Pyridoxal Hydrochloride’s Medical uses There’s no serious deficiency of vitamin B6 in the US, but it’s more likely in the elderly and children. If you are suffering from conditions such as hyperthyroidism, celiac disease, autoimmune disease, kidney disease, or you are alcohol dependent then you are at a higher risk of suffering from vitamin B6 deficiency. The body cannot produce vitamin B6, so you must obtain it from supplements or foods. It is necessary to consume adequate amounts of the vitamin to treat and prevent chronic diseases and for optimal health. Here are nine science-backed medical pyridoxine hydrochloride uses:
(1) Reduces Symptoms of Depression and Improves Mood B-6 pyridoxine hydrochloride plays a vital role in regulating moods. This is because it creates neurotransmitters that regulate emotions. Pyridoxine hydrochloride for pregnancy is very important for women who are emotional or have mood swings caused by hormonal imbalances during pregnancy. B6 also reduces the blood levels of homocysteine, an amino acid responsible for psychiatric problems such as depression. Many studies have associated depressive symptoms with low levels of pyridoxine hydrochloride in the blood. 1
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