What Is The Role Of Different Testosterone Esters In Bodybuilding?

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Sold under the brand name Andriol and Aveed, testosterone undecanoate, or testosterone undecylate is widely used for its long duration of action. This testosterone ester has a half-life of 21 days when prepared with tea seed oil and roughly 33 days when prepared with castor oil. Testosterone undecanoate is the one with the longest half-life, of all testosterone esters with testosterone decanoate coming in at a second place. Testosterone undecanoate is a schedule III controlled substance and a schedule IV controlled substance in the United States of America and Canada, respectively. Administered as an intramuscular injection, the product is metabolized by the liver and excreted primarily in the urine. Due to the long half-life and the administration dose of 1000 mg, testosterone undecanoate is only administered every 12 weeks.

8. How To Get The Best Testosterone Esters For Bodybuilding? Before deciding on the best testosterone ester for bodybuilding, it is important to understand what the esters do and how they function. Moreover, it is important to determine the personal needs and how much testosterone is required, along with how frequently bodybuilders and athletes are willing to undergo testosterone injections. Once all of this is determined, the search for the best testosterone ester can begin. Testosterone propionate is the most cost-efficient and effective testosterone ester along with sustanon. Bodybuilders are mostly found to trust and swear by these two testosterone esters. In fact, these two are considered to be the best testosterone for bodybuilding however, this is subject to change based on the needs and willingness of the bodybuilder. For further information, a raw steroid supplier can be contacted so that it can be understood which one might be right for you and which ones are the most popular, and why. If testosterone injections are not something you are willing to undergo, other forms of testosterone such as testosterone pills with raw testosterone powder in them can be consumed too. 【Reference】 [1] Apicella CL, Dreber A, Campbell B, Gray PB, Hoffman M, Little AC (November 2008). "Testosterone and financial risk preferences". Evolution and Human Behavior. 29 (6): 384–90. doi:10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2008.07.001. 12


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