Brand manual

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Brand Book

Brand Book 1


Brand Book



Brand Book

Table of Contents 1. The Brand

4 - 13

About the Brand The Intent Competitors Positioning Map

2. Visual Identity

Inspiration Primary Colour Seondary Colour Usage Guide

38 - 53

Type Palette Tone of Communication Usage Guide

14 - 23

2. Packaging Design

54 - 80

Design for ranges Final Projection Technical Specification Brand Guidelines

Inspiration Brainstorming Logo Technical Representation


4. Typography

24 - 37

5. Graphic Style

81 - 86

Visual communication style

6. Collaterals

87 - 91




Brand Story 6

Brand Book

The Brand ITC entered the Fruit-based juices and beverages market with the launch of B Natural Fruit beverages in January 2015. B Natural is the only brand in India to launch packaged fruit beverages made directly from fruit & not from concentrate. The proposition “Made from fruit & not from concentrate” is promoted by Mrs Shilpa Shetty Kundra, the brand ambassador who is well-known movie star celebrity with established credentials as a Fitness and Yoga enthusiast. B Natural’s products have the goodness of fruits and are luscious, thick and taste closest to the natural taste of fruits. The brand associates itself with an organic and natural intent and aims to create a memorable nutritious juice beverage that not only adds zing to one’s tastebuds but also packs nutrition in each serving extracted from fruit pulp.


Brand Values ITC’s Core Values are aimed at developing a customer-focused, high-performance organisation which creates value for all its stakeholders. As the parent organization, it establishes the ideals of trust, excellence and innovation.The core values boast of its responsibility to generate economic value for the Nation and put forward a customer friendly approach. B Natural was born with a similar intent of producing quality juices straight from fruit pulp and not from concentrate. It upholds the ideals of trust with a drive to excel with its innovative and trustworthy endeavours. The


Brand Book

Brand Prism Physical


Organic Fun Amicable Healthy Straight forward Premium

Energetic Dynamic Trustworthy Real Honest

Relationship Connected Friendly Authentic

Culture Health oriented and organique endeavour, experience oriented


Self Image

Real Genuine Approachable

Loyal Truthful Confident


Brand Positioning Premium



Pocket Friendly 10

Brand Book


ITC stands tall as a player among a few other prominent Indian and International beverage brands. Some of the national brands include Tropicana, Minute Maid, Frooti, Real, Del Monte, Maaza,

Patanjali and Paper Boat as major brands in the Indian Market. Organic juice brands such as Raw Pressery and Suja juice form a part of the premium segment of beverage industry.



Brand Book

Tone of Voice Real





B Natural establishes itself as a brand that is trustworthy assuring quality, value and satisfaction to the consumers. It portrays itself as an Amicable brand that is approachable and Loyal with a genuine intent to bring fruit juices to the common mass that is natural and organic.



Visual Identity 14

Brand Book

Brand Visual Identity The B Natural Logo represents the brand at the highest level and acts as the face of the brand, giving an insight into the character of the brand. It is a personalized signature, that differentiates B Natural from other brands and puts across a mark of quality, trust and assurance that consumers associate with. Thus, a consistent method of presenting the logo has been drafted in this brand manual for a consistent style of visual communication.


Inspiration The visual identity takes its inspiration from a myriad elements in nature, coming together to form a whole natural and fun face of the brand.


Brand Book

Logo Primary Usage

The visual identity establishes a fun and frolicksome B covered in the lush green of the forests with an organic typeface styled to define the natural intent. The B is adorned with droplets signifying freshness, authenticity and the natural endeavour of the brand. Thus defining the power and taste associated with a drop of the fruit juice. 17

Secondary Usage

The primary colours of the logo define a green paired with white at the background and the secondary usage portrays the logo hued in white set in a green gradient background. 18

Brand Book

Combination Logo

A combination logo spins a story and portrays a memorable logo type adorned with a visual attribute, thus accentuating the brands character through a mark. The B Natural story traces the journey of two leaves positioned to form the alphabet B. The transition of the the B, from an organic leafy form to a fuller rounder shape inspired by the curves of fruits talks of the brands path of success ever since its inception. The B then counters a set of grass strands which pave way for the conception of the ‘natural’ typeface, only to be sprinked by two drops of water. The logo thus brings out a fun approach to a brand with a serious natural intent. 19

Logo Construction

The visual identity is set at a visual style of the B occupying 70 percent of visual space paired with the typeface pegged at 30 percent. A set of arcs and circles in proportion with the over all outer frame of the logo defines the drop icon placed to appear as the counter of the alphabet. The drop is right aligned towards the bowl, allowing the logo mark to brandish the organic form of the alphabet. 20

Brand Book

Clear Space


x/8 x/8

The clear space marks the standards for the usage of the visual identity spaced at a distance of x/8, away from other visual elements of design. While x defines the height of the logo, x/8 forms the clear space attribute of the brand. 21

Logo Size

Least Display - 270 pixel by 300 pixel


The least minimum ranging size begins from 270 px by 300 px. While maximizing the size of the logo, care should be taken that it is not distorted. The logo also should be placed in a manner such that it does not dominate the visual but is synchronized in harmony with other elements.

Brand Book

Logo Misuse This section consists of a few examples of practices to avoid.

Do not stretch the logo.

Do not tilt the logo.

Use of special effects is prohibited.

Do not use any part of the logo in combination with the logo.

Avoid incorporating textures in the logo.

The logo can not be portrayed in a bi-colour projection.

The logo is to be used only in the primary and secondary colours as specified.

Use of outline on any packaging or collateral is prohibited.



Colour 24

Brand Book

Inspiration Visuals



Real Fresh Honest Natural

Seasons, places, and the varieties of plants that exist in different parts of the world inspire the greens of the colour palette. The rich forest green represents the brand colour, a formal natural endeavour put across, while the other two greens represent places and seasons depicting the power of green that changes shade across places and seasons.





Brand Book

Colour Palette Primary Colour

The primary colour or the face of the brand is represented by a lush green gradient inspired by forests with a mix of hues ranging from dark green to a tealish green of leaves.

C 00 M 00 Y 00 K 00 #ffffff PAN 0521 C

C 90 M 25 Y 100 K 10 #8daa35 PAN 7739 C

C 90 M 40 Y 100 K 45 #014e27 PAN 3435 C

The Secondary palette consists of two gradients, the local indigeneous green and the warm green. The indegenious local green transports the colours of the trees and leaves belonging to different regions rich in their bio diversity to a palette of green hues to form a more specific gradient of green. The seasonal warm gradient chooses warm shades of yellow green mixed with a tinge of brown to define the secondary palette of a warmer green. 27

Secondary Colour

C 80 M 00 Y 95 K 60 #8daa35 PAN 370 C


C 60 M 00 Y 95 K 60 #2e6220 PAN 352 C

C 80 M 00 Y 95 K 60 #005d25 PAN 350 C

C 10 M 15 Y 100 K 10 #d4ba19 PAN 7752 C

C 15 M 00 Y 95 K 60 #6f740d PAN 385 C

C 00 M 00 Y 95 K 75 #645e00 PAN 581 C

Brand Book

Tertiary Colour Codes Organics





Texas C M Y K

10 05 60 00

#e9e083 PANTONE 609 C

Yellow Green C M Y K

60 00 100 00

#8dc63f PANTONE 368 C

Bitter Lemon Gorse C M Y K

05 00 90 00

#faec2b PANTONE 107 C


20 00 100 00

#d0dc2a PANTONE 802 C

Lightning Yellow




00 40 100 00

#f7a61d PANTONE 1495 C


05 05 90 00

#f7e52f PANTONE 107 C

Brand Book

Persian Red C M Y K

15 90 100 05

#c83e27 PANTONE 484 C

Limerick C M Y K

45 20 100 00

#9cac3b PANTONE 7737 C

Dark Olive Green Baker’s Chocolate C M Y K

50 75 85 70

#3c1f0e PANTONE 4975 C


60 40 100 30

#5c672b PANTONE 371 C

School Bus Yellow C M Y K

05 10 100 00

Dark Tangerine C M Y K

00 30 100 00

#fdb515 PANTONE 130 C

#f6d809 PANTONE 109 C 31

Flamingo C M Y K

10 70 70 00

#df6d52 PANTONE 7417 C

Carrot Orange C M Y K

00 50 100 00

#f49021 PANTONE 715 C

Cinnabar Torch Red C M Y K

05 95 85 00

#df3337 PANTONE 7620 C


10 85 100 00

#d35026 PANTONE 173 C





00 55 85 00

#f18e40 PANTONE 7578 C


05 90 85 00

#e84039 PANTONE 197 C

Brand Book

Falu Red






30 100 80 45

#741821 PANTONE 188 C

10 100 95 00

#d62429 PANTONE 485 C

50 100 35 50

#771c5a PANTONE 7643 C

Chilean Fire C M Y K

15 80 100 05

#cd502a PANTONE 7598 C

Maroon C M Y K

30 100 95 35

#7e1517 PANTONE 1815 C

Chrystalle C M Y K

85 100 35 45

#300f43 PANTONE 2695 C


Raw Umber C M Y K

10 45 95 55

#7b520c PANTONE 161 C

Yellow Sea C M Y K

00 55 95 00

#f68b28 PANTONE 1585 C

Pumpkin Army Green C M Y K

60 55 95 55



00 80 100 00

#f15a22 PANTONE 7597 C

Tall Poppy




30 85 70 30

#89373a PANTONE 1815 C


40 95 65 60

#530c23 PANTONE 4975 C

Brand Book

Colour Usage Formal



The colour palette guide establishes the tone with which a certain gradient / hue is to be used. For formal endeavours of the brand, the rich forest green gradient is to be incorporated, while fun advertisements may portray the colourful gradients pertaining to the ingredients.


The tone and vitality of the intent of communication decides upon the combination of gradients that are to be depicted. 35

Alternate Colours

The projection of the logo in alternate colours, is the use of the logo in very specific context. The portrayal covers the logo in its black, white and grey orientation against different back drops. The colours in gradients of green represent the brands secondary colours, as a way of alternate representation. 36

Brand Book



Typography 38

Brand Book

Type Palette

Libre Baskerville Blast of Taste

Blast of Taste


Blast of Taste



Open Sans Blast of Taste Light

Blast of Taste Regular

Blast of Taste

Blast of Taste

Blast of Taste

Semi Bold


Extra Bold

Blast of Taste

Blast of Taste

Blast of Taste

Blast of Taste

Blast of Taste

Light Italic


Semi Bold Italic

Bold Italic

Extra Bold Italic


Secondary Palette

Kirvy Blast of Taste Light


Blast of Taste Regular

Blast of Taste

Blast of Taste

Blast of Taste

Semi Bold


Extra Bold

Brand Book

Significance A marriage of serif and san serif typefaces add a formal and serious tone of communication at its visual best. The serious look is calmed by a frolicksome stamp type that adds an element of fun which is balanced by a tall and curvy typeface representing the casual mood of the brand. The style of the serif typeface renders a calm, formal and trustworthy appeal to the brand sealed complete with the curved finishes. While the san serif style connects with the amicable yet serious persona of the brand, adding a sense of reassurance to the onlooker, the fun and casual traits of the stamp and the roundedged typography brings harmony in describing the different moods of the brand.


Character Set Open Sans Upper Case ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Lower Case abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Numerals & Glyphs 0123456789!@#$%^&*~({[“-+=.,;:†‡JI•”]})



Brand Book

Libre Baskerville Upper Case ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Lower Case abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Numerals & Glyphs 0123456789!@#$%^&*~({[“-+=.,;:†‡JI•”]})




Brand Book

Kirvy Upper Case ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Lower Case abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Numerals & Glyphs 0123456789!@#$%^&*~({[-+=.,;:I]})



At a Glance

The Brand

The Brand

A Blast of Taste

A Blast of Taste

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec eleifend libero in tellus fringilla commodo. Etiam vel nibh eleifend, placerat mauris ac, dapibus turpis.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec eleifend libero in tellus fringilla commodo. Etiam vel nibh eleifend, placerat mauris ac, dapibus turpis.


Sub Heading


Packaging Typography Product Name Type Mnemonic Information Display


B Natural has a range of eight exciting variants. Pick one to suit your mood – from the delicious Mango , Apple , Guava and Litchi to the tangy-sweet Mixed Fruit , Orange and Pineapple .

Brand Book

Set 1

The taste from B Natural that can bring back the zing.

Typeface: Libre Baskerville Bold Size: 37 pt Leading: 41 pt Kerning: Metrics Tracking: 0 pt

Take a sip and let the rich flavours give your taste buds the treat they deserve.

Typeface: Open Sans Bold Size: 21 pt Leading: 25 pt Kerning: Metrics Tracking: 0 pt

When life seems flavourless, there’s nothing better than a blast of taste from B Natural that can bring back the zing.

Typeface: Open Sans Italic Size: 13 pt Leading: 17 pt Kerning: Metrics Tracking: 0 pt

When life seems flavourless, there’s nothing better than a blast of taste from B Natural that can bring back the zing.

Typeface: Open Sans Semibold Size: 10 pt Leading: 14 pt Kerning: Metrics Tracking: 0 pt

t’s an instant pick-me-up that brings out the fun and freshness in you. Take a sip and let the rich flavours give your taste buds the treat they deserve.

Typeface: Open Sans Regular Size: 8 pt Leading: 11 pt Kerning: Metrics Tracking: 0 pt


Set 2

The taste from B Natural that can bring back the zing. Take a sip and let the rich flavours give your tastebuds the treat they deserve.


Typeface: Open Sans Bold Size: 37 pt Leading: 41 pt Kerning: Metrics Tracking: 0 pt

Typeface: Libre Baskerville Bold Size: 21 pt Leading: 25.2 pt Kerning: Metrics Tracking: 0 pt

When life seems flavourless, there’s nothing better than a blast of taste from B Natural that can bring back the zing.

Typeface: Open Sans Semibold Size: 13 pt Leading: 17 pt Kerning: Metrics Tracking: 0 pt

When life seems flavourless, there’s nothing better than a blast of taste from B Natural that can bring back the zing.

Typeface: Libre Baskerville Regular Size: 10 pt Leading: 14 pt Kerning: Metrics Tracking: 0 pt

t’s an instant pick-me-up that brings out the fun and freshness in you. Take a sip and let the rich flavours give your taste buds the treat they deserve.

Typeface: Libre Baskerville Regular Size: 8 pt Leading: 11 pt Kerning: Metrics Tracking: 0 pt

Brand Book

Set 3

The taste from B Natural that can bring back the zing. Take a sip and let the rich flavours give your taste buds the treat they deserve. When life seems flavourless, there’s nothing better than a blast of taste from B Natural that can bring back the zing. When life seems flavourless, theres nothing better than a blast of taste from B Natural that can bring back the zing. t’s an instant pick-me-up that brings out the fun and freshness in you. Take a sip and let the rich flavours give your taste buds the treat they deserve.

Typeface: Open Sans Light Size: 37 pt Leading: 41 pt Kerning: Metrics Tracking: 0 pt

Typeface: Kirvy Bold Size: 21 pt Leading: 24 pt Kerning: Metrics Tracking: 0 pt

Typeface: Open Sans Regular Size: 13 pt Leading: 17 pt Kerning: Metrics Tracking: 0 pt

Typeface: Kirvy Bold Size: 10 pt Leading: 14 pt Kerning: Metrics Tracking: 0 pt

Typeface: Libre Baskerville Italic Size: 8 pt Leading: 11 pt Kerning: Metrics Tracking: 0 pt


Set 4

Typeface: Gotcha Gothic Stamp Regular Size: 37 pt Leading: 41 pt Kerning: Metrics Tracking: 0 pt

Typeface: Gotcha Gothic Stamp Regular Size: 20 pt Leading: 24 pt Kerning: Metrics Tracking: 0 pt

Typeface: Kirvy Bold Size: 13 pt Leading: 17 pt Kerning: Metrics Tracking: 0 pt

Typeface: Open Sans Italic Size: 10 pt Leading: 14 pt Kerning: Metrics Tracking: 0 pt

t’s an instant pick-me-up that brings out the fun and freshness in you. Take a sip and let the rich flavours give your taste buds the treat they deserve.


Typeface: Open Sans Regular Size: 8 pt Leading: 11 pt Kerning: Metrics Tracking: 0 pt

Brand Book

Typography Usage Guide The type palette defines typefaces that depict and personalize the brand style. The style of typography brings out the nature and mood of the brand based on the context of portrayal. A set of serif and san serif typefaces with the hierarchy of fonts used in different permutations and combinations establishes the voice and tone of communication.

The typography palette comprises of rounded fonts, organic in nature paired with neutral and tall styled typography that balances the former. It represents the brands organic endeavour and also portrays ideals such as confidence, honesty and trust.


A projection of the type palette, the attributes they portray and the brand ideals they stand for. A combination of these individual typefaces calm the brands serious intent with a light hearted fun persona with an organic twist. 52

Brand Book

Technicality of Type Correct Usage

Take a sip and let the rich flavours give your taste buds the treat they deserve.

Leading increased by 3 or 4pt as compared to the type size.

Incorrect Usage

Take a sip and let the rich flavours give your taste buds the treat they deserve. Take a sip and let the rich flavours give your taste buds the treat they deserve.

The character usage of typography in a sentence or paragraph is defined by the leading that is increased by 3 or 4 points as compared to the type size. A lesser leading measure is used only in specific contexts pertaining to a sub citation or so. 53


Packaging 54

Brand Book

B Natural Juice Ranges Locale




A visual experience that gives an insight into the freshness of the fruit beverages coupled with the essence of the flavours, their heritage put together in a fun yet intense packaging design that brings out the ideals of the brand. 55

Inspiration Visuals


Brand Book

Concept The Packaging Design follows an image oriented approach with emphasis on the visual representation. The Packaging Design is inspired by a forest with branches of trees swaying on either sides. The lush green of the forest has been incorporated in the design with the contrast of the fruits standing out to capture an onlooker’s attention. It brings out the aspect of displaying the ingredients at their purest best. A story that talks of the freshness of fruits and vegetables coupled with the might of the jungles in lush green is the very essence of the design endeavour The colour coded bands, the emphasis on the negative and positive area in the design coupled with Mnemonics and Typography enhances the consumer’s B Natural experience.


Nectar Range Nectars The range of Nectars consists of rich, straight from fruit pulp beverage that is organic and healthy. The Packaging Design of this range aims at bringing out the essence of the ingredients in bright and vibrant hued imagery against the lush green gradient of the background. The lush green gradient marks a characteristic feature of this range. With the liberal use of mnemonics, this range is complete with the customized colour coded bands. This range comprises of Orange, Mango, Lychee, Apple, Pineapple, Guava, Jamun, Mixed Fruit and Pomogranate flavoured juice.


Brand Book

Locale Range

Locale The Locale Range consists of flavours specific to certain territories and belts of India. The flavours being Bael from the North Eastern belt, Phalse famous in the North Western region and Kinnow, grown in the groves of Punjab are partronized by this range of juice. A characteristic element of the Packaging Design involves the incorporation of a distinct green gradient that is symbolic of the indigeneous plants grown in India. However, the lush green of the logo is retained to maintain overall consistency. The mnemonics and ingredient visuals come together to add life to the Locale range Packaging.


Seasonal Range Seasonal The Seasonal Range aims to make one’s winters cozier and warmer with the Mixed Fruit and Dry Fruit flavoured juice. The gradient green is a characteristic green with a warm shade of greenish yellow mixed together with a tinge of brown to portray an emotion of warmth. The green gradient is paired with the mnemonics, ingredient representation and the lush green logo to put together a Packaging Design for the Seasonal Range.


Brand Book

Premium Range Premium The Premium Range consists of Chunky Mango drink and Vegetable juice with Chia Seeds. The Design direction of this range involves an illustrative style coupled with the imagery based treatment of Graphics. A simple line illustration traces the course of these ingredients accentuating the eminence of the flavour and thus adding a premium look and feel to the packaging. The characteristic lush green is incorporated to add to the brands natural intent with a touch of opulence decked complete.


Nectars (Cartons)


Brand Book

Nectars (Bottles)




Brand Book





Brand Book

Nectars (Guava)


Architecture Guidelines

Imagery and Ingredient Depiction 60% of visual space (30% top and bottom)

Mnemonic Unit 15% of visual space

Logo Unit 20% of visual space

Product Name Unit 5% of visual space


Brand Book

Presenting the Brand Architecture guide, which specifies the visual space occupied by different elements in the Packaging Design such that it is compiled together in harmony.

Primary Point of focus

Secondary Point of focus Tertiery Point of focus


Key Lead Diagram


Brand Book


Technical Specification


1 Litre Dimensions 180 by 96 by 56 mm Print on Paper board Plastic caps of diameter 30 mm

96 72

Units in mm

Brand Book


200 ml Dimensions 120 by 48 by 36 mm Print on paper board 48

Units in mm


Back of Pack View


Brand Book

Elements of Packaging Logo Unit The logo unit defines the brand B Natural as a major focal point in the packaging design and communicates the saleability of the product ranges based on the image of the brand. The B Natural logo is always placed at the center of the carton pack and label.

width : height ratio 0.9 : 1

Product (Ingredient) Unit The product unit succeeds the logo and is next in prominence when viewed by the consumer. Typography plays a vital role in defining and highlighting the variety and speciality of the product, adding a light hearted fun element with the kind of typeface used, lined and colour coded based on the ingredient.


Typeface Size Leading Kerning Tracking Hue

Gotcha Gothic Stamp 28 - 33 pt 26.4 - 39.6 pt Metrics 0 #df3337


Mnemonic Unit A Mnemonic Unit is a set of patterns that are colour coded in order to reiterate a feature of the product that adds value to the useability of a product. It is coupled with typography to add value and accentuate the product benefit.

Typeface Size Leading Kerning Tracking Hue

The mnemonic with the set of words ‘ No added preservative’ is defined along the curve of the drop at an angle of 60 degree. Hued in white with adequate contrast against the lush green backdrop, the mnemonic asserts on the products organic endeavour. The colour coded strip helps distinguish between the different sub flavours present in a certain range and when viewed from a distance helps establish the essence of the flavour, thus reducing the need to search which helps boost the brands consumer friendly persona. Hue


Kirvy Bold 13.75 pt 16.5 pt Auto -38 #ffffff

Brand Book

SKU Unit This unit marks the end of the elements of the front of pack unit in the packaging design. Incorporated in a drop with the green of the pack, yet again emphasizing upon the natural intent of the brand, it contains the measure of the product placed within the drop.

Typeface Size Leading Kerning Tracking Hue

Kirvy Bold 13.75 - 9 pt 16.5 pt - 10 pt Auto -38 Gradient

Secondary Logo Mark The secondary logo mark of ITC is placed at the bottom portraying the brand as an initiative of ITC. Hued in black or white against the contrast of the ingredient graphic unit, it forms an important part of the front of pack packaging design.


Graphic Unit This unit is instrumental in defining the brand persona to the consumer at a glance. The visual style along with the distinct green of the brand is emphasised upon and differentiates the brand from its competitors. B Natural being synonymous with quenching and satisfying the consumers thirst with the most organic and fresh set of fruits and vegetables is portrayed depicting the choicest ingredients tilted at an angle of 360 degrees at its purest best. The colour coded bands and the ingredients curved along the course of the drop are carefully paired in visual harmony with the green of the brand, thus stressing on the character of the beverage brand.

The ingredient unit imagery curved along the drop


Brand Book

The green of the packaging is inspired by the lush green of the forests with leaves and branches of trees playing peek a boo with the horizon seen as a mirage paving way for a scenic illusion. 79

Illustration Style (Locale Range Packaging) The Locale Range incorporates a set of illustrations at the background styled at a lower opacity depicting a heritage symbolism of the place super imposed by a bunch of hatch lines taking on the silhouette of the place or region. The Bael locale range explores the eminence of the foothills of the Himalayas where orchards of Bael fruits are found in abundance. The illustration traces the sturdy form of the hills adorned with hatch lines in the silhouette of the North Eastern belt of India. Phalse juice, famous for its authentic indigenious flavour is another sub category of the Locale range. The leaf of the Phalse plant is known for its medicinal properties. Thus with the leaf as the central entity, the representation is further accentuated by hatch lines tracing the silhouette of the North Western territory of India where Phalse fruits are grown. The Kinnow sub category, owing its origin to Punjab takes a direct inspiration at portraying of the Golden Temple as a heritage depiction in the packaging with the silhouette of Punjab hatched on to the representation.


Brand Book


Graphic Style 81

Abstract The abstract consists of a set of drops tilted to form a patern that is organic and comes together to appear as a bunch of leaves on a tree. The abstract is separated by two large drops tilted to form an abstract B, to form the negative area.


Brand Book


Visual Style The brand incorporates an illustrative visual style with brush strokes that are flowy and discontinuous. A rough look, coupled by the raw and drawn in a jiffy attribute of the sketches forms the distinct style of visual representation. While selective rendering in the form of hatches can be used to add detail to the doodles, an illustrative outline based approach may also be defined as a characteristic design style. This visual style can be paired with the use of realistic ingredient based imagery and visuals for advertising campaigns and creatives.


Brand Book









Splash Juice


Fresh Energize

B Natural

Quenches Thirst


Plants Organic

Wild Grassroot Pure Forests



A rough look, coupled by the raw and drawn in a jiffy attribute of the sketches forms the distinct style of visual representation. 86

Brand Book


Collaterals 87

Layout Guidelines The Logo placement positions has been drafted based on a set of acceptable positions in a particular visual context.

Preferred Placement

Preferred Placement

Acceptable Placement


Brand Book



Brand Book



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