2 minute read
3 Modeling Equity Minded Leadership amid Crises: The call for higher education governing boards to lead the way Raquel M. Rall
5 The Pandemics of Racism and COVID-19: Guest Editors’ Comments and Acknowledgements (Juanita M. Cole, Jeffrey B. Leak, Edward Martinez)
8 An Essay: Reflections on Leadership in an Era of COVID-19 and in the Midst of a Reckoning on Racial Injustice (Charisse L. Gillett)
16 Disruptions and Executive Leadership Values (Linda M. Delene)
23 Modeling Equity-Minded Leadership amid Crises: The call for higher education governing boards to lead the way (Raquel M. Rall)
30 Parallel Pandemics: Leveraging the Interest Convergence of Higher Education Leadership Towards an Equity Grounded Response to COVID-19 (Tranquilino Hurtado)
37 Sticking to the Plan: How We’re Navigating COVID-19 and Racial Equity at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside (Rob Ducoffe and Debbie Ford)
44 Racial Trauma Intervention Informing Campus Police Relations (Yolany Gonell, David E. Jones, Joshua B. Powers, and Kara Rabbitt)
56 Reflections on Supporting Incoming Graduate Students of Color During a Double Pandemic (Alishia Alexander and Gabriela E. Vargas)
66 Fostering an Anti-Racist and Inclusive Living-Learning Community (Megha Anwer and Rhonda Phillips)
80 Disrupting Native Invisibility, Dismantling Settler Colonial Racism and Enhancing Educational Outcomes for Indigenous Students (Erika Derkas)
91 College during a Pandemic: A Qualitative Exploration of Community College FirstGeneration Students’ Mattering and Persistence Experiences (Victoria Vetro)
102 Using Disparate Impact Analysis to Develop Anti-racist Policies: An Application to Coronavirus Liability Waivers (David Griffith and Bryan McKinney)
115 The Academic Impact of CARES Act Funding and Peer Mentoring on First Generation Students at the University of Nevada, Reno (Jennifer Lowman, Melisa N. Choroszy, James Beattie, Lourdes Gonzales, and Timothy Wolfe)
126 Turning on a dime: Implications of an unanticipated shift to online learning of a
multicultural service-learning course. Lessons and insights for higher education
administrators and instructors on student-centered learning opportunities (Elizabeth Buffington, Cynthia Darche Park, Nadia H. Rohlinger, and Katie Bodie)
142 Disproportionate Impacts of COVID-19 on University Students in Underrepresented
Groups: A Quantitative and Qualitative Descriptive Study to Assess Needs and Hear
Student Voices (Sarah Y. T. Hartzell, Molly M. Hagen, and Paul G. Devereux)
152 Emotional and Mental Health Support for Black Students: Responding to Racial Trauma and White Terror amidst COVID-19 (Laura C. L. Landertinger, Anita Hopson, Elijah Greene, and Miracle Cooper)
163 Healthcare Students Perceptions of Hybrid Learning in the Midst of Twin Pandemics (Pamela Lewis-Kipkulei, LaToya Green, and Carlitta M. Moore)
173 Come and Talk to Me: An Exploration of Culturally Responsive Communication and
Decision-Making Practices at Predominantly White Institutions and Historically Black
Colleges and Universities During the COVID-19 Pandemic (Tameka Porter and Samantha E. Holquist)