A Throat Cancer Survivor's Journey

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My Throat Cancer Journey Hi! My name is James. I was diagnosed with throat cancer two years ago and recently received the all-clear from my doctor which felt fantastic.

However, I didn’t really think about what the next stage of my life would be like as a survivor.

Whilst I’m now cancer free, there are some physical side effects I need to learn to live with.

I have throat sores and find it difficult to speak and swallow due to the surgery and radiation therapy I had.

My salivary glands have been damaged, which means I have to put up with a very dry mouth most of the time. My taste buds have also been affected and don’t seem to work as well as they used to.

Although I keep remembering how lucky I am, these side effects do get me down sometimes.

And because of them, I sometimes feel uncomfortable in social situations, despite having always been a very sociable person. After speaking with my doctor, I have found that these physical and emotional side effects are actually quite common for someone in my position.

I’ve decided to share my experience with friends and family so that they can help me move on. I also want to tell other survivors that they are not alone!

Disclaimer: James’ story is representative of many throat cancer patients around the world. He is a fictional character and is used for representative purposes. GBPSIM/NPR/0818/0233

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