What Is The Role Of Different Testosterone Esters In Bodybuilding?

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1. Testosterone And Bodybuilding History Testosterone is a steroid hormone in the human body and with age, the testosterone level in the body begins to decline. This decline is accompanied by several side effects, such as hair loss, loss of muscle mass, and an overall decrease in mental and physical stamina. Testosterone steroid hormone is crucial for these in the body, and that realization is exactly what led to the use of exogenous testosterone as a testosterone treatment in the first place. In 1899, Dr. Brown-Sequard developed an Elixir of Life for males which was made of blood, semen, and testicular fluid that had been taken from dogs and guinea pigs. This may seem weird in light of today’s medical advancements but back in 1899, this was a groundbreaking discovery. Dr. Brown-Sequard tested this concoction on himself, noting a significant improvement in his overall health and stamina. As the word of Dr. Brown-Sequard’s success with animal testosterone-based elixir spread, more and more physicians began using the elixir. Eventually, it was prescribed by over 12,000 physicians, hence, paving the way for testosterone use. While Dr. Brown-Sequard’s concoction was successful due to the effects of testosterone steroid hormone, actual synthetic testosterone wasn’t developed till 1935, in Germany. The main use of this synthetic testosterone was to treat depression and that is what it was used for, till the 1954 Olympics. The main motivation for the misuse isn’t known but it was at the 1954 Olympics that athletes began to abuse testosterone as an anabolic steroid, for better physical performance. Even though the misuse of synthetic testosterone began in 1954, it was limited to athletes till the 1980s when the use of testosterone as an anabolic steroid spread to the general population as well. At this time, and till recently, the use of testosterone was predominantly by male non-athletes for their appearance, rather than their physical performance. The general population uses testosterone or steroids to improve their muscle mass, and appear bulkier and bigger rather than to perform well in sports. The general population noticed a significant improvement in their physical performance with exogenous testosterone. They experienced improved lean muscle mass, with decreased muscle soreness post-workout and an overall improved recovery period. All of these benefits led to the increased use of testosterone as an anabolic steroid by athletes and bodybuilders.



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