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Aaron S Hill
There are just a few things you need to know about me. 1) I am a total dva and if you are curteous to me I'll be the same to you. If you are rude to me then I will try my best to hold myself back from taking you out. 2) My motto is "Live your life like a civilized rebel and do not let anyone tell you otherwise." 3) I am an intelligent idividual who does not have time for immaturities or, for that matter, senseless babble. So if that's all you have to offer, take it to somebody who cares. 4) Everyone has their opinion of me, whether good or bad, but here is the rub... I do not care about the people who do not like me. So it is useless to run your mouth about me because I do not care. One more thing: Do not let anyone tell you that you are bad for being different, ever! God loves you and accepts you no matter how you were born. Sexify and glamorize!