07 12 2017 Arts Thread

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ARTS THREAD (ONLINE) July 12, 2017 Newsletter Database 75,000+ Social Media Followers 75,000+ “WGSN + ARTS THREAD FUTURE CREATOR AWARD HONG KONG” Aastha Shah, 2017 BFA Fashion Design Graduate, included on the shortlist of 20 recent 2016 & 2017 graduates to attend the July 14th WGSN Futures Summit in Hong Kong at Sky100 with its 360-degree view of Hong Kong from the 100th floor, and a chance to become the Winner of the Future Creator Award Hong Kong. https://www.artsthread.com/competitions/wgsnartsthreadfuturecreatorawardhongkong/?utm_source=ARTS+THREAD+Design+Newsletter&utm_campaign=fb8fea4750-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2017_07_20&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_7799122528-fb8fea4750-407552901

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