How to avoid spinal scoliosis?

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How to avoid spinal scoliosis? Spinal scoliosis is an abnormal curve in the spine. A healthy spine is straight in shape when viewed from the back. Scoliosis develops when the spine curves in one of the following three ways: i. The spine develops two curves, thereby gaining a 'S' shape ii. The spine curves in such a way that it is shaped like backside of the letter 'C'. This condition is called dextroscoliosis iii. The spine curves in such a way it gains a 'C' shape. This condition is called levoscoliosis The main reasons for the development of this medical condition are: • • • •

Spinal injuries / infections Muscular dystrophy Cerebal palsy Birth defects

Some common signs which will help you understand this spinal condition without an x­ray are as follows: • • • •

Hump on one side of the back One shoulder higher than the other One shoulder blade sticks out more than the other Breathing problems because of the reduction in the chest area for the lungs to expand • Tilting of body to one side • Uneven hips – i.e. One hip appears higher or more prominent than the other

Females in general are more prone to scoliosis as compared to males. Based on these symptoms, you can get in touch with an orthopedician to be clear about

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