AAUS Late Fall 2018 Newsletter

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donation to the correct fund please use the new fund number! Then mail it to: College of Education and Human Ecology, Office of Advancement, 110 Arps Hall 1945 N. High St., Columbus, OH 43210 If you wish to donate in memory of someone, then please also let me know so I can put it in the newsletter. The University doesn’t pass on that information to me We set the date for next year’s meeting for June 22nd, 2019.

About 18 of us gathered in Rm. 100 for the annual meeting. Regardless of the size of the group we always seem to have a good time. At this time we re-elected the board; President: Alan Stickney, ’65 Vice-President: Dick Baker, ’62 Secretary: Carole Hardy Moyer, ’64 Treasurer/Membership: Steffanie Woodruff Haueisen, ’64.

We also appointed Gary Page, ’66 as Events Director since he has been invaluable in planning evening social events for us. Under new business, we listened to a presentation by Dr. Rob Kelly who had been awarded a grant from our Endowment Fund. He studied “Investigating the role of Reading Accuracy with First Graders in a Literacy Intervention” and showed us a chart with his findings. It was very interesting not only see our Endowment Fund in action but hear some results of current educational research. For the next academic year no one met the deadline to apply for our particular grant so in 2019 there will be no Endowment Fund grant.

Ben Reynolds (‘62) showed us a framed poster featuring University School which he had created and donated to the Blue Danube restaurant, a favorite stop for University School folks. The poster hung there for many years and because the Blue Danube recently closed, Ben rescued his poster. We have now made arrangements to hang it in University School. After adjourning, we went outside to the Rotunda entrance to see the newly installed Historical Plaque recognizing University School. Again, we wholeheartedly thank our donors who made the plaque possible. We all agreed that it is indeed very lovely and somewhat unusual in that the background is gray, making the plaque scarlet (the Ohio State logo), gray and white. Very appropriate! There is a punctuation error right after Alumni Association of University School, a mistake which occurred during production. I have asked that it be painted over and we

If you would like to contribute to the AAUS Endowment Fund here is how: Make out a check to the Ohio State University and in the memo line write for Fund # 607422. Please note if you have written this down before, our fund number has changed. I don’t know why. To get your


will see what happens. If that doesn’t

happen, then the sign will be unique and unusual just as the school was.


newsletters, and do special projects to preserve our memory and history. We truly appreciate the donations from some of you regulars as well as the continued support of our current members. If you are a Life member or an up-todate member, you will not receive the enclosure.

Every Fall we begin our yearly membership drive for the calendar year coming up, or 2019. Please read the enclosure carefully if you are not a current member. Please seriously consider becoming one. Membership and donations are our only income. These are the funds which continue to operate our website, send



Usually we repeat all the farewells of our U-Hi classmates from this past year so you can keep up to date. Our most sincere condolences to all the family and friends of the following, ever growing, list of friends now gone but not forgotten. *Marguerite Anderson Slagle, fac *Helen Helfrick Ish, fac *Mary MacLean Krumm, ‘38 *Rosemary Huling Rumberger, ’41 *Mary Rhea Dulles Walker, ’44 *Phyllis Casto Friel, ’44 *Wendell Whitacre, ‘44

Mirror Lake and how lovely it was. You can see for you self at the following website. https://www.osu.edu/alumni/news/ohiostate-alumni-magazine/issues/fall2018/mirror-lake-reopens

After several e-mail exchanges with other alumni about memories of Mirror Lake and our graduation ceremonies at Browning Amphitheater, and the fact that OSU was selling bricks and pavers which were still to be installed as a final completion to the project, we alumni had an opportunity to become involved, but that we needed to act quickly with the deadline for ordering in late December. Early in Nov., with the information about cost and the amount of letters per inscription, we asked for input on how the alumni wanted to participate. To do this we only had enough time to e-mail those who receive the AAUS newsletters electronically and for John Jacobs, ’62 to post it on Facebook. Within a very few days we had an awesome and impressive response stating preferences and sending donations. Classmates emailed other classmates and we have now been able to order both a granite paver and a brick. The Class of ’62 also ordered their own brick. Once they are installed we will let you know about where they are located. The paver will be closer to Browning Amphitheater and the brick somewhere around Mirror Lake.

*John F. Havens, ‘45 *Forrest G. Allen, ’47

*Jack Wilson, ‘47 *Mary Ellen Umpelby Jones,’48 *Rachel Buchanan Timmons, ‘48 *Carolyn Anderson Overs, ’49

*Henry Eckhart, ‘50 *Irving Modes, ‘51 brother of Sonia Modes Schottenstein, ’46 *Ruth Chidester Kramer, ’51 *Paul Gayer, ’52 brother of Keith Gayer,‘54

*Steve Kaplan, ’55, brother of Ruth Kaplan Uhlmann, ’53 and brother-in-law Craig Mathews, ’47 *Jack Hock, ‘55

*Adolphus Dean, ‘58 *James Bitonte, ’62 brother of Joseph Bitonte, ’59 And now, our deepest sympathies go to the friends and family of the most recent farewells… *Julie MacLean Nisonger, ‘40 *Robert Hankey, ’65 *Steve McManaway brother of Thomas McManaway, ’61 *Christopher Bullock, ‘66


LATEST PROJECT About a month ago, Dick Baker and Ben Reynolds, of the class of ’62, commented on OSU’s refurbishing of 3

This discussion also brought several memories of Mirror Lake which were shared by some…

Dick Baker, Rick Morris, John Jacobs, and Charlene Caren in memory of her sister Ann Caren ’53 and brother, Chris Caren, ’50; ’63, Mike McCoy, Kathleen Eveland Turner and Bill Guy; ’64, Lucinda Vandervort, Jeff Smith, Karen Williams Hubbard and Jan Higgy Koehler; ’65, Mike Moss; ’66, Kay Roan, Debbie McClung Tracy, and Geoff Handler; ’67, Valerie Winemiller. We cannot thank enough, Ben Reynolds, for making all the arrangements and for alerting us to this opportunity. Also thank you to John Jacobs for all his help with Facebook.

From Dick Baker, ‘62 “As best as I can remember, when I was a kid, I pushed one of Harold Bevis' grandsons into Mirror Lake because he was bullying my younger brother. Our family had been invited to President Bevis' campus home on a Summer Sunday afternoon (for lunch, I think) to meet with the OSU president and his family (I recall that we were the only invitees - ours was the only car in the driveway that I recall). Thankfully, my father (then an Assistant Professor) was not fired. We were never invited, as a family, to the President's house above Mirror Lake again.”

An additional thank you to Mary Jo Andrews Eakle ’51 for her contribution to the general fund.


From Shirley Stoughton Carlton, ‘55 “I realize that I have memories of Mirror Lake that are uniquely mine. I was one of the few local students (I lived at 51 E. 17th Ave.) and as a child my Dad and I would walk across the oval to Mirror Lake. I have wonderful memories of those walks and the Lake.”

From Shirley Stoughton Carlton, ‘55 “After graduating from U. High in 1955 I attended OSU and received a BS degrees in music education. In all I attended OSU for 16 years. I was a local student, walking to school (and often late) each day, as I lived at 51 E. 17th Avenue. I began as a 1st grade student after the death of my older brother in WWII, as it was the only school that would admit a 5 year old into first grade. My Mom needed some time to grieve and they intended the school to be a short term solution. Of course I loved it and did not want to leave. We were a "blue collar" family, so I do think that had something to do with my acceptance. Fast forward 15 years! I lived at home for three years of college and then my Dad retired and Mom and Dad moved into the house that my grandparents built in the country. I was accepted at Mary Pomerene Alumni Scholarship House

Here is a list of donors for the Mirror Lake project whose donations were received by the newsletter printing and their class years. We give you all a very hearty thank you for making it possible. ’38, Warren Mathews; ’47, Susie Ashman Jontz; ’48, Rita Crampton Johnson; ’52, Mary Nell Drumm Gale; ’53, Richard Batchelor and Carole Hagerman Groll; ’55, Shirley Stoughton Carlton; ’56, Doris White Isaacs; ’57, Ed Ferguson; ’58, Marcia McClintock Folsom; ’60, Geoff Louis, Carolyn McClintock Peter, Joan Griffin Jones and Paul Jacobs; ’61, Ed Violet; ’62, 4

(ASH), where I lived my senior year. The ASH autumn newsletter tells about a "triple Bucheye" who received her BS, MA and PhD at OSU and I got to thinking about those of us who attended OSU after graduating from University School. Most people currently at OSU do not know about US, but perhaps we could help with some publicity when we correspond with the OSU. How many of our University School graduates attended OSU after graduation? It would be interesting to know. I do remember crying when I received a scholarship, as it sealed the fact that I would be living at home and attending OSU. It was not what I wanted, but t did enjoy the OSU school of music as it was a small clog in a big wheel. Are there others out there who attended OSU for 16 years? P.S. There is currently a picture showing students at an OSU footfall games that appears to be taken from about where our University School season tickets were located (about 10:30 in the horseshoe on the top deck). It did bring back memories. As a US student I had tickets to the games for 6 years, but by the time I was a college student I had lost interest. OSU is a TV must, however, as I now live in Washington State and my husband is an OSU alumnus.” From Jan Higgy Koehler, ‘64 “I will always remember Mirror Lake, as well as the Faculty Club and the walk down to the ceremony. Sister Joyce also got married at the Faculty Club and I remember the winter dances that were put on for the teen children of faculty members. When I was back a couple of years ago now to see Columbus and show my daughter Kelly around, we tried to go to the Faculty Club. Unfortunately, it was closed and we did not get to go inside.

We wanted to check about some pictures that my dad had taken and I believer were displayed there. If you ever hear anything about a Photography Club that Faculty members had, I would appreciate hearing more about it. I have 5 or 6 8x10 black and white pictures he took. I think he used facilities on the campus to enlarge them and print them, as his photo lab at home was not capable of processing pictures that big.” I think a lot of people didn’t (and probably don’t) realize how closely our students identified with Ohio State as well as with University School since so many of our parents were on the OSU faculty. Shirley and Jan have asked a couple of questions. Does anyone have any further information about a faculty photography club and maybe we could have some class representatives venture a number of their classmates who attended OSU at some degree level after graduation. I am going to hazard a guess as to being somewhere around 50%.

CHECK THIS OUT! From Leslie Hauck, ’64 (from Nova Scotia, CA) I was 1 of 3 features on CBC National TV program Land and Sea, in my Spinning Studio [so fun]. Is it possible to put the link on the AAUS website for people, esp. 1964's to see? CBC's iconic Land and Sea program, has been going at least as long as I've been here, 49 years! https://www.youtube.com/watch? If you want to skip the other segments go to minute 14:44 (Again, the AAUS website is www.tosus.org)



what was our main office at University School. It is no longer surrounded by stepping stones and is very much showing its age. The birdbath shows up in a 1965 Scarleteer below in the upper right hand corner.

Our school was so small, it is always interesting how alumni, from different classes run into each other in far away places and end up becoming friends. I just received this notice from Carl Fleischhauer, class of ’58.

In case this does not reach you by other means, I will report the death of Julie MacLean Nisonger, who was in the class of 1940. Until a few years ago she lived very near me in the Scientists' Cliffs community in Port Republic, Maryland, on the Chesapeake Bay. Her husband Joe died in 2007; he was from Clintonville but I do not believe attended University School. When I knew Julie, from about 1984 to the early 2000s, she was a very upbeat and active member of our community, always involved in creative activities, for example illustrating a history of Scientists' Cliffs that was prepared in the 1980s. (see drawing above)

Does anyone know when it first appeared? Was it a donation of a class? Did someone from University School make it and donate it? What information can anyone add to the conversation? Depending on the information we learn, it could possibly be a project for us.

Please continue to send comments, information, recollections, life stories, etc. to our newsletter. E-mail jswhaueisen@yahoo.com or mail to AAUS, 587 Fox Lane, Worthington, OH 43085.

CAN YOU ANSWER THIS QUESTION? The group of alumni who meet for lunch on Mondays have asked the question about a birdbath which is currently in the grassy area right outside the windows of


Thank you all for your support and Happy Holidays!


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