Buy YK11 Powder: Reviews & Benefits

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Buy YK11 Powder: Reviews & Benefits

BuyYK11 Powder: Reviews & Benefits..................................................................................................1 I.Raw YK11 powder basic Characters:......................................................................... 2 1.YK11 powder .................................................................................................................2 2.YK11 powder Reviews................................................................................................. 3 YK11 powder as a S.A.R.M...................................................................................3 YK11 powder as a Prohormone............................................................................. 4 YK11 powder as a Myostatin Inhibitor.................................................................. 4 3.How does powder works?........................................................................................... 4 4.YK11 powder For Bodybuilding.................................................................................. 5 Is YK11 powder better for bulking or cutting?......................................................6 Who Can Take YK11 powder ?.............................................................................. 6 5.Benefits of YK11 powder..............................................................................................7


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I.Raw YK11 powder basic Characters:


YK11 powder



Molecular Formula: C17H27Cl2N Molecular Weight:


Melt Point:


Storage Temp:

Room Temperature


Gray Powder

1.YK11 powder

YK11 powder (CAS: 431579-34-9) is a dietary supplement that works primarily as a myostatin inhibitor. It is designed to help increase your muscle mass, produce more healthy chemicals, and create a healthy body growth that is sustainable for an extended period. There is some debate over whether or not it is a SARMS product. SARMS include Ostarine, Cardarine, Andarine, Ligandrol (LGD 4033), and Rad 140. While many classify it this way, others do not. As a result, it is essential to know how YK11 powder works and what it does before taking it. Some people may feel that its effects are too potent and won’t want to change their body in such a way. However, those who want the benefits of increased muscle mass with a minimum of fuss typically love YK11 powder and the ways it improves their bulk. Before reading any further, it is essential to understand that this is not a steroid product. As a result, it won’t seriously negatively affect your testosterone level. That’s why you aren’t likely to become dependent on this product. It does have 2

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side effects when using it and after you quit, but these results are typically not as severe as those of other muscle-building compounds.

2.YK11 powder Reviews

YK11 powder as a S.A.R.M. A selective androgen receptor modulator, best known as a S.A.R.M., is a compound that targets specific androgen receptor sites in the body and promotes anabolic benefits with minimal androgenic side effects. YK11 powder is not a S.A.R.M. but I can see why it is usually classified as such. YK11 powder does attach itself to androgen receptors; however, it does not promote the release of anabolic or androgenic agents. Instead, once attached YK11 powder promotes the release of Follistatin.More on the relationship between Follistatin and Myostatin below.


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YK11 powder as a Prohormone A prohormone is ingested into the body where it will be given the missing compound to turn it into an active androgenic agent. Most prohormones will promote both anabolic benefits such as muscle growth while also triggering androgenic side effects such as acne and aggression. Prohormones also are known for causing testosterone suppression and requiring a post-cycle therapy supplement to offset these effects. YK-11 powder does not require a missing compound in order to be activated. Rather, once inside the body, it connects to an androgen receptor and it promotes the release of the compound, Follistatin. It does have some side effects, which I’ll expand on below, but nothing as severe as a prohormone. Prohormones and YK11 powder have completely different mechanisms for activation along with a different level of anabolic versus androgenic effects. In summary, YK-11 powder is NOT a prohormone.

YK11 powder as a Myostatin Inhibitor YK11 powder is a myostatin inhibitor.First, let’s breakdown what myostatin is and its role in muscle building. Everyone has a genetic muscle building limit. If we didn’t have a genetic wall in place, our bodies would continue to gain muscle mass to the point of not being able to physically move because the mass would be so big, assuming the right conditions were met for hypertrophy, of course. Myostatin powder is in charge of being that muscle building wall. Men and women are able to max out their genetic potential and once they reach that point, even with the best diet and training program, myostatin will step in. Myostatin inhibitors are able to disarm the compound and allow your body to continue making progress. More on how YK11 powder acts as a myostatin inhibitor below.

3.How does powder works?

YK11 powder attaches itself to an androgen receptor. This prompts muscle cells to produce more anabolic factors that in turn leads to increased muscle 4

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growth. Unlike most SARMS that come with limited androgenic effects, this compound performs much better. In a past study, the effect of this compound on muscle cells was proven to be much higher. In this study, it was found that the muscle cells produced more anabolic compounds when exposed to 500nmol of this compound than when exposed to testosterone. It is safe to say that YK11 powder powder just like any other SARM is designed to help with muscle growth. It has been proven that the compound promotes muscle growth, muscle retention, and the growth of new muscle cells. Its side effects are minimal and cannot be compared to the side effects of steroids available in the market. This possibly explains why it is receiving a lot of attention as many are looking for a solution that is safe and works to enhance muscle growth. This compound works great for those looking to build muscle mass. The compound is also ideal for people who want to maintain the amount and quality of their muscles and keep fat cells at bay.

4.YK11 powder For Bodybuilding

This compound is primarily designed to help with muscle growth. It works in more ways than one to promote the development of muscle cells and ensure muscle retention. The compound also works to help burn fat and decrease the overall amount of fats deposited in the body. When introduced in the body, YK11 powder ensure that muscle cells develop at a much faster rate. The compound also strengthens existing muscle mass. Because the compound is selective, users get to see results much faster and get better results. This compound is designed to help people whose genetic makeup prevents them from acquiring significant muscle mass. This is because it also acts a myostatin inhibitor. Myostatin is a protein that inhibits the growth of muscle in the body. Some people naturally have a high amount of this protein in their bodies. Such people rarely acquire significant muscle mass even when they use available muscle building solutions. Thanks to YK11 powder, people who are naturally disadvantaged where muscle growth is concerned can also get to grow their muscles to the levels they desire.


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Is YK11 powder better for bulking or cutting? This is one of the reasons I love this SARM so much. It is extremely versatile and can be used for both. Typically I would advise to keep the dosage lower for cutting cycles, since your goal is going to be to maintain as much muscle mass as possible while you lose weight. If you are bulking, you can assess your tolerance and ramp all the way up to 20mg per day if you feel comfortable. A lot of users like to stack it with LGD 4033 for bulking as well.

Who Can Take YK11 powder ? Anyone can take YK11 powder . All you need to do is make sure that you are active and that you are fully understanding of what it does and what it can offer you. A lot of people who do take YK11 powder experience fantastic results but if you do suffer from a health condition then you may want to look into this before you get started. This is because the YK11 powder could have an effect 6

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on the medication you are taking at the moment and this is another thing you need to keep in mind. Your health care provider can again, advise you on this but it is important to know that it is not yet understood whether or not this SARM can be taken alongside other SARMS. When you do take a look at the benefits it can offer you however, you may find that one good dose of this can far surpass the benefits you would get when you take this with other doses of SARMS. The main reason why people swap to YK11 powder is because they don’t want to put up with the side effects that other SARMS give them. The same goes for those who take testosterone. After all, YK11 powder increases hair growth instead of decreasing it and it also doesn’t affect the prostate either so if you are having prostate problems or if you have had problems in the past then you know you can count on this to eliminate the chance of SARMS making this worse. This is just one of the many things that it can do for you and you would be surprised at how much it can help you as well so if you would like to find out more or if you would like to see how it could benefit you then all you need to do is try it for yourself today. It has never been easier and this is the best way for you to know and understand the results it could offer you on a day to day basis. As mentioned above, you can buy it online with ease so you can access it without any problems, why don’t you get started for yourself today? A lot of providers have it for a very affordable price and it could even come to a lower price when compared to the other SARMS that are on the market as well so it is certainly worth looking into if you would like to get an alternative to the existing product that you are taking at the moment. Why don’t you try it for yourself today?

5.Benefits of YK11 powder

The benefits of YK-11 powder are myriad. Not only can you expect exactly what you came here for; massive lean muscle gains, and reaching the size and definition you always dreamed of, but you can also expect to lose fat, which is always a great thing. Unlike prohormones and anabolic steroids, the effects of YK-11 powder are very mild, even at high dosages. YK-11 powder is a very promising supplement that could provide a very clear route to the body you’ve always wanted, even if you’re not one of the genetic lottery winners. What Benefits Can Be Expected From YK11 powder as follow:  7

Lean size gains without water retention AASraw Biochemical Technology Co.,Ltd

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Increase in muscular size and strength Muscle hardening Increase in Follistatin levels Inhibition of Myostatin levels No anabolic steroid side effects Possibly allow you to far surpass your body’s genetics in regards to accrual of muscle mass

Produces muscle via a totally different mechanism than SARMs, Steroids, or HGH, so it can theoretically be added to any cycle for additional muscle growth and synergy

Increased muscular fullness and better pumps

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