What We Need Know About Testosterone Propionate For Bodybuilding

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What We Need Know About Testosterone Propionate For Bodybuilding

Raw Testosterone Propionate Powder Basic Characters

Product Name: CAS number: Molecular Formula: Molecular Weight: Melt Point: Color: Storage Temp:

Testosterone Propionate powder 57-85-2 C22H32O3 344.5 g/mol 118-123°C White crystalline powder Store at 8°C-20°C, protect from moisture and light

1. Testosterone Propionate Powder Testosterone Propionate powder, commonly referred to as “Test P powder”. Testosterone Propionate Powder is one of the earliest and best-selling testosterone products in the world. It gets its name from its quick separation of propionate. The effect of testosterone propionate with other testosterone, 48 hours but it short half-life decision must use it frequently, most athletes to maintain the stability of blood drug concentration injection once every one day will be. There are reports that Testosterone Propionate acid is more effective than 1



other types of testosterone, but there is little difference, and there are some long-term users of testosterone who say that the water retention of propionate is lighter than other species. Testosterone propionate powder as a simple hormone but very effective, a large number of athletes are using, but some people because of propionate too sensitive and feeling unwell, this problem can be solved by switching to other drugs. Testosterone Propionate is a pure testosterone hormone. Although synthetic it is a perfect replica of the primary naturally produced male androgen testosterone. By design, the hormone is attached to the Propionate (propionic acid) ester, a small/short ester that enables the hormone’s release time to be controlled. Without an ester, the hormone would disperse and dissipate rapidly post administration. By attaching the ester, this promotes a controlled release and allows the individual to inject the hormone less frequently. Once Testosterone Propionate is injected, the ester slowly begins to detach from the hormone. As the ester is detached the testosterone hormone begins to release into the blood. The half-life of Testosterone Propionate is approximately two days, which is substantially longer than ester free testosterone, which carries a half-life a little less than 24 hours. Outside of performance enhancement, Testosterone Propionate has found a number of therapeutic uses. Testosterone Propionate has found other points of interesting use over the years in treating menopausal issues, chronic cystic mastitis, excessive lactation and endometriosis. This was for a decent amount of time the most commonly used testosterone for female medical treatment, but it has largely been removed from U.S. FDA approval in female patients. It is still approved for male use in the U.S. but it will be found in medicinal circles more commonly in other parts of the world. However, Cypionate and Enanthate remain the dominate forms worldwide leaving Propionate to be primarily use in performance circles.

2. Testosterone Propionate powder Benefits The benefits and effects of Testosterone Propionate are the same as you’ll get with all forms of testosterone, with the choice of ester mainly coming down to availability and your desired half life and how often you’re comfortable administering injections. 2



This in turn relates to how stable you can maintain your blood levels of the steroid, and Testosterone Prop comes with some advantage in this regard because the more frequent injections you’ll be using (because of this ester’s short half life) ensure that your blood levels are maintained to the most optimal level. Thanks to its excellent anabolic activity, Testosterone Propionate comes with numerous benefits that boost both performance and results. These include the most important areas of anabolic processes in the body: ●Enhances protein synthesis – This gives you a massive improvement in recovery and the growth of muscle tissue, since this process is how proteins are built by cells. The more efficient protein synthesis is, the faster your muscles recover from intense workouts and the quicker the muscle is repaired and grown. ●Improves nitrogen retention – This is a critical process to keeping your body in the best anabolic state possible. When nitrogen becomes imbalanced, the body can fall into a catabolic state where you start losing muscle; this is to be avoided at all costs and the retaining of nitrogen ensures that your nitrogen output is lower than your intake of nitrogen – this is the prime state to be in for muscle growth. The better that nitrogen is balanced, the quicker the muscles recover the and faster they grow. ●Increases red blood cells – More oxygen and nutrients getting to the muscles with greater blood flow equals increased muscle endurance so you can workout harder and for longer. Recovery is also enhanced with a greater red blood cell count. ●Boosts insulin growth hormone (IGF-1) – This anabolic hormone is vital for many aspects of your bodybuilding goals: it’s involved in mass gain, endurance, fat burning and also boosts protein synthesis which in turn directly contributes to recovery through the repair of muscle tissue. ●Reduces stress hormones – In particular testosterone inhibits glucocorticoids. While these are important hormones in some ways such as for fighting inflammation, they can also promote wasting of the muscles and fat gain.




3. Testosterone Propionate powder Dosage ●Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Testosterone Propionate Dosage Taking 50mg to 100mg everyday or every two days is a common dosing strategy for testosterone propionate. Intermediate and advanced users may look at using testosterone propionate for more than 8 weeks and up to 12 weeks, with daily injections of 50mg to 100mg while stacking this ester with other anabolic steroids, or 100-200mg if using this ester on a testosterone only cycle. ●Female Testosterone Propionate Dosage Testosterone Propionate is a strong male androgen hormone so is not often used by females due to the drastic side effects that can occur. However out of all the testosterone esters, if a female is to use one it is Testosterone Propionate due to its fast clearance from the body but only in very low doses of about 25mg weekly for no more than 8 weeks maximum.

4. Testosterone Propionate powder Cycles ●Beginner Testosterone Propionate Cycle A beginner user taking this ester alone in an 8 week cycle at 100mg every 2 days is a recommended cycle. A maximum beginner cycle of 500mg weekly for a 10 week cycle provides a good introduction for the new steroid user with a balance between results and side effects. ●Intermediate Testosterone Propionate Cycle A 10 week cycle is also suitable for intermediate users but commonly at this level Testosterone Propionate will be stacked with other compounds like Deca-Durabolin and Dianabol. 500mg weekly of Testosterone Propionate, with Dianabol at 25mg daily for 10 weeks and Deca for the first four weeks only at 400mg weekly is an effective intermediate cycle. ●Advanced Testosterone Propionate Cycle Advanced users are more likely to use Testosterone Propionate as a hormone 4



support compound to replace the suppression of natural testosterone while using more powerful steroids. This cycle makes use of the very powerful Tren Acetate as the primary anabolic compound at 400mg weekly and Testosterone Propionate for testosterone replacement at 100mg weekly.

5. Testosterone Propionate injectable recipes Testosterone Propionate 100mg/ml @ 100ml cooking recipe: 10 gram Testosterone Propionate powder (7.5ml) 2ml BA (2%) 20ml BB (20%) 70.5ml Oil

Testosterone Propionate 150mg/ml @ 100ml cooking recipe: 15 gram Testosterone Propionate powder (11.25mL) 2mL BA (2%) 30mL BB (30%) 56.75mL Oil

Testosterone Propionate 200mg/ml @ 100ml cooking recipe: 20 gram Testosterone Propionate powder (15mL) 2mL BA (2%) 20mL BB (20%) 50.4mL EO 12.6mL Oil 5



6. Buy Testosterone Propionate Powder There are many testosterone propionate suppliers available both online and in physical stores around the globe. However, you need to be very careful if you need to get a high-quality drug that will guarantee you quality results by the end of your cycles. Not every testosterone propionate manufacturer you find online is genuine, some are just there to make money, and they don’t care about the results you will get after taking your dosages. Before you buy testosterone propionate, first do your research. Make sure you understand how the testosterone propionate supplier works before you make any order. Read different customer reviews as well as looking at the company ratings. We are the leading testosterone propionate supplier and manufacturer in the region. Our website is user-friendly, so you can easily make your order using your smartphone, tablet, or desktop from the comfort of your home or office. We always make sure that we deliver all the products within the shortest time possible. You can buy testosterone propionate powder in bulk or just enough for your bulking or cutting cycles. Remember, no matter how easily you can get the drug, don’t start taking it without your doctor’s guidance.

【Reference】 [1] Rastrelli, G.; Reisman, Y.; Ferri, S.; Prontera, O.; Sforza, A.; Maggi, M.; Corona, G. (2019). "Testosterone Replacement Therapy". Sexual Medicine. pp. 79–93. doi:10.1007/978-981-13-1226-7_8. ISBN 978-981-13-1225-0. [2] Eberhard Nieschlag; Hermann M. Behre; Susan Nieschlag (26 July 2012). Testosterone: Action, Deficiency, Substitution. Cambridge University Press. pp. 9, 315–. ISBN 978-1-107-01290-5. [3] Kenneth L. Becker (2001). Principles and Practice of Endocrinology and Metabolism. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. pp. 1185, 1187. ISBN 978-0-7817-1750-2.



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