JOURNAL 1 REFLECTION What is packaging? ▪ A container or case that a product will go inside which shows off the company or the object itself. What does a package need to do? ▪ A package needs to display what the contents inside are as well as what company they are from, if it is a well known brand. What are some considerations that go into it? ▪ Needs to match the brand of the product or the company. ▪ Colors are a big deal. ▪ Needs to catch your eye.
JOURNAL 2 RESEARCH PT. 1A While walking around the hardware store looking for items that hang or use a sleeve I noticed that almost all the packages that hang use plastic shell packaging. The images on the left shows this. So it is not visually appealing to the eye nor is it environmentally friendly. However, the image on the right is the exact opposite. The hammer, duct tape, and box knife have very minimal packaging elements but still do the job they need to. They display the logo of the company, the name of the product as well as a bar code. This packaging is very visually stimulating and environmentally friendly.
JOURNAL 3 RESEARCH PT. 1B When researching about sustainability and minimal environmental impact, I learned its not all about what the package is made out of. It can still have plastic and be environmental friendly. If it is easily shipped like a box or something that can stack a certain way without leaving gaps that saves on gas emission. Then theres the obvious ones such as, the less materials a package uses the more environmentally friendly it will be.
JOURNAL 4 RESEARCH PT. 2 In class we learned about personas and how they are useful when designing a package. You need to know your demographic you’re aiming for so the design can appeal to them particularly. We were separated into teams and then given minor details about our persona such as age range, race, marital status, and sex. My group received the following: ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
35-44 years old African-American Divorced Male
We took it a different way instead of the stereotypical way. We made our persona an 35-year-old African-American male, who has been divorced for two years, because he chose his job over his family. He has two kids, which his wife got custody over. He is a liberal who lives in downtown Chicago in a studio apartment. On the left are just a few of his hobbies, places he shops, eats at, and shows he watches.
JOURNAL 5 DEFINE When choosing what product I was going to design a package for I came across the gardening aisle and noticed that majority of the water hose nozzles all had ugly packaging, they weren’t really environmentally unfriendly but they didn’t shout gardening at all. Most of them looked like death with very bold text and ugly colors. I wanted to break away from this as well as give my package its own little flare by changing the shape.
Playful Colorful Affordable
Boring Dull Expensive
High Quality
Low Quality
JOURNAL 6 DEFINE Creative Brief
Client ▪
Suburban Families. More so directed to mothers or anyone who has a green thumb.
Description of Organization ▪
Our product (water hose nozzle), is very easy to use, clearly labeled, colorful but not too much going on, and it has a great packaging design that will catch the consumer’s eye.
Current Vision of Organization ▪
Right now water hose nozzles don’t have a super playful or interesting packaging. This package however will change that, with a nice color palette and a splash of water with bright green healthy grass, it is sure to catch the viewer’s eye when walking down the aisle.
Purpose of This Project ▪
The purpose of this project is to design a nice sleek package that is colorful but not overbearing and that still gets the viewer to pick up the product to look it over more than the others beside it.
To Whom Are We Talking? ▪
The audience for this product is going to be anyone who loves to garden or just has a good management of their lawn and plants. Our demographic for this product is mostly aimed at middle to upper class women between the ages of 30-45.
Context ▪
Viewers will encounter this product hanging from a shelf or even on the ends of racks at any store with a garden center. Some examples would be Lowe’s, Home Depot, Meijer, Kroger, etc.
Competitive Environment ▪
Our competitors would be any other brand that is selling water hose nozzles as well. There isn’t really a big name that has the monopoly on water hose nozzles.
Current Audience Perception ▪
They are a necessity if you are watering flowers and other plants out in your yard, you don’t want to only use the hose opening and flood your plants, you may have to mist certain delicate plants while showering bigger ones.
Desired Audience Perception ▪
We want consumers to go into the store looking for our product and to bypass the others in the aisle until they have reached where ours is located.
Methods of Action ▪
We are going to add some color but also keep it modern looking. We don’t want it to be too colorful and make it look cheap, but on the other hand we don’t want a monochromatic package that is too dull and makes the viewers scan over it while browsing. We are going to be right in the middle and have a nice Eco-friendly packaging as well by using no plastic and using the least amount of materials as we can.
Tone ▪
Sleek, Modern, Friendly, Green, Engaging, Interesting, Unique.
JOURNAL 8 LOGO EXPLORATION Concept Sketches and Digital Variations
JOURNAL 9 COMPOSE PT. 1 & 2 Develop initial layout of package face and back side
JOURNAL 11 PRODUCE PT. 2 When researching about sustainability and minimal environmental impact, I learned its not all about what the package is made out of. It can still have plastic and be environmental friendly. If it is easily shipped like a box or something that can stack a certain way without leaving gaps that saves on gas emission. Then theres the obvious ones such as, the less materials a package uses the more environmentally friendly it will be.
JOURNAL 12 PRODUCE PT. 3 3D comp and good quality digital image
JOURNAL 13 EVALUATE How likely would you be to buy this product? ▪ Most people seemed to like the product a lot and found the color palette to be spot on for the purpose of the product itself. They said they would definitely buy it if they saw it on the shelf. What appeals to you about this product? ▪ Majority said the logo I designed for my brand was very appealing and they loved how it played into gardening as well as the color scheme. What draws you in on the package? ▪ Again, a lot of people said the logo drew them in because it was unique and playful. Although a few said the shape of the package was something they wouldn’t see on the shelf so it would catch their eye. What isn’t important? ▪ This is where I got the most mixed reviews. The back side. The illustration of the hose nozzle, most said it was not needed, while others said they liked it.
JOURNAL 1 REFLECTION What is essential on the packaging? ▪ The company logo needs to be on the package but it doesn’t need to be the main part of the package. ▪ The brand name needs to be prominent as well as the chemical compound used in the product itself. What does the package need to do? ▪ The package needs to catch the consumer’s eye and make them want to buy the product over its competitor. ▪ It also needs to be clear to the consumer of what they’re buying. What are some considerations that go into it? ▪ It will be sitting on a shelf and it will be in a rectangular box. ▪ It needs to be obvious it is for horse deworming.
JOURNAL 2 RESEARCH Instead of sitting in class and listening to a lecture about the designs for horse deworming packages, we went and visited Stewart & Associates, which is a local graphic design firm. We had the privilege to listen to Stewart & Associates’ CEO, Dan Stewart. He told us how his company came to be as well as telling us about some of his projects he has had over the years. After this we went on a tour through the building seeing the architecture of the building, the design studio, the light and photography room, the demo room, and even the break room where you could lounge and give your brain a little rest to get your creative juices flowing. While in the demo room we saw all the products on the shelf. Also, Dan told us about the company’s strategy for consumers to purchase the products in a store.
JOURNAL 3 DEFINE Creative Brief
Client ▪
Stewart & Associates, graphic design firm.
Purpose of This Project ▪
The purpose of this project is to redesign a package for horse deworming.
To Whom Are We Talking? ▪
The audience for this product is going to be anyone who owns a horse, the two types of demographics are Western rodeo cowboys and “sissys with tight pants”, and the design needs to cater them both.
Context ▪
Consumers will see this product sitting on a shelf.
Competitive Environment ▪
The competitors of Stewart & Associates’ Safe-Guard dewormer would be DuraMectin, Equimax, Exodus, Ivermax, Quest, and Zimecterin. However, I have chosen to redesign the Exodus package.
Current Audience Perception ▪
They are a necessity if you own horses because they are going to get worms eventually since they eat grass.
Desired Audience Perception ▪
We want consumers to go into the store looking for our product and to bypass the others in the aisle until they have reached where ours is located. They need to know what they are looking for based on colors, imagery, or an easy name.
Methods of Action ▪
We are going to change the basic color palette that most of the packages seem to have in common, which are greens, yellows, blues, and some red. We want it to grab people’s attention but we still want them to think it is apart of the horse deworming section.
Tone ▪
Recognizable and Unique.
Eye Catching New Colors Unique
Boring Same Colors Typical
JOURNAL 4 COMPOSE I was very scared to work on someone else’s design, because everyone has their own style. I also was very skeptical to change certain things because I didn’t want to do a complete redesign as well as not change anything at all where you wouldn’t be able to tell what was different. Where on the other hand I didn’t care at all about someone else working with my design because I like to see what people would change about my work and what direction they can take it in that I wouldn’t have been able to see on my own.
Exodus Pyrantel Pamoate EQUINE ANTHELMINTIC | FOR ORAL USE IN HORSES ONLY | Net Wt. 23.6 g (0.83 oz)
(pyrantel pamoate) paste equine anthelminic FOR ORAL USE IN HORSES ONLY
NET WT. 23.6 G (0.83 OZ
JOURNAL 5 EXPLORE & SELECT Concept Sketches and First Drafts
JOURNAL 6 PRODUCE 3D comp and good quality digital image. Before and after of the original and my redesign.
JOURNAL 7 EVALUATE PT. 1 The benefits of this project was that in the real world we will not always get the glamorous design work that we love to do, sometimes we will be handed a difficult project that isn’t in our comfort zone and the finished design isn’t supposed to be sleek or modern, instead it is to be bland and simple. I think my design hits one of the targets more so than the other. It is leaning more towards the “sissys in tight pants” rather than in the middle between that demographic and the Western rodeo cowboys. However, I am proud of how far the design came from my original concepts.
JOURNAL 8 EVALUATE PT. 2 The class met with Dan again for a shelf test of our product’s packaging to see how they would hold up against the others in an actual store setting. However, I was unable to go to this, so I instead asked my Aunt and Uncle, who own three horses what they honestly thought of the design. I asked if they would be intrigued to grab my design off the shelf over the other options. They said it was “eye-catching” and they would definitely be drawn to it when browsing the aisle. I also asked my other Uncle what he thought of the design, because he shoes horses for a living. He also is the person who shoed the Kentucky Derby winner, American Pharoah. He told me that the design was very sleek and colorful, and it would definitely grab his attention when scanning over the products at a store. Overall, I would say my design would hold up quite well to the actual products, but I still believe it could be tweaked to become even better.
JOURNAL 1 REFLECTION What is essential on the packaging? ▪ The brand name needs to be on the label. ▪ The flavor of the beverage. What does a package need to do? ▪ The package needs to give off a Caribbean feel. ▪ It needs to be able to display the flavor and content of the beverage. What are some considerations that go into it? ▪ Colors are going to be very important. ▪ Needs to catch your eye. ▪ Each flavor needs to have the same look but still distinguish themselves from the other flavors.
JOURNAL 2 RESEARCH PT. 1 Visual Inventory A lot of juice package designs I found while researching are quite similar in ways, that most come in the same type of bottle. Majority of the bottles use labels with an image of the fruit or vegetable to signify the flavor. The lids for the containers are usually white. However, some labels are quite busy with designs while others are very simple and plain. Surprisingly the most popular juice drinks that I know of aren’t actually the ones I think look the best from a designer’s point of view. I organized all the different package designs into three different groups: busy labels, white labels, and no labels, respectively.
JOURNAL 3 RESEARCH PT. 2 Mood Board Caribbean attributes ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
Beaches Oceans Palm trees Soft colors Sea animals Warm and Cool colors Paintings Hand illustrations Resorts Tropical animals
JOURNAL 4 DEFINE Creative Brief
Client ▪
Consumers who shop at stores for healthy juice.
Purpose of This Project ▪
Design a label that captures the ethnic background of a particular culture.
Context ▪
Consumers will see this product sitting on a shelf.
Competitive Environment ▪
The competitors of my product would be companies like Naked Juice, The Juice Company, Juice from the Raw, Bai Antioxidant Infusions, and Vitamin Water.
Current Audience Perception ▪
To find a healthy juice that also catches their eye.
Desired Audience Perception ▪
We want consumers to go into the store looking for our product in the aisle.
Methods of Action ▪ ▪
I wanted to use beach like background with a style that would be similar to some Caribbean artwork. Used earthy colors as well as some bright colors of the tropics to really help capture the style and background of Caribbean culture.
Tone ▪
Recognize the culture and being unique.
Playful New Colors Unique
Boring Same Colors Typical
JOURNAL 6 LOGO EXPLORATION Concept Sketches and Digital Variations
JOURNAL 7 PRODUCE PT. 1 These are the final labels of the three different flavors, coconut, mango, and star fruit. I originally had pineapple instead of mango, but I decided to change it because pineapples don’t grow on trees, they grow from a bush. All illustrations are the same except for the tree of the fruit. Each bottle has a pun that goes along with its flavor. Coconut’s is, “What is Ice-T’s favorite nut? Coconut.” Mango’s is my favorite, it reads, “If people were fruit, who painted the Starry Night? Vincent Mango.” Lastly, star fruits’ pun reads, “What is the Beatles’ favorite fruit? Ringo Star Fruit.” Also, each flavor has a list of fun facts about it’s fruit.
JOURNAL 8 PRODUCE PT. 2 Good quality digital image
JOURNAL 9 EVALUATE How likely would you be to buy this product? ▪ If I was wanting to try something new and tasteful to drink, I would definitely grab this product off the shelf. What appeals to you about this product? ▪ The playfulness and the illustrations. What draws you in on the package? ▪ The illustration on the front. ▪ The large amounts of white space on the rest of the bottle. ▪ The puns on the side, adding a playful vibe.