1 minute read

Alberta Conference Office — Spirit Week

Crazy Hat Day at the Alberta Conference

To shake off the COVID-19 blues, the Alberta Conference office employees decided to put together an Office Spirit Week, which included Sports Jerseys or T-shirts Day, Crazy Hat Day, Wear Red Day, and Casual Jean Day.

We put a twist to our week, making it fun and enjoyable to come to work or join online through our virtual office, thus following Solomon's wise words:

"A happy heart makes a cheerful countenance… The light of the eyes rejoices the heart, and a good report makes the bones healthy" (Proverbs 15:13, 30, NKJV)

Keep smiling!

—Submitted by Mildred Weiss

Stephanie, Mildred and Nanette on Jeans Day at the Alberta Conference office.

Keith Richter wearing RED at the Alberta Conference Spirit Week.

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