2 minute read


The Water Sensitive Urban Design Strategies will aim to benefit the Georges river and the surrounding neigbourhood in various ways. The WSUD objectives applied will benefit the river by improving the water quality, conserving the water, Improve the biodiversity, and hydrology on site and across the river as well as create more interactions with the water that will aid in creating awareness about water sensitivity in the community. This report addresses 5 major aims through which the Water sensitive design objectives were established.

Aims of the report:


1. Reuse water for at least 80% of non potable uses

2. Treat Rainwater on the plot

3. Increase water interactive recreational spaces

4. Increase and improve the biodiversity on site

5. Make the site resilient to the 100 year flood line

Objectives Description Planning level

1) Reduce the affect of flooding across the region

2) Improve the streetscapes and walkability

3) Improve the quality of storm water runoff

4) Reduce the quantity of storm water runoff

5) Reduce the demand of water in each household

6) Re-use rainwater on site for non potable uses

7) Improve and provide spaces for public Recreation

Use wetlands as a strategy to reduce the amount of floods on site. Wetlands absorb excess water by retaining it as well as returning it to the ground increasing the under ground water table (Department of the Environment and Energy 2016).

Streetscape are opportunity to treat storm-water close to the source, improving amenity and livelihood by mitigate the impacts of the urban heat island, and help by reducing excess storm-water from entering waterways (CRC for Water Sensitive Cities 2018).

Improve the quality of storm water to minimise pollutants getting into Georges River by incorporating WSUD measures. This will help improve health of water bodies and aquatic wildlife. This will in turn help in improving ocean water (Organica Engineering Pty Ltd 2019).

Average annual volume reduction can often be achieved through the implementation of permeable pavement systems, retention and/or infiltration systems (Organica Engineering Pty Ltd 2020).

Water-efficient appliances and fixtures, helps keep water use at sustainable levels (energy.gov.au, 2022).

Masterplan Level

Site level

Masterplan level

Plot Level Site Level

Site Level

Site Level

Plot Level

Reusing rainwater for plots will reduce the demand on fresh water from outside the site keeping water use in check.

Provide spaces to be outside encouraging them to interact with their surroundings and improving their livelihood.

8) Adaptation for flooding on site Designing landscapes for reducing flood affecting a community. Using materials, construction systems for houses that help to withstand considerable inundations by actively mitigating the effects of, and minimising the cost of flooding (The State of Queensland, 2019).

9) Improve the ecological network and habitat for the site

10) Improve awareness and interaction with water bodies on site

Integrate WSUD in a way to increase biodiversity, and provide habitat for wildlife (Habitat Creations Management 2021).

Plot Level

Site and Masterplan Level

Site and Plot Level

Site and Masterplan Level

Provide a space for environmental education, conservation and eco-tourism. A space to observe and create awareness about Water Sensitive Urban Design Strategies (Jaggers 2021).

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