699258 log book

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W1………………….………………….………………….………………….Page 2-­‐8 W2………………….………………….………………….………………….Page 9-­‐16 W3………………….………………….………………….………………….Page 17-­‐24 W4………………….………………….………………….………………….Page 25-­‐32 W5………………….………………….………………….………………….Page 33-­‐42 W6………………….………………….………………….………………….Page 43-­‐51 W7………………….………………….………………….………………….Page 52-­‐59 W8………………….………………….………………….………………….Page 60-­‐69 W9………………….………………….………………….………………….Page 70-­‐78 W10………………….………………….………………….………………..Page 79-­‐85 CW………………….………………….………………….………………….Page 86-­‐88 1

W1: IntroducBon to ConstrucBon Structural Concepts: LOADS AND FORCES ConstrucKon Systems: CONSTRUCTION SYSTEMS Materials: INTRODUCTION TO MATERIALS Studio: MASS 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.



IntroducKon to Forces “A force is an in-luence that creates a change in the shape or movement of an object or body (Ching, 2008, p.2.11).” A vector quantity will have both direction and magnitude and are represented by drawing an arrow (Ching, 2008). The length of the arrow indicates the magnitude and the point of the arrow represents the direction of the force (Ching, 2008).

A basic structural force is made up from compression forces and tension forces. Compression forces and tension forces are opposite (Newton,2014). A compression force, when pushed by an external load, will result in the shortening of a material: this reaction is caused by the materials particles compacting (Ching, 2008). If an external load pulls on the structure it will impact the material and the particles will move apart resulting in a tension force. A tension force will stretch the material making it grow in length (Ching, 2008).

IntroducKon to Load Paths

A load is transferred down a structure via ‘load paths’. To draw a load path you use arrows that represent scale and direction (Newton, 2014). Load paths with transfer the weight via the most direct route to the ground where it is supported (Newton, 2014). For the whole structure to be supported the applied load forces must have a reaction that is ‘equal and opposite.’ This is a fundamental laws of structure and when successful the structure and applied load are supported (Newton, 2014).


IntroducKon to Materials Strength: The Strength of the material can be categorised as having weak or strong proprieties (Newton, 2014). An example of a strong material in both compression and tension is steel, whereas a material that is only strong in compression is brick (Newton, 2014). Stiffness: The stiffness of a material is determined by the materials characteristics such as the -lexibility, the stiffness, or how stretchy or -loppy the material is (Newton, 2014). An example of -lexible material is carpet or rubber because they can mode and move into a position. An example of a stiff material is concrete because the characteristics are compacted and -ixed to this position (Newton, 2014).


Concrete Blocks

Shape: Materials can be categories into their shapes, three examples are: Mono-­‐dimensional or Linear: i.e. wires or cords Bi-­‐dimensional or Planar: i.e. sheet metals Tridimensional/volumetric: i.e. bricks or concrete (Newton, 2014). Material Behaviours: Isotropic: Response with similar or equal characterisBcs no maaer which direcBon the force is applied (Newton, 2014). Anisotropic: Materials will response differently depending on the direcBon the force is being applied (Newton, 2014). Economy & Sustainability: Factors such as transport, quality, price, availability and environmental sustainability of a material have a major impact on construcBon and the materials that can be used in different parts of the world (Newton, 2014). The stud frame construcBon technique is very common in Australia because Bmber is readily available and affordable for construcBon (Newton, 2014). 4

Knowledge Maps:


Studio AcBvity: Compression AIM: To gain an understanding of the nature and behaviour of a modular mass construcBon and how loads are transferred in compression structures. In a group of two, we built the highest structure out of small MDF blocks. It had an archway door opening (2) and it was a circular based structure. MDF is a commonly used material in Australia due to the materials accessibility and low cost. My group conBnued with our iniBal direcBon to create a circular based structure. We decided that we would use minimal blocks as well as making our structure stable, allowing us to make it taller (1).


3 2

The most important element of this task was to create a structure with stability. I observed other groups in our studio and many created rectangle-­‐based structures. The disadvantage of a rectangle-­‐based structure is that without a fixed connecBon between each side, the structure was unbalanced and therefore began to fall over. I believe that without a strong join to connect each wall of the structure (such as using a nail or glue) a rectangle-­‐based structure is essenBally four single towers leaning on each other, and this restricts the verBcal height potenBal. The biggest challenge was building the archway door opening (2). I was surprised to find out the higher you built over the door opening, the stronger it became. This is because the load becomes more evenly distributed by pugng less weight on the weaker part of the archway door opening (2). The back of the structure (3) started to bend out as we built it higher: to resolve this we gradually staggered the blocks back into a verBcal posiBon, this seemed to keep the building balanced. Once we had finished we started to take out blocks to see if the structure would stay standing. Even when we took out a hand-­‐full of blocks from the back of the tower the building was sBll stable and strong. This shows that the compression of the blocks were enough to hold up a structure even when some blocks are missing.


W1 Glossary: Load Path: Is the principle of how a load is transferred down a structure to the ground, using arrows to represent direcBon and scale (Newton, 2014) Masonry: A term used to refer to the construcBon of walls or buildings when using brick, mortar, and concrete (Oxford, 2014). ReacKon Force: The third of Newton’s law of moBon: Equal and Opposite forces. It states that forces always occur in pairs and every force (acBon) is accompanied by another reacBon of magnitude but opposite direcBon (Newton, 2014). Compression: A compression force, when pushed by an external load, will result in the shortening of a material: this reacBon is caused by the materials parBcles compacBng (Ching, 2008). Tension: A tension force will stretch the material making it grow in length (Ching, 2008). Point Load: In 3-­‐dimensional analysis, the idealisaBon that a load applied to a surface acts over zero contact area (Oxford, 2014). Beam: Horizontal structural element that is supported at each end by some means (Oxford, 2014). Forces: Any influence that produces a change in the shape or movement of a body (Newton, 2014)


W1 References Images: Baikie, A. (2014). Studio: Compression Images. The University of Melbourne, Australia. Taken 09.03.2014 Absoluteflooring.com.au. (2014). Absolute flooring. [online] Retrieved from: hap://absoluteflooring.com.au [Accessed: 18 Mar 2014]. Hathi-­‐sidheecements.com. (2014). Saurashtra cement ltd -­‐ hathi cement -­‐ home. [online] Retrieved from: hap://www.hathi-­‐ sidheecements.com/hathi_site/ [Accessed: 18 Mar 2014]. Websites, ELearning and Books: Ching, F. (2008). Building construc8on illustrated. 4th ed. New York: Wiley. Newton, C. (2014). W01 s1 load path diagrams. [online] Retrieved from: hap://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y__V15j3IX4&feature=youtu.be [Accessed: 18 Mar 2014]. Newton, C. (2014). Basic structural forces. [online] Retrieved from: haps://app.lms.unimelb.edu.au/bbcswebdav/courses/ ENVS10003_2014_SM1/WEEK%2001/Basic%20Structural%20Forces%201.pdf [Accessed: 18 Mar 2014]. Newton, C. (2014). W01 m1 introduc8on to materials. [online] Retrieved from: hap://www.youtube.com/watch v=s4CJ8o_lJbg&feature=youtu.be [Accessed: 18 Mar 2014]. Newton, C. (2014). W01 c1 construc8on overview. [online] Retrieved from: hap://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHqr-­‐ PyAphw&feature=youtu.be [Accessed: 18 Mar 2014]. Oxford, U. (2014). Oxford Reference -­‐ Answers with Authority. [online] Oxfordreference.com. Available at: hap://www.oxfordreference.com [Accessed 13 May. 2014].


W2: Structural loads and forces

Structural Concepts: STURCTURAL SYSTEMS AND CONNECTIONS ConstrucKon Systems: CONSTRUCTION PROCESSES AND SYSTEMS Materials: ESD AND MATERIALS Studio: FRAME 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.



ConstrucKon System ConsideraKons: The following factors should be taken into consideration when selecting, assembling, integrating and planning any various building structure or system according to Francis Ching (2008, p. 204). Performance requirements: •  Fire resistance and weather/environmental protection •  Structural compatibility and integration •  Safe to use •  Controlling heat and cooling and ventilation factors •  Accommodating in case of building movement, soil movement or any contraction and expansion •  Sound protection and installation •  Endurance to wear, ageing of the building •  Minimal maintenance requirements and good -inishes Aesthetic qualities: •  The preferred appearance of the building •  The desired qualities of the building such as colour, patterns, surface qualities, the overall appearance, form, massing, texture, detail and materials Legal and regulation constrains: •  Compliance will all zoning laws and building codes Economic ef<iciencies: •  Working within the desired budget •  The cost is affordable to buy and rent once constructed •  The materials used are cost effective, including the transport, access, labour cost and recycling ability. •  Life cycle cost which includes the maintenance required over time, the operating costs, energy consumption, useful lifetime, demolition and replacement costs and gaining interest on invested money.

Environmental impacts: •  The materials availability •  How sustainable materials are at reducing environmental impact. •  The conservaBon of energy i.e. using materials and building techniques that can cool and heat buildings without air condiBoning •  Embodied energy: the amount of energy used to construct a material and also to recycle it. ConstrucKon PracKces: •  The safety requirements whilst in construcBon •  Compliance with industry standards and insurance •  Time restrains •  CoordinaBon with building trades •  Equipment that is required •  Weather restricBons 10

Structural Systems:

Membrane Structural System: The main structural acBon of a membrane structure system is tension. This structural system is less commonly used but can be seen a lot in sport stadiums or arenas because the membrane structure system is successful in covering larger areas efficiently and cost-­‐ This is an introducBon to structural systems in both the natural environment and also structures that are constructed by humans. effecBvely. Some examples of a membrane structural system are boat sails and camping or marquees tents (Newton, 2014). Solid Structure System: The main structural acBon of a solid structure system is compression. It was very common in the early Hybrid Structural System: Is a combinaBon of two or more ages of construcBon (Newton, 2014). Some examples of a solid structural systems frame. A lot of structural systems used in structural system are the pyramids in Egypt and the Great Wall of modern architecture are a hybrid structural system. Some China. Solid structures are most commonly made out of brick, examples of a hybrid structural system are the Launceston’s mud or stone as those materials use compression forces Cataract Gorge Suspension bridge which is a combinaBon of (Newton, 2014). skeletal and membrane structural systems. The Eden Project is a hybrid system that compressed air inside mental frames Surface or Shell Structure System: Surface or Shell structures that sealed the joints between compressed air pockets (ETFE oten have a thin material used to cover a surface. The main bubbles) (Newton, 2014). structural acBon distributes its compressional and tension forces Bghtly around its surface, similar to an eggshell protecBng its yoke. If pressure were applied evenly across the structure’s shell, it would not destruct but if a strong force or load suddenly penetrated into the shell it would most likely pierce the surface’s structure. It is the even distribuBon of load that makes it strong. An example of a surface structural system is Australia’s Opera House (Newton, 2014). Skeletal or Frame Structural System: This structural system is very efficient and affecBve in transferring the structural load down to the ground. Skeletal structural system is the most common in modern architecture. Some examples of a Skeletal Structure Systems are the Eiffel Tower in France or Australia’s Sydney Harbour Bridge. The beam and columns are generally rigid allowing the structure to hold up the floor of the structure’s next story (Newton, 2014). 11

Structural Joints Roller Joints: Loads are transferred in one direcBon, if the load moves it will roll the joint in the other direcBon. This joint is commonly used on a bridge. This joint allows a material to compress and lengthen and the structure will sBll be supported. The roller joint modes of acBon are horizontal movement only (Newton, 2014). Pin Joints: The modes of acBon can be both horizontal and verBcal. It is a useful and commonly used joint. These joints are easier for engineers to make calculaBons. Pin Joints are commonly used in a trussed system allowing movement and stability (Newton, 2014). Fixed Joints: These joints are solid, three dimensional structural joints. They do not move in any direcBon. Fixed joints can be complex to calculate because bending can someBmes occur in a joint (Newton, 2014)


Environmentally Sustainable Design and ConstrucBon:

Designing a building to be environmentally sustainable: The building and construcBon industry uses a significant percentage of naBonal energy consumpBon in most developed countries (Newton, 2014). Green building strategies can dramaBcally reduce the overall building and construcBon energy consumpBon (Newton, 2014). Embodied energy: “Is the total energy (oil, water, power) used during all stages of a material’s life” (Calkings, 2009). It is the energy that is used to manufacture an item; this includes the mining, transportaBon, building and construcBon of the material, as well as the selling and installaBon of the item (Newton, 2014). Reducing this energy consumpBon is fundamental in having environmentally sustainable items. Recyclability: Can you reduce items that are used in construcBon? Can items you use be reused in other construcBon? Can the items be recycled into other materials? (Newton, 2014) Carbon Footprint: Is the measurement of greenhouse gases generated during the fabricaBon, transportaBon and use of the material, item or product (Newton, 2014.) Common ESD Strategies (Newton, 2014): -­‐Local Materials -­‐Materials efficiency -­‐Thermal Mass -­‐Night air purging -­‐Solar energy -­‐Wind energy -­‐Cross venBlaBon -­‐Smart sun design -­‐InsulaBon -­‐Water HarvesBng

Life Cycle flow chart: (Calking, 2009)


Studio AcBvity: Frame





AIM: To gain an understanding on the nature and behaviour of frame construcBon and how loads are transferred in frame structures and to grasp the importance of structural joints. In a group of five, we built a tall structure with the small strip of Balsa Wood that was provided. It had to be strong and stable enough to hold a roll of tape on top and have a frame structure system. Balsa Wood a commonly used modelling material in Australia due to the material’s accessibility and low cost. My group conBnued with our iniBal direcBon and created a pyramid style structure following the principles of skeletal structural system. Due to the scarcity of materials this direcBon would use minimal material and sBll have good stability even at a great height (1). The most important element of this task was to create a stable structure using a skeletal structure system approach. I observed other groups in different studios and many created a similar pyramid style base to their structures. This studio acBvity made you realise the importance of structural joints. The structures would have been more stable if a fixed joint was used to stop movement. To increase the stability of the structure: braces can be used to decrease the strain on the structures, being the legs, although due to lack of balsa wood materials we could only make verBcal sBcky tape braces. The applied load is transferred evenly down the frame structure making the structure quite stable therefore supporBng the roll of tape. Not a fixed joint Joint: because the tape allows movement.

Four verBcal sBcky-­‐tape braces

ConstrucBon process


W2 Glossary: Structural Joint: ConstrucBon sites are full of structural joints; three examples are fixed joints, roller joints and pin joints (Newton, 2014). Stability: The ability of an element or unit to resist breakdown or collapse (Oxford, 2014). Tension: A tension force will stretch the material making it grow in length (Ching, 2008). Frame: Rectangular surround used to improve the presentaBon of an object and make it stand out(Oxford, 2014). Bracing: Diagonal bracing or Be rods that provide internal stability/sBffness in structures(Oxford, 2014). Column: A verBcal structural component that acts as a strut or support (Oxford, 2014).

W2 References:

Calkins, M. (2009). Materials for sustainable sites. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley. Ching, F. (2008). Building construc8on illustrated. 4th ed. New York: Wiley. Newton, C. (2014). Esd and selec8ng materials. [online] Retrieved from: hap://www.youtube.com/watch?v=luxirHHxjIY&feature=youtu.be [Accessed: 18 Mar 2014]. Newton, C. (2014). W02 s2 structural joints. [online] Retrieved from: hap://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxRdY0jSoJo&feature=youtu.be [Accessed: 18 Mar 2014]. Newton, C. (2014). W02 s1 structural systems. [online] Retrieved from: hap://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-­‐-­‐JtPpI8uw&feature=youtu.be [Accessed: 18 Mar 2014]. Newton, C. (2014). W02 c1 construc8on systems. [online] Retrieved from: hap://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zTarEeGXOo&feature=youtu.be [Accessed: 18 Mar 2014]. Oxford, U. (2014). Oxford Reference -­‐ Answers with Authority. [online] Oxfordreference.com. Available at: hap://www.oxfordreference.com [Accessed 13 May. 2014].


W5 References: Ashford, P. 2014 “Lecture: Week Five" ENVS 10003: Urban Environments, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, 2014. Ching, F. (2008). Building construc8on illustrated. 4th ed. New York: Wiley. Lewi, H. 2014 “Ghery’s House: An ExploraBon of Wrapping" ENVS 10003: Urban Environments, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, 2014. Newton, C. 2014 “Flipped Class room: Week Five." ENVS 10003: Urban Environments, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, 2014. Oxford, U. (2014). Oxford Reference -­‐ Answers with Authority. [online] Oxfordreference.com. Available at: hap://www.oxfordreference.com [Accessed 13 May. 2014].


W3: FooBng and FoundaBons




IntroducKon to FooKngs and FoundaKons:

Foundations: “are found at the bottom of building where the building meets the ground (Ching, p.3 2008).” Foundations are also known as the substructure of a building and their main function is transferring all loads to the ground (Ching, p.3, 2008). “The foundations must also resist the force of the soil pressing against the foundation or retaining walls (Ching, p.3, 2008).” To avoid movement, sinking, slipping on a static designed building the foundations that transfer loads to the ground have to be solid and strong enough withhold the weight of all dead and live loads of the structure (Newton, 2014). Settlement: Buildings compress the earth beneath them over time and the buildings are incline to sink a little because of the movement in the soil and earth (Newton, 2014). To ensure that this settlement is occurring evenly and that the bearing capacity of the earth/soil underneath is not exceeded the foundation and footings should be designed to sustain the change (Newton, 2014). Snowshoes are an example of how footings can evenly distribute the weight of a structure. Shallow Footing system: that is used when soil conditions are stable and where the required soil bearing capacity is suitably close to the surface of the ground (Ching, p.3, 2008). The load is vertically transferred from the foundation to the ground often with a pad footing, strip footing, and raft footing system. Pad footing: (Also known as isolated footings) Help to spread a point load over a wider area of the ground. Strip Footing: Spreads the loads weight in a linear manner. Used for walls or a series of columns Raft Footing: (also known as a raft slab) Used to increase stability by joining the individual strips together as a single mat. Deep Footing system: that is used when soil conditions are unstable and the soil’s bearing capacity is unsuitable (Ching, 2008). The load is transferred from the foundation, using beams or columns, down through the unsuitable soil to the levels of earth to where the bedrock, stiff clay, dense sand and gravel are located (Ching, 2008). End Bearing piles: extends the foundation down to the rock or soil that will provide support for the building loads (Ching, 2008) Friction Piles: rely on the resistance of the surrounding earth to support the structure. Basement designs: Retaining walls and foundations walls: “These are used on sites that are excavated to create basements or where changes in site levels need to be stabilised (Ching, 2008).”

Snow Shoes Concept:


Structural Elements: The design of a structural element is based on the loads to be carried, the materials used and the form and shape chosen for the element (Newton, 2014). Strut: Is referred to as a slender element which is designed to carry loads parallel to its long axis. Strut loads produce compression (Newton, 2014). Tie: Also a slender element is designed to carry loads parallel to its long axis. Although tie loads produce tension (Newton, 2014). Beam: A combination of tension (bottom) and compression (top) forces. Common materials used in beams are: timber, steel, reinforced concrete. Beams are horizontal and designed to carry vertical loads using bending resistance (Newton, 2014). Slab/Plate: Are referred to as a wide horizontal element designed to carry vertical loads in bending and are generally supported by beams. Slabs and plates can transfer a load in both directions although there is often there is a main direction to switch it is meant to support (Newton, 2014). Panels: are deep vertical elements designed to carry vertical or horizontal loads. Walls (transfer load to slab below or footing) transferring loads vertically. Shear Diaphragms (prevent a building overturning-­‐alternative to bracing) 19

STRUCTURAL CONCEPTS: geometry & equilibrium

The centre of mass is the point where an object is balanced and can be referred to as Centre of Gravity. Equilibrium is a state of balance where each structural element has the equal acBon of opposing forces. A reacBon force is when an object is in equilibrium; equilibrium is when any applied forces must be resisted by equal and opposite forces (Ching, 2008). EQUILIBRIUM & FREE BODY DIAGRAMS Objects or systems in equilibrium can be represented in free body diagrams. These free body diagrams analyse the structural components so that the amount of load distributed to each support can be determined (Ching, 2008). CalculaKons:


Materials: Stone and Concrete Blocks Stone:

Varies with locaBon and construcBon techniques. 1.Igneous (bluestone, granite, basalt) it is formed when molten rock cools. Igneous rock is a compressional force and is water resistance. Oten in construcBon it is used for fooBngs and foundaBons. 2. Sedimentary (limestone and sandstone) it is formed when accumulated parBcles are subjected too moderate pressure. It is a ‘soter’ or ‘less dense’ material. Low wind resistance. Favored for appearance. 3. Metamorphic (Marble or slate) it is made up of igneous or sedimentary stone, which has been subjected to pressure, high temperatures or a chemical process. This stone can give the transparent element. The cost is high. 4. Monolithic: Larger individual stones that are form in columns or beams. They are difficult to transport due to weight. 5. Ashlar Stones are craved into smaller elements. Generally Flat faced. 6. Rubble are stone that are used as they are found. Skilled Labour required.

Concrete Blocks:

Masonry unit: (most commonly a concrete block) 11kg/ Two Hands. The hallow block allows for reinforcement. Provenance: They are manufactured from cement, sand, gravel and water. This chemical process involves mixing, mounding and curling. Can be hallow or solid styles (picture on LMS)

Concrete Block ProperKes:

Hardness: MEDIUM-­‐HIGH Fragility: MEDIUM (can be broken with trowel). DucKlity: VERY LOW Flexibility/ PlasKcity: VERY LOW Porosity/Permeability: MEDIUM ConducKvity: POOR Durability and Life Span: EXTREMELY DURABLE Reusability/Recyclability: MEDIUM (Oten crushed to be used Stone ProperKes: as aggregate in other concrete products.) Hardness: IGNEOUS IS THE HARDEST THEN METAMORPHIC AND THEN SEDIMENTARY Sustainable and Carbon Foot Print: WHEN MADE FROM Fragility: LARGELY GEOMETRY DEPENDANT (Thickness to surface area raBo) RECYCLED PRODUCTS DucKlity: LOW Cost: COST EFFECTIVE BUT LABOUR INTENSIVE Flexibility/ PlasKcity: LOW, MOST STONES ARE RIGID Porosity/Permeability: VARIED (PUMICE IS VERY POROUS AND GRANITE IS NOT) Concrete is very strong in compression but weak in tension. To Density: VARIED (Granite, marble, sandstone, slate are 2/5-­‐3 more dense than improve its structural performance, steel (very strong in water) tension) reinforcement in the form of mesh or bars added. ConducKvity: POOR DURABILITY/LIFE SPAN: EXTREMELY DURABLE RESUSABILITY/RECYCLABILITY: VERY HIGH SUSTAINABILITY & CARBON FOOTPRINT: TRANSPORT ENERGY IS THE MAIN FACTOR COST: DEPENDANT ON LABOUR AND SCARCETY


Materials: Bricks, Mass and Masonry Bricks ProperKes:

Mortar Joints are usually 10mm. VerBcal joints are called perpends and horizontal joints are called bed joints. Hardness: MEDIUM-­‐HIGH (Can be scratched with a metallic object) Fragility: MEDIUM (can be broken with trowel). DucKlity: VERY LOW Flexibility/ PlasKcity: VERY LOW Porosity/Permeability: MEDIUM (2.0-­‐2.5 more dense than water) ConducKvity: POOR Durability and Life Span: VERY DURABLE Reusability/Recyclability: HIGH (can be re-­‐used with no change or crushed down) Sustainable and Carbon Foot Print: Local produced reduces carbon footprint but firing process adds to its carbon footprint. Cost: COST EFFECTIVE BUT LABOUR INTENSIVE

Mass ConstrucKon:

Clay bricks vs. Concrete Blocks: -­‐Movement joints are required in both materials. -­‐Concrete blocks shirk, due to cement paste reducing it volume as hydraBon varies in the atmosphere.


Is monolithic Stone, Earth, Clay and Concrete. refers to a building with units of various natural or manufactured products usually with the use These materials are strong in compression and weak in of mortar as a bonding agent (Ching, 12.06). tension. They have good thermal mass and resist abrasion. Bond: the paaern or arrangement of the units. Mass ConstrucKon can be: Couse: a horizontal row of masonry units Modular: Joint: the way units are connected to each other -­‐Clay Brick Mortar: mixture of cement or lime, sand and water used as a bonding agent. -­‐Mud brick Masonry ProperKes: The properBes of the unit (part) are to a degree applicable to the built -­‐Concrete block element (whole). In other words, the units together act as a monolithic whole. -­‐Ashlar Stone. Masonry Blocks are made out of Stone, Clay, Concrete, Earth or a mixture and used oten in Non-­‐Modular: mass construcBon. -­‐Concrete -­‐Rammed earth -­‐Monolithic stone (beams and columns).


Studio AcKvity: ‘Out and About’ around The University of Melbourne New Architecture Building:

A main feature of the new architecture building is a canBlever. The calculaBons of this canBlever need to be exact because it has to support itself (dead load) as well as the live loads. A canBlever is built with the allowance for gravitaBonal movement.


The Arts West Building has a canBlever design. This is determined because the main support is at the let of the canBlever (the building). The cement block (the right) is for appearance and would most likely be hollow. The canBlever is made out of light materials.


The Pavilion is a new building under construcBon. It is incorporates the old football heritage meeBng rooms. It has a overhanging shade, seaBng and glass box. The overhanging shade is made from light Bmber.

South Lawn Carpark: Staircase:

The beams hanging above support this staircase with suspension wires.

Each column has a drainage system that allows for the tress (grown above) to be watered. These concrete columns have concrete Cancer. The columns are evenly spaced to provide foundaBonal support to south lawn.


W3 Glossary: Moment: The tendency of a force to rotate an object to which it is applied (Oxford, 2014). Retaining Wall: Structural encasement (wall) constructed to hold back soil, water or materials. Retaining walls are used to increase the amount of support (Oxford, 2014). Pad FooKng: An isolated foundaBon that is square or rectangle on plan and used to distribute point loads such as columns (Oxford, 2014). Strip FooKng: A foundaBon that is excavated and cast in long lengths, used to carry longitudinal load such as external walls (Oxford, 2014). Slab on ground: A concrete slab that is supported by the ground beneath (Oxford, 2014). Substructure: The parts of a building that are constructed below ground level or below that which will be the finished ground (Oxford, 2014).

W3 References: Ching, F. (2008). Building construc8on illustrated. 4th ed. New York: Wiley. Newton, C. 2014 “Flipped Class room: Week Three." ENVS 10003: Urban Environments, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, 2014. Oxford, U. (2014). Oxford Reference -­‐ Answers with Authority. [online] Oxfordreference.com. Available at: hap:// www.oxfordreference.com [Accessed 13 May. 2014].



Structural Concepts: FLOOR SYSTEMS & HORIZONAL ELEMENTS ConstrucKon Systems: FLOOR & FRAMING SYSTEMS Materials: CONCRETE Studio: WORKING DRAWING INTRODUCTION 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32.



FLOOR & FRAMING SYSTEMS Floor systems are the horizontal planes that are required to support both live and dead loads. These live and dead loads need to be transferred to the beams and columns then transferred to the ground (Ching, 4.02, 2008). Floor systems can be made out of many linear beams and joists which lay underneath the a plane of sheathing or decking or reinforced concrete (Ching, 4.02, 2008). Rigid floor planes need to designed to serve as horizontal diaphragms which perform as thin, wide beams transferring loads to shear walls or supports (Ching, 4.02, 2008).

A floor system needs s certain level of sBffness to support moving and dead loads safely. Floors need to have caviBes within them. This is to hold services, wires and materials (Ching, 4.02, 2008). Generally floor are not exposed to harsh weather condiBons. Although floors do need to be made to last Bme, movement, traffic, and wear (Ching, 4.02, 2008). Materials commonly used to construct floor systems are: -­‐Concrete -­‐Steel -­‐Timber/Wood 26

IntroducKon to Floor Systems Materials:

The Pantheon:

CONCRETE SLAPS: used to span between structural supports. These can be one-­‐way or two-­‐way span. Which span is used is determined by cost, what the applied and dead loads are and how ef-icient it is to make (Ching, p. 4.3, 2008). STEEL FRAMING: take various forms; some utilize the heavy gauge structural steel member and other use light gauge steel framing or a combination. This is determined by their structural function and use (Ching, p. 4.4, 2008). A combination of steel framing and a concrete slab -loor system are often used when a strong system is needs but a shallow depth -loor slap is desired (Ching, p. 4.4, 2008). TIMBER: Very common in Australia. It uses a combination of bearers (primary beams) and joists (secondary beams). The span of the bearers determines the spacing of the stumps. The spacing of the bearers equals the span of the joists (Ching, p. 4.5, 2008).

Built in the Late 1st century/Early 2nd Century. Unlike other temples, The Pantheon is dedicated to all gods in the Roman Empire. It is circular building. It has three main elements: Drum, Dome & PorKco. Drum: 6.1 Meters thick-­‐ to hold up dome. It is made out of brick face concert. Dome: 43.2 Meters in diameter. It is the largest spamming dome. (Andrew Hutson, 2014).


IntroducKon to Concrete: Concrete ProperKes: HARDENED STATE Hardness: HIGH (can be scratched with a metallic object) Fragility: LOW (can be chipped with hammer) DucKlity: VERY LOW Flexibility/ PlasKcity: LOW Porosity/Permeability: -­‐LOW-­‐MEDIUM (depending of how exact mixture was made) Density: MEDIUM-­‐HIGH (2.5 more dense than water) ConducKvity: POOR DURABILITY/LIFE SPAN: VERY RESUSABILITY/RECYCLABILITY: LOW–MEDIUM SUSTAINABILITY &CARBON FOOTPRINT: HIGH EMBODIED ENERGY. NON-­‐RENEWABLE. LONG LASTING. COST: COST EFFECTIVE. LABOUR DEPENDANT. WATERPROOF: NO

COMPONENTS: 1. Cement (Portland/Lime). 2. Fine Aggregates (Sand). 3. Coarse Aggregates (Crushed rock). 4. Water (which is the binding element). HYDRATION: (Chemical reacBon) During this process crystals are formed and interlock with the sand. The crushed rock and cement and water paste bind together. This process creates concrete. Too much water = weak concrete Too lihle water = sBff and unworkable concrete

Concrete is fluid and shapeless before it sets. It can be formed to fit any shape desired. Formwork is the temporary support or moulds used to hold or shape the concrete unBl it sets hard. Curing process: the concrete needs to be supported by props, bracings, and Bes. Concrete will reach 75% of its compressive strength in 7 days. Finishes: Different facades can be achieved by changing the concrete finish. (Sand-­‐Blasted, Exposed Aggregate, Raked Finish, Bush Hammered.) REINFOCED CONCRETE: to improve structural performance steel is reinforced in the form of mesh or bars (rods). 28

IN SITU Concrete:

Pre-­‐Cast Concrete:

SITU Concrete arrives on site as a liquid or plastic material. Pre-­‐Cast Concrete is any concrete that has been fabricated or SITU concrete is any concrete that has been poured into a manufactured in a controlled environment (such as a factory) formwork and cured on the construction or building site. and is then transported to the construction site for installation. It is a chemical hydration process. The process includes Pre-­‐cast concrete has a more standardized outcome due to this the fabrication and assemble of the formwork, adding the process and is proven to be more time effect on construction reinforcement and the pouring the concrete, the sites. It also avoids the quality control issues associated with vibrational process and the curing of the concrete. situ concrete. The image bellows examples how pre-­‐case concrete is installed (Ching, 2008). Uses: It is generally used for structural purposes (self supporting and primary structure). It is used for footings, retaining walls and all bespoke structural elements. Spray concrete/Shotcrete: (sticky material) It is useful for landscaping, basements and swimming pools Finish: Can be high when cured to high standard Limits: Time limit: Once the concrete has been poured time is limited before it starts to dry and harden. Air bubbles are points of weakness therefore the vibration process needs to be completely quickly. Uses: Commonly used in retaining walls, walls and columns. Construction Joints: Used to divide the construction into Finish: High smaller and more manageable section of work. Limits: Size is limited due to transport. New formwork has to Control Joints: Used to stop cracking. These joints are be made for each new size or design. required to absorb the expansion and contractions that thermal variations cause. Concrete has a long-­‐term Construction Joints: Are used when one material needs to tendency to shirk (Newton, 2014). meet another. Structural Joints: Are critical joints that determine the overall stability and performance of the building. (Newton, 2014) 29

W4 Studio AcKvity:


1. Title Block: List the types of informaKon found in the Ktle block on the floor plan page: -­‐Consultants -­‐Client -­‐Project Name -­‐Drawing name and number -­‐Log of issue (stage of development) -­‐Architects names -­‐Project director Why might this informaBon be important: -­‐Easy referral to pages -­‐Ensure that you have the most updated plan -­‐Know exactly which project it is and who to contact if need be. 2. Drawing content-­‐ Plans: What type of informaKon is shown in this floor plan? -­‐Types of walls -­‐Wall height and width -­‐Codes and references to more details and secBon drawings -­‐Finished dimensions (floor plan, rooms) -­‐Entry Points (doors and windows) Provide an example of the dimensions as they appear on this floor plan? What units are used for this dimension? FuncBon Room: The area is 172.7m2 and FFL is 46.515M Is there a grid? What system is used for idenKfying the grid lines? Yes there is a grid. It has Leaer and Numbers. For example to idenBfy a certain area you can say A4. What is the purpose of the legend? Show certain details Why are some parts of the drawing annotated? Illustrate how the annotaKons are associated with the relevant part of the drawing? Annotates provide addiBonal informaBon that may not be clear in the drawing. It ensures all details are seen.

Illustrate how references to other drawings are shown on the plan. What does these symbols mean? The cross refers to another drawing in the plan that shows a different detail. How are windows and doors idenKfied? Door Window The number is referring to the drawing of the window or door detail. How are floor level noted in the plan? Finished floor Level (FFL) (eg. FFL 21.400 meters) 3. Drawing content – elevaKon: What type of informaKon is shown in this elevaKon, how does it differ? -­‐Shows what is inside the building and how that relates to the ground -­‐You can see the size of the building compared to the content around it. -­‐You can see the materials used. Are the dimensions show, how do they differ? -­‐The FFL, thickness of materials and ceiling level is shown What types of levels are shown on the elevaKons? -­‐Ground Level, Building Level and Ceiling Level. Is there a gird? Yes, this is the same grid system as the floor plan but is only from one specific point. What types of informaKon on the elevaKons are expressed using words? -­‐Rooms -­‐Building elements -­‐Some development changes. Window Illustrate doors and windows. Door Where is the elevaKons located in the plan? A30-­‐01

Where is the elevaKons located in the plan? A30-­‐01 4. Drawing content-­‐ SecKons What type of informaKon is shown in this secKon, how does it differ? -­‐It crosses through the building (it shows elements you cannot see from the outer) -­‐The interior of a building Illustrate how the secKon drawing differenKates between building elements that are cut through and those that are shown in elevaKon. A secBon and floor plan Provide an example of how different materials are shown: Find where this secKon is located on the plans? Where is the elevaKons located in the plan? A30-­‐01 5. Drawing content –Details What is detailed? -­‐Lights, door jams, stairs, benches, roofs, façade, windows, doors. What are break lines? -­‐To fit in more detail changes in a smaller space Provide examples of how different materials are shown on drawings? Solid Bmber


Find the locaKons of these details: A46-­‐01 to A46-­‐04




(THE ARCHITECTURE TEAM: THE UNIVERISTY OF MELBOURNE PAVILION) Structural Engineer: -­‐Listed the main engineer careers: mechanical (a/c and heating), showers and water, civil (waster water), -ire main, electrical (power and lights), ESD (environmental sustainable design), Noise and Structural (iron, steel). -­‐Stressed the importance of steel beams for strength and how they need to be water resistance -­‐The pavilion has concrete foundations will stop water entering the building -­‐The pavilion is made from timber and other light weight materials -­‐It has patterns and repetition Project Architect: Is the Problem Solver -­‐The pavilion always had a very strict and clear brief because the clients knew what they wanted. -­‐It was a historical building (1906) and a starting point. -­‐They started with the basement, retaining walls and concrete slap. -­‐It features a brick wall back to stoop noise and keep pavilion warm. -­‐The lightweight timber is to give a warm appearance and light weight construction. -­‐It has Hybrid construction system (Steel and timber) -­‐A 9 meter Cantilever

Project Manager: Is the go-­‐between. The job is to keep up communicaBon with client and construcBon team. -­‐Main job is to ensure clients happiness and brief is filled (on budget and on Bme). -­‐Building to industry standard -­‐Budget negoBaBon. The project manager needs to understand feasibility. -­‐Job includes hiring the building, team, architect and engineer’s. -­‐CommunicaBon is everything. -­‐The pavilion suffered a council delayed because of the historical lisBng, which was eventually approved ater 6 weeks. -­‐Another delay was the Power Lines underneath the pavilion that was resolved ater 2 months.


W4 Glossary: Joist: A beam that supports the floor (Oxford, 2014). Steel decking: Steel deck is a type of cold-­‐formed corrugated metal most commonly used to support the insulaBng membrane of a roof (Oxford, 2014). Span: The horizontal distance between two supports (Oxford, 2014). Girder: A main supporBng beam, usually of steel or concrete, but may also be Bmber (Oxford, 2014). Concrete Plank: A hollow-­‐core or solid, flat beam used for floor or roof decking (Oxford, 2014). Spacing: The distance between two objects, typically in reference to their centre lines (Oxford, 2014).

W4 References: Ching, F. (2008). Building construc8on illustrated. 4th ed. New York: Wiley. Hutson, A. 2014 “The pantheon: An example of early roman concrete" ENVS 10003: Urban Environments, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, 2014. Newton, C. 2014 “Flipped Class room: Week Four." ENVS 10003: Urban Environments, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, 2014. Oxford, U. (2014). Oxford Reference -­‐ Answers with Authority. [online] Oxfordreference.com. Available at: hap:// www.oxfordreference.com [Accessed 13 May. 2014]. 32


Structural Concepts: COLUMNS, FRAME AND GRIDS ConstrucKon Systems: WALLS, GRIDS AND COLUMNS Materials: TIMBER Studio: STRUCTUAL CONCEPTS 33. 35. 35. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42.


WALL SYSTEMS AND FRAMES: Walls: The verBcal structures of a building that encloses, separates and protects an interior space (Ching, p.5.02, 2008). Oten walls are loadbearing structures that are built to support dead and applied loads such as the roof, framework, columns and beams. Walls have to be strong enough to withstand wind forces (Ching, p.5.02, 2008). Fixed Hinged Three-­‐Hinged

A frame is when a beam is simply supported by two columns, it generally can not withhold an lateral forces without bracing (Ching, p.2.17). A rigid frame is when the joints connecBng the columns and beams are capable of resisBng both lateral forces, loads and moments. A Fixed frame is referring to a rigid frame with fixed joints as connecBons (Ching, p.2.17). Hinged Frames are also rigid but have pin joints (Ching, p.2.17). Three-­‐hinged frames is two rigid secBon which are connected to each other and supported with pin joints (Ching, p.2.17). Any opening in a loadbearing wall will weaken the structural integrity of a wall, a soluaBon is to add a lintel or arch to support the load above. This allows for compressive stresses to flow around the opening. (Ching, p.2.17).


IntroducKon t o W alls, G rids a nd C olumns: By Claire Newton (2014)

Walls: Moderate Climate, ProtecBng internal rooms, filter light and is generally the major structural system of the building.

Concrete Frames: (GRID) connecBng columns and concrete beams

Structural Frames: Steel Frames (GRID) -­‐Concrete Frames columns connected to steel girders and beams -­‐Steel Frames -­‐Timber Frames (Post Timber Frames (GRID) posts and poles connected to Bmber beams and Beam Bracing between bays or corners stabilises the structure Concrete loading bearing walls can be achieved using either in situ Solid Masonry: are created with single or precast elements. or mulBple skins of concrete masonry The load bearing panels may also provide support for spandrel units or clay bricks. The skins of the panels over and link into other structural elements (roof slabs and masonry are joined together using a Load Bearing Walls roof structure). brick (change of direcBon) or a metal wall Ke placed within the mortar bed. -­‐Concrete and Masonry Cavity Masonry: (two skins of masonry) have a beaer thermal performance and Brick Veneer ConstrucKon: Reinforced masonry load bearing walls can be opportunity for installaBon. Cavity (widely used) CombinaBons of 1 constructed from core filled hollow concrete Masonry Walls need damp proof course of non-­‐structural masonry blocks or grout filled cavity masonry. Bond beams skin and 1 skin of structural frame and weep holes. are similar to lintels. wall. STUD FRAMING: Metal and Timber stud framed are a combinaBon of framing Bmber and light gauge framing steel. This is to meet Stud Walls: the structural demands of the construcBon. -­‐Light Gauge steel The smaller secBons mean that the structural member are repeated at the smaller intervals and require restraining along their length with rows of noggings to prevent the long thin members from buckling. framing 35 Frame components are: -­‐Timber Framing Stud TOP PLATES, BOTTOM PLATES, VERTICAL STUDS, NOGGINGS, CROSS BRACING AND PLY BRACING.

The Famous Frank Gehry’s Own House: Dr Hannah Lewi

Everyday Materials: Gehry was based in Los Angeles, he got his inspiraBon for architectural design from the streets. His idea was to use lightweight, throw-­‐away materials to build his house. He sought ater the kinds of materials that you could find on Los Angeles streets. Wrapping: Gehry had a small pink coaage house that he essenBally wrapped in structural materials. He used cheap, lightweight materials such as Bmber and metal sheets to wrap around his house changing the facade. Collisions and Fragments: The design idea of focused on collage. The collage style of design was very popular in the 70’s and 80’s in LA. Even though, Gehry house created a lot of controversy within his middle-­‐class neighbourhood. Under ConstrucBon: Gehry had the idea of having unfinished building/house that resembled a building under construcBon. By doing so his building had ever lasBng potenBal and the possibility of change. He called it ‘undesign’.


Timber: ProperKes:

Hardness: LOW-­‐MEDIUM. Most Bmbers can be easily marked. Fragility: LOW-­‐MEDIUM. (Won’t shaaer or break.) DucKlity: LOW. In their green state can be manipulated into a range of shapes. Flexibility/ PlasKcity: HIGH FLEXIBILITY and MEDIUM PLASTICITY Porosity/Permeability: -­‐HIGH (depends on seasoning, finishing and fixing). Density: EXTREMELY VARIED DEPENDING ON TIMBER TYPE. ConducKvity: POOR DURABILITY/LIFE SPAN: VERY(depends on seasoning, finishing and fixing). RESUSABILITY/RECYCLABILITY: VERY HIGH (high demand for second hand Bmber). SUSTAINABILITY &CARBON FOOTPRINT: VERY LOW EMBODIED ENERGY. FULLY RENEWABLE (if stored correctly). COST: COST EFFECTIVE. LABOUR DEPENDANT. SPECIFYING AND HANDLING: (to be considered) SIZE, STRENGTH GRADE, MOISTURE CONTENT, SPECIES OF WOOD, TREAMENT, AND AVAILBLITY.


Knots are weak points and can cause slope of grain (Newton, 2014). Water related damage: -­‐Fungal aaack can occur when moisture content is wood>20% -­‐Swelling and Shrinkage can cause cracks in Bmber ProtecBon against water: -­‐avoiding exposure to water -­‐sealing away from moisture (paint) Timber Damage: -­‐Termites or borer (chemical or physical barriers between ground and Bmber) -­‐Sunlight and Heat: excessive drying may cause shrinkage or a break down of the wood (Use light colour paints) -­‐Fire (Fire safety) -­‐Chemical exposure Specifying and Handling:

Size (Depth x Breadth) Is Bmber available? Strength Grade F-­‐Grade & MGP grading are commonly used to idenBfy the strength of parBcular Bmber elements Moisture content (seasoned <15% and any Bmber >15% (unseasoned) 37 Species of wood, treatment and availability.

From Wood to Timber:

Early Wood: Rapid growth at the beginning of growing season. They are thin, larger cells and lighter in colour. Late Wood: Slower growth due to lack of water. They are thick small cells, darker in colour and give a growth ring appearance. Growth: (One ring per year) Grain direcKon: determines the structural performance of wood. Timber is strong parallel to grain, sKff parallel to the grain and weak perpendicular to the grain. Timber is seasoned to adjust moisture content and to increase dimensional stability. Free and Bound moisture is removed from wood. Timber can be seasoned by Air seasoning: a drying process, It is cheap but slow (6 months-­‐2 years per 50mm). Kiln seasoning: a drying process (20-­‐40 hours). Solar Kiln seasoning: a drying process (Less expensive to run). Seasoned Bmber is when the Bmber is less than 15% of the 100% in a growing tree. 38

Long and short columns:

Columns are verKcal structural members designed to transfer axial compressive loads. Columns are considered slender members and are classified as either short or long. Short columns are a shorter length and a thicker cross-­‐secBon. Short columns have a raBo that is less than 12:1. If the compressive load exceeds the strength of the column the load will crush the column. Long columns have a taller length and slimmer cross-­‐secBon. Long columns have a raBo that is more than 12:1. Long columns when unstable will fail by buckling. The fixture joints and length of the columns will determine the load it can hold.


Engineered Timber Products: Solid Products:

LAMINATED VENEER LUMBER (LVL): is made from laminaBng thin sheets of Bmber and is mainly used for structural beams, post or portal frames. GLULAM (GLUE LAMINATED TIMBER): is made from gluing piece of dressed sawn Bmber together to form a deep member and is mainly used for structural beams, post or portal frames(Newton, 2014). CROSS-­‐LAMINATED TIMBER (CLT): is made by gluing and pressing thin laminates together to from a sheet laminate grain laid in alternate direcBons and mainly used for structural panels(Newton, 2014). PLYWOOD: made by gluing and pressing thin laminates together to form a sheet grain in laminates in alternate direcBons strength in two direcBons and is mainly used for structural bracing, floor, formwork, joinery and marine applicaBons(Newton, 2014). MEDIUM DENSITY FIBERBOARD (MDF): is made by breaking down hardwood or sotwood waste into wood fibers, combining it with wax and a resin binder by applying high temperature and pressure and is not used for structural applicaBons although can be used for joinery (Newton, 2014). CHIPBOARD & STRANDBOARD: is made by layering hardwood or sotwood residuals in specific orientaBons with wax and a resin binder and then applying high temperature and pressure. It is mainly used for structural systems like flooring(Newton, 2014).

I BEAMS: -­‐Timber/LVL flanges, plywood/ OSB webs, lightweight, suitable for medium spans. -­‐Uses: Floor joists/raters BOX BEAMS: -­‐Bmber/lvl flanges, two plywood/osb webs suitable for larger spans, torisonally sBff. -­‐Uses: floor joists/raters TIMBER FLANGED STEEL WEB JOISTS: -­‐lightweight, open webs give access for service webs by light tubes, solid rounds, corrugated sheets 40 -­‐Uses: floor joists/raters.

W5 Studio AcKvity:


The measuring Gluing the structure and cugng together process

Aaaching our groups with the other groups to create the pavilion structure. Both model fit together perfectly.

DescripKon and analysis:

-­‐ Our model’s structural system is made from balsa wood. Joints are with super glue. -­‐The pavilion structural system is made up from bracing, columns, beam and trusses. -­‐It relies completely on the base to support it verBcally due to the large wings. -­‐The wing like structural system is for the designed Bmber shading, it is an architectural design feature of the pavilion. -­‐The oval pavilion is using Bmber and steel to construct the support system. This will create a strong structure (Ching, 2008).



-­‐The models joints were with super glue and masking tape. They are to act as fixed joints but because they move they are not fixed but rather pin joints. To create correct fixed joints: welding steel can be use.

Performance and efficiency of materials:

-­‐Balsa wood was efficiency for making a model. It is cheap and easy to cute. -­‐Timber will be effecBve on the real pavilion. It is cost effecBve, strong, and will give a sot appearance. -­‐Steel will provide the strong structural support needed to hold up the Bmber shading. Comparison with other student models: -­‐Our model fit perfectly with the other groups. This is because we communicated and all followed the correct measurements.

Applied load is transfer from the joint to all supporBng beams and columns

Trussed system structure 41

W5 Lecture: University of Melbourne Architecture Building By Peter Ashford Key Points and ConstrucKon Features: Structural Form: -­‐ Concrete slap flooring, steel framing structural system (some temporary and some structural) -­‐reinforcement basement, retenBon system, pad fooBng which is connected to reinforced concrete walls. -­‐Pre-­‐cast concrete façade -­‐Suspended beams in ceiling/flooring (18meter) in post-­‐tension. -­‐Roof is a steel structural with highlight windows inserted. Features: -­‐CanBlever (It is support while built but once finished will support itself) -­‐Hanging studios made from light materials. -­‐Y Stairs (square steel tube secBon). It will span load by a structural sheet trussed system. -­‐Wishbone beams (Library) -­‐Glass roof (LVL)

W5 Glossary: Stud: An upright post in a Bmber-­‐framed building serving a minor purpose. Noggings: Short horizontal Bmbers used to provide bracing and sBffen up studwork. Noggings are also used to provide grounds. Lintel: A horizontal beam that spans an opening to support the load from the structure above. Used above doors and windows. Axial Load: In general, a tensile or compressive load directed along the axis of a component Buckling: A sudden mode of failure, when a structural member experiences high compressive stresses and the structure moves out of the intended posiBon failing to support the structure. Seasoned Timber: The process of drying out the water from ‘wet’ or ‘green’ Bmber is termed seasoning or drying.


Structural Concepts: TRUSSES, PLATES AND GRIDS ConstrucKon Systems: ROOFING STRATEGIES AND SYSTEMS Materials: METALS Studio: FULL SIZE (ASSESSMENT) 44. 45. 46. 47-­‐48. 49. 50. 51:



CONCRETE ROOFS: Flat plates of reinforced concrete or precast slabs with concrete toppings. The surface is sloped towards the drainage/ gugng. The roof surface is finished with a waterproof membrane (Newton, 2014).

FLAT ROOFS: Pitch1’-­‐3’ PITCHED AND SLOPING ROOFS: Pitch >3’ SPACE FRAMES: is a 3D plate structure that spans in two direcBons. By Claire Newton Linear steel secBons of The roof system is the primary shelter element for interior of various cross secBon building and contains gusng for rainwater. types are welded, bolted or threaded together to form matrix-­‐like TRUSSED ROOFS: structures (Newton, are framed roofs constructed from 2014). a series of open web type steel or Bmber elements. Trusses can be STRUCTUAL S TEEL F RAMED R OOFS: manufactured from steel or Bmber FLAT: combinaBon of primary and secondary components, which are fixed roof beams for a heavier roof finish or roof together to form a structure that beams and purlins for lighter sheet metal can span long distances. The roof’s roofing. material and funcBon will SLOPING: structural steel roofs consist of roof determine the slope of the trussed beams and purlins and lighter sheet metal roof structure (Newton, 2014). roofing. PORTAL FRAMES: are a series of braced rigid frames (two columns and a beam) with purlins LIGHT FRAMED ROOFS: Gable roofs are characterized by a verBcal, for the roof and girts for the walls. Generally triangular secBon of wall at one or both finished with sheet metal (Newton, 2014). ends of the roofs. Generally made from Bmber. Hips roof: is verBcal, triangular secBon of wall at one The roof consists of common raters, ridge or both ends of the roof. It consists of common beams and ceiling joists (Newton, 2014). raters, hip raters, valley raters, ridge beams and ceiling joists. Generally made with Bmber or cold-­‐ formed steel secBons (Newton, 2014). 44

Roof Systems:


A ‘Truss’ refers to a structural frame base on a geometric rigidity of the triangle and composed of linear member subject only to axial tension or compression (Ching, p.2.16, 2008). Top and Bohom chords are the main members of a ‘truss’ and they extent form end to end and generally are connected by other web members (Ching, 2.16, 2008). The web is the integral system of member that are connecBng to the upper and lower chords (Ching, 2.16, 2008). Panel is referred to as any of the space within the web which are between any two panel points on a chord that are a corresponding joint (Ching, 2.16, 2008). Trusses can be different types: -­‐Flat, Praa, Howe, Belgian, Fink, Diagonals, Subdiagonal, Warren, Bowstring, Raised-­‐chord, scissors (Ching, 6.08, 2008). Increasing the depth of a truss allows a greater spanning distance (Ching, 6.08, 2008).

Plate structures are rigid, planar and generally monolithic. Applied loads will generally follow the shortest and sBffest load path. The most common example of a plate is a concrete slap (Ching, 2.18, 2008). Ching (2008) suggests to envision the plate as series of adjacent beam strips that are interconnected conBnuously along their lengths. This means that an applied load is transmiaed to the supports through bending of one beam strip and the load is evenly distribute over the enBre plate (Ching, 2.18, 2008). A plate should be square so that the it can behave like a two way structure. Folded plate structures are composed of thing and deep element which are joined rigidly along their boundaries. (Ching, 2.18, 2008).



Metals will react with other metals by giving up/taking on another metal’s ions. The galvanic series lists the metals in order of tendency to give up ions to other metals and corrode. Ion transfer will happen when the metals are directly in contact with each other or in contact with an environment that contains water or moisture, this facilitates the transmission of the ions and could cause an electrolyte to corrode. To reduce the risk of corrosion, metals can be separated by an insulator (rubber) or kept away from signg in water or moisture.

History: Metal is sourced in nature but more commonly found as a part of mineral. Metal has been sourced for thousands of years and are linked back to technological revoluBons such as the Copper, Bronze and Iron Age.

Types of Metal:

FERROUS (IRON): common metal and cost effecBve. NON-­‐FERROUS (ALL OTHER METALS): less common therefore more expensive. Have superior work qualiBes and less likely to react to oxygen. ALLOYS (COMBINATION OF TWO OR MORE METALS): if combinaBon has iron it is called ferrous alloy and without iron is called non-­‐ferrous alloy. Metal ProperKes: Hardness: VARIED DEPENDING ON TYPE (lead is easy to scratch and gold is not) Fragility: LOW DucKlity: HIGH (due to their atomic composiBon) Flexibility/ PlasKcity: MEDIUM-­‐HIGH FLEXIBILITY and HIGH PLASTICITY Water related damage: (while heated) OXIDATION AND CORROSION: Metal ions Porosity/Permeability: GENERALLY IMPERMEABLE (e.g. gugng). Density: HIGH (although varied between type) can react with oxygen forming an oxide ConducKvity: VERY GOOD which can someBmes protects the metal DURABILITY/LIFE SPAN: CAN BE VERY(depends on treatment, finishing, but in other instances it can result in the type and fixing). corrosion of the metal. Aluminum oxidises to form a protecBve layer. Rusted steel is RESUSABILITY/RECYCLABILITY: HIGH SUSTAINABILITY &CARBON FOOTPRINT: VERY HIGH EMBODIED ENERGY. an example of undesirable decay COST: COST EFFECTIVE IN TERMS OF STRENGTH. appearance. Protect against water to reduce corrosion: AVIOD: prolonged exposure to moisture 46 SEAL: against moisture CHEMICAL: treatment

Ferrous Metal:

Ferrous Metals and Alloys (containing iron).

Iron’s disKncKve properKes:

-­‐significant and important magneBc properBes -­‐very reacBve chemically (easily corrodes through rusBng) -­‐Good compressive strength

Types and Uses:

Wrought Iron: Used from circa 1000BC. It is formed when iron is heated and hammered into the desired shape. Used for bars for windows, door and decoraBve elements. (Very labour intensive). Cast Iron: (19th-­‐20th Century). It is formed when iron is melted and the molten (liquid) metal is poured into moulds to cool. This process make cast iron have high compressive strength. Rarely used due to weight but someBmes it is used in columns. Iron Alloys-­‐Steel: Steel is an alloy of iron with carbon being the primary addiBonal alloy element. Other alloying elements include manganese, chromium, boron and Btanium among others. Different proporBons and combinaBons result in different types of steel, where each type has slightly different properBes (Newton, 2014).

Non-­‐Ferrous Metal:

Non-­‐Ferrous Metals and Alloys.

Steel’s DisKncKve properKes:

-­‐Very strong and resistant to fracture -­‐Transfers heat and electricity -­‐Formed into many shapes. For example: wires, panels, beams, rods and columns. -­‐Resistant to wear making it long lasBng.

Types and uses:

Structural Steel: FRAMING 1. Hot Rolled Steel framing: Elements are shaped while the metal is hot. Used as a primary structural element. Protected by a hot dip galvanizaBon. 2. Cold Formed Steel: Elements are folded from sheets that have been previously produced and cooled down. Used as secondary structure. Protected by a hot dip galvanizaBon. 3. Reinforcing Bars: Steel is used to reinforce concrete because it has good tensile resistance. DeformaBons on the bar help the concrete bond with the bar. (Newton, 2014).

Steel SheeKng: CLADDING AND ROOFING Corrugated iron must be protected from weather exposure when used as a roof or cladding. Stainless Steel Alloys: -­‐A minimum of 12% Chromium is the main alloying element of Stainless Steel. -­‐Used for coils, sheets, plates, bars, wire and tubing. It is used in harsh environments or where a desired finish is required. It is expensive (Newton, 2014) 47

Non-­‐Ferrous Metal:

Non-­‐Ferrous Metals and Alloys.

Zinc’s disKncKve properKes:

-­‐Galvanising: plaBng thin layers of zinc onto iron or steel to protect the iron from corrosion. -­‐A bluish-­‐white lustrous metal. -­‐It is briale at ambient temperatures and malleable at 100-­‐150’degrees. -­‐Reasonable conductor of electricity.

Lead’s disKncKve properKes:

-­‐Toxic to human (less used now) -­‐Bluish-­‐white lustrous metal -­‐It is sot, highly malleable, ducBle and a relaBvely poor conductor of electricity. -­‐Resistant to corrosion although will tarnish upon air exposure.

Tin’s disKncKve properKes:

-­‐Very rare in construcBon (toxic) -­‐Slivery-­‐white metal -­‐Is malleable, somewhat ducBle and has high crystalline -­‐resists disBlled, seas and sot tap water.

Titanium’s disKncKve properKes:

-­‐Strong , lightweight, easily fabricated material -­‐very expensive -­‐great corrosion resistance -­‐high strength to weigh raBo

Bronze’s disKncKve properKes:

(COPPER AND TIN) -­‐used in bearing, clips, springs and electrical connectors -­‐corrosion resistant -­‐Hard material

Aluminum’s DisKncKve properKes:

-­‐Light weight -­‐non-­‐magneBc and non-­‐sparking -­‐easily formed, machined and cast -­‐Pure aluminum is sot and lacks strength but alloys (copper, magnesium etc.) add useful structural capabiliBes. Uses: -­‐Extruded secBons: common for window frames -­‐Cast: door handles and catches for windows -­‐Rolled aluminum: cladding panels and air-­‐condiBoning systems -­‐Aluminum reacts with air creaBng a fine layer of oxide that keeps it from further oxidaBon giving it that maae natural finish. -­‐Power coaBng and iodizaBon are common treatments.

Copper’s DisKncKve properKes:

-­‐A good conductor of heat and electricity -­‐Very malleable and ducBle -­‐First Used in 7000BC. It was a pure deposit in nature -­‐Copper is reddish colour with a bright metallic polish, it turns green when exposed to the weather for a prolonged Bme (oxidizaBon process) USES: -­‐Roofing Material -­‐Used for hot and cold water and hearing pipework -­‐Electrical cabling

Brass’ disKncKve properKes: (COPPER AND ZINC) -­‐used in door knobs, taps and lamps -­‐It is malleable -­‐Low melBng point and easy to cast -­‐No ferromagneBc


Spanning Spaces:

Architecture is mainly about enclosing space:

By Prof. Miles Lewis

Materials: Building with minimal materials

Miles Lewis

Spanning a large space in stone.

When and where was major interior space invented:

Columnar Halls (as they were invented)

The main problem in building is spanning space:


An ingenious way to build a vault without centering the pitched or Nubian vault: ConstrucBon FicBon

Interior space = meeKng space = democraKc governance

Trends: The Roman Arch Window

Romans had access to concrete


W6 Studio AcKvity:

FULL SIZE Interim submission

Williamstown Group 1: Structural System: -­‐Skeletal structural system -­‐Timber framework FoundaBon Walls: -­‐Support for superstructure -­‐Constructed to resist acBve earth pressures. Frames and Walls: -­‐Fixed frame with fixed joints.

Materials: -­‐Timber columns and framework

Brick Wall Façade: Expansion Joints Steel Framing system to make brick façade stronger

Williamstown Group 2: ConstrucBon Lot Wood stud framing: -­‐Common technique

Lintels: -­‐above windows -­‐to decrease the load placed upon the window itself

Reinforced concrete slap and Polyethylene Moisture barrier

Different stages of construcBon

Timber stud wall -­‐Bracing to increase stability Timber Truss systems: -­‐Extra support and reinforcement

Brick Venire

Steel Structural beams -­‐Reinforcing the Bmber framework


W6 Glossary: Rater: The sloping beam that spans from the ridge to the eaves of a roof (Oxford, 2014). Purlin: A horizontal roof member that runs parallel to the ridge and spans between the roof trusses(Oxford, 2014). CanKlever: A projecBon such as a beam which is only supported or fixed at one end the other end is free (Oxford, 2014). Portal Frame: A simple structural frame comprising two verBcal columns and two sloping roof beams that join in the center (Oxford, 2014). Eave: The part of a pitched or flat roof that projects over the external wall (Oxford, 2014). Alloy Soffit: the underside of a part or member of a building (Oxford, 2014). Top Chord: The top beams in a truss are called top chords and are generally in tension (Oxford, 2014).

W6 References: Ching, F. (2008). Building construc8on illustrated. 4th ed. New York: Wiley. Lewis, M. 2014 “Spanning Spaces" ENVS 10003: Urban Environments, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, 2014. Newton, C. 2014 “Flipped Class room: Week Six." ENVS 10003: Urban Environments, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, 2014. Oxford, U. (2014). Oxford Reference -­‐ Answers with Authority. [online] Oxfordreference.com. Available at: hap:// www.oxfordreference.com [Accessed 13 May. 2014].





IntroducKon to Arches, Domes and Shells: Arches are curved structures that span an opening. It is designed to support a verBcal load primarily by axial compression. Each piece is important to supporBng the structure. Vaults are arched structures of stone, brick or reinforced concrete, which form a ceiling or roof (Ching, p.2.26, 2008). Domes are spherical surface structures that have a circular plan, which can be constructed with stacked blocks or a conBnuous firm material. A tension ring encircles that base of a dome to contain the outward components of the meridional forces. Schwdler domes are steel dome structures which have members that follow the lines of laBtude, longitude and triangulaBon (Ching, p.2.26, 2008). Lasce domes are steel dome structures that have members that follow the circles of laBtude and the two-­‐sets of diagonals. This makes a series of isosceles triangle (Ching, p.2.26, 2008). A Geodesic dome is a steel dome structure which members have an intersecBng at 60’.




Shells structures are thin curved plate structures typically constructed of reinforced concrete. A shell structure transmits applied forces by membrane stresses. They can generally sustain large forces if correctly constructed (Ching, p.2.26, 2008). Barrel Shell are cylindrical shell structures. Hyperbolic paraboloid is surface is generated by sliding a parabola (Ching, p.2.26, 2008). Ruled surfaces are generated by the moBon of a straight line (Ching, p.2.26, 2008). RotaKonal surfaces are generated by rotaBng a plane curve about an axis. (Ching, p.2.26, 2008) Barrel Hyperbolic Saddle One-­‐Sheet Hyperboloid



The three principles that prevents water penetraBng into a building. 1. REMOVE OPENINGS 2. KEEP WATER AWAY FROM OPENINGS 3.NEUTRALISE THE FORCES THAT Technique 1: MOVE WATER THROUGH OPENINGS. Prevent water penetraBon by sealing gasket opening with sealants (silicone), (preformed shapes made from arKficial rubber). This process relies heavily on installaBon and will also deteriorate over Bme due to weathering. Technique 3: Neutralising the forces that move Technique 2: water -­‐Grading (sloping) roofs so that the -­‐Gravity (Slops, Flashing and water is collected in guhers which Overlaps). then discharge the water to downpipes and storm water systems. -­‐Surface tension and capillary acBon (Drip, Break, Window Sill or Parapet -­‐Overlapping cladding and roof Capping) elements (weatherboards and roof -­‐Momentum (Capillary Break) Bles) -­‐Sloping window and door sills and -­‐Air pressure differenBal. If an air barrier is introduced on the inside it roof and wall flashing -­‐Sloping the ground surface away from will create a pressure equalisaBon chamber (PEC). the walls at the base of building (to allow any water to run away from the building)

Moisture ProtecKon: Moisture ProtecKon: -­‐Water resistant roofing. -­‐Drainage systems and slopes. -­‐The maintenance, durability, installaBon and resistance of roofing materials. -­‐Flashing installaBon -­‐Water vapor needs proper venBlaBon to avoid condensaBon built up.

-­‐Wet areas need basements which are fully tanked. -­‐Walls: Can be double skin or glazed -­‐equal forces to neutralise forces that move water 54 -­‐Rain needs to travel down eaves into a water gugng system.

Detailing for Heat: 1. Heat is conducted through the building envelope 2. The building envelope and building elements are subjected to radiant heat sources 3. Thermal Mass is used to regulate the flow of heat through the envelope. EffecBve control of heat gain and loss saves energy, money and comfort for users. Controlling Heat: Air Leaking The principle of airBght detailing is similar to waterBght detailing. -­‐An opening -­‐Air present at the opening -­‐A force to move air through the opening Stopping Air Leaking: -­‐EliminaBng any one of the causes -­‐Wrapping the building in polyethylene or reflecBve foil to provide an air barrier weather stripping around the openings. Controlling Heat: RadiaKon

Controlling Heat-­‐ Thermal Mass -­‐Absorb and store heat which then is released when temperature drop. -­‐Materials used for thermal mass include masonry, concrete and water bodies.

Controlling Heat: ConducKon -­‐Thermal insulaBons to reduce heat conducBon -­‐Thermal breaks (conducBve materials like rubber) to reduce heat transferring outside to inside -­‐The air spaces between the double glazed panes reduces the flow of heat through the glazed elements

-­‐ReflecBve surfaces (Low-­‐e glass, reflecBve materials) -­‐Shading systems (verandahs, eaves. Solar shelves, blinds, screens and vegetaBon blocks.

Thermal ProtecKon: Thermal ProtecKon:

-­‐EsBmaBng the amount of potenBal heat gain and loss to determiner the energy and equipment required. -­‐Good construcBon and choice in materials allow for minimal heat loss. -­‐Expansion joints need to be constructed for the thermal contracBng and expansion of materials. 55

Paints: ProperKes: COLOUR CONSISTANCY: CHOSEN COLOUR SHOULD RESIST FADING (SUNLIGHT). Reds tend to fade in sunlight. DURABILITY: Chose a paint (and construct a surface) that helps to resists: chipping, peeling, the effects of rain and air polluBon and ultra-­‐violet light. Paint such, as Powder CoaBng and PVF2 are harder and more durable. GLOSS: RANGE BETWEEN MATT TO GLOSS FLEXIBILITY/PLASTICITY: WATER BASED LATEX PAINT IS MORE FLEXIBALE THAN OIL BASED PAINT. Types and Uses: 1. Oil based +Very good High Glass finishes can be achieve, Not water soluble (brushes to be cleaned with turpenBne) 2. Water based +Commonly used, Safer to work with, Durable and Flexible, Tools and brushes cleaned with water.

Paints are liquid unBl they are applied on a surface forming a film that becomes solid when in contact with the air. Their main purpose is to protect and colour elements or surfaces. Clear paints are called lacquers or varnishes. Components: BINDER: The film-­‐forming component of the paint. (Polyurethanes, polyesters, resins, epoxy, oils.) DILUENT: Dissolves the paint and adjusts its viscosity (alcohol, ketones, petroleum, disBllate, esters) PIGMENT: gives the paint its colour and opacity. Can be natural (clays, talc’s, calcium, carbonate, silica’s) and syntheBcs. 56


Types and Uses: NATURAL: Seals, gaskets and control joints, -looring, insulation, hosing and piping. SYNTHETIC: EPDM-­‐GASKETS AND CONTROL JOINTS NEOPRENE-­‐ CONTROL JOINTS SILICONE-­‐ SEALS

Considerations: WEATHER RELATED DAMAGE: exposure to weather especially sunlight can make rubber lose their properties. By avoiding having the rubber in direct sunlight when possible it will provide some protection.



Types and Uses:

1. ThermoplasKcs: moldable when become solid again when cooled. Can be recycled. +Types: Polyethylene (polythene), Polymethyl methacrylate (Perspex and acrylic), Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC, vinyl), Polycarbonate. 2. Thermosesng PlasKcs: can only be shaped once. +Types: Melamide Formaldhyde (laminex), Polystryrene (styrene) 3. Elastomers (syntheBc rubbers) +Types: EPDM, Neoprene, Silicone.


WEATHER RELATED DAMAGE: plasBcs degrade when exposed to weather (sunlight) and need to be checked and maintained. PROTECTION AND MANAGEMENT: Avoid and minimise sun exposure. Some plasBcs have high expansion and contracBon coefficients.


W7 Glossary: Drip: Part of a product or component that is shaped down towards the ground to encourage water to drip (Oxford, 2014). Vapour barrier: A material that resists water vapour transmission and is usually made of polythene sheeBng (Oxford, 2014). Guher: A narrow usually semi-­‐circular channel at the eaves of a roof used to convey rainwater (Oxford, 2014). Parapet: A low wall along the edge of a roof, balcony, or terrace (Oxford, 2014). Down pipe: A pipe for carrying rainwater from a rain guaer (Oxford, 2014). Flashing: A strip of impervious material to protect roof joints and angles from the ingress of water (Oxford, 2014). Thermal InsulaKon: A material that has a low thermal conducBvity, thus reducing the amount of heat that will flow through it (Oxford, 2014). Sealant: a material that is bonded to the enamel surface of teeth to seal the fissures (Oxford, 2014).

W7 References: Ching, F. (2008). Building construc8on illustrated. 4th ed. New York: Wiley. Newton, C. 2014 “Flipped Class room: Week Seven." ENVS 10003: Urban Environments, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, 2014. Oxford, U. (2014). Oxford Reference -­‐ Answers with Authority. [online] Oxfordreference.com. Available at: hap:// www.oxfordreference.com [Accessed 13 May. 2014].



Structural Concepts: DEFORMATION & GEOMETRY ConstrucKon Systems: STRATEGIES FOR OPENING Materials: GLASS Studio: IN DETAIL 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68.




Beams are rigid structural members designed to carry and transfer loads across space to supporBng elements (Ching, p. 2.14, 2008). DeflecKon is the perpendicular distance a spanning member deviates from a true course under a transverse load. (Ching, p. 2.14, 2008). ResisKng moment is when the internal moment is equal and opposite to bending moment. This is generated by a force that aims to maintain equilibrium (Ching, p. 2.14, 2008). Bending stress is a combinaBon of compressive and tension stresses. This is developed from a cross secBon structural member that resist’s a transverse force. Transverse shear occurs at a cross secBon of a beam or other member subject to bending. The transverse forces are equal to the algebraic sum (Ching, p.2.14, 2008). VerKcal Shearing stress develops to resist transverse shear (Ching, p.2.14, 2008). Horizontal/Longitudinal shearing stress develops a preventaBve slippage along horizontal planes of a beam under transverse (which is loading an equal verBcal point) (Ching, p.2.14, 2008).

A simple beam rests on supports at both ends. A simple beam is no moment resistance will have ends free to rotate. (Ching, p.2.15, 2008). A CanKlever is a projecBng beam or a rigid structural member that is supported at only one fixed end (Ching, p.2.15, 2008). An overhanging beam is a simple beam extending beyond a support. At midspan the overhang will reduce the posiBve moment thus developing a negaBve moment at the base of the overhanging beam (Ching, p.2.15, 2008). Double overhanging beam refers to a simple beam extending beyond both of its supports. Fixed-­‐end beams has both ends restrained against translaBon and rotaBon. This transfers the bending stresses to increase the rigidity of the beam and reduce the deflecBon. (Ching, p.2.15, 2008). Suspended-­‐span is when the simple beam is supported by the overhangs of two adjoining spans, commonly joined with pinned joints (Ching, p.2.15, 2008). ConKnuous beams are extended over more than two supports. This is order to develop greater rigidity and smaller moments (Ching, p.2.15, 2008). 61


The ‘span’ is the distance measured between two structural supports. A horizontal member is measured between the verBcal supports whereas a verBcal member is measured between horizontal supports (Newton, 2014). ‘Spacing’ is the repeaBng distance between a series of like or similar elements. Spacing is associated with the supporBng elements such as columns and beams. It is measured center-­‐line to center-­‐line (Newton, 2014). Spacing of the supporBng elements depends on the spanning capabiliBes of the support elements (Newton, 2014).


A canBlever is created when a structural element is supported at only one end (or the overhanging porBons of a member are significant). The funcBon is to carry loads along the length of the member and transfer these loads to the support (Newton, 2014).

Beams are mostly horizontal structural elements. There funcBon is to carry loads along the length of the beam and transfer these loads to the verBcal supports (Newton, 2014).



Double and Triple Glazing:

Has air spaces between the each of the glazed panes, which reduces the flow of heat through the glazed elements.

(Newton, 2014)

Types and Products:

Tinted Glass: useful in sun-­‐exposed situaBons to reduce visible light transfer. Wired Glass: (similar to laminated glass) Steel wire mesh is used instead of a plasBc film, accepted as low-­‐cost fire glass. Paaerned Glass: Rolled glass process (provides privacy and light) Curved Glass: (expensive) Glass produced with moulds to create designs. Photovoltaic Glass: has integrated solar cells. Glass Channels: Used in façade systems. Slumped and Formed Glass: used as design features. Glass Fibers: Hair-­‐Like Strands that are used in telecommunicaBons.

3. TEMPERED GLASS (toughened glass) Produced by heaBng annealed glass to approximately 650’C (soten). The surface of this heated glass is then cooled rapidly creaBng a state of high compression in the outer surface. This process in strengthens by 4-­‐5 Bmes stronger than annealed glass. If broken fragments break into petal shaped pieces making the shards safer.

History of Glass’ developments: Blown Glass = I century BC Sheet Glass (sliced from blown glass) = XI –XI centuries Lead Crystal (made glass easier to cut) = XVII Plate Glass (beaer opBcal qualiBes) = XVII century LaminaBon (the celluloid layer inserted between two sheets of glass) = 1910 Float Glass (Molten glass is poured over a bath of molten Bn) = 1959

1. CLEAR FLOAT GLASS (annealed glass): Low risk, low cost and small glazing scenarios. Breaks into sharp and dangerous shards. 2. LAMINATED GLASS: A tough plasBc interlayer (PVB) is bonded together between two glass panes. Beaer security and safety. If broken fragments adhere to plasBc.



ProperKes: Hardness: HIGH (can be scratched with metallic object) Fragility: HIGH DucKlity: VERY LOW Flexibility/ PlasKcity: HIGH FLEXIBILITY, PLASTICITY AND ELASTICITY Porosity/Permeability: WATERPROOF Density: MEDIUM-­‐HIGH (2.7 more dense than water and denser than concrete) ConducKvity: TRANSMIRTS HEAT AND LIGHT BUT NO ELECTRICITY. DURABILITY/LIFE SPAN: GENERALLY VERY DURABLE (chemical, rust and rot resistant). RESUSABILITY/RECYCLABILITY: VERY HIGH SUSTAINABILITY &CARBON FOOTPRINT: HIGH EMBODIED ENERGY AND HIGH CARBON FOOTPRINT. EASLY RECYCLED AND REUSED. COST: GENERALLY EXPENSES TO PRODUCE AND TRANSPORT. Types and Manufacture: FLAT GLASS: Typically sheets of clear and Bnted float, laminated, tempered and wired. SHAPED GLASS: curved, blocks, channels, tubes and fibers. FLOAT GLASS: Most common process in world.

COMPONENTS: -­‐Formers: the basic ingredient used to produce glass. (Any chemical compound that can be melted and cooled into glass is a former) -­‐Fluxes: help formers to melt at a lower and more pracBcal temperature. -­‐Stabilizers: combine with formers and fluxes to keep the finished glass from dissolving and crumbling.




FIRST SKYSCAPERS: RWN: transparent Glass is technology Changes were cultural rather than technology

What is Glass?

Material technology is determined by culture.

Sand Glass occurs naturally: -­‐need extreme heat: 1. Volcanic 2. LighBng 3. Medora’s Technical Material: -­‐Cultural -­‐Health, Environmental impact or energy concerns

Interplay between: Material, Technology and our changing relaBonship to the sun.

Glass brings the ‘natural world’ into the building.


Change over Kme: 1890’s: avoid the sun 1990’s: Sunlight kills germs (Healthy) 1946’s: First bikini 1958’s: Sunscreen PotenBal: Glass transit heat Managing the temperature of the sun with glazing systems

Blown Glass 1920-­‐50’s: Mass produced in factories. This allowed for more types of Glass

W i n d o w f r a m e -­‐Reduced to a set of loading points -­‐Self opening and closing -­‐Cheaper Glass is the interface between the building and the sun: -­‐Energy, Warmth, Light, Food, Power, and 65 Life.

Window Terminology Windows: Consider how they can be cleaned Window Terminology: Head: The top of a window frame or of a lintel above a window-­‐aperture. Sill: The horizontal shelf at the boaom of a window frame Lintel: Carry the loads above to the side of the window Frame: The members which form the perimeter of a window Architrave: Cover the gap once the window is inserted. Glazing: The transparent sheets of glass which are installed within a frame. Aluminum Windows and Frames: -­‐Commercial and office buildings. -­‐Most are doubled glazed to gives beaer insulaBon Steel windows and frames: -­‐More expensive than Bmber and aluminum -­‐Finer and Flaaer Material -­‐Generally made for specific designs -­‐Frames will have to be welded together Curtain Walls: -­‐Glass wall systems -­‐Very oten used for cladding -­‐It is hang off the building and holds it own weight.

Timber stud framing


Door and Frame Terminology Door Terminology: -­‐Architrave covers the stops -­‐Sill allows for water to run away from the opening Door Leafs: -­‐Can be Timber, Aluminum or steel -­‐Can be framed such as the image with top rail, boaom rail and mid rail with feature panel. Timber Doors: -­‐Internally hinged, an external door or hinged below -­‐Can be sliding or swing doors Aluminum Doors: -­‐Very common in commercial and office buildings -­‐Type of door is decided from the manufacturer’s products/lists or range. Steel Door and Frames: -­‐Oten hybrid system (steel framing a Bmber door) -­‐Can be internal wall system (Steel Door Jam) -­‐Is used for security purposes. 67

Studio AcKvity: Oval Pavilion

Here is a 1:1 scale model of the secBon in my drawing completed by a past construcBon environments class group. This is the sunlight I am not drawing.

Metal deck roof

Thermal InsulaBon (roof) Flashing

Glazing (window) Celling Trims: Brass

My pavilion drawing is a secBon of the sunlight structure. The pavilion has two sunlight’s one facing either side of the building.

AcousBc insulaBon (roof)


Timber Wall Lining 68

W8 Glossary: Window Sash: A window comprising of two sashes (window casements) that opens by sliding one of the sashes verBcally (Oxford, 2014). DeflecKon: The degree to which a structural element is displaced under a load deformaBon (Oxford, 2014). Moment of InerKa: A measure of the resistance to rotaBonal change (Oxford, 2014). Door Furniture: The collecBve name given to all the items of ironmongery that are fixed to the door; for example a door handle (Oxford, 2014). Stress: A measure of the average amount of force exerted per unit area (Oxford, 2014). Shear Force: A force determined from a free-­‐body diagram, which acts tangenBally to a surface, which may be a real external force (Oxford, 2014).

W8 References: Ching, F. (2008). Building construc8on illustrated. 4th ed. New York: Wiley. Newton, C. 2014 “Flipped Class room: Week Eight." ENVS 10003: Urban Environments, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, 2014. Oxford, U. (2014). Oxford Reference -­‐ Answers with Authority. [online] Oxfordreference.com. Available at: hap:// www.oxfordreference.com [Accessed 13 May. 2014]. Sadar, J. 2014 “Something Glass-­‐y." ENVS 10003: Urban Environments, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, 2014.



Structural Concepts: STRESS AND STRUCTURAL MEMBERS ConstrucKon Systems: CONSTRUCTION DETAILING Materials: COMPOSITE MATERIALS Studio: OFF CAMPUS 71. 72. 73. 74-­‐77. 78.



Movement Joints:


The type of joint used determines the forces and transfer from one structural element to another (Ching, 2.30, 2008).

Structural Forces:

-­‐Is a force is any influence that produces a change in the shape or movement of a body (Ching, p.2.11, 2008). -­‐Collinear forces occur along a straight line. The vector sum is it the algebraic sum of the magnitudes of the forces acBng along the same line of acBon (Ching, p.2.11, 2008). -­‐Non-­‐concurrent forces have lines of acBon that do not intersect at a common point. The vector sum is a single force that would cause the same translaBon and rotaBon of a body as the set original forces. (Ching, p.2.11, 2008).

Bua Joints: -­‐Allow for one element to be conBnuous -­‐Generally requires a third mediaBng element Overlapping joints: -­‐allow all of the connected elements to bypass each other -­‐making it conBnuous across the joint Pinned Joints: -­‐Allow for rotaBon -­‐Resist translaBon

Structural equilibrium:

-­‐Equilibrium is a state of balance in which there is an equal reacBon of equal acBon and opposing forces. -­‐Magnitude, direcBon and point of the applicaBon of forces are the main concerning factors of structural design (Ching, p.2.11, 2008).

A Cable anchorage: -­‐Allows for rotaBon and resists translaBon in the direcBon of cable.

Rigid or Fixed Joints: -­‐Maintain the angular relaBonship between joining elements -­‐provide both force and moment resistance Roller Joints: -­‐allows for rotaBon -­‐resists translaBon in a direcBon -­‐Less commonly used in construcBon -­‐Allow for expansion and contracBon


Principles for

CONSTRUCTION DETAILING: AGEING GRACEFULLY: -­‐Choosing materials and coaBng that will age how design is intended. -­‐Harsh environments such as seaside will age faster -­‐A gloss finish will age faster and show more scratchers than maa finish

CLEANABLE SURFACES: -­‐Avoiding corners -­‐Material selecBon -­‐Suspended ceilings allows for replacement of Bles and cleaning in overhead space. -­‐Solid, shining surfaces can cope with wet environments and are easy to clean (Bathrooms).

HEALTH AND SAFETY: -­‐Fire exits and safety -­‐Following staircase Australian standards -­‐Materials used and their individual risks -­‐Ramps and access strategies

By Claire Newton (2014)

MOVEMENT JOINTS: -­‐Need to be considered at the detailing stage. -­‐Building move -­‐The expansion and contracBon of soil or materials -­‐Allow for movement over Bme

REPAIRABLE SURFACES & RESISTANCE TO DAMAGE: -­‐How easier can materials be prepared (Plaster is easily repaired) -­‐SkirBng will prevent damage -­‐Toe Recess, the recess at the base of a kitchen unit (Black finish will hide marks) -­‐Finishes CONSTRUCTABILITY: 1. Detail is easy to assemble 2. Forgiving, have the ability to adjust design to suit construcBon ability 3.Based on construcBon ability, materials and tools. Use off the shelf items. Use detailing that suits construcBon experBse in Australia.


COMPOSTIE MATERIALS: A COMPOSITE IS FORMED FROM: 1. CombinaBon of materials that differ in composiBon or form. 2. Remain bonded together 3. Retain their idenBBes and properBes 4. Act together to provide improved specific or synergisBc characterisBcs not obtainable by any of the original components acBng alone. (Newton, 2014).

Aluminum Sheet Composites Made from: Aluminum and plasBc Forms: PlasBc core or phenolic resin Fibre Reinforced Polymers (honeycomb sheet) lined with two external skins of thin aluminum sheet. Made from: Polymers (PlasBcs) with Bmber, glass and carbon Uses: Feature cladding material in fibres interior and exterior applicaBons Forms: oten associated with Benefits: Reduced amounts of moulded or pultrusion process aluminum are required and lighter weight, less expensive sheets can be products Uses: Decking or external produced which are weather and cladding, structural elements shock resistant and unbreakable. Finishes can be seamless by cugng, such as beams or columns for folding, bending and fixing details. pedestrian bridges using glass or carbon fibres, carbon fibre reinforcement polymer rebar. Benefits: High-­‐strength to weight raBo making it stronger than steel. FRP composite materials are corrosion-­‐ resistant.

MONOLITHIC materials are: -­‐Single material, or -­‐Material combine so that components area indisBnguishing (metal alloys). COMPOSITE materials are created when: -­‐two or more materials are combined in such a way that the individual materials remain easily disBnguishable.

Fibre Reinforced Cement (FRC) Made from: Cellulose or glass fibres, Portland cement, sand and water. Forms: Sheet and board products (FC sheet) and shaped products such as pipes, roof Bles etc. Uses: Cladding for exterior or interior (wet area) walls, floor panels (under Bles). Benefits: Fibre cement building materials will not burn. They are resistant to permanent water and termite damage as well as rogng and warping. Inexpensive Fibreglass Made from: Mixture of glass fibres and epoxy resins Forms: Flat, profiled sheet products or formed and shaped products. Uses: Transparent or translucent roof or wall cladding and for preformed shaped products such as water tanks, baths and pools. Benefits: Fibreglass materials are fire resistant, weatherproof, relaBvely lightweight and strong. Timber Composites Made from: combinaBon of solid Bmber, engineered Bmber (solid and sheet), galvanised pressed steel. Forms: Timber top and boaom chords with gal, steel and engineered board/plywood webs. Uses: Beams (floor joist and roof raters) and trusses Benefits: minimum amount of material is used for maximum efficiency, cost effecBve, easy to install and accommodate services through trusses.


Studio AcKvity:

Commercial Site Visit “Off Campus”

Commercial Site from distance

Commercial Site:

-­‐Kane, the construcBon company is adding 5 and half levels on top of a pre-­‐exisBng building. This building will be a barrister chambers. -­‐The Crane is assembled on the construcBon site (level 21). Another crane picks up each piece of the crane and takes it up to when it will be assembled. The crane is hired and costs a lot of money for the construcBon company. This job is crane reliant. This mean it has to work like clockwork or it will create building delays. It is going to be dismantled in the next week. -­‐A tree was removed on the street to make room for the crane. -­‐The street is a Bght space. The building company has to work ater 5 and weekends because of noise and traffic restricBons. -­‐75 trades on site everyday. -­‐A Temporary Lit is bolted onto the side of the building. This is from an outsourced company and expensive to have. Once an internal lit is built, all construcBon team will use that. -­‐The building has a steel frame and is made to be lightweight as possible. -­‐It has Curtain Wall panels for façade panels. These are ordered pre-­‐made from China. They are outsourced due to cost effecBveness. -­‐Services and wires are exposed. Electrician, plumbers, painters and other trades come into to install equipment when needed. Oten they cannot finish the enBre job at one Bme so they come back and fore when the next stage is ready. -­‐Floors have been placed. They are a new concrete material that is lightweight. They have place self-­‐leveling concrete over the top to finish.

Laneway has to be kept clear as another construcBon job is behind Scaffolding this building. over pedestrian walk way (This is a OccupaBon Health and Safety requirement)

Crane taking up a cooling tower which will be connected to air-­‐condiBoning system.

Kane has hired this space from the council. This is a street loading for the crane.

The crane on the 25th Floor. It lits the construcBon supplies and products to the builders.

Temporary steel scaffolding and the crane loading bay on the top floor


Studio AcKvity:

Commercial Site Visit “Off Campus”

Electricians have spray painted onto the floor a plan of the services which will be installed. Once the site is ready the electricians will connect the service into the ceiling.

Some services and wires have been installed but not connected.

Timber stud walls have be built and be covered in plaster. This is a common building technique in Australia.

The loading bays are temporary canBlevers which are bolted into the building with structural roller joints. Once these loading bays are removed the building will finish the wall with windows.

An example of the venaBon system which has This is an example been installed and will be connected to the air of a plastered wall condiBoner. The site is waiBng on certain aspects ready to be painted. to be finished before services are connected.

Ceiling trays carry service wires in the ceiling joists. This makes maintenance easier.

Wires and services hang down from the ceiling with different colour tape and spray paint to indictor be connected at later date.


Studio AcKvity: Commercial Site Visit “Off Campus”

The steel beams which are used to reinforcement in the ceiling. The nuts and bolts that are used in the ceiling.

This is the room which has the venBlaBon and air condiBoning systems and services. Vents will be installed in the holes. The services and reinforcement which run through the ceiling.

The concrete slaps are pre-­‐cast separate sheets. They chip away so the construcBon team is trying two techniques to fix it. Two rooms are tesBng these techniques to determine most effecBve and fastest. 1. To use mortar to fill only the gaps. Then apply the self-­‐leveling concrete (polymer-­‐modified cement) over the top. Then installing carpet onto the level surface. 2. To use mortar on enBre floor. Then apply the self-­‐leveling concrete (polymer-­‐modified cement) over the top. Then installing carpet onto the level surface.

The ceiling is sprayed with ‘Fire Safe” spray concrete. This concrete will expand once the room reaches a certain temperature. Once expanded it will stop the fire spreading to other floors of the building. It is also to make sure the basic foundaBonal structure stays together so the building does not collapse.

Celling InsulaKon: Has started to be inserted into all ceilings. The insulaKon is placed above the ceiling joists. It is used to control warmth and cooling funcBons. InsulaBon helps t76 o save energy because heat is contained in the building.

Here is the steel structural support beam. This structural element is supported at each end and is essenBal in holding up the structure. Steel is a very strong material.

Each office needs to be sound resistance. This construcBon site is using a curtaining material system to stop noise transmigng between offices.

Load Paths:

I have drawn some examples of load paths at the commercial site today. The site used a range of structural supports including noggings, truss framing, structural steel and beams and roller joints, pin joints and fixed joints.

Curtain Wall panels for façade panels. These are ordered pre-­‐ made from China. They are outsourced due to cost effecBveness. These windows are very popular because you can see out but not in.

Studio AcKvity: Commercial Site Visit “Off Campus”


W9 Glossary: Sandwich Panel: (composite board) A cladding panel, usually faced in metal, that contains a core of insulaBon material (Oxford, 2014). Bending: Caused by rotaBng either end of the length of a material in the opposite direcBon about its axis (Oxford, 2014). SkirKng: Timber skirBng board fixed to the base of the walls of a room as a finish between the plaster and the floor (Oxford, 2014). Composite Beam: A beam constructed from two or more materials in order to improve its load-­‐bearing properBes (Oxford, 2014). Shadow line Joint: A joint that is hidden by a small gap between materials creaBng a shadow (Oxford, 2014). Cornice: Horizontal decoraBve molding that crowns a building or furniture (Oxford, 2014).

W9 References: Ching, F. (2008). Building construc8on illustrated. 4th ed. New York: Wiley. Newton, C. 2014 “Flipped Class room: Week Nine." ENVS 10003: Urban Environments, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, 2014. Oxford, U. (2014). Oxford Reference -­‐ Answers with Authority. [online] Oxfordreference.com. Available at: hap:// www.oxfordreference.com [Accessed 13 May. 2014]. 78


Structural Concepts: LATERAL FORCES ConstrucKon Systems: COLLAPSES & FAILURES Materials: HEROS AND CULPRITS Studio: IN DETAIL (PART 2) 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85.



LATERAL SUPPORTS AND LOADS by CLAIRE NEWTON. LATERIAL FORCES: Earthquake loads: -­‐FuncBon of the amount of mass above the foundaBon -­‐Act at the base Wind Load: -­‐funcBon of the size of exposed surface area -­‐Act on the surface and have minimal acBon on the base and is rather on the surface

Design consideraKons for wind loads: -­‐Tall, thin buildings are more effected. -­‐Awning and canBlever are also vulnerable. -­‐Flat roofs can cause up-­‐liting. Design consideraKons for seismic loads: -­‐Asymmetric buildings are more affected in earthquakes. -­‐Bracing and reinforcement can minimalise that. -­‐Asymmetrical building can create a stress point in the middle.

Strategies to resist: 1. Bracing: 2. Diaphragms: -­‐Shear Walls -­‐Works more evenly 3. Movement Joints: -­‐Concrete slaps Moment resisKng steel frame: -­‐Ensuring that the building has a uniform sBffness throughout its perimeter can eliminate Torsion.

Weak Points/Stress Points: -­‐Re-­‐entrant corners (reinforce corner to move with building) -­‐Sot Stories (Add Bracing -­‐DisconBnuous columns (Connect columns or reinforcement stress points) -­‐Seismic Torsion (Add Shear)

Seismic Base Isolators: -­‐Separated the building and foundaBon


INTRODUCTION TO COLLAPSES AND FAILURES: Peter Ashford. What should have been considered:


Beach House:

Looking at the Timber Fascia, Material SelecKon, Exposure to hot north Sun, Painted black on -­‐Suitability of material for the applicaBon. outside only and the Fasteners used. Taking in to consideraBon the exposure, compaBbility and strength of materials and Summary of Problems: -­‐Salt Air Problems the material’s deflecBon. -­‐Warping and cracking -­‐Long Term performance -­‐External Cladding: -­‐Maintenance The material and glue isn’t strong enough for long -­‐How it will be constructed and the detailing Bme wear. involved. -­‐New Cladding is not the same as the old cladding cause problems over Bme. (Ashford, 2014). -­‐12 Months Later: De-­‐bonding and the sheets are coming away from the plywood. It becomes unsightly -­‐Metal SheeKng is not stuck to Plywood Studs causing sheets to fall off, glue failure and steel could rust. -­‐Heat is contribuBon to delaminaBon of façade -­‐ Wind is pulling off sheets -­‐CondensaBon problems between Plywood and SheeBng. (Ashford, 2014).


A Tale of Corrosion: Status of Liberty:

Designed by Auguste Bartholodi. The copper skin is support by an iron skeleton. Gustave Eiffel designed this iron skeleton. IniKal ConnecKon detail consideraKon: -­‐Galvanic corrosion between the copper skin and iron frame making them dissimilar metals. To avoid the reacBon the two materials were separated at their juncBons by a layer of shellac-­‐impregnated cloth.

Copper oxidizaKon: Copper reacts with oxygen when exposed to the atmosphere. It starts as a dull colour then becoming a darker brown the over Bme with become green copper oxide paKna.

Teflon does not hold water. The two metals may sBll react to one another and there is a possibility that condensaBon will be caused problemaBc.

Over Kme: the shellac-­‐impregnated cloth became porous and started to hold moisture at the joint (between the two different metals). The iron started to become corroded. The connecBon system started to fail because of the build up of corrosion/ rusted iron products. This caused the rivets to pull away from the copper skin.

Ater research it was decided to replace the original iron armature frame with Teflon coasted stainless steel structure. The new system has two different metals and so will require ongoing inspecBons. 82

HEROES AND CULPRITS – A framework for selecKng materials’

Issues to consider: -­‐Health and IEQ -­‐Waster/ recycling/ recycled -­‐Energy use and embodied energy -­‐PolluBon -­‐Lifecycle Impacts:

by Dominique Hes.

SelecKng Materials:

Globally building materials are responsible for: -­‐30% of total raw materials use -­‐42% of total energy use -­‐25% of solid wastes -­‐40% of atmospheric emissions 1% of products used in the built are sBll in used 6 months later

Source and Waste: -­‐Limited resources -­‐Costs money to buy therefore you shouldn’t waste -­‐Takes up space in landfill -­‐Waste can lead to diseases

Energy: -­‐Climate change, greenhouse effect, global warming -­‐Wasteful -­‐PolluBon

What to chose: -­‐minimise embodied What to chose: energy -­‐Renewable and abundant (extracBon/ resources (Agricultural manufacture and products, earth and Bmber) transport factors) -­‐Timber (recycled, -­‐OpBmise plantaBon and RFA) LighBng(switching off -­‐Waste (reduce, reuse & lights, general, natural) recycle) -­‐OpBmise appliances (fridges, dishwashers. Waste Villains: -­‐Tiling, large materials in small spaces. Energy Villains: Waste Hero’s: -­‐Aluminum (embodied), -­‐Bamboo, Grass carpets, down lights. ortect (straw), recycled Energy Hero’s: materials -­‐Timber, Australian made

Health (IEQ) -­‐Reduced Life span -­‐Asthma and bronchiBs -­‐Nausea -­‐Headaches -­‐Sick days -­‐Comfort

Life Cycle:

-­‐Find the best soluBon -­‐Consider longevity and embodied energy -­‐Design for reusable and recyclability -­‐Use materials with Australian green Bck

What to do? -­‐Reduce VOC’s (paints, adhesives) -­‐Reduce parBcles/dust (loose fibre products, floor covering) -­‐Green cleaning pracBces (Vacuuming/chemicals) Health Villains: Paint, Carpet, Chemicals, Finishes Health Hero’s: Bamboo, Fibre Cloth

PolluKon: -­‐Smog, Ozone layer, acid rain, toxicity, radio acBvity, dioxins.

What to chose: -­‐Minimise waste, don’t contain toxins, natural materials and organic. PolluBon Villains: -­‐PVC, Smoking PolluBon Hero’s: -­‐Tiles, Non-­‐PVC Cables , Wool 83

Studio AcBvity: Finished Detail Metal deck roof

Thermal InsulaBon (roof) Flashing

Glazing (window)

PotenBal weak spot: Water could travel into the flashing. SoluBon to conBnue metal sheeBng into flashing

Waterproof Materials Used: -­‐Brass trims -­‐Metal deck roof -­‐Timber

Celling Trims: Brass

AcousBc insulaBon (roof)

Brass trims are expensive. This would have be beaer used where someone could see it.


Metal deck roofing is waterproof and cost effecBve

Timber Wall Lining

If metal decking was to be damage it would need to be fixed to avoid insulaBon gaining moisture.

InsulaBon and the double glazed window will reduce heaBng and cooling costs.


W10 Glossary: Shear wall: A structural wall designed to resist swaying forces (Oxford, 2014). Sot Storey: A sot story building is a mulB-­‐storey building in which one or more floors have windows, wide doors, large unobstructed commercial spaces. A shear wall can be used for stability (Oxford, 2014). Braced Frame: A structural frame with diagonal braces that provide resistance to lateral forces (Oxford, 2014). Lifecycle assessment of a material: Is a technique to access environment impacts associate with all the stages of product’s life from raw material Bll the end weather disposal or recycling (Oxford, 2014). Defect: Is a imperfecBon or fault in something. For example scratches to surfaces (Oxford, 2014). Fascia: One of two or three bands on a Classical architrave, each projects slightly beyond the one below (Oxford, 2014). Corrosion: The degradaBon mechanism for materials (commonly metal) (Oxford, 2014). IEQ: (Indoor Environmental Quality) Technique include: thermal comfort and day lighBng (Oxford, 2014).

W10 References:

Ching, F. (2008). Building construc8on illustrated. 4th ed. New York: Wiley. Cameron, R. 2014 “A Tale of Corrosion." ENVS 10003: Urban Environments, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, 2014 Hes, D. 2014 “Heroes and Villains-­‐ a framework for selecBon materials." ENVS 10003: Urban Environments, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, 2014. Newton, C. 2014 “Flipped Class room: Week Ten." ENVS 10003: Urban Environments, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, 2014. Oxford, U. (2014). Oxford Reference -­‐ Answers with Authority. [online] Oxfordreference.com. Available at: hap:// www.oxfordreference.com [Accessed 13 May. 2014]. 85

CW: ConstrucBon Workshop Report. Finished construcBon of Design:

Original Sketches of Design:

My group’s was given three New Zealand Pine beams and Plywood Sheet. From this we decided to design a structure that consists of two columns, noggings and Plywood back board. We measured the Bmber with a carpenter’s bevel or a bevel square. This tool measures angles. You can draw these angles onto each side of the Bmber for an accurate cut. Our group added a bracing beam for extra support in the final minutes.

This machine is the failing mechanism. It applies pressure by turning the handle. It will apply pressure unBl the structure ‘fails’. It tells you the applied load before it fails and the maximum deflecBon.

We used a saw and boards to saw the measured wood. We also used flat head nails and a hammer to secure the structure together.

Group Results: Group 1: 3.19KG at 20-­‐25mm Group 2: 3.20KG at 20-­‐25 mm Group 3: Misreading (It was not applying pressure to the middle of the structure) Group 4: (us) 3.30KG at 50-­‐55mm.


CW: ConstrucBon Workshop Report. Why did our groups structure fail: -­‐Nails made a structure weaker. The failing points were where we had hammered in nails or a knot in the wood. The nail split the wood therefore making a point of weakness. We used a lot of nails and this contributed to the failing of our structure. -­‐The Plywood board did not split instead it pulled the nails out and disconnected from the structure. This is because Plywood is very strong due to the manufacturing process of crossing Bmber over one another. This board was in tension were a load was applied. -­‐Truss bracing would have been effecBve and stronger. -­‐The noggings were not all cut the same length; this would have contributed to the structures weaker points. Why did other group’s structures fail: Group 3: -­‐Had a very similar design to our group. This groups structure was to short to span the machines distance. Another block was added but it slipped during the test pugng the applied load off centre. This meant this group had a misreading. I presume if it didn’t slip, it would have given a similar reading to ours due to the similar design. Group 1: -­‐This design was quite tall with a bracing in the centre. The structure buckled once the applied load was at 3.19KG. I think if the columns were shorted it would have been stronger. Group 2: -­‐Was designed similar to Group 1. It had four columns and two beams and bracing one side. The bracing did not buckled or snap. I think their structure would have been stronger if the bracing was on both sides of the structure.

The Plywood pulled the nails from the New Zealand Pine The New Zealand Pine buckled and 3.30KG.

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3


CW: ConstrucBon Workshop Report.

Plywood backing. Plywood is very strong due to process of manufacturing which is crossing Bmber across one another.

This was a design choice that in the end added no value in strength. Next Bme I will recommend not doing this.

Example of the nogging used. If they cut to fit perfectly would have added more strength.

Span: The horizontal distance between two supports (Oxford, 2014). The task was to create a span for 1000mm and 400mm height. Shape: Shape was determined by our design we decided to use the knowledge we have learnt in class to construct a column (A verBcal structural component that acts as a strut or support) with bracing (Diagonal bracing or Be rods that will to provide internal stability/sBffness) and noggings (Short horizontal Bmbers used to provide bracing and sBffen up stud work) (Oxford, 2014). Strength: The capacity to withstand a force, pressure, or stress (Oxford, 2014). Material efficiency: The efficient use of natural resources as well as the efficient re-­‐using of material waste and recycling (Metsaboard.com, 2014). Joint types: In construcBon there are many types of joints. Some are: roller joints, expansion joints, pin joints and fixed joints. Flat Head nails were the joining system our group used in the CW structure task. The thin nails went straight thought the structure whereas the flat head nails held the structure together. Reference List: Metsaboard.com, (2014). Material efficiency. [online] Available at: hap://www.metsaboard.com/sustainability/the-­‐smaller-­‐the-­‐environmental-­‐impact-­‐the-­‐ beaer/pages/materialefficiency.aspx [Accessed 13 May. 2014]. Oxford, U. (2014). Oxford Reference -­‐ Answers with Authority. [online] Oxfordreference.com. Available at: hap://www.oxfordreference.com [Accessed 13 May. 2014]. 88

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