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Ag Container Recycling Council Announces Territory Updates for 2021
“The Ag Container Recycling Council (ACRC) is announcing an important update regarding plastic recycling coverage of the Northeast Territory. Our newest contractor is Ag Plastic Solutions and the states that they will be covering are Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia and West Virginia. This change is reflected on the map below.
Any farmers or commercial applicators interested in recycling their empty HDPE pesticide containers, 55 gallons or smaller, should contact the appropriate ACRC contractor by referring to the map and contact information provided below.
Growers in Hawaii can contact the ACRC office directly for collection information.”
For pickup in your area, contact the color coded ACRC Contractor listed for your state
Agri-Plas, Inc. 503-390-2381 Allen Jongsma info@agriplasinc.com
Montana Department of Agriculture 406-465-0531 Carli Davis carli.davis@mt.gov
G. Phillips and Sons, LLC 248-961-3360 Stacy Bruinsma or Trevor Harding pickup@gpsagrecycle.com
Interstate Ag Plastics 661-764-9614 Brad Bittleston bbittle@gmail.com
Ag Plastic Solutions, LLC 717-446-9917 Justin Geisinger info@agplasticsolutions.com
USAg Recycling Inc. 800-654-3145 Beryl Gibson or Richard Marburger rwm8345@cvctx.com
Contact ACRC office
New Jersey Department of Agriculture 609-292-2242 Roberta Lange roberta.lange@ag.state.nj.us
Pennsylvania: PA Department of Agriculture 717-772-5210 Jim Cunningham jgcunningh@pa.gov