Woven Wall_Arlum Back

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WOVEN WALL Capstone Project 2013

Arlum Back


WOVEN WALL Capstone Project 2013

Arlum Back

WOVEN WALL Contents Project Statement Project Strategy 1. Color Influence Color Study Color & Wall Liberal Arts Classroom Observation Classroom Paint Experience 2. Reconfigurable Wall Surface UArts Dormitory & Personal Room Early Design Concepts Process and Progress Micro Exhibit Interview 3. Inspiration UArts Studio Observation 4. Process of Making Prototypes Dying Process Materials in Fabric Store Final iteration of Woven Wall 5. Final Models

Project Statement I have been interested in how significant elements from Optical Art can change human behaviors positively, and I am curious about relationship between humans and walls. While doing research on my thesis, optical art is perceived as fun and interesting. However, I wanted to make something people would engage with, such as touchable wall, to enjoy using walls. Therefore, my final project is a series of peripheral tools that boost a performance and function of a space. I think it is obvious that flexible, touchable wall surface can be useful, also helpful to organize personal items, not only affecting the quality of educational environment for college students but also the affordance of various places.

Project Strategy To Understand interrelation of Color Theory and psychology, and get to know how the interrelation is utilized as design strategies. My interest as a designer is service, design that is an activity of planning and organizing people. My project affects human thoughts and behaviors, using analyzed design strategies from color for system organization.

Chapter One. Color Influence 1.

Color Study Color & Wall Liberal Arts Classroom Observation Classroom Paint Experience


Map of Keywords


Art & Design


Therapy Anamorphic Technique Color Meanings





Color Communication

Human Behavior Murals


Primary Red

Light Green Permanent

Cerulean Blue

I created a space which I made out of cardboard and replaced 3 different colors. I sat back in chair and started to read a book. After 20 minutes, I stopped reading the book and looked at the color.

Red: Too Bright. It hurt my eyes. Green: It was bright, but not as bright as red. Blue: It was the most comfortable color to look at.

Color Test Since I am interested in color effects of human behavior, I picked the primary colors first, and I tested each color: red, green, and blue.


Anamorphic Illusions Felice Varini

Felice Varini is a Swiss artist who is known for his geometric Anamorphic Illusions. Anamorphic Illusions are images which only make sense from one view and can only be truly appreciated from a certain vantage point. What look like random fragmented shapes of color form an interesting piece of art when viewed from the set point. Felice ‘s works are usually found on architectural and urban spaces and can give a modern twist to any scene. His works are formed using a projector-stencil technique.

Victor Vasarely He was the acknowledged leader of the Op Art movement, and his innovations in color and optical illusion have had a strong influence on many modern artists.

Edna Andrade She was an early Op Artist. Op art, also known as optical art, is a style of visual art that makes use of optical illusions.

V.Panton Pantone A system for matching colors, used in specifying printing inks.


Yellow Light No Windows

Student Attitude

Classroom Problems

These classrooms are physically and psychologically ailing and need a blood transfusion.

Empty Gray Wall

Class Atmosphere

I want to examine how color changes, based on the colors’ influence on people, can create various uses and atmospheres of a room.

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What makes getting to your 8:30 class in Terra 1102 so difficult? Could it be the drab color of the classroom that awaits you?

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We’re going to test our color choices on two classrooms for starters. Different colors for each room. Here are the colors we’re considering:

Now give us feedback. Tell us which you prefer and why. After we paint the classrooms, we want you to let us know what you think about the result…the ultimate question being: Did it make sitting in your 8:30 class any better?

Classroom Research Hand Out Students complete feedback handout to research what makes them sleepy, and what color they prefer in their classroom.


Terra 1102

I focused on color psychology, and I painted 2 classrooms, but I found color references are very subjective. So, I started to think what would be an easy way for people to change wall color to look more dynamic instead of paint? Because a solid color limits the function of a room, I am looking for temporary color changing and removable wall.

Terra 1202

Feedback after 3 Days

Feedback after 4 Weeks

Chapter Two. Reconfigurable Wall Surface 2.

UArts Dormitory & Personal Room Early Design Concepts Process and Progress Micro Exhibit Interview

U Ar t s D O R M I T O R Y & P E R S O N A L R O O M

Juniper Room

too much photos

I went to students’ rooms. 2 people are living here. They said they don’t want to leave empty space because it looks boring. So, they attached many personalized photographs and art works to the wall. But, I felt it looks too much and complex, so I began to think how to create wall arrangement systems.

Personal Student’s Room Wall Decor

Students decorate walls from their collective pictures or picture memories. They mostly used scotch tape or masking tape to attach pictures to the wall because tape is easy way to attach to wall, and they don’t want to damage the wall. However, after a few weeks or a few months, it is hard to detach the pictures, and it gets dirty because of some sticky marks.


Concept 1

My first concept is creating a series of cubes in grid. Cubes will be attached on the surface of a wall. Each cube has different colors and textures on each side. Those cubes can be rotated by user’s action. Finally, the grid will show various patterns, that are temporary changes, to residences.

Concept 2

Second Concept is creating a modular wall surface. There are rails, that allow users to insert and move various size of picture frames, on the wall surface. By installing various pictures, users can create various moods depending on what users put on the wall. I think this concept can be applied anywhere, not limited to Dormitory.

Early Prototypes

1.5in 1/4in 3.0in

The main problem was the thickness because it is going to attach to the wall, but the 3 inch thickness was too thick. Therefore, I study how to make my objects thin enough to attach to the wall.

I began to think that determining size is important. I thought about how I can give people space to use in various ways, so that by using hands, people can enjoy using touchable wall instead of just looking at it. So, I want to make accessible wall surfaces for people. Therefore, my idea of combining horizontal line and vertical line together creates many directions.


Plan A

Plan B

I made 2 layers, and put them together. I tested CNC for the top part, but it wasn’t cut clearly. So, I went back to the laser cut for top part, and I used CNC for bottom part. After I glued them together, I cut the connection between the squares.

I also thought about making little holes for the hardware to fit into.

CNC Milling Machine

Laser Cut with CNC Milling Machine



Cutting Connection between the Squares

“How are you going to use this object? Please attach your objects.�

The student usually attached an image to the wall for drawing. She wanted to hang art materials that she uses, and also attach an image for her drawing. time.

Usually when this student cooks, she wanted to hang most of her cooking supplies.

To hang her personal items, this student suggested that I create another hook instead of hardware to hold other objects.


Reconfiguarble Wall Surface Arlum Back My capstone project is about creating a wall system, that will allow users to customize the way they hang images. This exhibit illustrates the process of how the colors, shapes, and objects that surround us affect people and how we manipulate the environment around us. The sense of touch and color perception are both major features of my capstone project. Viewers can interact with my exhibit by attaching, detaching, and moving objects by hands and using the slider to quickly see the differences color can make within this micro exhibit.

Move Us

Spinning Wheel

Design Your Wall

People can see background color change when they move object, and they feel different moods of the classroom.

Colors have various meanings in People can design a room by different countries. When people attaching and detaching the little spin the wheel, the colors’ meaning pictures. in Western and Eastern countries appears at the same time.

Move Us

Spinning Wheel

Design Your Wall

Picture Frames This picture frame is divided in many grids. So, people can move the pictures wherever they want.

Spinning Wall System People can spin the little wheels, and put the pictures inside.

Juniper Dormitory Miniature This Miniature is about what exactly Juniper Dormitory Room looks like.

Picture Frames

Spinning Wall System

Juniper Dormitory Miniature


Your Major: Your location: ON / OFF campus

Capstone Project Reconfiguration Wall Surface Research Question Hello UArts Students! I am Arlum Back from Industrial Design Major. I am doing a research on your Studio environment. Especially, wall surfaces. My idea is about creating Reconfigurable Wall Surfaces that have abilities of changeable colors and functions. I really appreciate all of your thoughtful answers and feedbacks. Purpose To improve UArts Wall Environment in the Working Space and Individual Wall Space. Problem Most of UArts studios are white and flat. We are Arts Student. What do you think if we can change walls’ color and surface whenever you want? There are some problems: boring to see one color, and expensive to hire somebody to paint. If you have any thoughts, please write. Please Answer Below Q1. If you or someone can manipulate wall surfaces, do you think the change influences your quality of life? Please write anything, or if you have any problems with the design of current wall surfaces.

Q1. When do you mostly use the wall surface? (ex: Critique, Work time, etc..) Q2. How do you use the wall? For what? Q3. How is the wall important to you? Q4. Which objects do you usually attach to the wall? (ex: calendar, post it, etc..)

Q5. What do you want or expect from this project?

Q6. Do you want any specific materials to see or touch?

“I’m always trying to find a fast way to make shelf space.”

“Life is constantly moving, Walls are usually static. If walls could be manipulated and changed I would feel like life would move at a different pace.”

“I hang work on the wall and my inspirations.”

“I only use wall surfaces for critiques and certain projects that incorporate the wall.”

“It;s important to me because I have to look at wall all day. I would like it to be expressive, but organized.”

“I use wall for video projections and putting up points of designs I have worked on.”

“An interface that allows to content you post on walls to by cycled through and manipulated.”

“Wall is used as a place i can communicate my work with peers and myself.”

“Walls are always around me, so if I can use wall surface, it will be very helpful.”

“Wall helps me separate and organize ideas.”

After Interviews, I realized that many students use walls often especially during work time, and they are affected by the environment of walls in their studios.

Chapter Three. Inspiration 3.

UArts Studio Observation


Wall for Graphic Design Studio Use Wall for Fiber Studio Use Wall for Jewelry Design Studio Use Wall for Painting Studio Use

Wall for Graphic Design Studio Use

When do they mostly use the wall surface? Work time during Class and Critique

Which objects do they usually attach to the wall? Copies of their graphic works with push pins

Wall for Fiber Studio Use

When do they mostly use the wall surface? Mostly in critique and Work time Work time at Home

Which objects do they usually attach to the wall? Inspired pictures A lot of different papers Fabric samples

Wall for Jewelry Design Studio Use

When do they mostly use the wall surface? Mostly in critique and Work time Work time at Home

Which objects do they usually attach to the wall? Inspired pictures Postcards and Post it Memo note Mirror Calendar

Wall for Painting Studio Use

When do they mostly use the wall surface? Usually individual Work time

Which objects do they usually attach to the wall? Inspired pictures A lot of different papers

New Idea from Observation

Chapter Four. Process of Making 4.

Prototypes Dying Process Materials in Fabric Store Final iteration of Woven Wall


I weave many cardboards to create volume when I pull, so the small items goes inside of cardboards and holds them.

I thought about what is the best material to be stretchable? First I thought rubber and elastic bands. Tie together out of elastic bands.

The issue of this prototype was how to make the edges clean.

Think about other color mix together, and different size of elastic bands to provide for many other sizes of products to put inside.

Then, I used silicone rubber with dyed elastic band. However, silicone rubber gets dirty easily, and the white and dark green had high contrast.

User Test in Industrial Design Studio

User Test in Fiber Studio


1. You need Elastic Bands for each different wide size 3/4, 1/2, and 1inch with MX Reactive Dyes and Salt.

2. Cut the elastic bands as same length.

3. Put them in hot water and wait few minutes for the material to mix into the water.

4. You decide how much dyes mix with water. The color strength depends on quantity of dyes.

5. Use a stick and swizzle the dyes to dissolve in water.

6. Put the dissolved dyes in a big pot, and Stir and wait about 30 minutes.

I pick 5 colors: Stormy Grey 6160 Aqua Marine 7140 Bordeaux 319 Wisteria 820 Yellow JID1447

7. After waiting 30 minutes, put in the salt and stir, and you need to wait another 30 minutes.

8. Add Soda and stir 5~10 minutes. After that, you wash the materials with cold water. It’s done!

9. Hang elastic bands and wait until it’s dry.


I went to several fabric stores, and get cotton, webbing, thread, eyelets, and elastic bands.

Costs 3/4” Roll $13.80 1” Roll $14.80 3” Roll $22.50 Eyelets $3.50 2 yard Cotton $8.00 3 yard webbing $5.70 Rotary Cutter $13.50


Small Sized Woven Wall 20 width x 14 height inches Various Sized Elastic Bands: 1, 3/4, 2/4, and 2 inches

Big Sized Woven Wall 27 width x 24 height inches Various Sized Elastic Bands: 1, 3/4, 2/4, and 2 inches

1. Draw guide lines for one direction.

2. Cut first line, and leave second line, and cut third line; it’s repetition.

3. You should clip elastic bands, but stagger the bands, one on top of the paper, and next one under the paper.

4. This is what looks like when you keep weaving the bands.

5. You can create the patterns however you want with dyed elastic bands.

6. Measure the outline, and cut cotton longer than outline length for extra.

7. Cut hole with scissors, and insert eyelet into hole. The eyelet protects fabric from scratches from push pins.

8. Make a decision where you want to make a hole to put through the push pins. It’s part of directions to put the push pins.

9. Sew the all the edges neatly.

Chapter Five. Final Models

WOVEN WALL Capstone Project 2013

Arlum Back

UArts Terra Classroom Paint Work with Sharon Lefevre, UArts Assistant Professor Dying Process with Qiang Gong Product Models Giorgio Karolidis, Industrial Design Je Seok Koo, Multimedia Qiang Gong, Fiber www.arlumback.com

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