A Community on the Rise

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Malone University celebrates the inauguration of Dr. David King with service to the community. Recently President King went “Into the Streets� with Malone students to help give the Hartville Migrant Ministry a fresh coat of paint.

INSIDE: Discover more about the many acts of service to Canton and the Greater Stark County area performed by Malone University faculty, staff, students, and alumni.


Into the Streets

Each year during Orientation week, as many as 450 Malone University firstyear students, along with faculty and staff, scatter “Into the Streets” to perform service projects for parks, charity centers, and non-profit organizations through Stark County and the surrounding area during two days, providing the community with thousands of volunteer hours. At the heart of Malone’s mission is preparing men and women for a life of service to the church, community, and world following the example of Jesus Christ, who “did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45, NIV). “College students are in a unique stage of life,” said Celia King, director of Service-Learning at Malone.“While other people have more

A COMMUNITY ON THE RISE life experience and expertise, college students typically offer high levels of energy, honest feedback, and creativity.” For example, in late August, teams of students spent time at the Pregnancy Support Center’s main office, where they cleaned, helped prepare materials for high school presentations, and gave constructive feedback about presentations about relationships. David Lewis, an admissions counselor at Malone and a 2010 alumnus, took a team to the Salvation Army. “I enjoyed watching how excited students were to help,” Lewis said. “The whole time, they were asking if there was anything else that could be done and they jumped headfirst into any opportunity they

were offered.We painted designs on chairs for a youth room, and most of us left with more paint on our legs than on the chairs! But volunteering seemed to mean a lot to the students – and to the Salvation Army.” Malone encourages students to get involved in the Canton community throughout their time as a student – Into the Streets is simply an introduction to the types of opportunities available. The director of the College Experience program – of which Into the Streets is a part – is Marcia Everett, Ph.D., professor of Communication Arts.The College Experience is a semester-long program geared toward creating a smooth transition for incoming first year students.The course addresses a wide range of topics relevant to a Christian higher education experience, such as considering why higher education matters, and how college plays a role in answering the questions of “who am I?,” “what do I believe?,”“with whom will I surround myself?,” and of “of what larger story am I a part?” “Into the Streets is an effort to introduce service as part of the college learning experience while instilling in students a sense of the larger community beyond the campus,” said Everett.“Students are introduced to a wide variety of community agencies and ministries with the hopes that in addition to the work they do these two days, the students will have some concrete ideas of how they can



continue to serve the community as a Malone student and beyond.” In January, Everett was named to the Honor Roll of First-Year Student Advocates by the National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition, an annual award presented to individuals on the nation’s campuses involved in high-impact practices for first-year student success. Recipients are nominated by their presidents and selected by a national panel of distinguished educators. Everett also was recognized with the Leading Age Award by St. Luke Lutheran Community for Excellence in Service – Best Practice for Intergenerational Volunteer Service.The award reads, "Since 2004, Malone University students have served at St. Luke.Through the "Into the Streets" program that encourages volunteerism, Malone University students have painted, helped transport residents, with campus cleaning and maintenance, or simply had one-on-one visits as valued company for residents." Leading Age Ohio is affiliated with the Washington D.C.-based Leading Age (www.leadingage.org) dedicated to ensuring the success of not-for-profit providers serving frail and older adults. Everett earned the B.S. degree from Virginia Polytechnic Institute at State University, the M.S. degree from The Pennsylvania State University, and the Ph.D. from Kent State University. She has taught at Malone University since 1990.

Love Canton

A COMMUNITY ON THE RISE culture based on discipleship and service to others.The movement is made up of “villages”-or small churches of 20-50 people centered around a common mission to a network or neighborhood in Canton.There are eight villages meeting in various locations around Canton. LoveCanton hosts a church service twice a month called Celebration in which the villages gather together to sing, teach, cast vision, pray for each other, and tell stories of what God is doing. The ministry, Lantz says, is all about relationships. LoveCanton also has small groups called “huddles,” which he describes as “safe places for leaders to receive both encouragement and accountability - the backbone of forming into others as both supported and challenged in their personal lives and ministry lives by openly and honestly focusing on two basic questions: ‘What is Jesus saying to you right now?’ and ‘What are you doing about it?’” Through their time of serving the

Follow me as community in reaching out and I follow Jesus. running after Jesus.” That is, in Toward the end of his time on essence, the full-time staff at RiverTree, Lantz message of says he felt that God was speaking Jason Lantz ’02 to his heart about the city of is trying to live Canton. as he intention“I shared this with Pastor Greg ally disciples (Nettle ’97) and he told me to go to Malone stuCanton!” Lantz said.“I was allowed dents, who then serve the city of Canton. to spend a year and a half here with He’s able to do that, he says, because others complete freedom to just do as did the same for him. God directed, and now my fam“Around Christmas time of my first semester ily and I are living as missionarWelcome in college was where I really committed my life ies from RiverTree to Canton.” to Jesus,” Lantz said. “God put friends, profesThrough the year and a half David A. King, Ed., D sors (particularly John Geib ’77), and staff into in the city,“LoveCanton” to Malone University... my life who were running after God - and I’ve (www.love canton.com) was Committed to promoting been running after God ever since. My four born. LoveCanton is a church, years at Malone were like drinking water from whose goal is to build a intellectual, spiritual a fire hose - I received so and social growth. much Jesus.” “Where do you go to church?” While at Malone, Lantz says he tried to take advanMembers of LoveCanton are active in tage of every opportunity “Villages”-or-small churches of 20-50 for growth: he took service people centered around a common mission –learning trips to Mexico to a network or neighborhood in Canton City, Nicaragua, and Kenya. gather regularly. Villages are guided by He was involved in Fellowleaders who are held accountable to other ship of Christian Athletes established leaders. (FCA). He was on the lead•Dependable Service ership team of Celebration, Worshipping Together •Reasonable Rates •Free Estimates Malone’s student-led “Celebration” services are when all Loveworship service. Canton Villages come together to celebrate Following graduation, he what God is doing through singing, was hired as the junior-high teaching, telling stories, and praying for pastor at RiverTree Christian each other. Celebrations happen every church, where he worked other Sunday morning at Trinity Chapel for seven years in what he (415 Tuscarawas St. N.) in downtown says was a “really healthy, diverse staff who were all Canton. View what’s new at LoveCanton very authentic in their faith at www.lovecanton.com. and leading the way in this

Until the “them” becomes “us”

WWW.MALONE.EDU city together, Lantz is convinced that both he and the Malone students learn valuable lessons. “We’ve learned so much about relationship,” he said. “Unless we are consistently in relationship with others - until the ‘them’ becomes ‘us’ - something will always seem to be missing.We’ve learned to let Jesus tell us who our community is, and just do our best to let His Holy Spirit work in and through us.” SERVING THE CITY “Serving Partnerships” are likeminded nonprofits focused on children, development of people, or church planting. LoveCanton hopes to connect people who want to serve with people who are already doing it. Serving takes on many different forms: cleaning up trash in the streets, planting flowers to beautify the city, hanging out with kids at the park, volunteering at a homeless shelter. Visit lovecanton.com/serving-partnerships for more information.








Project spreads hope

CANTON — Bailey, a gruff-looking man with a round face and full beard, stuffed handfuls of clothes into the front-load washer until the clothes touched the top. He added a few more towels to the full washer next to it and stepped back. “How much do you put in this?” he REPRINT FROM THE REPOSITORY asked.“I don’t want to overload it.” Corey Easterday, a recent Malone University graduate who’s easily 15 years younger than Bailey, sized up the loads. “I usually stuff it in there pretty good when I do mine,” he said. Bailey nodded and pushed a few more towels into the washer. Easterday, 22, grew up using the coin-operated laundry facilities. His parents lived in an apartment in Wadsworth that didn’t have such amenities until he was 10.Then, at age 12, his father left, leaving him and his mother without much money of their own. On Saturday, Easterday was back among the washers and dryers again. But his visit to Professional Coin Laundry wasn’t to wash his own clothes. He was there to help people, such as Bailey, with their laundry. It’s part of the Laundry Love Project of Canton that Easterday began just over a year ago.As part of the project, Easterday and a group of eight to 10 other volunteers descend on Professional Coin on a Saturday each month to help wash laundry for the homeless and poor.They supply quarters, laundry soap and dryer sheets for their laundry — along with words of hope and friendship. “Laundry is a tangible need that people have,” Easterday said.“People need clean clothes.” But with the cost of each load at $5, he said that basic need often becomes a financial burden to people who struggle to pay their bills. Easterday, who studied youth ministry at Malone, said the Laundry Love Project, which he adopted from a model in Florida, spends more than $300 on laundry each month. Most of the funding comes from the LoveCanton ministry and its outreach group based in southwest Canton.

one load of


at a time.

MORE THAN LAUNDRY Saturday marked the 13th gathering for the Laundry Love Project and the last wash of 2012.

COREY EASTERDAY (THIRD FROM RIGHT) AND FRIENDS ON RECENT LAUNDRY DAY. Women and men, some with children and some with their neighbors’ laundry, hauled in garbage bags filled with clothes that hadn’t been washed in weeks.Volunteers roamed from washer to washer and from dryer to dryer. Brandon Parsons recorded each family’s name as they arrived, so that those who arrived first would get the next available washer. Another volunteer tagged and retagged the washers and dryers with a piece of masking tape labeled with the owner’s name. Hannah Segers, who wants to start a similar laundry project in Canal Fulton, helped plunk quarters in the machines. Some volunteers also helped to fold; others introduced themselves to the new faces and caught up with some of the regular visitors. As Easterday dodged the laundry carts, volunteers and bags of laundry, he recalled the project’s inaugural wash on Nov. 20, 2010.“We didn’t know a ton of what we were doing,” he said.“...The washing machines were filled too much and they flooded.” Seven volunteers had helped roughly 15 families over the threehour period. Within the first hour Saturday, Parsons counted 16 families on his list. One of those families was Dennis Henderson of Shorb Avenue and his daughter, Jalynn Shoenfelt, who will

turn 7 on Wednesday. They arrived at 9 a.m., an hour before the official start of the event so he could get his laundry in the washer before the rush. It was his third time at the Laundry Love Project. “If it wasn’t for them, I would be home (washing clothes) in the bathtub,” Henderson said.“I’ve had to do that before. ...You only get so much from Social Security, and they take out a bunch for child support.” The 51-year-old McKinley Senior High School graduate made his living as a painter until he injured his back three years ago when the washer-dryer he was carrying down a flight of stairs fell on him. He brought enough laundry to fill four dryers Saturday. “Look at these,” Henderson said, a grin spreading under his thick gray mustache. He held up a pair of white long johns with a gaping hole where the right knee used to be. “They’ve just gotten old I guess. It’s what I’ve got to survive on to keep warm.” UPCOMING Easterday estimates that more than 150 volunteers — mostly Malone University students — have helped 200-plus families with 650 to 700 loads of laundry since last year. He hopes to expand it next year to other laundry facilities in the city.

“The advantage of doing it at the same Laundromat is that we are building relationships with the people who come back ... but we only can reach so many people this way,” he said.





Turns to Action

Nearly a decade ago in a composition class, education alumna Heather Conley ’08 was asked to write several papers, including “what is compassion?” and “what is pity?” The ideas prompted her to choose for her semester paper the subject,“The difference between pity and compassion.” She concluded that pity was to feel sorry for someone, while compassion was to feel sorry with someone, compelling one to take action. Shortly after she had turned in the paper, there was a class discussion about a toy drive, and someone complained that the organizers accepted only brand new toys. The complaint prompted Heather to consider the fact that there might be children who actually never get new toys for Christmas. She had spent many years working with children in the city of Canton, and was a community youth liaison involved with tutoring and after-school activities. “I knew there was a need,” Conley said,“and I wanted to do something.” Before she knew it, she had both a list of needy families – and a list of those willing to donate (new!) toys. In the first year – while still a college student - Conley’s goal was to serve 50 children; the organization, dubbed “Love the Children Ministries” served 90! The second year, the organization served 140 children; and has continued to grow exponentially each year. LTCM works with local social justice agencies to receive the names of families in need who live in the Canton area, and then provide two

new gifts for each child in the family.The gifts are personally purchased by LTCM volunteers during shopping sprees and then gift-wrapped and tagged at wrapping parties. Every child who participates in LTCM’s Christmas celebration dinner receives a traditional Christmas dinner, live entertainment, and a personal time with Santa to receive their gifts. And five years ago, LTCM expanded its ministry to include a back-to-school giveaway and ice cream social that provides Canton City school students with supplies. Each year, a different school is ‘adopted’ – this year, it was Deuber Elementary, and 200 kids were given 3,500 school supplies. Conley teaches third grade for Marlington Local Schools at Lexington Elementary, and has continued to lead the ministry passionately. The organization, which is a non-profit incorporation, has received grants and has gained national recognition over the years, is currently working through the process of becoming a 501c3. While Conley desires for LTCM to always be rooted in her hometown of Canton, she hopes for it to be a model for other cities and perhaps become a national organization.

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Being a

When Canton native Jill (Mason) Miller ’75 was a young social worker in Summit County in the early 1980s, she remembers feeling excitement when a national movement came into being to deinstitutionalize children’s homes and instead place children in families via foster care. “My younger colleagues and I were all about the change, thinking that every child needs a family, but my veteran colleagues were furious,” recalled Miller.“They said that we were taking away these children’s families.” After the children’s home closed, many of the teenagers were placed downtown in cheap hotels. But Miller remembers the teens still hanging out at the children’s home where the social workers’ offices were, almost daily. She said she’ll never forget a passionate conversation with a co-worker soon after, when telling him that they were always there. “ ‘What in the he** did you expect would happen? They were pushed out without any preparation,’ he said.And he was right - the system had done a very poor job of equipping kids for life skills,” Miller said.“That conversation stuck with me for years, and God laid that burden on my heart to do something about it.” Miller continued with her work in the field of juvenile justice with the Ohio Youth Commission in Summit County – concurrently serving as the girl’s director at a local YMCA developing and supervising girls programming and directing a teenage job program. She was honored as Social Worker of the Year in 1994 and received a National Merit Award from the Child Welfare League of America. But in 1999, she left the agency with a vision to create P.A.L. Mission – believing that was God’s purpose for her life. PAL, which stands for “Preparation for Adult Living,” began as a house for young women who had aged out of the foster care system. In its 12th year, P.A.L. Mission, has evolved into a faith-based, not-for-profit umbrella agency that operates five different programs, all of which provide housing and life skills training to teens and homeless young adults. “It is a great joy to share in the successes of our young people,” Miller said.“There are so many great stories – and opportunities to impact lives forever.” Close to Miller’s heart remains Elaine Wolak, a successful young woman who witnessed the death of her sister at the hands of their parents and was one of the first residents of the P.A.L. House in Canton.


to Homeless Youth

Wolak - who spent time in foster homes where she was not served the same food as the family’s children and was forbidden to share meals with them will soon finish college and is pursuing a degree in early childhood development, so that she can impact future generations. Miller and another P.A.L. coworker beamed with pride at Wolak’s honor society induction. While Miller was at Malone, she remembers a class with Harold Walker, Ph.D., who was always telling students that it is not enough just to have a career. He encouraged them,“Make your career your ministry.” Miller has taken those words to heart. “I want to impact young peoples’ forevers,” she said. Jill Miller has received the Malone University Alumni Merit Award, the Canton Excellence Award for Community Service, Multi-Development Services of Stark County Golden Dove Award, and was a 2010 inductee into the Stark County Women’s Hall of Fame.

P.A.L. Mission, a private, non-profit, faith-based organization, offers these services: The Canton PAL House is the original site of the program and is located on the grounds of St. Mary Catholic Church at 1602 Market Ave. S. The program is licensed to provide housing for boys and girls ages 16 to 18; it consists of a graduated three-phase process that results in the eventual transition to a semi-independent living apartment. The Tuscarawas County PAL House, which began in 2004, offers a group living environment that provides life skills training, education, and career development to teen girls in foster care. The teenagers in this program participate in a job-training program through PAL’s “Bearly Worn,” a children’s consignment shop operated by PAL that serves as a job skills training site. The GIFT (Going into Final Transition) Apartment Program provides both foster youth an opportunity to experience apartment living on their own while still remaining in the custody of the child welfare agency, allowing the teenagers some type of safety net. The “Genesis” and “Exodus” Programs are scattered apartment programs for young adults between the ages of 18 and 25 in Stark County, partially funded by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Participants are required to engage in life skills curriculum, maintain employment, and meet established guidelines. P.L.U.S. (People Learning Useful Skills) is a 46-week curriculum that offers weekly courses and includes pre- and post-testing. All program participants must be employed and attending an educational program if they have not graduated high school. The PAL House programs are licensed by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services as an “independent living arrangement.”




Today, Pathway: Caring for Children is known as our community's standardbearer for treatment and support of at-risk children, teens, and families. But in the latter part of the 1960s, the late Jim Bridges and his wife,Velma, were simply recent graduates of Malone University with a burden for troubled children.Together, they founded an organization that would provide necessary services to meet the needs of neglected, abused, abandoned, and troubled children in the foster care system. Incorporated in 1973, Pathway has grown from its humble beginnings. The organization has spent nearly four decades forever changing the lives of our community’s youngest victims. Since its inception, Pathway has led the way in providing quality foster care for the children in need of its services. Pathway’s newest innovation is that of “family homes,” housing two parents and four foster children together, offering structure and consistency within a family atmosphere to troubled children. Three such homes have been built to date – in Canton, Canton Township, and Alliance. Even more recently, Pathway was approved to provide Medicaid services—behavioral health assessment, behavioral health counseling, and community psychiatric supportive treatment. Perhaps one of Pathway’s greatest success stories—and a fine example of the organization’s effectiveness—is board member Robert Swisher. Now a successful businessman and the donor of one of the new family homes, Robert was one of the first five boys served by Pathway. Pathway has since been upgraded to a Treatment Foster Care program. Its services have grown as well, adding care for pregnant and mothering teenage girls and their babies, and providing extra assistance to foster parents caring for children with emotional and behavioral

Caring for Children



Job and Family Services to act as a representative of the department in recommending family foster homes for certification, and to participate in the placement of children in family foster homes. Pathway is also a full member agency of the Ohio Council of Behavioral Health & Family Services Providers, the Ohio Association of Child Caring Agencies and accredited by the Ohio Department of Mental Health and the Council on Accreditation of Services for Families and Children. LEFT TO RIGHT ARE DEBORAH GARRETT, HEATHER WOLFE, ANDREA DAHLER, Founded by true CO-FOUNDER VELMA BRIDGES, GAIL WEISEND “Pioneers” – Jim and NOT PICTURED ARE, STAFF: SHAWN RILEY, ANDREA DYE, Velma Bridges – SARAH LINVILLE KEENE AND BOARD MEMBER: SUE GRABOWSKI Pathway currently employs ten Malone problems. Beyond foster care, PathPathway itself has been recogUniversity alumni who continue the way partnered with the Stark Comnized by such notables as Bill tradition of providing a wide range munity Foundation and the Sisters Cosby, who visited Canton in honor of services and care – offering hope of Charity Foundation, creating post of the organization’s 30th anniverto our community’s next generation. adoptive family support services to sary, for providing quality care for Pathway has a partnership with provide help to adoptive families countless children. It has been said Quest to provide an integrated caring for children with special numerous times that Pathway takes approach regarding drug and alconeeds. Later, this effort was society’s “throw-away” children: hol and Mental Health issues. Pathreorganized, becoming Family those who everyone else has given way has just recently opened two Services and meeting the growing up on, and offers them new hope new offices in Carrollton and Minneeds of birth as well as adoptive and a promising future. families for assistance in caring for Pathway is a private, not-for-profit erva which provide mental health services as well as providing children with special emotional and community service organization behavioral problems. Since 2002, dedicated to providing quality treat- school based therapy to the area Pathway has been approved to parment oriented care for children and schools. ticipate in the placement of chilfamilies. Today, Pathway is approved dren for adoption. by the State of Ohio Department of

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When a young single woman with three children by three different fathers braves attending church, says The Rev. R.B. Holmes, Jr. ’72, the Church has three options. “We can condemn her.We can condone her behavior,” he said.“Or, we can help her become whole and show her that, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, her life is not over.” Holmes should know. He’s ministered to many families who have found themselves in similar situations through the years.When he took over his second pastorate in a dying downtown neighborhood in Tallahassee, Fla., at the historical Bethel Missionary Baptist Church in 1986, the parishioners were mostly affluent, successful, suburban, and had what Holmes calls a ‘stained glass mentality’ – folks who show up on Sunday but don’t care about the community the rest of the week. “God gave me a vision to transform the community, to meet the needs of the community, to bring people hope, life, and light in the name of Jesus Christ,” Holmes said. The church is now one of Florida’s largest, with 6,500 members and ministries for people in all stages of life, including two schools (a pre-K through sixth grade academy, and a charter middle school), youth ministries, a first-time

the Family




homebuyers program, senior housing, family counseling, a radio station broadcast, and a newspaper. “Some call us a mega church, but I prefer to think of us as simply a large community where ‘mega praise’ happens,” Holmes said. “Today’s church must be a place where the Gospel is preached, where it is made real, relevant, and holistic… offering the promise of Heaven for people HOME OF THE W.C. HENDERSON CHRISTIAN ACADEMY who catch hell down sity. He’s been married for nearly cessful to that end in Tallahassee. here.“ 30 years to Gloria Price Holmes, Though admittedly, Holmes Hope, faith, and an incredible Ph.D., a librarian and highly doesn’t leave two hours early for work ethic were instilled in R.B. at respected educator. work each day, the qualities instilled an early age, when he woke up Holmes’ time at Malone began his in him have led him to success in each morning to a father who left service to the city of Canton. He his own life with a desire to fix for work two hours early. was a youth minister at the former what is broken in American families “That way, son,” explained R.B. Antioch Baptist Church on Seventh for a better future for all. Holmes, Sr. – the man with a fifthStreet NE in Canton. He continues “We need to celebrate the family,” grade education, a will of iron, and eight children who each went on to to work to make a difference here – said Holmes, president and founder he is a trustee of Malone University of the “Save the Family Now” moveearn graduate degrees – “if my car and he and his wife bought the ment (savethefamilynow.com). breaks down or if something former Antioch Baptist Church to Save the Family Now’s goal is to unforeseen were to happen, I will begin a private Christian academy. strengthen, save, and sustain the still get to work on time.” The all-boys’ W.C. Henderson Black family in particular, and all Holmes applied the same work Christian Academy, opened August families in general. Goals include ethic to his studies at Malone Unireducing rates of divorce, HIV/AIDS, versity in the 1970s – scheduling all 23 and is named in honor of Holmes’ mentor and the longtime high school dropouts, and teen of his classes in the early morning pregnancy by 25 percent by 2020, so that he could manage his studies pastor of Antioch. “A Christian school will improve as well as establishing “Save the as well as baseball. He earned a the community, instill moral values, Family Now” chapters in 25 cities degree in sociology - then went on to earn a master of arts degree from self-esteem, self-respect, and respect by the end of 2012. Methodist Theological Seminary and for other people,” said Holmes. “Bethel Academy has been very suca Ph.D. from Virginia Union Univer-

Thank you Malone for putting Christ’s Kingdom First 106 North Main Street Minerva, Ohio 44657

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In The Arts

Canton is home to a vibrant arts community, and Malone University is a proud participant. From the downtown mural project spearheaded by professor of art, Barb Drennan, to current students exhibiting their works at First Friday, to alumni working as curators at local galleries – Malone University is well represented. Rick Huggett is a 2006/2011 graduate, and curator of Mola Gallery, located in the heart of Canton’s art district. Over the past year and a half the Mola Gallery has held solo shows featuring Malone undergraduate students, alumni, professors, and group projects, each working with a 'theme' suggested by Drennan. Huggett said that his passion for the arts was inspired by the enthusiasm and commitment demonstrated daily by Drennan and her colleague Clare Murray-Adams. “Prior to entering the Malone art program,” he said,“I had never displayed my art in public because I was only interested in the ‘making’ of the art. The journey that led to the finished product was what mattered most to me, not the finished product itself.” That changed when Drennan first hung Huggett’s work in a downtown Canton gallery. He continues to show his work “in public” to this day. During the break between the 2010/11 and 2011/12 school years, Huggett was in need of studio space. “As luck would have it,” he said, “my neighbor and Mola Gallery owner Julia


Dick offered me the the basement space below her gallery where I moved my painting equipment for the summer. That eventually led to my work being shown in her gallery upstairs, and -- with encouragement from Julia -we began inviting other students from Malone’s art department to show at the Mola Gallery.” Today, each month a different Malone student shows his or her art at the Mola Gallery. “None of it would be possible without Julia’s support for the emerging artists coming through the Malone Art Program,” said Huggett. The most recent was Melissa Larkins who presented some of her work in a solo exhibition at this past September’s First Friday. More Malone alumni artists to watch for include Heather Bullach, Michele Waalkes, and Tim Carmany, dubbed an artist on the rise by About Magazine. And Winnie King, wife of Malone President David King, is herself immersed in the arts. She was recently treated to a tour of Canton’s downtown galleries by Huggett.“We hope to partner with her to expand


our ‘Malone presence’ -- not only at the Mola gallery but throughout downtown Canton and beyond,” he said.“We would also like to get a Malone Alumni Art Group started to help make the

‘Malone’ name synonymous with a high quality education in art making.”

Welcome to Malone University

David A. King, Ed. D We offer our prayers and support as you pursue this new venture.

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of David King Friday, October 26 10 A.M.

11:30 A.M. - 1:30 P.M. 3:30 P.M.

6 P.M.

Homecoming Chapel with address by Rev. Dr. R.B. Holmes '72, Pastor, Bethel Missionary Church of Tallahassee, Florida, and president/founder of Save the Family Now National Movement, Inc. Johnson Center, Sanctuary Lunch available for purchase Brehme Centennial Center, Hoover Dining Commons Inaugural Symposium featuring Harold Heie, Ph.D., author of Learning to Listen; Ready to Talk:A Pilgrimage Toward Peacemaking and Betsy Morgan, Ph.D., Emmy Award winning documentary producer. Reception immediately following Fred F. Silk Auditorium, Mitchell Hall Alumni Awards Banquet Johnson Center Dining Room

Saturday, October 26 8 A.M. 10 A.M. 12 NOON

6 P.M. 7:30 P.M.

Inaugural Prayer Breakfast for invited guests of the President Johnson Center, Dining Room Installation Service Johnson Center, Sanctuary Lunch Brehme Centennial Center, Hoover Dining Commons, available for purchase Johnson Center, Dining Room, for invited guests of the President The Quad, Homecoming Buffet for Alumni and Guests Reception with Dr. and Mrs. King Johnson Center, Lobby Over the Rhine in Concert Johnson Center, Sanctuary


From Sugar

A semester away from graduating with a degree in Bible/Theology, one of Malone’s newest alumni, Jon Detweiler ’12, decided he needed an adventure. In a journey he dubbed “Sugar2Salt,” Detweiler and his cousin Ben Swartz canoed from Sugar Creek, to the Gulf of Mexico, ending at the most southern tip of Louisiana from August 14-November 3, 2011. Inspired to love the outdoors by his father, and having grown up on a farm, the city of Canton was, at times, overwhelming for Detweiler.While writing a Theology paper late one night in his residence hall, he was struck with a notion he couldn’t shake. “One of my frontiersman heroes did this journey himself way back in the 1700s, that helped influence why I chose canoeing, and because I don’t know many people who have done a trip like this,” Detweiler said. Sugar2Salt may have begun as a fun canoe trip for two twenty-something cousins, but became a mission to help raise awareness and funds for IRIS Ministries, an orphanage that supports nearly 10,000 children around the world and equips new generations of African pastors through education. This experience – which spanned 2,477 miles, five connecting rivers, and 10 states – allowed Detweiler and Ben to experience God’s provision and protection in brand new ways. “The most striking, kind of surprising, thing to me is we have not been denied once when we have asked to stay in somebody’s yard to set up a tent,” Detweiler told the Dyersburg State Gazette, a newspaper that ran a story about them last October 2. “I expected these people would have been a little more afraid of us. It’s restoring my faith in America and people just in general. One lady even brought us breakfast

to Salt

A COMMUNITY ON THE RISE down on a tray the next morning. It has been a complete blessing to me.” The story drew a great deal of other media attention – newspapers along their journey.You can read about their adventures, watch videos, and see photographs at www.sugar2salt.com – or, of course, find them on Facebook. Detweiler says God’s provision was a theme in his time at Malone. After high school he began looking for colleges just because, he says, that’s what everyone else was doing. He took several visits to different schools, but only in reading about the Bible/Theology major at Malone did he sense peace in his decisionmaking process. As a lover of the outdoors, Detweiler had difficulty adjusting to city life. That is, until he began to serve it. “It wasn’t until I served at the Refuge of Hope that I got an attitude change about Canton, I started to recognize homeless people I would see, and started to value it as a place,” he said. Detweiler also became active in the LoveCanton ministry. Detweiler says that college became a place where he built foundational relationships. “A lot of the value of the cost of college for me has been in friendships. My purpose with my peers

will be intertwined for the rest of our lives,” he said. His ability to build quality relationships started with his close-knit family, many of who are Malone alumni: Detweiler is the son of S. Conrad and Kathy (Witmer) ’87, and is related to numerous other alumni such as his uncle Linford Detweiler ’87 and aunt Karin Bergquist ’88 of the band Over the Rhine. The journey concluded November 3, 2011, to a poetic finish of dolphins ushering them into the Gulf as they wrote about on their blog: “About a hundred yards out I caught, in my peripherals, a glimpse of a fin. I swung my head to the left in time to see a grey fin disappear. ‘Shark! Dolphin! Shark? Dolphin?’ I yelled. Once it resurfaced and I got a better glimpse of its fin and heard the blowhole I knew it was a dolphin. The little pod of five or so

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followed us to the left and rear while we put in the literal finishing strokes on the figurative canvas that has been this trip.The Gulf opened wide before us with small islands to the right and oil derricks far off on the horizon. Speaking of horizons, the Gulf oil spill, we heard, happened just thirty miles south of the end of South Pass, maybe fifty miles from where we stood; there were no tar balls or residue. Not wanting to leave the dolphins we paddled and floated out a little ways and watched them porpoise around us.The weather was perfect and the fact that we now had ocean waves moving us around nearly made me laugh out loud with delight.” What's next for Detweiler? He wrote in his final blog entry that, “you’ll probably be able to find me sitting on the bridge over Sugar Creek, feet dangling over this side, thinking about where the water goes.”

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Dr. David King for his appointment as President of Malone University! Wishing everyone at Malone University best wishes and success! Your neighbors and friends from St. Haralambos Greek Orthodox Church 251 25th St. N.W., Canton, OH 44709

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WWW.MALONE.EDU In the spring of 2004, the Canton YWCA was faced with a dilemma. Its goal, of course, was to help homeless families move out of emergency shelter and into permanent homes of their own. But these families would essentially be starting from scratch. Imagine – no beds, no tables or chairs, not even a lamp! For years the Y had accepted donations and stored them in a warehouse until needed. But the need had become greater than ever. This called for a blitz day – first, to collect much-needed furniture, and second, to raise awareness of the problem.That spring, the YWCA collaborated with the Malone Pioneer football team, a local radio station, and one mom & pop moving company to carry out the first Furniture Collection Day. Not long after, the cross country and, later, baseball teams got involved as well, providing the man – and sometimes woman - power to conduct two blitz days each year.To date, there have been approximately 16 Furniture Collection Days in all, the most recent one having taken place this past September 15. Today, the event runs like a well-oiled machine.The teams are pumped and ready to provide the “muscle.”A group of professional moving companies and donors – most recently Buckeye Moving Systems, M. Conley Company, and DeHoff Realtors – provide transportation. Chick-fil-A feeds the team.And generous individuals in the community donate the muchneeded, gently used furniture and household items. At the end of the day, the warehouse is filled from floor to ceiling, ready for families to make their selections and begin anew. Sadly, the warehouse empties out again almost as fast as it is filled. There is an ongoing need for furniture including dressers, beds, and mattresses in good

Pioneers Helping the Homeless




condition, headboards, chairs, couches, dinettes and tables, as well as household items. Many are surprised to learn that the YWCA emergency shelter provides a place to stay for homeless persons and families for a 60-90 day period. During this time, social workers work with individuals and families to assess problem areas and needs, and then develop case plans to address these needs.The YWCA has housed women since 1909. In 1986, grant funds were secured to house single women and women with children (boys aged 6 and under) who were in homeless situations.The YWCA Family Shelter, opened in 1989, houses families with older males (children or adult). It moved to its new site at Gateway House II in January of 2012, providing, also 39 units of permanent supportive housing for homeless individuals, couples, and families where at least one adult member of the household has a disabling condition.The New Beginnings program, transitional housing, provides housing for eligible families for a 2 year period with long term support services to assist motivated families move out of poverty. Gateway Estates, which opened in October 2001, offers permanent housing for the hard-to-house homeless in 36 low income single room occupancies. The YWCA has seen a need for housing assistance grow from serving 189 individuals in 1986 to 362 individuals last year, 50% who were children for 21,890 nights of service. Persons wishing to donate new or used furniture, or to make a monetary donation, please call Theresa Ponchak at 330.453.7644, extension 104.

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A Public Servant

A Life of Service Nadine McIlwain, a 1970 graduate of Malone University, has devoted a lifetime to bringing out the best in others. McIlwain finds inspiration in her former students – many of whom have overcome much. “I love serving God through assisting His people,” McIlwain said.“Ever since the eighth grade, I wanted to be a teacher, and fulfillment of that dream is high on my list of satisfactions. Seeing my former students’ achievements, from successful classroom teachers, highly recognized entrepreneurs, and service and business leaders – as well as wonderful parents – brings me joy.” Following nearly 20 years of service to Canton City Schools, she went on to serve as program officer for the Sisters of Charity Foundation of Canton, as executive director of Coming Together Stark County, and still serves as a member of the Canton City Schools Board of Education. She’s enjoyed sharing those success stories on a national level: she co-wrote From Ghetto to God: The Incredible Journey of NFL Star, Reggie Rucker with Rucker and My Father’s Child with Fredricka Stewart. Her biography of Alan Page appears in a national anthology of African Americans; she was published in the popular Chicken Soup for the Soul books, and My Soul to His Spirit by Mela Beaty. She also wrote the forward for local minister Rev.Warren Chavers’s The Mess in the Messenger and has edited several otherpublications. She models for all of her former students’ civic involvement. Recently, McIlwain chaired a

campaign for the Greater Stark County Urban League (GSCUL), in which the organization raised $100,000 in 100 days. “The success of this campaign prevented a potential closure of the agency. In truth, the campaign was successful monetarily but more importantly, the campaign stressed the need for the GSCUL and its mission to serve African American and other minorities and why the Stark County community is better for having an Urban League.” Her tenure on Coming Together Stark County (CTSC), an organization focused on improving race relations, from which she retired in December 2011, also led to great results: the five cities and more than 70 percent of villages and townships in Stark County passed resolutions affirming diversity. Nadine has been honored with the Milken National Educator Award (the first in Stark County!) as well as the Ohio Martin Luther King Jr. Humanitarian Award. Most fulfilling to her these days – in addition to her improving golf game and shooting a low of 79 this year – is her grandchildren, who bring her great joy. She wants to be an inspiration to them. “I truly believe that God places each of us on this earth for a purpose,” she said of the legacy she hopes to leave. “He gives each of us talents, abilities, strengths and weaknesses which we are empowered to use for His glory and His people. I believe that God’s purpose for me is to help the community in any way I can.”

State Representative Christina Hagan is currently serving her first term in the Ohio House of Representatives, after being appointed to serve during the 129th General Assembly while still a senior at Malone University. She currently represents the 50th House District, which includes portions of Stark County. An Alliance resident, Representative Hagan has continued to remain active in our community. She has been a keynote speaker at several events within the 50th District, and having formerly worked for the Stark County Republican Party, she has played an active role in grassroots efforts throughout the area. She was recently named to Governor Mitt Romney’s Young American’s Board – one of only 11 public servants in the nation to be so-named. Perhaps it was her youth that caught the attention of the GOP presidential nominee; perhaps it was her passion for understanding and addressing the issues we face in the state and nation. “Some say,” she points out, ‘So goes the state, so goes the nation. But I would suggest,‘so goes Stark County, so goes the state, so goes the nation.’” It has also been said that all politics are local. In that sense, Hagan cares deeply about her district, and she uses her position as an elected public servant to benefit the local community. She has experienced success at the statehouse that few elected officials can claim: bi-partisan support! Her tourism bill – signed into law this past summer – doubles the amount spent on promoting Ohio tourism.The legisla-


tion jump starts a five-year experiment to determine whether Ohio's tourism industry can support its own marketing fund using a portion of sales tax revenue. The goal is for the self-funded model to create a revenue stream dependent upon the success of the industry rather than the general revenue fund. The industry must perform to be sustainable. Hagan points out that, until now, Ohio has not had the funding necessary to market itself. She cites the many attractions Ohio has to offer – including two national landmarks in the Professional Football and Rock & Roll Halls of Fame. “Also Hocking Hills, Lake Erie, Cedar Point, which is one of a kind in the nation and world!” she says. The business major has done the math. For every $1 spent promoting our tourism industry, we experience a $14 return on investment! But “until we begin talking about these things we can’t expect to see increased revenue,” she says. The action goes further still, creating a tourism Ohio advisory board staffed with industry experts in strategic marketing. Her goal is to tout Stark and surrounding counties, sharing all we have to offer, while raising revenue for the state without further taxing its residents. And it’s not just the large venues that will benefit. She says that some of the smaller destinations we locals take for granted – Amish Country, flea markets, and other “staycations” -- will now be able to buy into a greater marketing share that the state is purchasing at a lower cost to them. Hagan is enthusiastic about this co-op between private and public sector, working together to “market all the great things that Ohio has to offer.” She continues,“These are significant things that are happening in our state and our county, and it’s great that we get to talk about them…we are very competitive with states like Michigan, and we just need to be talking about what we have. Now we have the opportunity to do that.” And what is Representative Hagan’s own reaction to such an impressive list of accomplishments at such a youthful age? “I feel blessed to have gotten the opportunity to serve,” she said.


Welcome to Canton, Dr. David and Winnie King. Malone University’s story is one of learning, faith and community. We look forward to the chapters you’ll write.


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