Enterprise Product Overview

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ABACUS B us i n e ss S o f t w a r e

Enterprise Product Overview

A B A C U S E n t e r p r i se –

Page Page



8-11 Order Processing



Production Planning and Control PPS



Service and Contract Management



Service and Project Management AbaProject


22-23 E-Business AbaShop


24-25 E-Business AbaNet



Address Management / CRM



General Ledger



Cost Accounting



Accounts Receivable



Accounts Payable



Assets Ledger






Human Resources


52-53 Workflow


54-55 Electronic Banking


57 Information Management



Archiving / AbaScan




The current system requirements can be found on the ABACUS website under the following link www.abacus.ch/links/systemempfehlungen



V e r sa t i l e , P r ac t i ca l , C o m p r e h e n s i ve

ABACUS Enterprise, the product line of ABACUS Business Software, is designed for companies that want to optimise their business processes with an innovative business ­ software that meets the ever growing needs of the market. To date, over 85,000 ABACUS software programs have been sold. ABACUS Enterprise is based on ABACUS vi – the Version Internet. It allows mobile software usage through a web-based program, as well as many other advantages. ABACUS Enterprise is the integrated ERP standard software for all your business needs. Data is centrally managed eliminating the need for multiple entry, integrated processes increase processing speed and production processes are reliably controlled. A high level of usability, ease of handling and scalability enable use of the software in any sized company. ABACUS Enterprise can be modularly expanded throughout the ­various applications allowing a perfect integration in every working environment. Functions such as customisable forms or expandable database tables provide a high level of flexibility. The standard software can be adapted easily to changing requirements, configured individually and therefore be used universally. ABACUS Business Software is used in many industries and numerous well-known trust companies rely on it.

A bacus v i


T h e I n t e r n e t G e n e r at i o n

Forward-looking technology Companies that wish to use the new ABACUS vi ERP Software are choosing a powerful, flexible business software that can be customized to their needs. They are guaranteed competent handling of all business processes. State of the art technology and the independent use of the software via the internet, provides companies with distributed structures and considerable employee mobilit – a distinctive commercial benefit. The use of costly Citrix or Terminal server applications can be avoided. ABACUS vi ERP software is compatible with the earlier versions of ABACUS. All previous investments by ABACUS customers are protected making entry into modern tech­nology and functionality possible at any time. Comprehensive Service

> The ABACUS Hotline provides swift and competent support to users. > ABACUS resellers with many years of experience have the business and


know-how to successfully implement and maintain the software.

> A

comprehensive training program allows users to successfully master the program

and begin using it productively.

”Unbelievable – who would have thought ­business software could be so ­simple, comfortable and ­trouble-free.“



T h e A r c h i t ec t u r e o f A B A C U S v i – f l e x i b l e a n d secu r e – W H E R E V E R Y O U A R E

The Architecture of ABACUS vi ABACUS vi requires only a browser and Java Virtual Machine to be installed on a workstation. All ABACUS vi programs automatically present themselves on any platform with the appropriately customised user interface. This means that ABACUS vi looks like a Windows application in Windows and like a Mac application on a Mac. Even when ABACUS programs are used over the Internet they operate as they would on the company network or on a local workstation. The application logic is executed completely on the server. Only the content of the user interface is transferred to the ­ ­com­puter. Free choice of server operating system The ABACUS user can freely choose the server operating system. Presently all ­ current Windows versions, Mac OS X and Linux are available.


> Role-based

user administration

- Access to functions can be defined per role - Visible program and form definitions per role - Access to external programs can be integrated - Automated procedures for program start and execution (Smart Job)

> Quickbar - Individual menu items with any ABACUS program - Direct program start with templates Multilingual interface

> All applications are available in German, > Customer-specific translation possible

French or English

- Standard designations can be adjusted any time - Central translation tool - Translations can be imported and exported as an XML file

> Country-specific

support possible to the user level

- Forms, evaluations, field designations, numbers and date format Messaging

> Send messages with attachments e.g. evaluations > Assign tasks such as complete activities, fill-out PDF documents and holiday requests, etc.

forms, approve Accounts Payable

O r d e r P r o cess i n g

Realise professional and future-oriented solutions with the high flexibility and continual development of the standard Order Processing.

Sales / Order Management

> Individually

customisable entry forms per user category with customisable additional

fields for company-specific adaptation

> Functionality can be extended with Java Script > Offer management > Three different addresses per order > Stock check and reservation when entering items in the order > Supplier purchase order from order > Support for any foreign currency > Item, document and rebates in kind > Minimum invoice amount, small quantity surcharge > Automatic calculation of sales quantities in stock quantities > Automatic sequential control with any number of documents and > Printing of documents directly online or collected as a batch > Order data can be changed at any time up to invoicing > Invoicing of partial deliveries, formation of back orders > Immediate, collective, cash, group or partial invoice > VESR / BESR support > Price and rebate system with many options > Commissioning integrated with Accounts Receivable > Order disposition with extensive selection options


Order Processing


Quality assurance

> Manage test plans and specifications for quality assurance > Automatic generation of test orders with batch / serial numbers

of inputs from

Purchasing or Production

> Controlled

release or block of the batch / serial numbers after execution of the test


> Assignment of test plans for products subject > Automatic generation of retest test orders

to QA

Cash options

> Integration in Enterprise resource planning and financial applications > Support of registration keys, barcode readers and payment terminals > Definable customer display and sales receipts > Various payment types Customers / Articles / Services / Surcharges

> Unlimited level hierarchy for aggregated reports sales > Pre-definable text sections for article descriptions > Purchase, stock, sales and price units > List, promotion, fixed and graduated prices > Standard, promotion, special, graduated and assorted rebates > Rebates for individual items, customers and / or entire item groups,

customer groups

or combinations

> All prices and rebates on the time axis also in foreign currencies > Account assignment and cost centres and cost units in direct access

to the General


> Individual expansion of item master data via free fields > Item description in any language > Freely definable search key for items and services Product variants

> Definition of dimensions such as size, colour, length, subjects, executions, etc. > Up to 10 dimensions can be combined per item > Comfortable variant overview per item in sales, purchases and product base > Price surcharges and deductions in amounts and percentages per product variant > Stock management, sales prices and rebates and purchase data for the base product or product variant

O r d e r P r o cess i n g

Frame contracts

> Manage

frame contracts and frame purchase orders

with frame orders, min./max. call-off quantities, validity, price/rebate conditions

> Any number of calls with direct reference > Frame order overview by various criteria

to sales, purchase or production order

Subscription administration

> Periodic

offsetting of services, items, subscriptions, meter reading with any chosen

frequency of offsetting and settlement items

> Generation of orders based on address selection > Automated invoicing of address activities Serial number management

> Management of devices with serial numbers > Assignment of serial numbers per item either at stock > History of repairs, guarantee services or exchange > Customer and product side evaluations

entry or exit

Batch management

> Management of batches per storage location / storage place > Freely selectable sorting (FiFo, expiry date, batch number) > Batch tracking Purchase / Ordering

> Individually

customisable entry forms per user category with freely definable

足additional fields

> Functionality can be extended with Java Script > Supplier-oriented sales prices, rebates > Automatic generation of orders and order requests in the purchase disposition > Relevant overviews of availability, open purchase orders and backlogs > Delivery monitoring, notification of delivery with reminder function > Automatic sequential control with any number of documents and actions > Consolidation of individual purchase orders to collective purchase orders > Automatic backorder liquidation for customer orders > Integration in Accounts Payable > Separate procurement costs administration with reference to purchase order

Order Processing 11

Stock management

> Any number of stock locations and places > Current stock information > Automatic updating of stock quantities, reserved and ordered quantities > Future availability with requirement overview > Manual stock incomings / outgoings, rebookings > Journal of all stock movements > Stocktaking program (counting lists, deviation lists, valuation) > Quantity and value-independent entry of stocktakings > Stock valuation (also retroactive) and stock key figures > Blocking of incoming and outgoing goods at storage locations and places > Standard stock definable per article for purchase, sale and production > Direct stock for order-related purchase by linking the sales item directly with


足purchase item

Management Information System

> Relevant

customer / article information with drill-down function to the original


> Summarised information about customer groups, article groups > Daily statistics about orders, deliveries and pending items > Monthly and yearly statistics with previous year or budget comparisons > ABC analysis for customers, articles and suppliers > Budget templates for articles, customers or a combination thereof AbaReport

> Layout

and adaptation of all documents according to individual requirements

Integration of external MDE devices (mobile data acquisition)

> Enter orders (commissions) > Enter orders > Stock incomings and outgoings > Stocktaking > Automatic takeover of data via ABACUS


PROD U C TION PL A NNIN G A n d c o n t r o l  PP S

To successfully navigate the constantly changing demands of the market, you need to depend on an adaptable, effective and fully integrated IT solution for PPS and accounting.

Resource Management

> Internal resources such as employees, machines, tools, etc. > External resources such as external services resources, extended workbench > Definition of various capacity limits per resource, e.g. express capacity > Definition of working time scheme > Free definition of transfer or transport times between resources > Multiple date-dependant cost rates per resource > Multiple date-dependant overhead rates per resource > Management of resource groups Company / Resource calendar

> Definable per day capacity > Own calendar per resource and year > Any number of years open simultaneously > Resource calendar adjustable at any time Regular work plan

> Regular work plans define the bills of material and the stages of production > Any number of regular work plans per product (variants); a regular work plan


date-dependant standard

> Anticipatory

scrap quantities as surcharge factor (in percentage and constant) per

item for the calculation of required material and resources

> Any number of articles per material item (material variant items) > Material allocation to stages of production for an exact determination requirements

> External operations integrable in operational plan > Overlapping of stages of production > Allocation of provided resources to a stage of production > Setting of time constraints (e.g. milestones) for stages of production > Definable transport and transfer times per stage of production > Where-used list and exchange components > Text modules for recurring header and item text

of material


Production order

> Customisable entry and processing forms per user group > Copying and generating functions for creating production orders > System-supported execution of a production order via customizable



> All

functions of regular work plans are also available for production orders:

- Scrap quantities - Material variant items - Material allocation to stages of production - Overlapping of stages of production - Provided resources - Setting of time constraints - Transport and transfer times per stage of production

> The

following production order types are supported:

- Production order - Budget order for medium-term capacity and material requirement planning - Optionally consider provisional production orders in capacity planning (without material reservation) - Dismantling order

> Multiple

production order used to summarise capacity and material needed for

smaller production orders

> Batch and serial number management at all levels of the production order > Forwards and backwards dispatch taking into account priorities > Dispatch according to the lead time determination principle > Running calculation of actual costs with the on-line production order header > Target / actual cost comparison available any time > Comparison of multiple production orders with each other or comparison of a ­production order with the regular work plan to monitor differences Order-related purchase e.g. for construction of industrial plants

> Automated purchase of raw and semi-finished goods (purchase) > Automatic transfer of purchase costs (supplier invoice) to the material item > Automated generating of underproduction contracts > Automatic transfer of underproduction costs to the material item of the superordinate production order

PROD U C TION PL A NNIN G a n d c o n t r o l  PP S

Plan Manager for graphical user interface

> Graphical layout of the order-based or resource-based lead time > Selection of production orders based on used resources > Move production orders and redispatch (also as simulation) > Sequence planning > Availability check of resources and materials > Adjustment of all production order data relevant for planning if necessary > Transparent disposition of production orders to trigger the subsequent status Calculation

> Pre-calculation with various lot sizes > Pre-calculation with various resource cost rates and > Post-calculation with target / actual comparison > Configurable calculation module > Selective storage of calculations > Calculation comparison

material prices

Cost accounting

> Complete integration in ABACUS Cost Accounting > Separate overhead entries > Separate entries for target / actual differences (pricing

or quantity differences)

Interfaces for regular work plans and production orders


interface and / or web services for product base, regular work plans and

­production orders

> BDE-interface

(operating data entry interface) to enter production order data


Documents / Reports and Evaluations

> Operational plan > Picking list > Order overview per resource > Efficiency overview per resource > Post-calculation per order or order group > Goods in process > Individual evaluations with Report Writer AbaReport Dossier administration Administration of electronic dossiers per:

> Production order, regular work plan, product, resource > Electronic archiving of all digitally created documents in the archive / dossier > Scanning function for digitalising original paper documents with automatic ­assignment to the corresponding production order e.g. QA protocol

> Scanning

of handwritten production documents and entering the data to the

­production order

S e r v i ce a n d C o n t r ac t Ma n age m e n t

ABACUS Service and Contract Management contributes to running a successful, customer-oriented and efficient service management through the structured administration of important service information and the provision of process support functions.

Service customers

> Manage any number service customers based on existing > Distribute service customers according to postal location > Define object places for detailed structuring of locations


Service objects

> Any number of service objects per customer (devices, assets, licences, etc.) > Variable multilevel object structure for the structured management of objects > Assign service objects to locations and object places > Display objects by object structure or by location > Display object data on the time axis and definition of additional custom fields > Different allocations of the object (administrator, owner, operator, etc.) > Display contract and contract invoicing data to objects > Detailed service object history – a running history of service orders, invoicing and manual entries Service contracts

> Create and manage service contract bids and contracts > Service object and performance-based pricing in the form

of fixed amounts, manually

entered prices, percentages of the object value or the sales price

> Provisions for periodic tasks (e.g. maintenance) or insured services > Freely definable expiration times with possibility for contract renewal > Terminate and add contract items during the contract duration > Freely definable procedures to control the contract process from offer to archiving > Freely definable invoicing intervals regardless of the duration of the contract > Various termination definitions for contracts > Quantity and amount credit with balance management and accrual accounting of income Contract invoicing

> Integrated contract invoicing with the possibility of collective invoicing > Pro rata invoicing and credit note for new or terminated contract items

Service and Contract Management 17

Integration with Sales module and Order Processing

> Open service customers, objects and locations directly from the sales order > Create and customize service contract offers directly from the sales offer

allowing a

joint bid for products and services Service desk and service orders

> Service desk for fault orders with completely customisable entry forms > Time-saving detection of fault orders through integrated full-text search

for the

足identification of customers, locations, service objects, or contracts

> Allocation of service contracts to employees or employee profiles (pools) > Freely definable sequential control with different actions to control the service


including iteration possibilities ranging from acquisition to invoicing and archiving

> Display the service object history already during the acquisition of the service order > Classic Service Level Agreement (SLA) with response, on-site and repair times > Display the existing contracts with optional automatic control of the invoicing based on services covered by the contract

> Customer information per E-Mail by using sequential control > Confirm services rendered and materials used directly on the service

order with

optional disclosure to full-time reporting

> Direct debit of material from pre-defined service warehouse > Create and process periodic maintenance orders based on maintenance > Dispatch service orders based on employee know-how


Standard lists and evaluations

> List of all active contracts and open contract offers > List of all contracts to be executed and invoiced > List of all service orders with various selections by status, SLA and customer > Evaluation of the distribution of certain products to service customers > Service object master data list with detailed data about a service object

Mobile Data Acquisition

> iPad

app for location-independent processing of service orders by service technicians

Employee resource planning

> Central employee calendar for resource planning and disposition > Clear presentation of the service orders on Google Maps

of service orders

S e r v i ce / P r o j ec t Ma n age m e n t A baPROJ E C TÂ

AbaProject is a flexible tool that can be used to manage, monitor and invoice projects in a wide variety of industries. Thanks to the great adaptability of the program, plant engineers can plan and carry out projects, lawyers and fidu­ ciaries can enter and bill services for their mandates, and cleaning services can periodically invoice and recalculate their objects. Likewise, for residential care and institutional residents data can be managed and invoices prepared. AbaProject optimally supports the successful execution of a project.

Project base

> Customer address with contact person > Linked addressed allow record maintenance of project managers, etc. > Invoice data for the settlement of a project to third parties > Project types and tariffs > Diverse classifications for aggregated reports > Note block with text modules, document templates > Cost centre / unit for cost accounting > Data acquisition in connection with project status > Dossier administration for filing plans, contracts, etc. > Additional fields for individual customisation > Customisable forms for industry solutions > Word integration for the creation of letters with automatic filing in project dossier > Freely definable sequential control with various actions for process-oriented project development

Service / Project Management AbaPROJECTÂ 19

Calculation basis

> Service types and service categories for the classification of service codes > Any number of service types and invoice codes can be defined > Invoice codes per tariff group, price determination > Grouping of invoice codes allows for summarisation > Rates for employees, customers, cost centres and vehicles per tariff > Calculation and default formulas for automatically triggered service codes Enter and Process

> Entry of freely definable services such as hours, expenses, etc. > Recurring services and contract services are possible > Service entry from vehicles and machine hours > Free external and internal text per service > Interfaces for data import from upstream systems (time recording

systems, time


> Visa control for multiple instances > Various customisable forms for day, week or detail service entry > Automation of individual entries via report proposals and allocations > Scan handwritten time sheets and process the data directly in AbaProject > Integrate scanned digital time sheets as detail documents in invoice > iPad service entry for increased mobility Material and external services

> Material procurement / orders directly assigned to the project > External services assigned to the projects > Enter material procurements directly in the project with a debit

to the stock


> Enter productive hours, absences, expenses in Payroll > Transfer project costs and income to Cost Accounting > Direct activation of projects in Assets Ledger such as creating

production orders


> Detailed journal by service type > Project monitoring for any period > Annual or monthly evaluations with budget comparison > Employee control lists for holidays, overtime, expenses

and differences

Budget / Plan

> Detailed or cumulated budget for project, employee and supplier level > Possibility to link the project budget to the Cost Accounting > Possibility to link the plan Cost Accounting to the General Ledger > Target / actual comparison with calculation of differences Invoicing

> Invoice proposal with possibility to edit items > Invoicing periodicity selectable per project > Invoice with or without details, also in a foreign currency > Possibility to offset a project to various customers > Over / under invoicing, single or mass invoicing Project and Resource Planning

> Rough and detailed planning for employee groups, employees, cost centres > Milestones with preceding element definitions and further information > Graphical layout of the planning with bar charts

or assets

Deadlines and activities

> Enter and schedule activities with the corresponding entry > Evaluation of open and completed activities > Determine and implement recurring deadlines per project

Mobility with the iPad

> Mobile

and intuitive service entry with the iPad app and automatic synchronisation

with the ERP database

> Save photos, videos and voice messages automatically in the order dossier > Mobile expense entry Project Controlling and Overview

> Graphic evaluations for project controlling > Flexible reporting possibilities for planning, budget and effective costs > Keep project progress under control > Overview of all costs and revenues per project thanks to the seamless integration the applications General Ledger, Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Payroll, Order Processing (purchases orders, sales), Service and Contract Management, AbaBuild (construction services) and PPS



�Work can be enjoyable when you can enter services and invoices transparently while maintaining an constant overview.�

E - B us i n ess A ba S h o p

ABACUS Business Software enables companies with the e-commerce solution AbaShop the possibility to operate a seamlessly integrated web shop and therefore offer the 足customer an additional sales channel. AbaShop is integrated in ABACUS Order Processing or ABACUS Invoicing.

Integrated web shop

> Automatic > Automatic

update of product and customer base data transfer of incoming Shop purchase orders to ABACUS Order Processing

or Invoicing

> Complete illustration of customer-specific pricing and discounts > Automatic tracking of the current stock and availability > Several product classifications as well as customized product ranges > Product variants such as colour, size and design, etc. > Product images and text formatting > Per product any additional attachments such as PDF, audio and video files > Designation of selected products as "New" or "Sale" > Certain sequential controls definable for customer order > Transfer of additional information from the Shop purchase order to the customer order e.g. name for engraving Shop Functionalities

> Shopping cart and shopping list > Accessories for cross-selling > Customer-specific prices and discounts > Various payment methods such as invoice,

e-invoice, COD, credit card, Post card and


> Embedding in existing company website > Use with own domain name > Wide range of shipping cost calculation > Multiple currencies > Full-text search of all product data > Download files, e.g. PDF, play audio and video files > Restricted user groups e.g. only certain customers, only

resellers, only internal


> Display the last orders including information about the order > Remote Shop session via Web service (SOAP) > Integration of external statistic tools e.g. Google Analytics



Shop Design

> >

navigation and design customisable, design templates available

> >

Corporate design of the company fully mappable


Multiple user languages

Support of mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones based on HtML5 and CSS3 Flexible customization possibilities: from simple configuration to complex custom programming

Shop Unit


Hosting on ABACUS server farm AbacusCity

realisation of an AbaShop


Support for the implementation of the online shop by AbaShop-certified ABACUS


Implementation of sophisticated shop design by AbaShop-certified web designer and

reseller reseller


ABACUS Business Software enables companies using the e-commerce solution Abanet the possibility to exchange documents electronically with their business partners, both B2B and B2C.

integrated electronic Data interchange of business documents

> >

Integrated in the "Sales" and "Purchase" module in order Processing transfer of incoming invoices and credit notes to Accounts Payable

Connection to e-business networks


Via Abanet connection to Paynet, PostFinance, StePcom, Conextrade from Swisscom

> >

ongoing expansion of network connections


e-invoice via AbanetWebAccess for a legally compliant dispatch of the e-invoice per


Conversion of data formats is done by the e-business networks, no further

It Services and GS1-certified eDI networks Fully integrated e-invoice via Paynet oder PostFinance, from registration process to customisable Bill Presnetment e-mail conversions needed


E-business functionality

> Creation,

transmission and processing of all electronic business documents such as

requests for quotations, proposals, purchase orders, order confirmations, delivery notes and invoices are included in the standard e-business functionality

> Legally compliant archiving of electronically signed e-invoices > Electronic documents in PDF and XML files for visual and structured data processing > Additional information interchangeable using configurable free fields, expression and conversion tables

> Guaranteed

unique product identification through the product master data of Order


> Automatic service

receipt, shipping and processing of e-documents configurable via system

A d d r ess Ma n age m e n t / C RM

A new dimension in address management has been reached thanks to integrated sales support functions. Due to its communication capacity, ABACUS Address Management is the central component for all types of applications, both within ABACUS programs as well as for third-party products.

Address master file

> Any number of addresses can be entered > Contact person per address with responsibility,

function, telephone number, E-mail,


> Duplicate

address control at entry and optional control for existing addresses

(Duplicate control)

> Relationship between addresses, contact persons and employees mappable > Connect any number of addresses and contact persons via links > Dossier per address and contact person for filing any kind of document (Word,


PDF, etc.)

> Up to 500 individually definable additional fields > Customisable entry screens > Validation possibilities for entry fields > Complete postcode directory for Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Germany > Predefined salutation lists and the possibility to enter additional, language-dependant salutations.

> Global changes of address data for quick adjustments > Interfaces for the import and export of address data

to new requirements


> All

address information (address fields, Yes / No fields, contacts, activities) can be

used as selection criteria for evaluations

> Variety

of operations and conditions for simple and more complex selection


> Formula editor for customisable selection criteria > Selections for all evaluations permanently saved and


Address Management / CRM 27

Groupings / Hierarchies

> Grouping

of addresses for targeted further processing e.g. for mailings, managing

work groups, project teams, etc.

> Hierarchical

presentation of individual groups

Evaluations / Lists

> Predefined standard lists e.g.base sheet, address list > List creation program for individual evaluations > Labels with customisable layout for country-specific addressing

and pre-defined label

formats for different manufacturers

> PDF,

Excel or HTML export of evaluations for direct processing or sending via e-mail


> Integrated e-mail program for daily e-mail traffic > E-mail polling for automated storage of e-mails in dossiers > Exchange integration for bi-directional synchronization of addresses,

contact persons,

activities and appointments with an existing exchange server

> Telephony Integration (CTI) for direct dialling and caller ID (TAPI driver or CETIS) > Geo-Modul from Google Maps for route calculation and map view > Telephone book integration (offline: TwixTel and telinfo / online: search.ch and 足directories.ch) for address transfer and comparison Post pre-sorting for bulk mailing

> Save on postage by sorting before shipping > Distribution to postal, city, territorial and district areas > Electronic comparison of the postman's route with the

related file

Distributed address base

> Management

and synchronization of distributed address bases, e.g. in associations

and branch operations

> Importing the data with simultaneous logging and testing > Exchange of activities, contact persons and other master data Interfaces

> Standardized

web service XML interface for connection or integration of third-party


> File

interface ASCII and ANSI

Sales-supporting functions

> Serial

e-mail function based on address selection and language-dependant email

templates (HTML / Text)

> Integrated

serial letter and single letter function with language-dependant templates

for Microsoft Word.

> Activity

module evaluations for sales support, subscriber management, deadline

control or as a log book of customer contacts

> Any

number of activities per employee with address and integration in central

calendar and messaging for planning and control

> Automatic generation of activities based on existing selections for follow-up of offers > Generate invoices with ABACUS Invoicing module based on existing selections, groups and activities

GeneRAL LeDGeR 29

GEnErAl lEdGEr

Proven in practice in many large trust companies. established in more than 10,000 businesses of of varying size and industry.

Chart of accounts

> >

nine-level chart of accounts with customisable names Alternative classifications for individual presentation of balance sheets and income statements, e.g. by SMe, governmental chart of accounts, the German HGB, IFRS, etc.


> > > > > > > > >

Direct booking in multiple financial years Correction of entries with logging Various entry types: normal, Multiple, Split, Closing and Cancellation entry Automatic deferred entries Search for entries by various criteria Supplementary journal e.g. for tax balance sheet, international accounting standards Auxiliary journal for provisional entries extra-long financial years (>12 months) Book planned figures for planned balance / income statement

Journals, Bank Statements

> >

Journal reconstructed with corrections Bank statements with booking or document number, with or without user-definable cancellation entries, periods or sequence


Summarization entries from A/R and A/P allow more detail including the original

> > >

Interest calculation

documents Clearing function for display with or without cleared entries Proof of balance down to the original documents

Balance Sheet / Income Statement (Profit / Loss Calculation)

> Various

standard evaluations including balance sheet, income statement, turnover,

transaction and opening balance, foreign currency balance, etc.

> Annual

or monthly evaluations with or without closing entry, additional journal,

previous year and budget comparison

> Output of ratios > Integration with Excel > Evaluation generator for individual reports > Proof of balance down to the original documents Budget

> Annual and monthly budget with various distribution keys for automatic > Additional budget for separate disclosure of a supplementary budget > Expanded budgeting down to the detailed item with approval instances


Foreign currencies

> Central or client-specific rate tables > Up to two different foreign currencies per entry > Automatic rate comparison with selective information

e.g. certain accounts, enter

only exchange rate gain/loss, etc. VAT

> Settlement (agreed, received, flat rate method) > Reconciliation list and comparison for the revision > VAT code per country, VAT rate related to date Divisions

> Several

independent units within a client


> Multiple > Uniform

divisions per structure element "company" master data for all business units of a company within a client such as

足financial year, accounts / cost centre plan, VAT method and period, etc.

> Cross-divisional VAT settlement > Social insurance settlement per

on the company level company instead of on the client level

General Ledger 31

Cash flow statement

> Automatic tracking of the statement of cash flows > Cash flow statement using the direct method

with each entry


> Balance consolidation > Evaluation of intercompany > Automatic eliminations



> Data acquisition with the possibility > Clearing using diverse criteria

of clearing text

Use of software via the Internet

> Location-independent

use of the software via the Internet for master data

足definitions, entries and evaluations

> Software-as-a-Service

for use of the software from the cloud e.g.together with

AbaWebFiduciary services Germany

> DATEV interface > Elster for advance > E-Balance

turnover tax return

A B A C U S B U S IN E S S S O F T W A R E –


CoSt ACCoUntinG

A wide range of cost centre and cost unit evaluations as well as branch-specific solutions allow targeted control of economic efficiency for departments, machines, projects and orders.

Cost centres / cost unit plan

> > >

nine level cost centres / cost unit plan with definable designations Summarisation of data from all levels for sector and division overview Maintenance of multiannual cost units

Cost type plan

> > > > > >

Cost types for entry in the General Ledger or Cost Accounting Differentiation of fixed and variable costs possible Internal settlement accounts for entry only in Cost Accounting Any unit of measurement (hrs, m3, kg etc.) For cost types with quantities, rates in relation to the cost centre can be defined Allowable cost centre areas for entry can be defined

Cost centre allocations

> >

Maximum of 999’999 possible allocations Free allocation keys such as percentage, number of employees, sales revenue, payroll amount, number of items, etc.


Allocation keys based on ratios

overhead costs

> >

Up to 150 different overhead surcharges Calculation of overhead costs by means of a percentage rate per quantity unit or by using ratios


> > > > >

entry of cost centres / cost units is done with cost type or internal settlement


Display of current balances

Up to 3 levels per entry can be entered (cost centre / unit, project) Cost centre entries Automatic allocation and overhead cost runs Repeatedly carry out simulation of allocation and overhead cost runs for a period e.g. with modified keys

Cost accounting 35

Journals, Bank Statements

> Journal by cost type > Cost centre / unit statements

with detailed output of summarisation entries from

Account Receivable and Account Payable

> Cost > Cost

centre / type balances with breakdown by cost type and month centre / unit statements by responsible person


> All balance sheet evaluations also available > Evaluation generator for individual reports > Integration with Excel

analogous for cost centres / units


> Amount and quantity budget on a yearly and monthly level > Various distribution keys for the automatic distribution to months > Any number of budget periods in the future > Additional budget for separate disclosure of a supplementary budget > Expanded budgeting down to the detailed item with approval instances Balances

> Monthly balances updated online guarantees high evaluation > Proof of balance down to the individual documents

Digitalisation of original documents

> Original document in digital form saved directly to the > Archived original documents retrievable any time in: - Journal reports - Account / cost centre statements - Entry masks



A C C o U n t S r E C E i VA B l E

efficient management of outstanding debt and streamlining through automatic payment entry.

Accounts receivable base data

> > > > > > >

Central address base Customers with multiple foreign currencies Collective debtor for one-time customers turnover debtor for grouping of multiple customers Definable classification notes which can be selectively displayed at document entry Copy of base data


> > > > > > > >

Any number of definable document types online booking of documents entered in ABACUS General Ledger Up to six free groupings Automatic processing of cash payments Correct or cancel documents Payment conditions can be modified at any time Internal credit notes Document principle with drill-down function


> > > > > > > > >

Definable payment types Automatic payment transactions with VeSR, LSV+, BDD and Debit Direct Manual individual, collective, and advance payments Distribution of payment reductions by VAt rate, cost centres / units overpayments can be booked oI effective or not effective Correct and cancel payments Complete collective payments retrospectively Automatic booking out of residual oI Payout of credit amounts


> > >

Any number of reminder procedures Any number of reminder levels Reminders separated by reminder area

Accounts Receivable 37

> Reminder texts per reminder level according to the language > Minimum reminder amount > Reminder fees > Account statements, individual or collective reminders > Reminder block for customers or individual documents > Special reminder address > Remind with VESR or IPI > Invoicing of reminder fees

of the customer

Default interest

> Calculate

and invoice


> OI and due date lists using diverse criteria > Internal and external account statements > Customer lists > Document and payment journals > Customisable layouts > Evaluations in Excel with AbaVision > Report Writer AbaReport for individual lists Commission settlement

> Wide range of commission settlements > Consideration of del credere items

using the agreed or collection method


> XML, ASCII interface and Web services for customers, documents, and > Automatic transfer of documents from Order Processing / Invoicing

Digitalisation of original documents

> Saves a digital copy of an invoice directly in the > Archived A/R invoices retrievable any time for:

A/R document dossier

- Reminders - Default interest invoices - Evaluations e.g. OI lists, account statements - Entry screen

> Direct

access to A/R invoice from General Ledger or Order Processing


A cc o u n t s Payab l e

Efficient entry of supplier invoices and optimal management of accounts payable.

Accounts Payable master data

> Central address base > Date-controlled account proposals > Any number of beneficiary accounts > Definable classification

and payment methods per supplier

Document entry

> Document entry directly from scanned invoices > Daily entry report > Cost and time savings due to automated document entry using document > Provisional entry of invoices for subsequent visa control > Any number of document items with customisable account assignment > Automatic rate adjustment entries for foreign currencies > Correction and cancellation possibilities for documents > Journals according to various criteria > Direct or batch booking in General Ledger > Accrued General Ledger entry


Visa control

> Digital, multilevel approval process > Original documents visible during approval > E-mail notification when new documents to > Approval limits for quick processing > Circulation protocol for each document

be approved are available

Payment disposition

> Automatic

payment proposal based on payment periods and discount dates or funds

available from the company account

> Optimisation of payment orders > Pay invoices using any currency

using collective payments and credit notes

Accounts Payable 39

> Simultaneously manage multiple payment dispositions > Manual adjustment of the payment proposal > Programme-guided expiry of the payment disposition > Balances of the company payment centres electronically readable > Electronic transfer of payments using the Electronic Banking programme > Payment via DTA, EZAG, payment order, cheque, cash > Settlements from suppliers with customer invoices Transfers

> Manual entry of individual payments, collective payments, > Automatic sales correction for discounts, rebates, losses

discounts, rebates, losses


> Supplier information system with previous years comparisons > OI lists with or without individual items / return services > OI lists and due date lists for any date > Detailed or cumulative due date lists > Any desired interval between due date lists > Account statements > Customisable layouts > Evaluations in Excel with AbaVision or Report Writer AbaReport Interfaces

> XML,

ASCII interface and Web services for documents and suppliers

Digitalisation of original documents

> Scan

supplier invoices after entry and use a barcode to directly assign and archive to

Accounts Payable

> Scan supplier invoices and use as entry template for > Archived supplier invoices retrievable any time for:

- Approval process

- Payment disposition

- Evaluations e.g. OI lists

- Entry screen

> Direct


access to supplier invoice from General Ledger or Order Processing

A sse t s Le d ge r

Assets Ledger provides clarity over your asset values. The asset values are calculated for the different entry groups and shown according to the requirements of the statutory auditors. Due to a flexible asset analysis, all management information for the assets can be output.

General master data

> 9 different entry groups possible (G/L, COAC, taxes, company) > Different evaluation possibilities and master data per entry group > Direct booking in ABACUS General Ledger per entry group can be > Any number of asset categories with time-dependent master data > Any number of balance fields for the management of information Depreciation and calculation rules

> Customisable transaction types and calculation rules > Flexible calculation of performance-related depreciation > Calculation of imputed interest rates, replacement values, > Flexible entry and final / residual value rules > All definitions are saved by date


Assets base

> Quick entry of an asset via an assistant > Customisable layout of the asset entry screen > Various entry screens per user or group > Freely definable fields for individual customizing > Master data administered by date > Free classification of assets > 3 free, time-dependant groupings for additional report options > Definable asset status to influence the treatment of assets > Dossier per asset containing documents > Note pad Entry types for booking

> Access in financial year > Additional capitalisation > Partial addition, Partial retirement > Full retirement, Scrapping, Liquidation > Various rebooking options (asset, category, > Automatic booking in all entry groups



Assets Ledger 41


> Create individual / multiple automatic depreciation runs > Calculation runs per entry group > Any periodicity > Actual figures, Budget figures > Planning on 9 different levels > Manual correction of individual transactions > Automatic depreciation based on target values (Iteration) > Fulfils legal and audit requirements Evaluations

> Journals > Assets account sheet > Pre-defined lists > Customisable lists > Master data lists > Labels > Balance lists Customizing

> Report generator / Asset analysis > Definable sequences > Freely definable selections of all master data fields > User-defined field designations, format and default > Free fields with definable field type > Selective global modifications by field



> Data transfer from other customers > Master data and transaction interface

Digitalisation of original documents

> Electronic

archiving of all digitally created documents in the archive / dossier of the


> Archived

original documents retrievable any time in journal evaluations, account


A B A C U S B U S IN E S S S O F T W A R E –


�ABACUS Payroll takes legal aspects into consideration when mapping more complex organisational structures. The division can also form a legally separate entity.“

Payroll 45

Pay r o l l

Over 800,000 wage statements are created each month using ABACUS Payroll. Flexible definition options allow Payroll to be customized for clients of every size and industry. Payroll is regularly certified by Swissdec according to the latest legal requirements.

Personnel base data

> Address data, Child base > Entry and exit administration > Employee photos > Multiple payment details per employee > Wage and salary data > Salary classes and levels > Adjustment of payroll data in advance on a particular date (time axis) > Representation of departments and organisations and other grouping > Read in / out personnel data via interface > Integrated job and task management > Digital personnel dossier Calculation basis

> Basis wage type base > Branch-specific wage type bases > Any number of wage types and bases definable > Freely definable calculation formulas > Tables for complex calculations > Global modification of payroll data > Automatic calculation of withholding tax > Read in / out payroll data via interface > Correct expense calculation including VAT


Payroll processing

> Variable payroll data entered on any cost centres/units > Online / batch wage slip > Iteration for net wage slips > Difference payment for corrections after the initial disbursement > Pro rata calculations > Correction and deletion of wage slips > Wage payment via DTA, UBS KeyDirect, payment order bank / post

office, cheque,


> Unlimited number of settlements per > Definable interim settlements > Single payments, multiple payments > Wage payment in various currencies > Automatic archiving of wage slips > Hourly and holiday settlements > Recalculation



> Administer

several independent balancing units within a client


> Multiple > Uniform

divisions per structure element "Company" master data for all business units of a company within a client such as

足financial year, accounts / cost centre plan, VAT method and period, etc.

> Cross-divisional VAT settlement > Social insurance settlement per

on the company level company rather than on the client level


> Payroll data distributable over different cost centres / units > Distribute employee to any number of cost centres > G/L entry matrix > Direct entry in the G/L or via ASCII interface including entry > VAT liable wage types




> > > > > > > >

Wage slips supplemented by textual comments Wage slips selectively by department and organisation Send wage slips via IncaMail Detailed journals (monthly, period, or cumulative journals, previous year comparisons) Definable evaluations using AbaReport Definable master data lists Definable Word form letters Form integration of official PDF documents

Year-end evaluation

> > > > > > > > > >

new wage slip oASI/UI, SUVA, FAF, LoB settlements Withholding tax settlements SFSo statistics FAR statistics (flexible retirement) SAI settlements DSA settlements Statistics for any number of years Auditing lists for internal and external control eLM integration

Access options in Payroll

> > >

Hide employees from users with limited access rights Limit access to payroll data via read permission Hide payroll data when accessing employee information

�The employees are the key to our company's success. The flexible and sensitive handling of the personnel, their data and resources are for me one of the most important elements of a modern personnel administration.“

Human Resources 49

Hu m a n  Res o u r ces

A modern company needs engaged and creative employees. Making the most of their talents and training and encouraging them in a motivating atmosphere is a demand that confronts personnel managers therefore, the software for personnel administration should be versatile and adaptable.

Expanded personnel base

> Additional personnel information > Definable fields > Contact and emergency addresses > Customisable note pads per employee > Job and task management per employee > Digital personnel dossier Jobs

> Job descriptions > Illustration of functions > Organizational grouping, employee assignment > Graphic job chart (organisational chart) Knowledge Management

> Organising training and further education > Administration of internal and external courses > Definable fields > Establishment of a knowledge base

Appraisals and agreement on objectives

> Periodic appraisals and agreement on objectives > Free design of programme forms > Customised appraisal criteria and goals > Help text for clear user information > Scale for mapping the evaluation or the achievement > Structured and clear evaluations

of objectives


> Freely definable budgeting process > Any number of budget variants > Freely definable budget periods > Various budget types > Automatic budget calculations > Manual individual adaptations > Transfer of budgeted wages to effective salaries > Flexible evaluation of previous years comparisons > Integrated G/L and Cost Accounting entry Cash and quantity accounts

> Freely definable account journal > Manual and automatic entries > Multi-year accounting > Linked to wage slip > Balance journal > Account journal

per employee


> Detailed report options for personnel and job > Evaluation of vacancies and overstaffing > Definable evaluations using AbaReport > Age statistics > Definable Word form letters > Form integration of official PDF documents

master data

Human Resources 51

Object management

> Item administration (parking spaces, keys, > Linked to deposit and / or usage fees > Reports by employee > Reports by object


Applicant base

> Personal data > Applicant photo > Curriculum vitae > Training status > Qualification of the applicant > Lead and monitor activities in the application process > Create form letters > Administration of advertisements including placement


online and print media via the Internet

Human Resources on the Web

> Allow

access to parts of the employee personnel dossier by using Employee Self

Service (ESS)

> Automatically

transfer applications to Human Resources via Homepage


The Workflow application allows organizational business processes to be conducted electronically and in direct dialogue with the employees involved. The Employee Self Service Standard Process (ESS) increases data quality in the area of human resources and lightens the administrative burden of the personnel department. Individual workflows accomplish routine tasks comprehensively and are easy to trace in all departments where ABACUS programs are used.

Simple and transparent in use

> No

in-depth program knowledge for Workflow users required thanks to self-­

explanatory user interfaces in the web browser and communication via e-mail

> Clear to-do lists for employees with extensive filtering options > PDF documents can be used as forms for data entry into workflows,

storage in

­dossiers and archives or mail delivery

> Support

for all online AbaConnect interfaces for data exchange with Workflow


> Access

to Workflow processes based on role allocation in ABACUS user

­administration; ABACUS application users as well as pure Workflow portal users can edit or trigger processes Employee Portal

> Extensive

formatting and customization of the portal for Workflow users,

­configuration and adaptation to individual company needs

> Extensive

administration options for user portal, process management and


> AbaReport

reports and PDF documents integrated in the portal

Workflow 53

Process designer

> Graphic

designer for the illustration, editing and installation of the Workflow


> Role-based

activity sequences and routing with support of timers, sub-processes,

blocks and loops and Java Beanshell Scripts

> Direct integration with AbaReport for data access, selection lists and reports > Graphical process creation and / or maintenance by trained end users

ESS Standard Processes There are standard processes available to employees that can be used directly or adjusted for special company situations:

> Employee

dossier access – Wage statements and settlements are no longer sent via

paper or mail

> Change of address – Change personal address, incl. mail and telephone number > Change of civil status – Change civil status taking into account any name change > Change of payment method – Employee can update his or her own bank ­information

> Vacation applications – Information about planned and taken vacation time > Manage supervisors – Adjustments to employee responsibility > Child allowances – Update child base data and enter the necessary forms > Sick days and accident reports – Enter and file employee absences > Internal suggestion program – Ensures that no good idea gets lost The offer of standard processes is constantly being expanded. Individual Workflows Suitable for routine organizational business processes that can be automated with the support of Workflow (Including administrator and management positions).

> Employee

entry – Enter provisional data and supervise entry-relevant tasks such as

assignment of objects (keys, etc.) to the employee

> Employee exit – Create exiting documents and supervise return of objects (keys, etc.) > Control information about current employee qualifications and training c­ ompetencies > Prospect management (sales events and exhibitions) with filing and tracking ­(follow-ups) Individual processes will be realised by the ABACUS service department or through a certified sales partner.


Automated payment processing with full integration into business applications, supplemented by on-line account information.

Integration in ABACUS programs

> Integrated

in Enterprise, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Payroll and General


> As

an extension to G/L Light and Payroll Light

Account information

> Overview

of account balances and movements, including booking details and foreign


> Automated account updates on demand or scheduled are possible > Numerous reporting options such as bank statements, account balances,

value date

rows, financial reserves / contractual obligations, etc.

> Search functions for finding bank account transactions > Advanced account base data such as interest rates, amount

limits and contact person

at the institution Payment transactions

> Automatic transfer of disposition data from Accounts Payable and Payroll > Automatic transfer of LSV+- indentations from Accounts Receivable > IBAN support (International Bank Account Number) > Entry of individual payments from a red payment slip, ESR, bank payment,


German domestic and foreign payments, IPI

> Information on VAT rates, entry rate and expense account for G/L Light > Support of individual payments in SWIFT MT100- and bulk payments in

DTA format

(CH and DE) Credit notes

> Automated import of ESR confirmations, including splitting functions > Collection and preparation of the LSV + feedback for Accounts Receivable


Authorisation and Data Protection

> Access protection for programs via ABACUS user administration > Authorisation key per institution > Definition of signature rules on the account level and order limits

with single,

­collective A, and collective B signatures

> Various signature groups and up to two signature > Encryption of sensitive locally saved data

classes per user

Direct banking with the largest institutions in Switzerland and Germany

> A

current list can be found on the ABACUS Homepage www.abacus.ch

Cash management

> Liquidity planning and cash pooling > Data transfer for the open items in Accounts

Payable, Accounts Receivable and

­Electronic Banking

> Entry of manual individual or period payments > Evaluation of multiple clients using client groups

”Thanks to the integrated ABACUS all-in-one solution, we now have a software that fully meets our diverse needs. Despite standar­ dization, sufficient flexibility for customization and individual ­solutions are offered to us.“

Information Management 57

I n f o r m a t i o n Ma n age m e n t

The early perception of and reaction to changes provides advantages and is an important factor for a successful company. In order to spot trends and tendencies and to answer questions, targeted information is necessary. ABACUS Information Management is a powerful and integrated tool that allows users to seamlessly access the ABACUS data structure. This enables the user to query and analyse data from different management areas.

Info Cockpit

> Create

custom Cockpit programs for various purposes such as management, CRM,

service, production, etc.

> Modular system with various components for use in a Cockpit > Cockpits assignable to users and user categories > Access to all relevant ABACUS data within the Cockpit and display in data views > Display data in various charts such as pie, line, bar, bubble, and area charts > Possibility of integration of web components for the opening up of external data sources

> Easy

to use mask designer for the quick set up and customization of Cockpits

Business Intelligence – Data analysis with OLAP

> Multidimensional data storage of ABACUS data in OLAP systems > Application-specific definition of dimensions and measured values in an OLAP cube > Any number of cubes definable > Integrated Palo Cube Viewer for quick and easy evaluation of cubes with features such as "slice and dice" and filters

> Evaluation of the cubes in Excel using Add-In > Data cubes can be defined globally or per client

and be assigned access rights

A r c h i v i n g / A ba S ca n

Supplier and customer invoices, order confirmations, purchase orders, and any other documents, such as correspondence, contracts or images can be saved directly to the accounting transaction in a dossier. They can be found at the touch of a button.

Scanning of original documents

> Time-saving

document scanning of invoices, confirmations, etc. using a barcode label

or dialogue via Inbox

> Identification

and automated processing of scanned supplier invoices using the

足payment slip or other characteristics such as mailing address, URL, etc.

> Easy retrieval of original documents using a full text search > Ensure the immutability by electronic signature after processing > Comprehensive control possibilities during processing and storage

of documents as

PDF Archiving Documents

> Save

created ABACUS documents such as invoices, reminders, balance sheets or

reports to the desired file and / or archive

> Automatically store a copy in dossier or archive e.g. an employee's payroll s足 ettlement > Save documents directly from Microsoft Office programs with Office plug-in > Preview all standard document formats > Open documents any time in the original program

Archiving / AbaScan 59

Electronic Signatures

> Ensure

the authenticity and integrity of documents and reports that were created by

ABACUS software

> Digital

electronic signature in accordance with legal requirements

Efficient Search and Find

> Search

by keywords thanks to the full-text indexing of documents in the archives and


> Access

to the stored original documents regulated by ABACUS user administration

Proof of original document

> Double-click

on an entry in the General Ledger to immediately display the stored

original document (unbroken audit trail). Save accounting data in the swap file

> Save

documents in the dossier and archives selectively in a swap file (format ISO


> Outsource accounting reports for revision on disc media or virtual drives > Optional full-text indexing of documents in the retrieval process for searching

later in

swap file

> Table

of Contents of outsourced documents protected by electronic signature and

therefore at all times the verifiability of data integrity



> Basic Runtime for ABACUS applications > ABACUS menu system for fast, clear exchange

between the different applications

and external programs

> Client-specific program selection > User-specific program selection > Roll-based program menus > QuickSearch function > Search in handbooks > Save Favorites in the menu for frequently asked questions > Dossier management – automatically archive ABACUS reports

and original docu-

ments in a dossier which can be accessed quickly and specifically with a password

> Messaging

– Send messages and tasks to ABACUS users directly from the ABACUS

main menu without using e-mail AbaConnect – Interfaces that connect

> Connect ABACUS applications optimally with other applications > Define and process the data necessary for the interaction > Modern standards and services such as XML, SOAP and WebServices > Browse databases, archives and dossiers > Full text search across the entire ABACUS database > Start the data acquisition programs directly from search results > Search for archived original documents thanks to full-text indexing AbaSearch – Database search with Spotlight technology

> Full text search across the entire ABACUS database > Search all database fields defined in a query (Dictionary Search) > Start the data acquisition programs directly from search results > Search for archived original documents directly from the search > Browse databases, archives and dossiers > Present search results in a table AbaVision – Excel integration

> Excel add-on for access to ABACUS database > Individual reporting, company-specific MIS AbaAudit – Transparency of data modifications

> Log and monitor all database modifications > Flexible monitoring of database tables and fields > Selective screening of changes by date, time, user,



ABACUS Tools 61

AbaNotify – automatic report and information system

> Information

about events and important figures, initiation of new jobs – nothing

will ever be forgotten

> Scheduled

sending of e-mail or saving of ABACUS lists and AbaReports in PDF,


> Preparation,

sending or saving of lists and reports per person responsible for the


> Immediate information for events such as new, modified or deleted data records > Export and collection of database modifications in various file formats > Diverse application-specific automations such as sending von AbaAudit protocols per e-mail AbaReport – individual reports

> Customisable

reports based on various tables from the ABACUS database and

external tables in various formats including ODBC

> Definable relations, sort orders, breaks, selections and calculated > Any totalisation, formatting or layout options possible > Insert and print OLE objects, automatically print barcodes > Generate and print a preview window for design modifications > Export in various database formats e.g. ODBC


AbaReport Professional – prepare data

> Obtain and prepare relevant information > Data Cubes for different views of the objects of a report > Create Cubes graphically with any content > Connections between reports with links > All reports created with AbaReport and all Cubes with AbaSmart

are also

­available online on the iPad Smart Job – automation of tasks

> Automation

of recurring reports such as cost centre reports, month-end closures.


> Time of execution definable via scheduled trigger function > Customisable report parameters such as period, inclusion of ­journals

> Automatically

send report via e-mail


i n t E G r At E d B U S i n E S S S o F t W A r E F o r E V E r Y r E Q U i r E m E n t

General Ledger /


Assets Ledger

Cost Accounting


Accounts Receiveable

Master data AbaBuild Technical Building

Accounts Payable

Address Management / CRM

Service and Contract Management


Payroll Human Resources

REMS Real Estate Management

Service and Project Management

Order Processing Invoicing

Production Planning and Control


AbaSmart iPad App

Archiving AbaScan

Information Management


AbaReport – Report Writer

AbaSearch – Search Engine

AbaNotify – Notification System

SmartJob – Process Automation

AbaAudit – Database Monitoring System

AbaConnect Standard Interfaces


Intranet / Internet

E-Mail Programme

External Products / Individual Solutions

Microsoft Office

Time Recording Systems


EVErYthinG An Erp SoFtWArE mUSt BE ABlE to do

CH-9300 Wittenbach-St.Gallen, www.abacus.ch info@abacus.ch ABACUS Research SA, Business Software CH-2501 Bienne/Biel, www.abacus.ch info@abacus.ch ABACUS Business Solutions GmbH D-80336 M端nchen, www.abacus-solutions.de info@abacus-solutions.de

Ecknauer + Schoch ASW / Web-11.13

ABACUS Research Inc., Business Software

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