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Department NEWS

Department NEWS

By Jenny Nickel


How a "Plan B" Virtual Women's Retreat overcame the COVID-19 disruption to years of planning and proved an immense blessing.

The Alberta Conference Women's Retreat for 2020 was to be the best yet! Over 300 women registered to enjoy a weekend of spiritual feasting, fellowship, praise and worship, etc. After several years of inviting her, Dilys Brooks, Chaplain at Loma Linda University, had finally arranged her schedule to come as our guest speaker. Her theme for the weekend was “Better Together,” based on Ecclesiastes 4:9–12.

We were to be blessed with another special guest: Heather-Dawn Small, the Women's Ministries Director for the General Conference, was also going to join us. She would share what women around the world were doing for outreach to their communities and inspire us as members of our worldwide church. Heather-Dawn would also bring practical wisdom and encouragement in her workshops. Our own Sarah Oliviera-Augustin, wife of Calgary Bridgeland Pastor Joseph Augustin, prepared morning worships and music to share. Women's Retreat Leader, Denise Nichols, had worked hard to organize with her committee members all the many details to make April 17–19 a blessing.

There's an old saying: "The best-laid plans of mice and men, so often go awry." An email from Dilys let us know that due to COVID-19, LLU employees were not to travel out of their district. Government restrictions in Alberta soon made it evident that the retreat would not happen. With great regret, the notification was sent out to the registrants who were understandably disappointed. As Denise considered the emails she received from the ladies, she felt for them because, this year of all years, with the major upheaval caused in their lives by the virus, the retreat seemed vital. An idea sparked, and she embarked on “Plan B” — a Virtual Women's Retreat.

Dilys and Sarah recorded their messages. Unfortunately, Heather - Dawn was ill, but she had several sermons on YouTube. Eric Ollila, Director of Communications/IT/Media for the Conference, and Scott Nischuk, the Conference IT Assistant, worked hard to post the messages on the Conference website. The ladies were notified of the plans, and the sermons were available for all Alberta women. Grateful emails from Alberta women included comments such as these: "I enjoyed the Retreat and was blessed"; "All the messages were timely and empowering"; "Thank you for implementing PLAN B"; "We women must unite [sic] and truly realize we are better together."

Sarah OlivieraAugustin

As the ladies arrive at each retreat, they are warmly greeted and presented with a bag of goodies. Each year, the committee searches for a meaningful gift to be included in the pack. This year, a small packet of God's promises — 20 colorfully illustrated Scripture memory cards — had been ordered for the ladies. It seemed like God had genuinely led in choosing such an appropriate gift, and the committee was thrilled to be able to mail these out to all the registrants. It is Denise and her committee's prayer that the promises will provide strength, comfort, and inspiration.

Denise Nichols, Retreat Leader

It is with sadness that the Women's Retreat bids farewell to Denise. The committee has affectionately called her “Our fearless leader.” They admired her investment of time and energy for the past five years in this volunteer position. Her vision, organizational skills, and commitment to the women of Alberta deserve commendation. She will be missed, but we pray God will bless her for the blessing she has been.

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