Finanzsoftware Englisch

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ABACUS Financial Software F i n a n c i al S o f t w are

General Ledger Accounts Receivable Accounts Payable Electronic Banking

T h e S w i ss st a n d a r d .



Dependable. Powerful.

Every business has different accounting requirements which can change over time. For this reason the financial software modules – General Ledger with Cost Accounting, Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable and Electronic Banking – are sold and can be used separately. In addition to the integrated comprehensive solution, any number of other configurations are possible depending on the size of the company, the branch in which they operate and other specifications. ABACUS Financial Software, especially the General Ledger with Cost Accounting, has proven itself over the last two decades in thousands of companies either as a stand-alone solution or as the central component of a modern ERP comprehensive solution. Success is no accident: The uncompromising, user-oriented and easy to understand structure, the efficiency and modular concept make ABACUS Financial Software Switzerland's leading accounting software. Optimally launched components in an open architecture can be perfectly integrated into every conceivable configuration. ABACUS programs are continually developed to ensure that they are leaders in technical progress and eco­nomic and legal knowledge. This allows the programs to adapt seamlessly to new requirements.




ABACUS vi – Design the future ABACUS vi, including the Financial Software and all its modules have been completely redeveloped in Internet architecture. It is particularly characterized by its scalability and role-based user concept, multilingualism and support of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). It can also be run on different platforms, databases and operating systems. The financial software modules for version vi can be run on a stand-alone system, in a client/server installation and via the Internet and Intranet. Modern Technology Functions that are available in ABACUS vi which also have particular advantages in the Financial Software are: > iPad App for mobile, location independent access to all evaluations in ABACUS financial software > Creation of balance sheet evaluations / income statements, account statements, etc. as PDFs > Direct sending and receipt of documents via e-mail or e-business networks > Digital signature and public-key cryptography of documents for maximum security according to legal regulations > Electronic archiving of all digitally created documents > Powerful search engine for fast retrieval of data and the corresponding original documents > Scanning function for the digitalisation of original documents with automatic assignment to the relevant accounting transaction > Drill-Down function in evaluations down to the digital original document Comprehensive Service > The ABACUS Hotline provides swift and competent support to users. > ABACUS resellers with many years of experience have the business and technical know-how to successfully implement and maintain the software. > A comprehensive training program allows users to successfully master the program and begin using it productively.



Page 7 Financial software Page 8-19 Financial accounting

8-11 Entry 12-15

Evaluations / Reporting

16-19 Cost Accounting


22-29 Accounts Receivable



Efficient document entry Evaluations

26 Payments

27 Reminders


32-38 Accounts Payable


Efficient document entry


Visa control

36-37 Optionally dispose payments 38


Page 42-45 Electronic Banking Page


Financial Software options

The current system requirements can be found on the ABACUS homepage under the link



in aCCounTinG

ABACUS Financial Software consists of flexible modules that can be combined for the accounting processes. Screens that are clearly structured and adaptable to individual needs optimally support daily work. A large number of standard reports can be customized by setting parameters. On the following pages discover the various possibilities offered by ABACUS Financial Software in the areas of Accounts Payable, Accounts, Receivable and the General Ledger. > Can be used immediately as a standard software with intuitive user guidance > Can be extensively adapted to the needs of a company or branch > Mapping of structures in the form of a company and divisions within a client > Evaluations in PDF with integration and optional display of the original documents > Integration of modern technology such as PDF support, mail delivery, archiving > User-specific roll menus with detailed access rights > Digitalisation of supplier invoices with automatic assignment to the accounting transaction and automatic processing of electronic invoices > Workflow-supported approval process with original documents > Integration with upstream ABACUS modules such as Sales, Purchase, Project Management and Service Management > State-of-the-art bank transfer methods (Electronic Banking, DTA, EZAG etc.) and automatic payment transactions with direct debit procedures LSV and Debit Direct > With AbaVision – the connecting element between ABACUS and Excel – data can be clearly presented online to management in various summarisation levels and supported graphically.

G e n eral L edger

“Optimized entry screens facilitate efficient processing and standard texts for recurring entries make my daily work much easier.“

General Ledger



ABACUS General Ledger places great emphasis on the comfortable, and errorfree recording of entries. The result: A multifunctional entry screen that meets every requirement.

Optimized entry screens The screen consists of the three sections. The uppermost section of the screen displays the last made entries. New entries are entered in the the middle section and in the lower section the accounts and cost centre designations including the balances for booking are displayed. All values are visible in one screen so that scrolling is not necessary. Informative selection lists simplify data entry for the user. Accounting The accounting is performed in the General Ledger in accordance with the Swiss Code of Obligations (OR) or the German HGB. Parallel to this, supplementary journals can be created which record valuation differences required for tax statements or international 足 accounting according to IFRS or US GAAP. Data Entry Data entry is completely keyboard supported which allows work to be completed quickly and efficiently. Where required, selection lists are available for the individual fields. Users and companies have varying needs. For this reason different forms and screens are available in the standard software. Accruals Accrual of entries can be customised by setting a periodicity and a from/to date range, after which the individual accrual entries are automatically executed by the system.


Corrections and cancellations The administrator decides whether corrections to entries may be made in the accounting. Individual entry periods can be blocked for corrections. Corrections or cancellations are generally no longer possible after a definitive VAT settlement or a monthly or year-end closure. All corrections will be logged and are traceable via the journal reports. This makes it possible to trace which user made which correction and when. Cancelled entries will be specially marked and can be hidden in the report if desired. Enter cross-divisional entries Entries that relate to a further division in addition to the main division automatically 足trigger a corresponding entry with simultaneous credit to the General Ledger. Entry document A template prepared in Word allows an entry document to be created. After the entry is made the entry data is directly transferred to the Word template and the document is available for editing, for example for printing or digital archiving. VAT Based on the master data, the system will decide whether an entry is VAT liable. Therefore for VAT liable entries, the VAT code defined in the master data with the VAT rate saved on the time axis will be suggested. Depending on the setting, the VAT code can no longer be changed which significantly minimizes rate of error. The user can individually adjust the rates set in the VAT table by date. Foreign currencies If a entry is made in a foreign currency, the system suggests a rate from the foreign 足currency table. This suggested value may be overridden. It is also possible to enter the key currency and foreign currency amount and allow the system to take over the rate calculation. Debit and credit accounts can have different currencies as key currency for the accounting. Should this be the case, multiple foreign currency rates or foreign currency amounts are required in order to close the entry.

General Ledger 11

HI G HLI G H T S > Entry guidelines

The guidelines set for entries and accounting norms will be displayed during the creation of an entry. This provides the user with the necessary information for an error-free entry. Entry guidelines as support tools are just as useful for the small business owner as for the larger concern.

> Digitalise and store the original document in accounting

A digitalised version of the original document can be saved for each entry. During the scanning process the document will be fully indexed and buffered in the inbox for further editing. The automatic assignment of a document can then be checked for an address or creditor and adjusted if necessary. As an alternative to processing a document via the inbox, the administrator can print a barcode an entry and attach this to the original invoice. During the final scanning process the program independently assigns the document to the corresponding entry.

When archiving the data of a financial year to an external data carrier, the original documents are outsourced together with the entry. > Reports directly from the entry screen

Evaluation and master data programs can be accessed directly from the entry screen. The user can create individual links to the program. Any controls can be carried out easily and quickly. Since it is possible for multiple programs to be simultaneously open, toggling between programs can be done via the task list.

> Entry source The origin of the entry will be shown in the information window – for example whether it is an entry from the creditor software. In addition, for entries from the ­ sub-journals the user can also switch directly into the corresponding entry program.

E va l u at i o n s / Reporting

“Create flexible reports in record time from data with substantially relevant results – simply brilliant.“

General Ledger 13

Many standard programs make it simple for users to evaluate their data. Guidelines regulate the type of preparation and the presentation of information so that the same settings do not have to be repeatedly made.

Evaluations can be based on various criteria specifically selected and customized by the administrator. They can be prepared directly in PDF, XLS, DOC, RTF, ODT or CSV format and presented and output or can be transferred directly to Excel for further simulations and calculations. Journal All entry journals for open and closed periods can be evaluated according to standard or customised sequences. Optionally, the document pictures of the scanned or electronic supplier invoices and other documents can also be output. Corrected and cancelled entries can be output so that changes can be tracked according to when and by whom they were made. Account details Cancellation entries for closed years can also optionally be shown in the account details. The budgeted values can also be output for comparision. Entries from the Accounts Receivable / Accounts Payable software are displayed as compressed or non-compressed – optionally also with the original document saved in the database. Creditor d ­ ocuments that have not yet been approved can also be included. Cleared entries can be hidden if desired.

E va l u at i o n s / R e p o r t i n g

Balance Sheet / Income Statement, Operating Statement Multiple standard evaluations allow the necessary information to be quickly and easily presented. These standard reports make evaluations such as opening balances, foreign currency balances, budget comparisons, transaction balances or just simple balance sheets and income statements possible. A special report definition program (option “Customisable balance sheets / balance sheet definitions“) offers the user the possibility to adjust existing reports or create a com­ pletely new report. Such reports can be used just as easily as the standard reports already included in the program. For the evaluation, the user can switch between the individual account classifications. This allows a balance sheet to be evaluated according to SME structure or IFRS. Evaluation differences, as they can be posted in the supple­ mentary journal, can also be optionally included in the evaluation. The compression level can freely vary according to the classification. Accounts with varying credit terms can be automatically classified as assets or liabilities. In the screen preview of the report, the balance can be broken down into the individual entries. VAT settlement The VAT settlement is carried out according to Swiss or German law and supports the value added tax return form of the FTA and the filing via ELSTAR to the German tax office. For other countries the VAT settlement is easier, since the VAT amounts are shown in the foreign currency and therefore the output can take place by country. Cash flow statement The cash flow statement can be created with a standard report using the direct method for the Fund 'Money'. Personal reports with individual detail can be created and used in the same way as the standard evaluations. E-Balance / XBRL The E-Balance, which is required in Germany, can be created for the core taxonomy directly in ABACUS Financial Software and submitted to the tax office. For Switzerland, the electronic year-end closure in XBRL is being developed.

General Ledger 15

H i g h l i g h ts > Show original document

Indicates to the user during the preparation of an evaluation that the original document should be considered and allows this original document to be directly shown in the entry or collective entry with a click of the mouse. The report can be printed on paper with the original document or transferred to a PDF. This allows the original-足 documents to be stored as sub-reports in PDF format and are visible to the user via a pin-needle marking.

> Evaluations on the iPad All reports that are available in ABACUS Financial Software can be accessed on the iPad. This means that financial information is available anytime, anywhere. > Balance sheet definitions The 'Balance sheet definitions' option is a powerful tool used to create balance reports. With it, the user can create individual reports with customisable line and 足column content. A modern interface simplifies tasks and guarantees a high level of efficiency when creating a new report. > Outsource data with a digital signature

Important reports can be digitally signed with SuisseID during outsourcing to an external data carrier. Thanks to the signature, the recipient of the data can check whether the received mail has remained unchanged with it was created by the sender.

C o st Acc o u n t i n g

“For us, ABACUS Cost Accounting is a controlling and management tool option that pays off.“

General Ledger 17

A wide range of cost centre and cost unit evaluations as well as branch-specific solutions allow targeted control of economic efficiency for departments, machines, projects and orders. As an add-on option to the General Ledger program, ABACUS Cost Accounting is a valuable analytical management instrument for every company.

Cost type / Internal settlements By using cost types, business cases are entered that can be effective in both the General Ledger and in Cost Accounting. Internal settlement accounts are used for booking within the cost accounting. Cost types and internal settlements can use any unit of measurement. Both the amount and the quantity are balanced. Cost centres / Cost units Cost centres and cost units, just as with general ledger accounts, are assigned one or more classifications that can be used later for reports. For the reports, the grouping elements contained therein serve to allow information processing tailored to the recipient. Allocations Allocation tables are available for the allocations. The different allocation combinations with distribution keys are stored there. The distribution keys can be defined as a percentage key, a fixed amount or a ratio key. Ratios are dynamic allocation keys that automatically generate allocation entries based on values from a database or Excel table.

C o st Acc o u n t i n g

Overhead costs The overhead costs surcharge is defined for the cost unit. A surcharge can be a value or quantity e.g. in francs or in hours. Cost accounting The cost accounting run is executed monthly. It can be performed multiple times with the previously calculated values being overwritten. A simulation run with planned figures is also possible. A balance sheet report allows a comparison between the actual and planned values. Fixed and Variable Costs Optionally, a variable portion can be defined for cost centre / cost type combinations. The cost accounting allocations allow the user to use ratios to, for example, recharge only the variable costs. Data Entry Accounts that are defined as a cost type always require a cost centre or cost until at entry. In connection with the service / project management program, AbaProject, bookings can be allocated a cost centre, a cost unit and a project with up to three cost accounting levels. Cost centre accounting Cost centre accounting is an instrument used to control profit centres. It also builds the basis for recharging overhead costs. The cost centre accounting is suitable for a company that prefers to work with a more simple cost accounting without automatic allocations and overhead cost surcharges. Reports – Break-even analysis Reports on the details of the cost centres / cost units are done with standard reports. The evaluation program offers numerous layout and selection possibilities. The ‘Balance sheet’ option is included in the cost accounting functions. It allows the customisation of reports by adding numerous balance columns with individual lines. A break even analysis can also be clearly displayed – even with colourful descriptions. The report can be exported as a PDF, XLS, DOC, RTF, ODT or CSV file.

General Ledger 19

HI G HLI G H T S > Simulation runs

The monthly, automatic overhead and cost centre allocation runs can be run as often as required. Allocation keys and overhead rates can be adjusted at any time and distribution runs that have already been executed can be rebooked with the new rates.

> Free allocation keys

The integrated Ratio module allows the user to create any number of allocation keys so that calculations must not only be made with percentages or fixed values. Allocations, for example in relation to a reference value, can be easily defined. Access to the values via and Excel table is also possible. The allocation definitions can also be made on a monthly basis.

> Direct costing Costs can be split and distributed into fixed and variable components. The splitting definition is made per year and is automatically transferred to the next year whereas adjustments can be made any time. > Planned cost accounting

In addition to a level with actual figures, a further level using planned figures is available. Cost accounting simulations are executed on the plan level. The balance sheet definition program allows comparison of the planned and actual figures. Either planned or actual figures can be selected for reports.

more freedom in controlling –


ABA C U S Acc o u n ts R e c e i v a b l e

A c c o u n t s R e c e i vable

“A company must always have an overview of outstanding items. Accounts Receivable is an important component of sales management. It allows us to assess the credit worthiness of a ­customer as early as the offer or order entry stage.“

Accounts Receivable 23

Efficient document entry

In most cases, documents are transferred to Accounts Receivable from an upstream system either an invoicing or order processing program. Transfer within ABACUS systems is seamless. AbaConnect provides m 足 odern interfaces for third-party software.

Document types for flexible business case entries With the help of various document types, business cases can be differentiated and mapped in the ABACUS Accounts Receivable software. By default, the following document types are available: > Invoice > Payment > Deduction invoice > Credit note > Final payment > Account 足carried forward Company or branch-specific requirements for entering document information can be easily met by adapting the entry fields with suggestions for the account assignment, payment conditions, reminder procedures, document numbering, etc., as well as customisable document types Data transfer from the Sales module of ABACUS Order Processing The documents can be transferred directly from Order Processing to ABACUS Accounts Receivable or even to the General Ledger. In this case the figures from the stock accounting, sales statistics, and open items as well as from the General Ledger and Cost Accounting can be updated online. Interfaces and batch processes are completely un足necessary. For all invoices the original documents can also be electronically saved and used in various reports such as for reminders or account statements.

Efficient document entry

Manual document entry If documents need to be entered manually a program is required which can optimally support this process and significantly contribute to an efficient workflow. Therefore all documents can be entered as: > Invoices > Credit notes > Payments > Final invoices with automatic rebookings Transactions can be corrected or deleted at any time if there is no block on posting, a payment has not yet been entered, and if no intermediate or year-end closing or definite VAT settlement has been made. Entry with VAT Each item on an invoice can be entered with a different VAT code. On the various accounts as well as for customer and article bases, currency-specific VAT code proposals can be set up so that errors are practically eliminated. Import document data via online interface With the optionally available AbaConnect interface, data can easily be transferred from an external program. AbaConnect can be used as a web service or as an XML file interface. Commissioning With automatic commission settlements several different people can participate in the sales. The calculation can be carried out at the time of invoicing or when the payment is actually made. The del credere risk can be borne by the company or by the commission recipient.

Accounts Receivable 25

E va l u at i o n s

Up-to-date information about customers builds the basis for quick decision-足 making. Therefore the reports make a significant contribution. Through the seamless integration of the sales department and accounting, credit worthiness and payment performance can already be checked at the time the offer is made. The Accounts Receivable software becomes an important control instrument for the sales department.

OI and list of due dates The OI and list of due dates delivers all information about open items such as partial payments already made, account assignment, etc. Past and future-oriented weekly reports are also possible on which clear liquidity planning is based. Bank statements for internal and external use Bank statements can be sorted by G/L date, document number or document date in a wide variety of layouts. In addition, different sequences and selection criteria are avail足 able such as further information to a document or to a customer. External bank statements can be sent in letter format to the customer for balance confirmation.

BOO K p a ym e n ts

The open items can be automatically offset via VESR or LSV/Direct Debit. Clear, straightforward entry forms allow even manual payments to be easily entered.

Book electronic payments Payment translations are largely automated via VESR. For control purposes a simulation can be performed before the definitive booking of payments. For payments from abroad and especially for companies in Germany, the payment method MT940 (electronic bank statement) is available: Due to its sophisticated mechanisims, a large part of the incoming payments can be automatically assigned to outstanding items and therefore balanced. Direct debit transactions If a collection authorisation has been agreed upon with the customer, invoices will be directly debited to the customer's bank or Post account. Special payment types With the help of special payment methods, the following transactions can be easily booked: > Transfer of advance payments > Settlement with credit documents > Overpayments > Bank charges > Settlement of credit notes > Commissions Individual payments / Collective payments An individual payment can be entered in any currency regardless of the document currency. A collective payment can be used to spread a payment across different documents for a customer. Collective payments can be entered without having to assign individual invoices at the time of payment entry. The completion of such collective payments can be done any time in a second step. Payout of credit amounts If customer credits from credit notes or advance payments need to be repaid, these can be processed similarly to the method used in Accounts Payable, that is, using the ‘Pay out’ option to create a dispo run and subsequent payment.

Accounts Receivable 27


The constant monitoring of payments due and the corresponding reminder is important to ensure the liquidity of the company. This is, however, a very per­ sonal aspect of a business relationship and may need to be adjusted depending on the branch and the customer.

Reminder procedures with high level of individuality > Any amount of reminder procedures for the control of the collection process > Any number of waiting days and reminder levels per reminder procedure > Reminders separated per reminder area > Reminder texts per reminder level according to the language of the customer > Minimum reminder amount > Reminder fees > Account statements, individual or collective reminders with VESR > Freely definable reminder interval per customer > Reminder blocks for customers or individual documents > Any number of reminder runs > Modifiable reminder proposals > Reminder statistics Persons responsible For each document a person responsible can be entered – for example a project leader or client manager. Before the reminders are sent, the reminder lists can be separately distributed to the persons responsible for control. Reminder areas Reminder areas which correspond to a division (branch, subsidiary) or a sales organisation are used if several organisational units within a client are responsible for processing reminders. The reminders are then separated by reminder areas.

Save reminders in dossier The reminders can be automatically electronically archived when they are created in the corresponding dossier of the customer. Default interest This option allows default interest to be calculated for late invoices. The interest rate can be managed on a time axis. The program suggests to the accounts receivable employee if and which default interest should be charged.


hiGhliGhTS of The aCCounTS reCeiveable SofTware > Drill-Down to the detail level The documents can be transferred individually or collectively to the General Ledger or Cost Accounting. In reports that are created using ABACUS standard evaluations or Excel with AbaVision, all balance figures can be displayed in detail down to the individual and/or original document. > VESR Payments VESR payments can be automatically divided and processed to multiple clients. For payments that cannot be directly assigned by the program directly to a document, the program is available for individual post-editing. The integration of ABACUS Electronic Banking guarantees the seamless, optimal communication between the financial institutions and the ABACUS software. > Reminder runs Any number of reminder proposals for the entire company or for individual reminder areas can be created per day and processed in parallel. The reminder proposal can be manually edited, allowing individual due documents from a reminder proposal can be removed or documents that are not yet due can be displayed. > customer information System The clear presentation of monthly and annual turnover is an important management tool. For example, in the Customer Information System even turnover comparisons for customers can be graphically displayed.

ABA C U S F i n a n c i a l S o f t w a r e ALLOW S Y OU



A c c o u n t s Payable

“Efficient control over outstanding supplier invoices is a requirement for optimal use of our financial resources. The optional Accounts Payable software can be seamlessly integrated into the General Ledger, simplifying the accounting process enormously.“

Accounts Payable 33

Efficient document entry

The efficient entry of documents such as invoices or credit notes is made possible by the marked ease of use and exceptional performance of the Accounts Payable software. This program is available as an optional add-on to the General Ledger software allowing document entry to be completely automated, freeing the user from manual processing. As a result, the need for paper is eliminated in the entire Accounts Payable accounting.

Document types for flexible business case entries With the help of various document types such as invoice, credit note, balance carried forward, down-payment request or final billing, the different business cases can be differentiated and mapped in the Accounts Payable software. Company or branch-specific requirements for entering document information can be easily met by adapting the entry fields with suggestions for the account assignment, conditions, document numbering, etc., as well as customisable document types. Documents in foreign currencies can be entered with licensed foreign currency options. Automation of document entry > Digitalised original invoice

The original paper invoices can be digitalized with the ‘AbaScan’ option and stored in the inbox of the Accounts Payable document entry program. The user can access the inbox during the document entry and start the automatic processing of scanned invoices. The software recognizes the supplier identification based on the payment slip ESR line, IBAN account number, e-mail or internet address and proposes the Accounts Payable entry to the administrator. The payment conditions and the account assignment are taken over from the supplier base and can, if necessary, be adjusted during entry. A PDF of the original document is simultaneously filed in the document dossier.

Efficient document entry

Through automatic assignment to the accounting transaction, the original document can be viewed at any time, for example during the approval process, in entry programs, and in reports that can also be created in PDF format.

> Optical entry using a document reader An alternative to scanning is a document reader which allows payment slips to be entered without ever touching the keyboard. The program recognizes the supplier based on the payment slip, the ESR reference number and the document amount. It is then no longer necessary to manually enter the OCR-B reference number. The payment conditions and the account assignment are taken over from the supplier base and can, if necessary, be adjusted during entry. > Data transfer from the Purchasing module of ABACUS Order Processing The ABACUS Order Processing software offers a comprehensive ordering system. Upon completion of an order, the supplier invoice is transferred directly to the Accounts Payable. > Automatically process invoices via E-Business

If invoices are received via business platforms such as Conextrade, PayNet, etc., these can be imported into the Accounts Payable software and automatically booked. Also PDF documents that are received via e-mail can be automatically processed in XML format thanks to the integrated content description.

> Import document data via online interface

With the optionally available AbaConnect interface, data can be transferred from an external program. AbaConnect can be used as a web service or as an XML file interface.

Accounts Payable 35

Visa control

The ‘Approval control’ option allows the invoice control and approval process to be noticeably accelerated and simplified. The digitalised original document can be accessed anytime during the approval process making paper unnecessary during the entire internal procedure. Approving documents, entering comments and integrating others into the procedure is significantly simplified.

Customisable approval hierarchy The customisable, multi-level approval hierarchy determines the standard sequence through which the document must pass. Every approver can be assigned an approval limit and other rights such as the representation and possibility to view documents of other employees. Release invoices In the A/R inbox, the main tool of the approver, all documents to be approved can be stored and processed from there. If the original documents have been digitalised and stored as a PDF in the document dossier, these invoices will be immediately displayed during the approval process. Approval via Internet and iPad If a company requires invoices to be checked and approved by external employees or in branches, the inbox can be opened over the internet. Thanks to the advanced ABACUS technology, the exact same functions and comfort are available to the external approver as to local users. An iPad app offers mobile employees the possibility to approve invoices using a tablet. Booking in the G/L For the booking of documents in the General Ledger which have not yet been approved, it can be defined through a base data setting whether or not it can still be booked even it has not been approved. Otherwise the documents will be booked once fully approved.

O p t i m a l sc h e d u l i n g o f p a ym e n ts

The payment program and especially the automatic payment disposition allows the efficient management of creditor payments. Payment periods and discount dates are optimally utilized. Any number of transfers in any number of runs can be administered.

Payment disposition The administrator is led step-by-step through the disposition. There are various criteria available to the user in the disposition run for selecting for the payment of due invoices The program considers the discount levels and only invoices due in the future can be released for disposition. To execute proposed payments the user can either add payments to or remove payments from the dispo run. The payments can also be adjusted, for example the payment amount or the company payment centre. After any revisions are made to the proposal, the transfer proposal is printed and the payment is executed. Finally the payments are booked to Accounts Payable and the outstanding items marked as completed. Offsetting A/R and A/P OI Before transmitting the payment order to the financial institute, outstanding Accounts Payable invoices are settled with outstanding Accounts Receivable items. Administration of financial resources In order for available funds to be optimally used, it is determined for each document currency which company payment centre is used for the payment. This company payment centre can be prioritized for each currency with a sequence. For each company payment centre the maximum amount available can also be specified. If ABACUS Electronic Banking is used and the user has access rights to the various company payment centres, the current balance will be shown.

Accounts Payable 37

Electronic transmission All electronic payments are transferred to the ‘Electronic Banking’ module for transmission. The Electronic Banking server sends the scheduled transfers in DTA, EZAG, SWIFT, etc. format to the corresponding bank or to PostFinance. As soon as these transfers are electronically confirmed by the institute as having been executed, they will be returned to the Accounts Payable software for booking. In addition to electronic transmission the following payment possibilities are also avail­ able: > Save DTA as a file > Save EZAG as a file > Bank payment order > Cash payments > Correspondence check > Bank check Payment advice For all collective or individual payments (except correspondence checks) a payment advice can be created. This payment advice can also be attached to an email. Manual individual and collective payments Manual individual payments from any of the payment types supported by the ABACUS Accounts Payable software, such as manual collective payments for multiple outstanding items, can be made by the program. This allows special cases such as the offsetting of credit notes or expense reductions to be booked in addition to normal payments.

E va l u at i o n s

The administration of outstanding items is of great importance in any business. The outstanding items list and the due date list are two ideal instruments. These evaluations provide the user with an immediate overview of all payments due at a specific point in time. Payments can be sorted and evaluated retroactively as well as on a specific date in the future.

Evaluations with integrated PDF original documents Useful standard evaluations include the account statement, the document journal and the turnover or sales lists. All lists allow an immediate drill down to the originally scanned document if these have been included in the transaction. If lists are prepared as a PDF in order to make, for example, an account statement available to the suppliers, the original document is integrated in the PDF so that the recipient has full transparency of the transaction. Searching for information For customising evaluations, different filter criteria are available for selecting the desired data. The user can determine through customisable sequences and various layout possibilities how the evaluation should appear in order to meet his or her needs. All settings and layouts that can be used in evaluations can be saved as templates. This makes regularly used evaluations available virtually at the touch of a button. In the screen preview, all lists can be comfortably searched with any character strings such as supplier, invoice, amount, etc. Any invoices found are listed and can be directly selected.


h i G h l i G h T S o f T h e a C C o u n T S paYa b l e SofTware > customisable document entry forms All important fields are contained in the standard entry form. Which fields are displayed and in which order is determined by the system administrator according to his or her needs. This allows various user groups to define and assign different entry forms to suit their needs. > original documents In a payment run all scheduled invoices for the corresponding original document can be immediately shown. This is possible when the paper invoices are scanned and automatically saved as PDFs in the document dossier using ABACUS AbaScan. This allows the user to efficiently check a payment run and also to delete payments from the run. > Evaluations with customisable layouts The layout of evaluations can be customised to meet the user's specific needs. With the use of an editor, fields can be inserted, moved or removed. Font and other formatting can be easily changed. The company logo or pictures can also be conveniently integrated in the lists.

ABA C U S E l e ct r o n i c B a n k i n g –


T h e p o r ta l t o t h e f i n a n c i a l w o r l d

E le c t r o n i c B a n k i n g

“I enjoy working with Electronic Banking. Processing is much quicker and all orders are sent to the correct recipient at the correct time.“

Electronic Banking 43

The electronic payment transactions are completed using the newest technology and security solutions. Integration in the ABACUS applications Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Payroll and General Ledger optimises processing and saves time and money.

Financial institutes ABACUS Electronic Banking directly supports the most important financial institutes in Switzerland: UBS, Credit Suisse, PostFinance, Z端rcher KB, Raiffeisen, RBA banks and most Cantonal banks. ABACUS Electronic Banking is a multibank-capable program that can serve several financial institutions with different interfaces at the same time with payment orders. The current list of supported institutes and the interface can be found at Integration A high level of automation is reached through the use of common base and transaction data in Electronic Banking and in other ABACUS applications. The transparency of payments and their processing can be monitored and checked by using various evaluations in the individual applications. ABACUS Electronic Banking can also be used as a 'standalone' application or for the preparation and processing of data from external applications.

The following payment orders can be made electronically from ABACUS software: Accounts Receivable software > Direct Debit procedures > Debit Direct > ESR processing > Payment of customer credit Accounts Payable software > DTA (Data carrier exchange of the banks) > EPO (Electronic Payment Order from PostFinance) > IZV / AZV (Domestic / Foreign payments, German payment transactions – Optional) > SEPA (European payment translations) Account management ABACUS Electronic Banking supports the following functions for efficient account management: > Account statements and interim transactions (SWIFT MT940 and MT942) > Account balances entry > Payment lists and account sheets > Search function of transaction data > Categorization of payments > Password protection Cash Management The ‘Cash Management’ option in Electronic Banking supports liquidity planning. This efficient tool make sure that there are enough liquid assets on hand in order to execute creditor payments by the desired date.

Electronic Banking 45

H i g h l i g h ts o f E l e ct r o n i c B a n k i n g > Further processing of payments The payments can be processed directly on successful transmission to the financial institution and posted to the general ledger. The booking process can only be initiated by the user when debit notice of the financial institution has arrived. > Authorization Based on the ABACUS user administration the following models can be used: ‘Sole signature’, ‘Collective A’ (first signature) and ‘Collective B’ (second signature). The creation of signature groups allows differentiation of Accounts Payable and Payroll users who have access to the same account. This allows only employees who use Accounts Payable to approve a credit order. > Preparation of electronic payments All payments are prepared in the payment disposition and submitted to ABACUS Electronic Banking for transmission to the financial institution. The Accounts Payable software automatically starts the Electronic Banking module in which the user only needs to release the payments provided for transmission. > Direct access to financial institutions

A setup wizard assists the user in creating new institutions and to configure the interfaces. The multi-bank capability allows access to different accounts. Payment orders, responses and current account balances are processed and updated in a single step. These processing procedures can be automated according to a schedule so that the current data can be picked up outside of business hours, for example, during the night.

O p t i o n s f o r ABA C U S F i n a n c i a l S o f t w a r e

ABACUS Financial Software is comprised of the following program modules: > General Ledger > Accounts Receivable > Accounts Payable These programs can be used separately or combined. A subsequent expansion is possible at any time. Every program consists of a standard version with functions for entering and managing the base data, creating entries and compiling reports. Upon request the standard version can be expanded with options that are subject to charge such as clients, foreign currency, cost centres, divisions, budgeting, etc. All available options for every program module can be found under Electronic Banking program as an addition to Financial Software For maximum efficiency in payment processing and booking and in the areas of Accounts Payable and Receivable, the optional Electronic Banking module is available. More information about the Electronic Banking program is available in separate documentation.


i n T e G r aT e d S o f T w a r e T o M e e T e v e r Y n e e d

General Ledger


Assets Ledger

Cost Accounting


Accounts Receiveable

Master data AbaBuild Technical Building

Accounts Payable

Address Management / CRM

Service and Contract Management


Payroll Human Resources

REMS Real Estate Management

Service and Project Management

Order Processing Invoicing

Production Planning and Control


AbaSmart iPad App

Archiving AbaScan

Information Management

Process Engine Workflow

AbaReport – Report Writer

AbaSearch – Search Engine

AbaNotify – Notification System

SmartJob – Process Automation

AbaAudit – Database Monitoring System

AbaConnect Standard Interfaces


Intranet / Internet

E-Mail Programme

External Products / Individual Solutions

Microsoft Office

Time Recording Systems

CH-9300 Wittenbach-St.Gallen, ABACUS Research SA, Business Software CH-2501 Bienne/Biel, ABACUS Business Solutions GmbH D-80336 M端nchen,

Ecknauer + Schoch ASW / Web-01.14

ABACUS Research Inc., Business Software

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