folks and making arrangements. They had a wonderful turnout and were well represented. It was truly great to see them. They were also instrumental in finding several younger folks, siblings included, who attended U-Hi but never had the chance to graduate. It was fantastic to see how fond their U-Hi memories were when they were not given the opportunity to stay longer and experience the “whole� of the educational process at U-Hi.
We had a memory filled annual meeting/reunion this past June. About 85 of us convened in a very large classroom which has been created out of the old cafeteria. Most of the folks attending traveled a great distance to join us and for many it was their first time back in 50 years. It was wonderful to see so many new faces. Some of those attending included graduates whose parents had been faculty members or who had graduated from earlier years of University School. Special guests were two former coaches and their wives, Jim Stahl and Bob White (who came in from Minnesota.) Coach Bob White successfully fought cancer over the fall and winter and came in June to celebrate 90 years of a wonderful life and his times here at University School.
Some of those attending were: Karen Jones Sargeant and sister Renata Jones Henry, Pam Todd Battle, Janitye Reid Vaile and George Vaile, Tom Boggs, Dan Reuter, Mary Ellen Anderson Tyus, Karen Craig Nekervis, Karen Williams Hubbard, Jeff Smith, Ben Reynolds, Pete Reynolds, Mary Linda Larrick Smertz, Sterling Smith, Phil Smith, Blaine Stickney, Karen Stickney Muir, Alan Stickney, Jon Kennedy, Judi Becker Rioch, Frank Darby, Noula Sardelis Contakis, Dana Reynolds III, John Jacob, Julie Rains Nusken, Gary Page, June Renken Picciano, Martha Dale Jackson, Kay Roan, Bruce Todd Doug Todd, Andy Fanta, John Volker, Bruce Kay, Bonnie Kay, Jack Nelson, Geoff Louis, Deborah Spitz, Valerie Winemiller, Linda Cochran, Cynthia Coon Lambarth, Jack Moss, Steve Beyer, John Lehoczky, Marcia Lehoczky, Margaret Van Ness Nelson,
Since we wanted to recognize not only the last graduating class of University School, 1967, and with it the official closing of the school, we threw ourselves a big party in June. We recognized all the members of the class of 1967 who had gathered for this event to celebrate their 50th reunion. Sterling Smith worked hard contacting
Michael Ornstein, Rudy Smith, John Jacobs, Paul Jacobs, Sondra Young Abernathy, Ed Violet, Ed Johnson, Linda Goode Bryant, Kathy Voutyras, Greg Voutyras, Doug Bradley and…the AAUS board; Alan Stickney,’65, Dick Baker,’62 Carole Hardy Moyer,’64 Steffanie Woodruff Haueisen,’64.
to think through. We decided that for the folks who now inhabit University School, blissfully passing through the halls unaware that there ever was a school there, we needed to tell our story and our history with these photo collages. It is important to tell the learning experience we had at University School between 1932 when it opened to the first class and 1968 when the last group of elementary students left. Luckily, many graduates have sent photos, paraphernalia, and yearbooks. With these items our story would come to life.
The June meeting had several things on the agenda. The business part of the agenda was to re-elect our Board and to pass a revised version of the By-Laws. Our aim was to simplify the By-Laws and bring them more in line with how we are actually operating now. If you would like to read them, they are on our website… or we can mail them to you by request.
A second item on the agenda was to announce that the bust of Rudolph Lindquist, our first director, had regained his nameplate. The bust had been moved into the Rotunda and the name plate had fallen off. The name plate was replaced this spring and the bust was temporarily moved into the hall for us to see during our reunion.
Three of us (Steffanie Woodruff Haueisen, ’64, Noula Sardelis Contakis, ’63 and Debbie McClung Tracy, ’66) started looking at stuff and gradually the themes developed. We ended up with 15 frames. Each frame has an explanation of the theme and educational use in the school. There are photos, from the 30s, 40s, 50s, and 60s, to illustrate and give examples. We included a cheerleading sweater donated by Penny Dix, a BUG beanie, BUG pins, sports letters, train tickets, dance favors, musical production programs, blue print drawings of the building; all kinds of unusual stuff. We explained the curriculum, the courses, the grading system, the extracurricular opportunities, our sports programs, our graduation ceremonies, and the design of the building which integrated all of our special use programs. They were hung along the walls of the first floor just before the Annual Meeting. It was very fitting that our group was the first to see these.
The largest item on the agenda, in terms of length of time, was the unveiling of photo collage display along the first floor hall, a project which took 5 years
Since then we have added 6 banners that David (Clark) Barnard, ’55 made for a class reunion several years ago. There are two flanking the music room, and 4
By the way, the website is a fantastic way to keep up with our memories. The website exists only because of John Jacobs, ’62 and his persistence in digitizing so much of University School materials. He found us a wonderful webmaster, we have continued financial support from donors and it is truly a tribute to our school. Please do check it out! A million thanks to John who has spent countless hours on our behalf!
just outside the art room on the pillars there. Later, we added a framed University School pennant between two sports themed frames. Since we have put them up, we have had numerous positive comments from the current administrators and students in the building. One professor who was just returning from summer break was fascinated in learning more about University School. We were very touched when she said, “thank you so much for giving us this gift.” We also wish to thank the administrators for granting us permission to do this. We are very proud to show all interested parties what University School was all about and that it existed in that very special building.
MEMBERSHIP 2018 Every Fall we begin our yearly membership drive for the calendar year coming up, or 2018. Please read the enclosure carefully if you are not a current member and seriously consider becoming one. Membership and donations are our only income. These are the funds which continue to operate our website, send newsletters, and do special projects to preserve our memory and history. We truly appreciate the donations from some of you regulars as well as the continued support of our current members. If you are a Life member or an up-todate member, you will not receive the enclosure.
If you would like to see these photo frames, we have made arrangements with St. Stephens Church, across the street, for you to park. Parking at OSU now is very difficult during the classes in session time. If you contact St. Stephens at least 24 hours prior to your intended visit date (email is preferred) they can make sure to have your car information and reserve the space. The best time to come would be during the day Monday through Friday (9:00am – 3:00pm). Ramseyer Hall or University School isn’t open on the weekends. You can e-mail Liz Hecker, at or call 614-294-3749.
THANK YOU! We thank the many of you for the several donations we have received during the last year, but wish to especially recognize Dick Baker (’62) for his yearly donation to the website, Karen Williams Hubbard (’64) for her donation in Memory of Skip Woodruff, ’59, J. Richard Greer (’50) for his extremely generous donation this past Spring and to the Class of ’52 for their donation in Memory of Harvey Minton.
*Susan Bowen Luck, ’60 sister of Nancy Bowen Kauffman, ’59 and Vicki Bowen Matz, ‘62 *Peter Thorp, ‘61
In the Fall newsletter we recap all of our farewells of our U-Hi classmates from this past year. Our deepest sympathies to all family and friends of…
*Emma McCaughey Koehler, ‘36 *Peggy Coffey Swenson, ’40 *Robert C. Gump, ‘42 *Richard H. Oman, ’44 *Ann Bennett Hamilton, ‘46 *Robert M. Cawley, ’46 *Lou Gilchrist Kuempel, ‘47 *Barbara Craig Thatcher, ‘49 *Robert P. Caren, ’50 brother of Charlene Caren, ’62 *Jane Forster Humphrey, ’51 sister-inlaw of Carol Haskins Foster, ‘50 *Harvey S. Minton, 52 brother of Helen Minton Paul, ‘54 *Doris J. Bauroth Alotis, ‘54 *Bob Parsons, ’63 *Jim Sexton,’65 *Rebecca Tewell Mills, ’66 sister of John Tewell, ‘66 *Tim Mustaine, ’67 brother of Myron Mustaine, ’57 and Kathleen Mustaine, ‘70s
HISTORICAL MARKER Since the inside of University School now has the historical frames we turned our thoughts to the exterior of the building. We met with the University’s chief architect who is in charge of grounds and exteriors at OSU. A couple of possibilities were discussed and we really like the idea of an OSU Historical Marker. It would be placed on a pole in a planted area just outside the rotunda entrance where students either passing by the building or entering the building can stop and read it. The markers are about 18” by 17” with red background and white lettering. The projected cost would be around $3500 total. We, of course would be responsible for the text within the marker and the text would contain a brief history of University School.
Sadly to this list we add the following names who have passed since our last newsletter. Our condolences to all the family members, and classmates who were part of their lives.
We would like some feed back from you regarding the project. Since we would very much like to get the project completed by next June if possible, we would like to commit to it by January 2018 if there is enough positive feedback. You can either e-mail me, Steffanie Haueisen at or contact the website or use Facebook. Of course you can send donations to this project to show your support as well. Please send any donation for the Historical Marker or any other reason, to AAUS, 587 Fox Lane, Worthington, OH 43085.
*Lucille Burkett, fac *Julian Woelfel, ’43 brother of Bruce Woelfel, ’48 and father of Brad Woelfel, ‘67 *Rosemary Ladd Lumpkin, ‘46 *Cal Vorgang, ‘47 *George Mack, ’47 brother of Ashley Mack Gustafson, ’42 and Susan Mack Runkle, ‘49
The following is an example of the shape of OSU Historical Markers. This one is for the Alumni House at OSU.
remembering my favorite tradition at University School: the whole entire school, kindergarten through 12th grade, at the Christmas Assembly, singing the Twelve Days of Christmas, each class having their own verse. Even when I was really little I was intrigued hearing the differences in the sounds of voices as each class sang their verse. The change from “baby” voices to young child voices to older child voices, and then at some point (9th grade for us) a completely different range due to the boys whose voices had changed. Hearing the 12th graders (only on one verse! What a shame!) as they finally got their turn at the end of the song was always special to me: they sounded like grownups. : ) So - I have a question. Did kindergarteners get in on this song, singing the Partridge in the Pear Tree bit with the first graders? They weren’t left out of the assembly, were they? And if they were at the assembly, surely they weren’t left out of that song!
HOLIDAY MEMORIES A little over a year ago, members of the Class of ’62 shared some U-Hi memories from the Holiday Season. This time of year was always so special at University School. During the decades the type of festivities changed, sometimes a big change and sometimes a more subtle change. How can we forget the special Holiday Dinner(Lunch) in the cafeteria just before break, or the Singing Faculty guys during that Holiday Dinner. The school always tried to make events during the year memorable. It worked – we remember the Carnivals, the dances, the soc-hops, the socials, the special lunches, everything. Thank you faculty – we are the better for those happy days!
Kindergarten is so far away that I can’t remember! Does anyone? Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night, love, Allison (Randall) p.s. Speaking of voices changing: the reason I said 9th grade for us is that I remember very clearly Mr. Stilson taking attendance the first day of 9th grade, and how all our heads whipped around to stare at Dan when he said “present” or “here” or whatever it was in a new-to-us deep resounding voice! That boy who sang Amahl was no more!
Memories from the class of ‘62 Dear Everyone,
Hi, Allison, and all!
I absolutely love hearing these bits and pieces. So many in our class are so dear to me. As I read these emails going back and forth at this season I keep
I loved the Christmas procession down to the rec room (I think it was) for the assembly. I still love the order-- the first 5
graders started, and went to 2nd grade, singing as they went, and stopped outside their door; then the two classes strolled on together to the 3rd grade, etc. Each class sat quietly in their classroom till the voices arrived at their classroom door to collect them-- class by class, all the way through 12th grade, singing as we walked. But the youngest group was the first graders. I think the Kindergartners were only in school half time. I think the procession and assembly might have been overwhelming for the K. kiddies, but it does seem too bad they weren't included. I do wish some thoughtful teacher had added a Hanukkah carol or two to the repertoire. The Jewish students' traditions were ignored. It would have been a nice "teachable moment," right? And we could have called the festivity "The Holiday Assembly."
at 11:30, just before lunch. Possibly once a week? I wonder if any other class did this, or if anyone in our class remembers any more details!
But I loved all the group singing at U. School. Wish we could still do it!
Boil, 4 ½ cups sugar, 1 can condensed milk, and 1 ½ sticks margarine for 6 ½ minutes, stirring all the time.
How about YOUR Holiday Memories?? Do you remember any adventures on the various class trips you want to share? Or your memories about any of the dances, BUG/GENTS parties, Carnivals, and fund raising adventures such as paper drives and selling fudge. That fudge recipe still makes the best fudge around! I remember making dozens of batches with my brother Skip Woodruff ’59 for their class fund raising. We still make it for the holidays…why don’t you for old times sake? Skippy’s Fudge
Happy Holidays, everyone!
Remove from heat and stir in 3 6oz pkg. chocolate morsels and 1 pt. jar of marshmallow fluff and 1 tsp. vanilla. If you want nuts included, put them in at this time using about 1 to 1 ½ cups of chopped nuts.
Joan (Greenfield) Oh and I do believe we did some Hanukah stuff didn't we? and I feel sure we would have been celebrating Kwanza and Ramadan if we were there now..... Nan(ny) (Garrett).
Spread out in pan. I use a 9’ by 13” pan so the pieces are thinner, a smaller pan will allow you thicker pieces.
Here is another memory from Margaret Van Ness Nelson, ’59:
Please send any and all memories to AAUS, 587 Fox Lane, Worthington, OH 43085 or e-mail them to
People are often surprised that I know the fight songs for Big Ten schools! We learned them in Miss Tolbert's music class! That shows the power of music and words that go with the music! Another memory is the games unit our class did in the 9th grade. We learned to play a variety of board games, such as 3D tic-tac-toe, chess, etc. I think we did it