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Interview with Alberta Conference's President and Education Director

On September 28, 2020, an interview took place in Lacombe, AB regarding the transition of Parkview Adventist Academy from Burman University to the Alberta Conference. A transcript of that interview follows.

Eric: Hi Gary & Ronda, Thank you for taking the time to do this interview and hopefully help our readers understand what is happening with the Alberta Conference and Parkview Adventist Academy.

By way of introduction for our readers, we have Gary Hodder. He serves as the President of the Alberta Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Alongside him, we have Ronda Ziakris, who serves as the Education Director for the Alberta Conference. My name is Eric Ollila. I currently serve as the Communication/IT/ Media Director for the Alberta Conference.

Gary and Ronda, we understand from previous announcements that Parkview Adventist Academy is transitioning from being a Burman University-ownedand-operated entity to an Alberta Conference-owned-and-operated school. Is that still correct? Will PAA be owned and operated by the Alberta Conference? And as a brief overview, can you tell us what it will mean in practical terms? Ronda: Yes, that is correct. In practical terms, it means that PAA joins the other ten Alberta Conference schools regarding support, reporting, employees, PD, financial management, and governance. Eric: To date, what has taken place and what still needs to happen with the transition?

Ronda: Most everything has taken place, as mentioned above. The biggest (and it's BIG and EXCITING) piece yet to take place is building a new school building so PAA can transition out of the Burman-owned building.

Eric: This question is for either one of you. What is the long-term vision for this transition? And why did the Alberta Conference decide to engage with Burman University and take this step of change with PAA?

Gary: The Alberta Conference felt it was vital to maintain an Adventist high school in the Central Alberta region, therefore adding PAA to its current school system. A vision we have for PAA would be to preserve and strengthen its longstanding presence in this province by providing a relevant, strong educational experience for every student.

Eric: What benefits do you see coming out of this for PAA, the students, and the Alberta Conference?

Ronda: Our hope and prayers are that the benefits, for all stakeholders, would be a school with a strong network of support. We want all students who graduate from PAA to leave with a strong sense of who they are as children of God and a lifelong commitment to serving their communities.

Eric: The next few questions are mainly for Gary, but Ronda, feel free to add anything you wish to share. Gary, I heard plans are underway for a new facility for PAA. Can you share a little about that? Where is it going to be? What is the proposed timeline? Do you know the anticipated move-in date? What will happen to the old building?

Gary: The new building will be located across the street, to the north of College Heights Christian School. It is too soon to comment on a move-in date, but we are in dialogue with the builder, and plans are certainly underway.

Eric: Who is overseeing the transition of PAA from Burman University to the Alberta Conference? Is there a committee, project manager, or anything like that?

Gary:A transitional school board is in place until the new constituency is formed, and the school board is elected. A building committee is overseeing the new building project.

Eric: This question is for Ronda. Can you share with the readers what is happening at PAA right now? Are students in school? Is Burman University or the Alberta Conference still running the school? How does all that work with a transition going on?

Ronda: Yes, students are back in the building after transitioning to online learning in March due to COVID-19. PAA is now owned and operated under the Alberta Conference umbrella. We are excited about maintaining the quality educational experience that is the legacy of PAA.

Eric: How is everyone holding up so far? Principal? Teachers and staff? Students? Parents? And how are you holding up?

Ronda:We have an excellent team of educators at PAA who demonstrate commitment and excellence. They report that the students are thrilled to be back in the brick-and-mortar setting and administration and faculty continue to partner in ensuring success for the students.

Eric: This question is for both of you. What are some of the challenges you see coming ahead? What are some of the things you need or are seeking to meet those challenges?

Gary:Both a challenge and an exciting opportunity will be building the new school. I firmly believe the joys and rewards will outweigh the challenges of a building project of this magnitude.

Ronda:Enrollment is an area where we will seek ways to grow. We are excited about implementing a new marketing committee. We are confident God has tremendous blessings in store as we move forward.

Eric: Is there anything you would like to take this opportunity to share about PAA or the transition? Is there anything you'd like the Alberta Conference members to be aware of that we haven't discussed already in our interview?

Ronda: I want to thank the PAA faculty for their commitment during this transition period. They have demonstrated resilience and professionalism and continue to put the students' needs first. Also, to the parents who have entrusted their children's education to PAA's care, we thank you. We take the responsibility seriously and pray that as we move forward in faith, God will continue to bless, lead, and grant us wisdom.

Eric: Well, thank you both for taking this time to share with our readers. We certainly wish you, the Alberta Conference team, PAA principal, teachers, staff, and students the best as you make this transition. God bless!

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