2 minute read

Stagger Where You Sit


Upon entering the train, I couldn’t help but notice a bold, colourful sign. It was distinct from all the other ads and posters near it. More than just the appearance, it was the first four words on that sign that got my full attention: “Stagger where you sit.” Below these words was a paragraph and image to explain that passengers had to sit with empty seats between them to allow for physical distancing.

The sign stopped me in my tracks as I envisioned the choices before me: Which seat should I take? or, should I walk back out through those doors and abandon my plans?

No one could have predicted how quickly COVID-19 would disrupt and transform everyday life. The usual way of life to which we were accustomed is gone. As we navigate through these difficult times of uncertainty, we may experience some feelings of anxiety and fear. There’s no doubt this pandemic has drastically altered our lives.

Sometimes, the stress of life can feel like an ominous cloud over us; it may even feel like more than we can handle. We may be tempted to give up or give in. However, as believers in God, we can have peace amid uncertainties.

As we look ahead, you and I can have the assurance that our heavenly Father will care for our needs (see Matt. 6:25–34). We can bring all our concerns to Him with an attitude of thankfulness.

Our peace comes from the confidence we can have that the Lord loves us and is in control. He provides the comfort that settles our nerves, fills our minds with hope, and allows us to relax amid changes and challenges. Job is a case study in worst-case scenarios, yet he wisely assessed God’s role in his trying circumstances of loss and poor health: “He knows the way that I take; When He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold” (Job 23:10, NKJV).

We can learn two valuable lessons from Job’s statement: The first is what we dread most can test our characters and make us stronger. The second is God will provide the strength and comfort to see us through.

Maybe you are overwhelmed by feelings of discouragement and your Christian journey that has been full of challenges. Despite all the uncertainties we encounter, I am confident, by looking ahead, we will triumph victoriously!

Submitted by Ina Martin | Edmonton Central Seventh-day Adventist Church

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