
COMPACT The folding structure creates a piece that can be stored in small areas and instantly setup for use when required. Multiple units can be combined and placed to enhance interaction between people.
Team Project : 4 Months
EXPLODE THEDESKTOP Role : Research, 2020 Scenario, Creativity, Concept Development, Renders, Integrations
PREDICT2020 Analysis of the market and trends showed a shift towards mobile computing devices and also the growth of technology which helped predict a technology scenario for the year 2020.
THETARGET The solution is aimed at prosumers, who are advanced users who want efficient solutions to fuel their passions. The concept is mainly focused on the gamer and music maker.
Wireless Streaming
Efficient Cooling
Individual Parts
Collaborative Work
Conceptualize. Possibilities
EXPLORED Building on post-it ideas and exploring ways to strike a balance between the users’ requirements of both high computing power as well as productive ultra portability at the same time.
Portable Components
ASUSMORPH A new perspective on the desktop computer, focusing on the user experience over all else, making it central to the prosumer lifestyle.
A connected
ECOSYSTEM An ultra-connected ecosystem, through hardware, comprising the home-station, morphing keyboard and stream pack; and a customer experience empowering the users to create their own product.
Tactus Technology
Touch Sensor
Before : Keyboard on Standby
After : Morphed Keys
OLED Display
An interface that’s
TANGIBLE Keyboard Hardware
A new dimension of user interface with a fundamentally unique solution; application controlled physical buttons that rise up from the touch screen on demand
3-D Printed center panels that can be customized by the users to reflect their personalities.
What you want it to be
CUSTOMISE Customisable to the last detail, through Tactus morphing technology, and 3-D printed knobs, controls and patterns, providing a bespoke solution for each users specific needs.
“Tactus� Morphing Keyboard
CENTRALHUB A workstation that is the hub for all the creative, gaming and work processes that you need. Always connected to you either through direct usage, wirelessly or over the cloud on the tablet.
The morphing user interface allows the user to make music with a more precise tangible input.
Adapts to every need
VERSATILE The modularity that Morph offers brings a multitude of possibilities to the table, allowing the user to have different experiences in different situation and encouraging a collaborative culture
The streampack offers a boost in power and also can sync data, while enabling input. via the keyboard
The streampack turns the keyboard into a portable
console, giving the user a tangible gaming experience
The streampack allows multi-player games on the same computer via wi-fi, offering a connected console experience
Personal Project : 1 Week
SURF/WORK TIMEWEAR A surfer’s tide watch that blends their professional lifestyle with the beach and surfing culture.
SURFERLIFE Surfers lives are not indifferent from everyone elses. They feed their passions by hitting the waves every opportunity they get, but still stick tightly to their professional lives.
Analog or digital?
Hands to show tide
TIMEEXLPORED Tide watches have an extremely sporty aesthetic nowadays, and are mostly limited to solely digital displays. How can the watch have a more premium build quality and a design language to match different aspects of their lifestyle.
Different controls
Wave display
NEBULATIDE A watch that works with every aspect of a surfing enthusiasts life, be it in the professional world or when they’re following their passion and hitting the waves with their boards.
TIME&TIDE A single hand for the hours and a disc around the edge to show the minutes. A backlit centre helps the user see the tide levels so that they know when to hit the waves for the best surf.
Backlit indicator for the tide for the coming few hours to notify the user
Single hand at centre to show both the time and the tide
BREAKDOWN Simple to use, simple to read and a design language to make the product a fit for the environment be it the beach, with its pop colours or the professional life with the sleek form.
Rotating disc with a lock to set the watch. Rotate one way and then the other to set
Team Project : 4 Months
INTERNET OFTHINGS Role : TEAM LEADER, Research, Creativity, Concept Development, Renders, Animations
Finding the right
OPPORTUNITY How can we find the middle ground between the Internet of Things, gadgets, and educating children; not only academically but also their develompent through life.
Building the Product
Daily Companion
Control Modules Versatility
Opportunities in IoT
EXPLORED Generating ideas along the lines of “Creating, Learning and Sharing� ro develop forward into the final concept.
Tangible Output
SAMSUNGEVO A tablet, laptop, tangible educational product with a radical new way of interaction, both person to person and device to device.
RETHOUGHT A new and fresh experience with the screen and smart modules creating new angles to interact, coupled with interactions that are both tactile and tangible sets it apart from other existing tablets.
A hinged dual screen enables various interactions
Easy-to-use charging docks
Smart modules that adapt to their usage
Interactive stylus with haptic feedback
Effectiveness through
FLEXIBILITY A hinge that enables the multi-angle functionality through offset links as well as speakers on both panels and also the sides offer the full experience no matter what the orientation.
Enhanced UX through
PERIPHERALS The peripheral product work to provide a holistic experience. The smart modules with LED arrays become motion controllers or markers on the screen, creating tangible ways to learn.
Always a new
EXPERIENCE The different angles of the screen plus the versatility. The smart modules turn into motion sensors, tangible buttons and also a recognizable marker on the screen offering multiple inputs depending on the usage.
Follow your child’s
PROGRESS A companion app for parents enables them to follow the kids’ progress, suggests exercises to aid their child’s development and notifies them of educative events that your child can enjoy.
A truly versatile
COMPANION The different types of interaction keep the product relevant as the kid grows, and the artificial intelligence within the User Interface also evolves with the kid, learning along the way.
More than just one
OPPORTUNITY After developing the concept, the idea for a professional version of the same device was added. The new user experience could be a feasible USP even to serious professional customers.
The complete experience
EXPLAINED Joe here helps explain the thought that went into designing the Evo and exactly how it’s used. Check it out by watching the video online at https://vimeo.com/176453216
Internship : 6 months
LEFTRIGHTMIND Mobile and Web Interaction, Interface, User Experience and Visual Design
NEWPROCESS Working on UI/UX introduced me to a different process from industrial product design. Working in parallel with a development team with constant prototype builds to test the product, reinforcing the importance of prototypes in product design as well.
CLIENTCALLS Being given full responsibility over the design of certain projects put me in direct contact with clients. Handling obstacles, explaining design choices and fulfilling requests of customers was a key learning
APPSRELEASED Projects that I worked on, both from start to end and also those I joined midway have already been released. One of the apps and the porduct it’s associated with was featured at TechCrunch Disrupt SF 2015.
At Left Right Mind, he took on challenges with a winning attitude and saw them through with impressive grasp and creative skills. His ability to balance form with function is key to his foundation. Any company hiring him would be hiring value.
Aaron is immensely talented with a broad mindset and willingness to experiment. He is hardworking & focused and manages to set a high standard for his work.
RAVIAPTE Founder and CEO, Left Right Mind
Summer Intern
ISD Rubika Pune, India
2011 (Grade 12)
Choudhary Fashions Mumbai, India
LIVE PROJECTS (Jun 2013 - Jul 2013)
Design Intern
Rajhans Vidyalaya Mumbai, India
(Aug 2015 - Dec 2015) Left Right Mind LLC Pune, India
2009 (Grade 10)
Freelance (2015-Present)
Rajhans Vidyalaya Mumbai, India
Graphic Design Mumbai, India
Thomson (Feb 2015-Jun 2015)
Studiometis (2015)
Samsung (Feb 2016-Jun 2016)
Siamack Salari (2016)
Visavis (Ongoing)
Colour and Trim (2016)
Connected Kitchen Appliance
Opportunities in IoT
email : agomes1893@gmail.com skype : aaron1893gomes phone ; +91 9821297227
SKILLS Digital
-Sketching -Rendering -Prototyping -Analysis & Research -Concept Development -Technical Drawing
-Adobe -Adobe -Adobe -Adobe -Adobe
Illustrator Photoshop InDesign Premiere Pro After Effects
Eleven Design
(Sep 2014-Jan 2015) Explode the Desktop
Kitchen Appliance Range
Linguistic -Sketchbook Pro -Solidworks -Rhino -Sketch 3 -Keyshot Pro
-English -Hindi
UI/App design
Automotive colour and trim