Reckless Abandon

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MBA and MAOL Programs to go Online | 120th Commencement | 50 Years of Cross Country and Track

RECKLESS ABANDON Willing to risk everything

Spring 2012

Campus News

Open Frame Film Festival

Action! Downtown Canton’s historic Palace Theatre was the venue for the Open Frame Film Fest, where students showed off their skills in creating comedy, stop-motion animation, a civil-war period film, documentaries, a hiphop music video, a sociological experiment, horror, and inspirational films. See page 27 for more information.

photo by Todd Biss Photography

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Volume 13 | Number 2

On the cover: Jon Detweiler ’12 and his cousin Ben Swartz canoed from the Sugar Creek to the Gulf of Mexico for charity in one lively adventure.

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President’s Message New President David King encourages readers to recognize God’s calling on our lives— and exercise the faith to follow that calling. Feature: Reckless Abandon Stories of Malone alumni who have recklessly abandoned themselves, surrendering everything to Him Campus News Accreditation, USNews & World Report recognizes online programs, MBA and MAOL go online, The Saint John’s Bible, Aviso AVW wins two prestigious awards

In the Eye of the Storm Ignatios Meimaris ’74 (pictured above) | Ignatios and his wife Nena left comfortable lives in Boston to follow God’s calling to their homeland of Greece, which is experiencing an unfathomable economic crisis. Where the Water Goes Jon Detweiler ’12 | 81 days and 1,964 miles in a canoe, five connecting rivers, 10 states, and meeting hundreds of people provided Jon and his cousin Ben Swartz with unforgettable memories. Reclaiming Children Ash ’96 and Kathy (Batig) Bell ’97 | This North Carolina couple is answering the call to care for orphans in a transformative way.

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Academic Feature Faith in the World senior seminar encourages students to live well in a car culture Alumni News Class Notes, Future Pioneers, Weddings, Career services for alumni Athletics Update 50 years of men’s cross country and track & field, athlete profiles

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President’s Message



President’s Message

Editor Amber Balash ’00 Designer Dave Yakley ’95

“Reckless Abandon.” Some may interpret the Oswald Chambers reference to mean impulsively driven with utter disregard for the consequences. To the Christ-follower, it means something far different, for Christ himself reminds us to “count the cost” before surrendering our lives, our resources, and our wills to His way. To have reckless abandon for our own plans and accept His plans for our lives requires faith, trust, and willingness for adventure.

Copy Editor Suzie Thomas Campus and Alumni News Jennifer Holloway Director of Alumni and Parent Relations Deb Robinson ’76 President David A. King, Ed.D. Vice President for Advancement Howard Taylor Printer Duncan Press, Inc. Canton, Ohio Cover Photo Todd Biss Photography Special thanks to Karen Warner for assisting with copy editing. Malone Magazine is published three times each year for alumni and friends of Malone University, Canton, Ohio, 44709. Opinions expressed are those of contributors and do not necessarily represent those of Malone University. © 2012 Malone University. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is strictly prohibited. Malone University has established a policy of equal academic and employment opportunity. This policy is applied to all qualified students, employees and applicants for admission or employment, in all University programs and activities, without unlawful discrimination based on race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, or military or veteran status.

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David A. King President

Was it reckless for Malone senior Jon Detweiler to embark on a months-long canoe trip from the safety of his home to the wide and often rough Mississippi River, in support of an African orphanage?

Was it reckless for alumni Ash and Kathy Bell to join the staff of Reclaim Orphans where they now care for children without parents locally, nationally, and internationally? Was it reckless for alumnus Ignatios Meimaris to leave his home in Greece back in the 1970s to attend a small college in Canton, Ohio? He has recently returned to his homeland to launch the Interbalkan Institute for Educational and Economic Development for “such a time as this.” Reckless? For that matter, was it reckless of me to leave a twenty-plus-year career at Eastern University to accept the invitation to serve as Malone’s 13th president? In each case, we’re talking about recognizing God’s calling on our lives, and exercising the necessary faith to follow that calling. The word “abandon” may also be misleading. It may sound as if we are giving up something, when—in fact—we are joining something, aligning our human wills to His good and perfect will. The only thing we are abandoning may be worldly sensibilities that —truth be told—are what really can be misleading. We invite you to join us as a student or a supporter as we abandon ourselves for Him in our journey as pioneers!

Reckless Abandon Be reckless immediately — totally unrestrained and willing to risk everything—

by casting your all upon Him. You do not know when His voice will come to you, but whenever the realization of God comes, even in the faintest way imaginable, be determined to recklessly abandon yourself, surrendering everything to Him. It is only through abandonment of yourself and your circumstances that you will recognize Him. You will only recognize His voice more clearly through recklessness — being willing to risk your all. ~ Oswald Chambers in My Utmost for His Highest Malone Magazine | Spring 2012 {7}



In the of

Eye the Storm Ignatios Meimaris ’74 and his wife, Nena, are striving to live out the Gospel in practical and meaningful ways to people in the midst of crisis ‌

photos by Dimitris Maniatis/GPA

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“My time at Malone was the foundation for my life.”

The couple had lived in the United States for 35 years. They were happy in Boston, enjoying fulfilling careers and thriving in ministry. But Ignatios and Nena couldn’t shake the sense that God had a brand new adventure for them. So after pursuing what that meant, they decided to move back to their native Greece in 2004 to create the Interbalkan Institute for Educational and Economic Development ( in Katerini, Greece, (as well as Cyprus) with the mission of training local businesses to integrate into the global marketplace. Greece was—is—facing an ever-worsening financial crisis as the nation’s national debt is now larger than its economy; its credit score has been lowered and unpopular austerity measures are in effect. Ignatios had begun his journey to the United States directly out of high school in 1969. The late Rev. Dr. John Hionides ’64 —also from Greece— was instrumental

in making a scholarship available for Ignatios to study at Malone. His grades were so excellent as a chemistry major in 1972 that he received from astronaut Buzz Aldrin the American Chemical Society Award in Ohio for his junior year. After graduation from Malone, he also received a master’s degree from Harvard University (a master’s of education in counseling/consulting psychology) and two degrees from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (a master’s degree in religious education and counseling, a doctoral of ministry in missions and cross cultural studies). “My time at Malone was the foundation for my life,” Ignatios says. “My worldview was formed there, and I have such fond memories of my time in Canton—from singing in Chorale to kicking Dr. [Ronald] Johnson [x61] out of class when I blew up something in a chemistry lab! It smelled so bad in there that all of the classes had to be moved!” After leaving Canton, Ignatios moved to Boston where he met Nena, and they learned that they were from the same village in Greece! For the next 30-plus years, they continued their education and

began extremely successful careers—Nena as an educator and Ignatios eventually as executive director of the Greater Baptist Global Association, where he became an expert at networking with others. “Our careers gave us some preparation for working in the marketplace—which is so volatile, yet hopeful,” Ignatios says. “God produces His hope in me, so that I may be useful and share that hope.” This hope is desperately needed, he explains, because in Greece people are seeing businesses they’ve tended throughout their entire lives destroyed within weeks. The worst, Ignatios fears, is yet to come as austerity measures come into full effect during the summer of 2012. “Some of our calling is to just be here to grieve with people for what they’ve lost … but we are also celebrating progress, no matter how small,” Ignatios says. “In all things, we point to God and demonstrate His concern for us. God is not distant. He cares for the people and gives us opportunities to serve them in order that they might find hope that is critical.” The Institute is helping to create micro businesses—such as a quilting business —that create jobs for single mothers (in partnership with the Benjamin Child Support Society). The Institute also partners with WinShape—the foundation created by Truett and Jeannette Cathy, founders of Chick-fil-A. It also partners with universities and chambers of

SEW PURPOSEFUL. The Interbalkan Institute helps create micro businesses that employ single mothers—including a partnership with Benjamin Child Support Society.

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“There is tremendous opportunity. We returned to Greece in 2004, which we now realize was just the beginning … we are now in the epicenter of the financial tsunami— in the eye of the storm …” commerce in the United States to teach best U.S. business practices to people in Greece —particularly practices steeped in biblical principles. They help Greek businesses persist in becoming more intentional, more in tune with the needs of their customers. And the Institute helps business owners develop better marketing and financial plans, adopt better human resource plans and hiring practices, and develop strategic plans through educational seminars. Ignatios is currently working with Malone School of Business & Leadership professors Jack Harris, Dennis Kincaid, Julia Frankland, and Tom Kratzer to connect them with City College in Thessaloniki to offer courses in both places, exchange syllabi, and coordinate visits. “There is an increasing vacuum in leadership—that’s part of what got us to this point in Greece,” he says. “Our Institute offered seminars that the newspaper in Katerini covered. They made the headlines by saying things like—‘Everything I have belongs to God, and I am accountable’—and ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.’ When I asked the news editor why those phrases made the headlines, she

said it was because ‘our area is so thirsty for a spirit such as this.’” In late March, Ignatios was awarded the prestigious 2012 Bridgebuilder Award for all of Europe by the Fellowship of European Broadcasters. He hopes that he can do just that—build bridges between international communities to help his homeland as the Greek crisis becomes more and more serious. “There is tremendous opportunity,” Ignatios says. “We returned to Greece in 2004, which we now realize was just the beginning … we are now in the epicenter of the financial tsunami —in the eye of the storm even now—and God is showing us what He wants from us. Our relationship with God is dynamic—not static—and He takes our lives and sometimes allows us to be in circumstances where we are thrown into completely uncharted waters. He does this to make Himself better known to us. He does the work that needs to be done in us to help us grow in our knowledge of Him—and at the same time, we can turn around and see Him doing incredible work and service to others.”

ADVANCING EDUCATION. Ignatios trains leaders and helps business owners develop successful, proven business practices.

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Where Water Goes the

A semester away from graduating with a

degree in Bible/theology, one of Malone’s newest alumni, Jon Detweiler ’12, decided he needed an adventure … story with Chelsea Weikart ’13

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“Live out your God-created identity. Live generously and graciously toward others, the way God lives toward you.” Matthew 5:48 (b) (THE MESSAGE)

RIVER TALK. Jon Detweiler ’12 and Ben Swartz on their adventures. Read their firsthand account at photos courtesy of Jon Detweiler

In a journey dubbed “Sugar2Salt,” Jon and his cousin, Ben, spent August 14–November 3, 2011, canoeing their watercraft from the Sugar Creek to the salty Gulf of Mexico, ending at the southern tip of Louisiana. Inspired by a long line of nature lovers and having grown up on a farm, the city of Canton was, at times, overwhelming for Jon. While writing a theology paper late one night in his residence hall, he was struck with a notion he couldn’t shake. “One of my frontiersman heroes did this journey himself way back in the 1700s; that helped influence why I chose canoeing, and also because I don’t know many people who have done a trip like this,” says Jon. Sugar2Salt may have begun as a fun canoe trip for two twenty-something cousins, but soon grew to become a mission to help raise awareness and funds for IRIS Ministries,

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an orphanage that supports nearly 10,000 children around the world and equips new generations of African pastors through education. This experience—which spanned 2,477 miles, five connecting rivers, and 10 states —allowed Jon and Ben to experience God’s provision and protection in brand new ways. “We [ran] into zero trouble, and God even provided with things like food and encouragement,” Jon says, adding that people along their trip cooked and bought groceries for them. “The most striking, kind of surprising, thing to me is we have not been denied once when we have asked to stay in somebody’s yard to set up a tent,” Jon told the Dyersburg State Gazette, a newspaper that ran a story about them on October 2. “I expected these people would have been photo by Todd Biss Photography

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“I got an attitude change about Canton; I started to recognize homeless people I would see, and started to value it as a place.”

a little more afraid of us. It’s restoring my faith in America and people just in general. One lady even brought us breakfast down on a tray the next morning. It has been a complete blessing to me.” The story drew a great deal of media attention—newspapers along their journey. You can read about their adventures, watch videos, and see photographs at www.—or, of course, find them on Facebook. Jon says God’s provision was a theme throughout his time at Malone. After high school he began looking for colleges just because, he says, that’s what everyone else was doing. He took several visits to different schools, but only in reading about the Bible/theology major at Malone did he sense peace in his decision-making process. Jon hated city life—until he started serving at Refuge of Hope, a downtown homeless shelter, and also got involved in a ministry started by Malone alumni and others called LoveCanton. “I got an attitude change about Canton; I started to recognize homeless people I would see, and started to value it as a place,” Jon says. He also began to recognize Malone as a place where he forged foundational relationships. “A lot of the value of the cost of college for me has been in friendships. My purpose with my peers will be intertwined for the rest of our lives.”

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His ability to build quality relationships started with his close-knit family of alums: Jon is the son of S. Conrad and Kathy (Witmer) Detweiler ’87, and is related to numerous other alumni including his musically inclined uncle and aunt, Linford Detweiler ’87, and Karin Bergquist ’88, of Over the Rhine fame. “Growing up, my cousins were my best friends,” Jon says—including Ben—with whom he shared his adventure down the Mississippi. The journey concluded November 3, 2011, to a poetic finish of dolphins ushering them into the Gulf as they described in their blog: “About a hundred yards out I caught, in my peripherals, a glimpse of a fin. I swung my head to the left in time to see a grey fin disappear. ‘Shark! Dolphin! Shark? Dolphin?’ I yelled. Once it resurfaced and I got a better glimpse of its fin and heard the blowhole I knew it was a dolphin. The little pod of five or so followed us to the left and rear while we put in the literal finishing strokes on the figurative canvas that has been this trip. The Gulf opened wide before us with small islands to the right and oil derricks far off on the horizon. Speaking of horizons, the Gulf oil spill, we heard, happened just thirty miles south of the end of South Pass, maybe fifty miles from where we stood; there were no tar balls or residue. Not

wanting to leave the dolphins we paddled and floated out a little ways and watched them porpoise around us. The weather was perfect and the fact that we now had ocean waves moving us around nearly made me laugh out loud with delight.”

What is next for Jon? Most likely, another adventure of some sort. His final Sugar2Salt blog entry reads, “You’ll probably be able to find me sitting on the bridge over the Sugar Creek, feet dangling over the side, thinking about where the water goes.”

POETIC FINISH. Despite countless challenges and an often arduous journey, Jon and Ben reached their goal of making it to the Gulf—and were greeted by a pod of five dolphins.

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Campus News

Reclaiming Children

Kathy (Batig) Bell ’97 says that attending a Youth Explosion event at her home church (Willoughby Hills Friends) changed the direction of her life ‌

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photos by Todd Biss Photography

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“Our philosophy includes looking at what it means to educate families, advocate for families, and support families—what does that look like practically?”

Kathy had recently committed her life to Jesus, and was inspired by a sermon from Bart Campolo (urban minister, speaker, and writer) in which he shared a story about a Sunday school teacher reaching out to girls who had been abused. “From that moment on, I knew that I wanted to work with kids who needed some extra love,” Kathy says. “Right out of high school I majored in social work at Malone, and was in class with Krista Bridges [’97]— daughter of [the late] Jim [’66] and Velma [(Schmucker) Bridges ’67] who founded Pathway Caring for Children. I volunteered with them and did an internship there, and also at Stark County Children’s Services. I have always wanted to work with vulnerable children, and have spent many years working out what that looked like in my life.”

COMMUNITY OF BELIEVERS. Ash ’96 and Kathy (Batig) Bell ’97 are part of a dynamic Christian ministry—Reclaim Orphans—who advocate for local and global adoptions in an attempt to live out a biblical calling to care for orphans. (previous spread) Standing behind the Bells are other families in their community. The Bells are in the process of adopting children from their city, Raleigh, N.C.

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What that looked like has turned into quite a journey. After graduating from Malone, Kathy worked for Summit County Children’s Services while her husband Ash ’96 served as a pastor at Salem First Friends Church. [Ash, who was reared in VanWert Friends Church, met Kathy at a Friends summer camp in Ripley, W.Va. The pair started dating at Malone and married after Ash graduated.] They welcomed children Hannah and Noah soon after college then served a church together in Florida for several years as Kathy was home with the children. Eventually they moved to Raleigh, N.C., where Kathy began to pursue a master’s degree from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and the family began attending an urban church plant called Vintage 21.

The couple is now a vital part of a powerful ministry of the church called Reclaim Orphans, where Ash serves as director of business and development; Kathy is director of post-adoption support and education. The organization, launched in 2010, is a nonprofit whose goal is to educate, equip, and engage the Church to prevent, care for, and adopt orphans worldwide. In addition to their roles of leading families through the adoption process and building intentional communities of adoptive families, Ash and Kathy are themselves in the process of adopting older children. “We’ve always wanted to adopt, but wanted to wait until our biological children were old enough to be able to talk through situations,” Kathy says. Vintage 21 has a sister church called “Sojourn” in Uganda, where there are an estimated 2.7 million orphans due to the AIDS crisis. The Bells initially looked to adopt children with HIV and were given a referral for 8- and 14-year-old boys several months ago. Because child trafficking is so rampant there, the Bells enlisted the aid of an investigator and learned that the boys were not orphans and that neither boy was adoptable. In fact, the Bells were asked to file a formal complaint with many organizations because of the depth of fraud and child trafficking investigators uncovered through their case. However, Vintage 21 partners with Sojourn in its Family Development Ministry with the stateside program being called “Plant Uganda” which provides biblical counseling,

family development, and mentoring services to families in the village of Wabigalo—as well as school sponsorship for children. The Bells support a little boy through Plant:Uganda. “This holistic approach that provides care and discipleship for the family as well as education for the child is what we love about Plant:Uganda,” says Kathy, adding that the call for the Church to care for orphans is a global and local one: according to UNICEF, there are an estimated 163 million orphans in the world—including 500,000 children in foster care in the United States. The Bells also have begun the process to adopt locally. The call to care for children, Kathy believes, can be carried out in a number of different ways. “Our philosophy includes looking at what it means to educate families, advocate for families, and support families—what does that look like practically? We try to help families who are called to adopt—or called to support adoption financially,” Kathy says. “Also, when you’re adopting, you learn that kids with traumatic backgrounds can’t always be parented in the same way as biological kids, so we support parents and educate them to understand the needs of the children … to find the balance of structure and nurture and to help them find their voice. We especially want to be a resource for parents.” Ash’s responsibilities center on finding funding for families as they go through the adoption process. Reclaim Orphans has been able to help families adopt six children so far, both internationally and domestically. “There are a lot of people who would make great parents and feel called to adopt, but money is their biggest obstacle,” Ash says. “There are others who recognize the calling to care for orphans, but don’t feel that they can adopt children, so they are willing to help orphans find homes by providing funding.”

PREPARED FOR SERVICE. Kathy majored in social work at Malone, knowing that she wanted to work with children. She gained valuable experience while volunteering and interning at Pathway Caring for Children and Stark County Children’s services.

As Kathy and Ash continue working out what it means to care for vulnerable children, they look forward to welcoming a sibling group into their family soon.

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Campus News

Accreditation News:

Invitation for Third Party Comment Malone University seeks comment from the public about the University in preparation for its periodic evaluation by its regional accrediting agency. The University will undergo a comprehensive evaluation visit September 24–26, 2012, by a team representing The Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. Malone has been accredited by the Commission since 1964. The team will review the institution’s ongoing ability to meet the Commission’s criteria for accreditation. Submit comments using the online form found at: - OR Send mail to the Commission: Public Comment on Malone University The Higher Learning Commission 230 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois 60604. Comments must address substantive matters related to the quality of the institution or its academic programs. Comments must be in writing and signed; comments cannot be treated as confidential. Comments must be received by July 24, 2012. Questions about Malone’s accreditation process should be directed to the Office of the Provost at 330.471.8119. Visit our website for up-to-date information. www.

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Campus News

Malone’s online learning program ranked by USNews & World Report

Malone to be home to The Saint John’s Bible Heritage Edition

USNews & World Report released its first-ever list of top online degree programs recently, with Malone University’s bachelor’s degree in management ranking #50 for “teaching practices and student engagement” of 172 colleges and universities ranked nationally. Malone also ranked in the top third (66th of 179 institutions) for “student services and technology” with regards to its online learning.

In April, Malone University welcomed Tim Ternes, director of programming and exhibitions for The Saint John’s Bible, Saint John’s University, Collegeville, Minnesota, to campus. The Saint John’s Bible is the first hand calligraphy and illuminated/illustrated Bible produced in the past 500 years, since the invention of the Gutenberg press. Tim’s appearance marked the first of several planned events surrounding the announcement that Malone is home to a Saint John’s Bible Heritage Edition––a fullsized, signed, and numbered reproduction of the original masterpiece. Only 299 volumes are being created as part of this limited edition, with the Vatican receiving volume #1. Malone’s collection is #64.

Available online, Malone’s bachelor of arts degree in organizational, project, marketing, health services, or environmental management—referred to as MMP or the Malone Management Program—is designed for nontraditional students with a minimum of five years of work experience who have some post-high school education. The degree may be completed in 14 months. Since its inception in 1984, more than 3,400 adult students have completed their degrees; the program boasts an impressive 80% graduation rate. For more information about the undergraduate Malone Management Program, go to

The April reception introduced the first four of the seven-volume collection to students, faculty, and staff. Future events are being planned for alumni, donors, and friends of the University. In Fall 2013, Malone will participate with the Canton Museum of Art and Arts in Stark as the Stark County art community presents an exhibition of the original pages! Creation, Donald Jackson with contributions by Chris Tomlin, 2003, The Saint John’s Bible and the Hill Museum & Manuscript Library, Order of Saint Benedict, Collegeville, Minnesota, USA.

MBA and MAOL degree programs to be offered online Students pursuing the MBA degree will have a new option beginning Fall 2012. The School of Business and Leadership will offer its already reputable master of business administration degree online in addition to the popular “on ground” program. Students will receive the same quality program, covering the same content as the traditional program from the same faculty, earning 36 credits as in the general MBA—with the added convenience an online program has to offer. What’s more, the program includes 24/7 technical help for students. Students will be able to complete the online MBA in a total of 20 months as compared to the general 24-month MBA. Start date is scheduled for late August 2012. The School will accommodate current ground students to transfer to the online program if they so wish. Administrators have expressed their commitment to implementing the same best practices that earned them recognition for the MMP program to continue this outstanding tradition in its new online offerings. The MAOL—or organizational leadership degree is still the only advanced degree of its kind offered by an accredited institution in our area—and will be offered entirely online beginning Fall 2012. The MAOL develops inspirational leaders with vision and high ethical standards. Students from a wide array of for-profit, not-for-profit, and civic organizations develop skills necessary to advance their careers and change the dynamics of their organizational workplaces. The program is built on a model that promotes a Christ-centered approach to leading. For more information regarding either of these advanced degree programs, call the School of Business and Leadership at Malone University at 330.471.8550 or go online at

Aviso earns awards Malone’s online newspaper, The Aviso AVW (Audio. Video. Web), recently received two prestigious awards for its news coverage. The Aviso AVW ( was recently named a finalist for the Associated Collegiate Press’s ACP 2012 Online Pacemaker Award in the online-only category, keeping company with much larger schools such as Northwestern University, Temple University, and the Savannah College of Art & Design. In February, the Ohio Newspaper Association awarded The Aviso AVW first place for Best Collegiate Newspaper Website in its division of publications with less-than-daily frequency, placing it ahead of competition from Otterbein and Ashland Universities. Both competitions were judged by professional journalists. Reports include comments such as, “Content is good. Site seems to be covering the important news areas. Great use of RSS from The Canton Repository to round out the site’s news coverage. I was immediately impressed with the look of the site upon landing on the front page ... Overall an excellent entry to the website competition. Competes well with the larger schools.” Faculty adviser is David Dixon, Ph.D., professor of communication arts, who has served at Malone since 2004. Staff includes editorin-chief, Jesse Peek ’12; managing/news editor, Chelsea Weikart ’13; feature co-editors, Lisa Heath ’12 and Emily Geig ’14; sports editor, Chris Sherwood ’13; arts & entertainment editor,

Top row (left–right): Luke Ford, David Dixon, Michael Garwood, Samantha Shaffer; Second row: Katie Woods, Chelsea Weikart, Lisa Heath, Emily Geig; Front row: Steena Hymes, Jesse Peek, Chris Sherwood, Kaitie Fox. Nick Skiles ’12; copy editor, Katie Woods ’12; photo editor, Kaitie Fox ’12; AVW producer, Sam Shaffer ’13; AVW editor, Michael Garwood ’12; public relations editor, Halle St. John ’13; senior staff writer, Steena Hymes ’12; staff writers, Tina Oprean ’13 and Lucas Ford ’12. Shaffer will serve as editor-in-chief for 2012–13.

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Campus News

Campus News

Worldview Forum Series explores current issues Spring semester brought two offerings in the Malone University Worldview Forum Series. The Morality of Debt, held in January, featured proponents Ryan Messmore, D.Phil., the William E. Simon fellow in religion and a free society at the Heritage Foundation; and Ronald Sider, Ph.D., author and founder of Evangelicals for Social Action. Moderator was Albert Smith, CPA, CMA, associate professor of business administration at Malone.

Photo by Michael Balash

March Worldview Forum participants included Washington, D.C. attorney David Murray, a 1980 Malone alum, and Jennifer Brunner, Ohio’s first woman Secretary of State. Jane Hoyt-Oliver moderated.

In March, we asked two questions: Can a Christian be a Democrat? Can a Christian be a Republican? Proponents were democrat Jennifer Brunner, J.D., Ohio’s 52nd (and first woman) Secretary of State (2007-2011), partner at Brunner Quinn Law firm, founder of Courage PAC; and republican David P. Murray, J.D., partner of the Washington, D.C. law firm Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP. Moderator was Jane HoytOliver, Ph.D., professor of social work and director of General Education at Malone.

Undergraduate students present original research

The symposium allows students from across all academic disciplines to participate.

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Leadership positions filled

This year’s Woolman Lecture Series welcomed Philip Jenkins, Ph.D., Distinguished Senior Fellow, Institute for Studies of Religion at Baylor University, to campus in March. Philip Jenkins works in several diverse fields in both history and religious studies. He has published more than twenty books, which have been translated into twelve languages, including The Next Christendom: The Rise of Global Christianity (2002); Decade of Nightmares: The End of the 1960s and the Making of Eighties America (2006); The Lost History of Christianity (2008); Jesus Wars (2010); and Laying Down the Sword: Why We Can’t Ignore the Bible’s Violent Verses. At Malone, he addressed New Worlds Of Faith: Reading the Bible in New Churches during chapel services, and presented two lectures: Laying Down the Sword: How Christians and Muslims Confront the Violence in their Scriptures, and Christianity, Islam, and Europe’s Religious Crisis.

Three key academic leadership positions were recently filled. Don Tucker, Ed.D., has been named provost. Don came to Malone from Regent University in 2008 to serve as dean of the Donald Tucker College of Theology, Arts, and Sciences and was named interim provost in 2010.

Philip Jenkins

Open Frame premiers at the Palace

The fourth annual Malone University Undergraduate Research Symposium was held in the Brehme Conference Center on April 3. The symposium gives students an opportunity to showcase creative academic scholarship––new discoveries, new knowledge––and share this new learning with others. The primary mode of presentation has been the academic poster. But don’t let the pictures fool you––this is no “science fair.” This year, students researched and unearthed new findings in the areas of: “Burt’s Bees: Sustainability in Action;” “Abortion and Infanticide in Tokugawa and Meiji, Japan;” “Fractals and Music;” “Textbook Usage among Malone Nursing Students;” and “Effects of mod(var) mutations on euchromatic reporters with a variegating phenotype.”

Woolman Lecture speaker focuses on global Christianity

Above (left-right): Amanda Maxwell and Katlynn Stoll with Eb de Oliveira, professor of psychology Aaron Bunnell with Bryan Hollon, associate professor of theology

The Open Frame Film Festival was held in April for the first time at the Canton Palace Theatre. Since 2002, the festival has facilitated more than seventy short student films. Malone students have produced comedies, dramas, westerns, animated pieces, documentaries, music videos, and art films. The Open Frame also includes a number of training and development events throughout the year to help students develop filmmaking and storytelling skills. Students are encouraged to collaborate with each other, community members, professionals, and faculty to develop their films. Many of the students who have participated in the Open Frame have gone on to make films after college, work in other media-related jobs, and work in Hollywood. The focus of the Open Frame continues to develop students’ abilities to tell stories with groups in ways that shape, reflect, and transform their communities, the church, and the world. Congratulations to this year’s winning filmmakers––Corinne Abbiss, Alaina Chase, Kaitie Fox, David Garwood, Michael Garwood, Taylor Hazlett, Dusty Jenkins, Michael Lawson, Erin Mongtomery, Jacob Redman, Lauren Seveney, Luke Taylor, and Cale Short. For up-to-date information on The Open Frame, visit

Nate Phinney, Ph.D., has been named dean of the College of Theology, Arts, and Sciences. The Yale University Nate Phinney graduate has served Malone since 2004, most recently as interim dean. Debra Lee, Ph.D., has been named dean of the School of Nursing and Health Sciences. Debra earned Debra Lee a diploma degree in nursing from Akron General Medical Center School of Nursing, a B.S.N. from Malone University, and a Ph.D. from The Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing, Case Western Reserve University.

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Campus News

Campus News

Distinguished Faculty, Outstanding Staff and Administrator awarded

news briefs 2012 Open Business Forum held March 21 The forum explored how to do well by doing good with the March offering The Triple Bottom Line: People, Planet, Profit. Lead speaker was David Krueger, Ph.D., co-director of Baldwin Wallace’s sustainability major and of the Institute for Sustainable Business. Panelists included Stefanie Smith, green building consultant and sustainability coordinator at Stark State College; Todd Pugh, founder and CEO of Enviroscapes; and Ken Weber, president and CEO, Goodwill Industries of Greater Cleveland and East Central Ohio.

Creative Writers Series hosts notable authors 2012 Recipients of Malone University awards (left–right): • Distinguished Faculty Award for Teaching Matthew Phelps, professor of psychology • Distinguished Faculty Award for Scholarship Jay Case, professor of history • Distinguished Faculty Award for Service Diane Chambers, professor of English • Outstanding Staff Employee of the Year Patti Elkins, facilities coordinator, support person, Office of the Registrar • Outstanding Administrative Employee of the Year Sandy Johnson, director of Orientation and special programs

Spring events included a graduate student reading with Eliese Goldbach, Meg Johnson, Michael Goroff, all students in the NEOMFA program; poet and essayist Scott Cairns; awardwinning novelist Gina Ochsner; and mystery writer Amanda Flower, a 2002 Malone alumna.

Malone publications earn ADDY Awards The annual Canton Advertising Federation ADDY Award night proved to be a big one for Malone. The only in-house, nonagency to be awarded, Malone received four silver ADDYs (for summer and fall 2011 editions of The Malone Magazine, annual dinner brochure, and Homecoming materials campaign) and one gold ADDY (Malone Magazine campaign).

Brathwaite earns trailblazer honor Joy Brathwaite, vice president for finance and business affairs, was recently honored by being named a Trailblazer at the Joy Brathwaite Stark County Contemporary Trailblazers reception held in February. The reception––sponsored by the Multi-Development Services of Stark County in celebration of Black History Month––recognized African-Americans whose contributions in the areas of business, government, journalism, education, and health care have made significant strides towards progress, equity, and achievement in Stark County.

Air Band Contest crowns 2012 winner

The Air Band Annual Lip Synch Competition took place in March, serving up the usual elaborate costumes, breathtaking choreography, and spot-on lip-synching skills with teams competing for the coveted Golden Nike trophy. Congratulations to the winners, who performed to a medley of songs from The Lion King. photo by Michael Balash

Literacy Celebration features illustrator E.B. Lewis The Center for Professional Development presented the seventh annual Literacy Celebration in March. Featured E.B. Lewis speaker was the Caldecott Honor-winning artist and illustrator E.B. Lewis, author of more than 50 books for children. The event allowed primary/ elementary educators, art teachers, librarians, and administrators to explore the astounding world of excellent children’s literature.

Heckert receives CCCU campus ministry award When Malone University’s Chaplain L. Randall Heckert, M.Div., attended the annual Campus Ministers’ Conference in California, he was in for a surprise. The Commission for Campus Ministry Directors of the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU) presented him with the 2012 Dana Walling Award for Excellence in Campus Ministry. “I was quite shocked to say the least,” he says, “and overwhelmed at the presentation. I really don’t know how my nomination originated.” The committee had spoken to University Board members including chairman Steve Steer prior to making this year’s selection. {28} Malone Magazine | Spring 2012

“Pastor Randy” has served in his position as University Chaplain since 1997––overseeing the spiritual formation of students through programming and pastoral activities. Prior to that, he served as pastor for the Evangelical Friends Church in Deerfield; Sarasota, Fla.; and Salem. Between 1982 and 1988, he was a chaplain for the United States Army, serving at Fort Still, Okla.; Fort Bragg, N.C.; and in Sinai, Egypt, with the 82nd Airborne Division. He holds a B.A. in philosophy from Youngstown State University, and the M.Div. from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (Ill.). Randy is married to Kathy; the couple has two married sons and three grandchildren. In addition, the couple owns and operates Hambleton House Bed and Breakfast in Canton. Randy did not have to walk forward alone to accept his award. “Kathy was also up front with me at the presentation. Appropriately so,” he observes.

Emmy Award-winning filmmaker visits Malone The Emmy award winning documentarian, Lisa Gossels, met with communication arts students in January. Now living and working in New York, last year Ms. Gossels

won numerous awards for her timely documentary, My So-Called Enemy which covered the coming together of Palestinian and Israeli teenage girls.

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Campus News

Campus News


Commencement 120th



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2. Clockwise from upper left: 1. World Vision Senior Vice President Joan Mussa addresses graduates. 2. Marion Coblentz, father of graduating senior, Eric delivers the prayer at baccalaureate. 3. Sara Shoup makes sure her parents can spot her. 4. Students sing a hymn during the service. 5. Students show off their newly received diploma cases. 6. A hug for mom! 7. Another Eades graduates! John David Eades holds his diploma as family members hold him. John’s father, Phil ’84, mother Beth (Haas) ’82, sister Sarah ’05, and brother Andrew ’11, are all Malone grads. photos by Todd Biss Photography




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Campus News

Campus News

School of Education and Human Development earns full NCATE accreditation Malone’s professional education unit, the School of Education and Human Development, has earned full Rhoda Sommers accreditation for both graduate and undergraduate teacher education programs from the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) through Spring 2017. While the teacher education programs at Malone have been approved by the Ohio Department of Education since 1958, this is

the first time these programs have achieved recognition through national accreditation. NCATE-accredited schools must meet rigorous standards set by the profession and members of the public. Institutions must demonstrate that its teacher candidates have in-depth knowledge of the subject matter that they plan to teach, the skills necessary to convey this content so students learn, and have partnerships with P–12 schools that enable candidates to develop the skills necessary to help all students learn. Candidates must also be prepared to understand and work with diverse student populations. University faculty must model effective teaching practices, and the institution

must have the resources, including information technology resources, necessary to prepare candidates to meet these rigorous standards. “While Malone’s teacher education programs have a long history of excellence, the NCATE process prompted a challenging self-study which has produced concrete evidence of the teaching effectiveness of our graduates” said Rhoda Sommers, Ph.D., dean of the School of Education and Human Development. Sommers continued, “Our current students and future students can be assured that our teacher education programs meet the highest national and state standards for excellence as a result of our NCATE accreditation.”

Council for Exceptional Children hosts Campus Carnival Balloons! Prizes galore! Games! Activities! And more happy faces than you could count filled Osborne Hall in March with the third annual Campus Carnival for Kids with special needs and their families. The School of Education’s Council for Exceptional Children and Malone Pioneer Athletics worked together to bring this funfilled event to all elementary school children, no matter the skill level or physical or mental challenge. Every activity and carnival game station was specifically designed to differentiate instruction based on the needs of each child, promising an evening of fun for children with special needs as well as their elementary school siblings. Legendary Cleveland Brown Don Cockroft (pictured, right), of the famed “Kardiac Kids,” was on hand, with an inspirational message and his new book, The 1980 Kardiac Kids––A Season of Destiny.

Brianna Parrish (left) and Becca Clark set up the prize table.

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The MCEC (Malone Council for Exceptional Children) is a student organization for Malone University education majors committed to connecting with, and serving, families blessed with kids with exceptionalities here in the greater Stark County area.

Don Cockroft

Faculty News Jesse Ayers, D.M.A., professor of music, had his composition Flashbax premiered by the Honors Band of the Ohio Private Colleges Instrumental Directors Association. The work was commissioned by OPCICA in memory of the late Dr. William Schlacks, OPCICA’s founding president, and to commemorate the organization’s 25th year. Ayers also saw three of his compositions performed this past November by the Windiana Professional Concert Band in Valparaiso, Ind., at the historic Memorial Opera House. Ayers’ Biblical Epics Trilogy, included Rahab, Jericho, and ... and they gathered on Mount Carmel. In addition, Rahab was performed at the Canton MacDowell Club by Cynthia Wohlschlager, adjunct professor of voice and Patrick Wickiffe, Malone staff accompanist this past February. Jack Ballard, Ph.D., associate professor of music production, is Malone’s newest Fulbright Scholar––our fourth in eight years! Jack was recently informed by the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board that he has been selected to receive a 2012–13 U.S. Scholar Grant to teach music production at Daystar University in Nairobi, Kenya. Trish Berg, instructor of business and adviser for Students in Free Enterprise, secured three national grants for the SIFE program including the Sam’s Club Step Up for Small Business Grant to help a local small business grow and become more environmentally sustainable; the Campbell’s Soup Let’s Can Hunger Grant as the team pursued its goal of collecting 5,000 pounds of food for the Stark County Hunger Task Force; and the Walmart Women’s Economic Empowerment Grant.

The Randall Campus Center was the site of a book signing by Jay Case, Ph.D., professor of history. His most recent work, An Unpredictable Gospel: American Evangelicals and World Christianity 1812– 1820 was published by Oxford University Press this past January. Beth Clark-Thomas, Ph.D., professor of education; and Nancy Varian, Ph.D., assistant professor of education were awarded––for the fifth consecutive year––an Improving Teacher Quality grant by the Ohio Board of Regents. SUNBEAMS (Students Understanding the Natural World by Broadening the Education and Applications of Math and Science), has received $500,000 from Ohio Board of Regents to date. In addition, the School of Education and Human Development was notified that its Education Leadership Program leading to the principal’s license has achieved OBR approval. The School––in conjunction with Canton City Schools––was featured on the Discovery Channel’s Profiles Series in February. David Entwistle, Psy.D., professor of psychology; and Stephen Moroney, Ph.D., professor of theology, collaborated on an article for the Winter 2011 issue of the Journal of Psychology and Theology. The title of their article is Integrative Perspectives on Human Flourishing: The Imago Dei and Positive Psychology. In addition, Dr. Entwistle is the co-leader of the Region IV Genetics Collaborative Transition Workgroup, creating and collecting resources on transitional issues for individuals with heritable conditions. Marcia Everett, Ph.D., professor of communication arts, director of The College Experience, and the force behind Malone’s annual “Into the Streets” program, was named to the Honor Roll of First-Year Student Advocates by the National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition. In addition, she was recognized with the Leading Age Award by St. Luke Lutheran Community for Excellence in Service––Best Practice for Intergenerational Volunteer Service.

Jay Case speaks at his book signing. Jack Harris, Ph.D., director of global and off-campus programs, professor of business administration, and teacher in the Malone University Outdoor Leadership Program, was notified that his application for a $12,954 grant for the 2012 Boating Safety Education Program (“Canoe Training”) was awarded to Malone University by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR). Maria Lai-Ling Lam, Ph.D., professor of business administration, presented A Personal and Professional Perspective on the Concept of Global Talent at the China Global Talents Conference December 19, 2011, in Guangzhou, China. Charles Lartey, Ph.D., director of assessment, presented at the 2011 Assessment Institute held in Indiana last fall with the presentation: In Search of New Frontiers for the Analysis and Application of Noel-Levitz Student Satisfaction Inventory––The Case of Malone University. Ken Stoltzfus, Ph.D., associate professor and department chair, social work, has accepted the position of chair of the social sciences department at LCC International University in Klaipeda, Lithuania.

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Academic Feature

“We intended this course to challenge how students lived and We wanted to engage imaginations and not just impart ne important goal of Malone’s senior-level Faith in the World Seminar is to move learners into new territory— intellectually first, but also spiritually, morally, and practically.

“We intended this course to challenge how students lived and not just how they thought,” says Phelps. “We wanted to engage imaginations and not just impart information, to shape their yearnings and not just their beliefs.”

One relevant section, “Living Well in a Car Culture” explored psychological, social, ecological, and spiritual issues related to the automobile.

Wide interdisciplinary reading and writing were required for the course, but learners received a few new academic tools as well. From the analysis of YouTube car ads to “Note card” assignments, students were asked to pay attention to car-related phenomena in their daily lives and to reflect on what that experience meant to them. Classroom time was largely directed by students (two at each session) who provided questions that linked the day’s reading to the themes of the course.

The course was taught by Matt Phelps, Ph.D. (psychology) and Scott Waalkes, Ph.D. (political science), who felt that the topic would lend itself to interdisciplinary study with potential for transformed thinking. The professors started with a list of questions: • Why do we love cars? • Is the car a source of identity, freedom, and status? • Is the car a deadly machine that puts lives at risk any time we sit behind the wheel? • Do we treat others well as we drive, or do cell phones and ‘road rage’ raise serious social and ethical problems? • What about car-related issues such as U.S. dependence on foreign oil supplies, land use/sprawl, and pollution? • How do we best love God and neighbor while living in a car culture such as ours?

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“All of this aimed toward pedagogy of imagination and desire,” said Waalkes. And the impact of that pedagogy started to show up in midterm papers. As students examined the key desires promoted by car-centered living, some of them started to think about change.

“The realization that we are on the roadways with other living, breathing creations of God’s own image instead of riding beside lifeless metal machines should be a central way of thinking for Christian drivers,” one student wrote at midterm. This shift of imagination was echoed in some of the conversations through the rest of the semester. The topic of the seminar came from Phelps and Waalkes, but the design for it was inspired by Jamie Smith, whose book Desiring the Kingdom was part of the course. Smith argues that secular culture has powerfully recruited our imaginations by shaping stories and spaces, providing a secular liturgy that tells us what is possible, what is desirable. Christian education,

not just how they thought. information …” Professor Matt Phelps

according to Smith, is an opportunity to not just know more or know better, but to reclaim the imagination and desire of a community of learners, informing and transforming their deepest motivations with Kingdom-of-God influences. “Most students in the course developed a ‘shared imagination’ that was embedded in the practice of shared inquiry in the course,” Waalkes says. “These students wanted to know about alternatives to car culture, and they imagined themselves living differently now and in the future.” A prime example is a student who traded his car for a bicycle.

“It is liberating,” he wrote. “I passed an old friend one day, who was also biking, and she invited me to have breakfast with her family. I’ll see my neighbor sitting in his yard playing his banjo and I’ll swing in for a bit. Biking as an idea is simple enough, but the value of it, holistically, has increased for me.”

Senior Faith

in the W orld Se minar:

Living Well in a Car Cu lture

Phelps and Waalkes continue to offer the seminar, learning new ideas each time. “Given the vast interdisciplinary nature of the course topic, we are still learning ourselves.” Phelps says. “Our hope is that the careful and intentional practice of shared inquiry will invite students to join a conversation about what it means to live well in contemporary society.”

Professors Waalkes and Phelps at the Classic Car Museum in downtown Canton. Students in the seminar visit the museum as part of their class requirements.

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CampusNews News Alumni

Alumni News

From the Director of Alumni & Parent Relations

On December 31, 1999, I was surprised to receive a letter from a friend I had not heard from in years. In the letter, she listed dozens of scripture references she believed God had brought to her mind for me. She had the impression that God was opening a new door for me in 2000. In April, Ron received a call to join the ministry staff at First Friends Church in Canton. We prepared to move from Lexington, and I began to look for a teaching position. In May, I was contacted about the opening for a director of alumni relations at Malone.

Deb Robinson ’76

After a few days of prayer, I decided not to apply. I loved teaching, and I knew nothing about alumni relations. My dad encouraged me to reconsider, “You know, Deb, when God opens a door you should at least look through it.” I did, and now I am in my 12th year in the Office of Alumni and Parent Relations. I made this move with self-doubts and trepidation. How grateful I was for my faithfilled friend. She “recklessly” obeyed God to bring His message to me. The verses gave me comfort and courage. Their theme is captured in Isaiah 50: 4–5. The Lord God has given me the tongue of disciples, that I may know how to sustain the wary one with a word. He awakens me morning by morning; He awakens my ear to listen as a disciple. The Lord God has opened my ear; and I was not disobedient, nor did I turn back. I am grateful, too, for the wonderful relationships that I have formed with members of the Malone community––colleagues, students, alumni, parents, and friends. Thank you for your countless words and deeds in support of Malone University and our mission to prepare students to know God’s Word, hear God’s voice and abandon themselves to His purposes, plans, and provision.

CLASS notes 1960s


Jerry Campbell ’64 opened the Russell Haven of Rest, a family-owned community cemetery and funeral home in Green Cove Springs, Fla. Jerry writes, “God’s abundant blessings started before graduation in 1964 in my life and have continued to this day. I agree with the psalmist in Psalm 37:25.” The name, Russell Haven of Rest Cemetery, comes from a combination of two ideas. Russell denotes the early name for the area in Clay County and Haven of Rest is from a favorite old church song, “The Haven of Rest,” written by H. L. Gilmour.

Mary (Esselburn) Grovemiller ’70 volunteered at Cuyahoga Valley National Park for eight years after retiring from public school education. 2012 began her third year as a full-time volunteer for the U.S. Department of the Interior. She also has volunteered with the National Park Service, Interpretive Division as a tour guide and education consultant at Lyndon B. Johnson National Historical Park in Texas and Grant-Kohrs Ranch National Historic Site in Montana. Since January, she has been stationed at the Florida Panther National Wildlife Refuge near Naples, where she is writing curriculum for elementary and middle school students centered on the ecosystems of the region and the Florida panther.

Raymond L. Byers ’67 has been named the head of economic development for the Wayne County (Michigan) Economic Development Growth Engine (EDGE). Previously, Raymond spent 37 years at Ford Motor Company. Raymond and his wife, Linda, live in Plymouth, Mich.

Dale Dragomir ’76 is the pastor of Wilmore Christian Church in Wilmore, Ky. He also represents Aflac insurance. Dale and his wife, Rhonda, live in Wilmore. Visit the church website at www.

Share your news with us! New job or promotion? Advanced degree? Milestone achievement? New baby or adoption? Married? We want to know and share your exciting news with your fellow alumni! Please send your updates to Judy Barkan at We love to include pictures of married couples and future Pioneers. Include high resolution jpg files with your email.

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Alumni News

Alumni News

Jay Strimel ’79 joined the law firm Jackson Walker in Houston as a partner. He represents a variety of multinational corporate clients on immigration matters, many in the oilfield services industry as well as technology, shipping, and construction companies. He is well-versed in issues arising from federal government audits of employers’ workplace immigration compliance, has experience performing I-9 and Public Access File audits, and has developed training materials for client corporations on how to properly prepare and maintain immigration and employment compliancerelated document files. He worked for 14 years in the aerospace industry at Kennedy Space Center in planning, scheduling, and project management for the Ground Communication and Launch Processing System areas of the Space Shuttle Program. After graduating from Malone, Jay earned an M.S. from the Florida Institute of Technology and a J.D. from South Texas College of Law, where he was assistant editor of the South Texas Law Review. While at Malone, he was coached by Jack Hazen.

1980s Lynn Shoemaker ’83 is an assistant professor of education and intervention specialist coordinator for graduate education at Mount Vernon Nazarene University. She is pursuing a Ph.D. in special education at Northcentral University in Prescott Valley, Ariz. Lynn, and her husband, Richard, live in Hilliard, with their daughter, Kelly, and son, Michael. They also have an adult daughter, Lauren. Robin Meade x89 released a debut country music album entitled, “Brand New Day.” She hosts “Morning Express with Robin Meade” on Headline News (HLN) weekday mornings and lives in Atlanta. She was recently interviewed by alumna Erika Kurre ’03 on WZTV Fox 17 News. See the news clip at



Dave Yakley ‘95, director of design at Malone University, was elected to a four-year term on the Board of Directors for the University and College Designers Association (UCDA). UCDA is a national organization that inspires designers working in academia in North America and around the world by delivering relevant programming and benefits in a personal and thoughtful way. The organization provides for the professional and personal growth of its members, and advocates for the roles of designers and educators within their institutions.

Rachel Hoskins ’01 and Dave Douglas x01 form the pop-rock duo Attack Cat. Recent press includes the Cleveland Scene, “They pack enough personality into Dandy Outlaws’ five brief songs to warrant their ‘influenced by grunge, hair metal, punk rock, and musical theatre’ claim. Anthems like ‘Tricks’ and ‘You Want Me Crazy’ are essentially high-compressed power pop, and the twisty ‘Shoot From the Hip’ would sound really good next to Cobra Starship on the radio;” and the Plain Dealer, saying that Attack Cat is one of “25 Northeast Ohio Bands to Watch” and described them as “Pop-rock with driving rhythms, gritty guitars, and well-crafted arrangements.” Attack Cat has been seen and heard recently performing at the House of Blues with Owl City, at Ingenuity Fest and at the New York City soundtrack release event for the movie Dressed. They were one of two featured performers for Fashion Week Cleveland, have had their video contest sponsored by Best Buy, and had their single “You Want Me Crazy” featured in a Toyota commercial. They self-record and produce their tracks with Douglas pulling triple duty on guitars, bass, and drums and currently recording a new EP scheduled for release later in 2012. Their music video “Remarkable” was chosen to show in the Cleveland International Film Festival as an experimental short film in March 2012.

Lin McDowell ’96 hosts “The Flashback Show with Lin McDowell,” the music of––and interviews with––the pioneers of contemporary Christian music. Lin has a background of 15 years in radio, has researched the music, and talked with the artists who share their insights and music on this unique one-hour radio program at thelight959. com, WNPQ-FM on Saturdays at 6 p.m. Matthew Everhard ’99 published his fourth book, Christ our Supreme Joy: Encountering the Glory of Jesus Christ, Kindle Edition (Faith Church Publishing, 2012). Matthew is the pastor of Faith Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Brooksville, Fla. Congratulations to the members of the Malone family who were named 2012 Stark County Contemporary Trailblazers by Multi-Development Services of Stark County. Joy Brathwaite, Malone’s vice president for finance and business affairs, Lisa Miller ’99, director of community development for the City of Canton, and Andrea Perry ’06, director of personnel for the City of Canton.

t a h t e name-newsletter

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Michael Oesch ’01 was named one of Stark County’s Twenty under 40! professionals, an award that honors young professionals based on their career skills, community service and trusteeship, and their personal and professional accomplishments. Michael has worked at Bruner-Cox LLP since 2005 and is Assurance Services Manager and provides accounting and auditing services for a variety of industries including manufacturing, construction, and not-for-profit. He is a member of the firm’s manufacturing and wholesale distribution and construction and real estate groups. He earned a master’s degree from The University of Akron and is a member of The Ohio Society of Certified Public Accountants, the Bridgestone Invitational Finance Committee, and serves on the Junior Achievement Bowl-a-thon Committee. He is on the board of directors for the Center for Entrepreneurial Success, a volunteer with South Street Ministries, and is actively involved in his church.

John L. Abbott ’03 serves as construction manager for the civil/municipal division in RETTEW, an Engineering News-Record top 500 design firm. He also mentors and trains staff members. Abbott has more than 15 years of experience in civil engineering consulting and construction management. He has worked on projects for the Ohio Turnpike Commission, the Ohio Department of Transportation, and various other governmental agencies. Abbott has a bachelor’s degree in management from Malone University and a doctor of law degree from The University of Akron. Leo Kormanik ’04 qualified for the 2012 London Olympics marathon trials in Texas after qualifying in the Duluth, Minn. Marathon with a time of 2 hours, 18 minutes. Leo is a chiropractor at the Minorik Chiropractic Clinic and was featured in the Akron Beacon Journal. Seth Thomas ’05 is a customer service representative at Tyndale House Publishers in Carol Stream, Ill. Seth and his wife Heather live in Wheaton. Laura (Boatwright) Straniero ’06 is working with the missional group Word Made Flesh as the U.S. Representative and Advocate for Suti Sana, a therapeutic outreach for women affected by prostitution in El Alto, Bolivia. The six-month restoration program includes discipleship, therapy, classes on nutrition and finance, and training with sewing machines. Her husband, Bryan ’06 works at the Geauga Youth Center with at-risk teens and facilitates a weekly Bible study at Berkshire High School. The couple lives in Burton. Tim Carmany ’07 organized the event “the Canton Prom” as a fundraiser for the Stark County Hunger Task Force. The event raised $2,510 to feed those in need in Stark County. Tim has an art studio at 2nd April Galerie and lives in Canton. He was recently featured in About Magazine as an up-and-coming artist. Diane Ferritto ’07 was promoted to senior account representative at InfoCision Management Corporation. Diane is a council member on the Malone Young Alumni Community (MYAC). Ryan Kienzle ’07 qualified for the 2012 London Olympics marathon trials in Texas after a half-marathon time of 1:04.38 in the Philadelphia Marathon. Ryan is a teacher at Oakwood Middle School in Canton and has been running for the Second Sole racing team since graduation from Malone. His story was featured by The Repository.

Jake Thomas ’07 is a production assistant at Lakeshore Entertainment in Beverly Hills, Calif. Erin Brown Thomas ’07, is an editor in Hollywood, Calif. Erin’s music video “Being Me” by The Strange Familiar was recently awarded outstanding freshman video, and is currently playing, on MTVu––at one point reaching #1. Jake and Erin are collaborating on a documentary about the human trafficking trade called “Honeychild.” Find out more at Jake and Erin reside in Silver Lake, Calif. Sara Holtzman ’08, a communication arts graduate, is now the assistant director of Thompson-Markward Hall, a young women’s living facility in Washington, D.C. Dom Liberati ’08 is living in Los Angeles pursuing his music career. He recently released his album “The Good Hurt” and debuted his first official music video for his song, “We Own the Night.” The video just received two awards for the 2012 Los Angeles Movie Awards (Best Editing and Award of Excellence). Saint Wesonga ’08 is studying for his master of science degree in computer science at Brigham Young University. He will join the Visual Studio/.NET team at Microsoft in Redmond, Wash. after graduation. Libby Bracy Doss ’09 is the director of The Ananda Center for the Arts in Massillon, a nonprofit center providing a venue for artists of all genres to teach, learn, collaborate, and celebrate the arts. She has been named director of volunteer coordination by the Massillon Museum of Art. Libby and her husband, Travis, live in Canton.

2010s Brian Budd ’11 was selected from a national competition in Houston for one of 15 $3,000 scholarships as part of a Service Corporation International 2012 Funeral Service Scholarship Program. Brian is attending mortuary school at The American Academy McAllister Institute. Andrew Eades ’11 is the internet marketing specialist at Spire Advertising in Ashland, a small web design and internet marketing company. He is married to Joanne (Badertscher) ’11, a Spanish teacher at Crestview Local High School in Ashland. Jason Wallace ’11 is the manager and founder of the hip-hop band Divine Soldiers. They have released three full-length albums and performed with popular artists such as Toby Mac, Third Day, Michael W. Smith, and Family Force 5. Divine Soldiers is scheduled to release its fourth album in early 2012 and will donate a portion of album sales to help the Suicide Prevention Education Alliance organization. Divine Soldiers was inspired to this mission in 2011 when Jason lost his niece, Alexandra, to suicide when she was 17. Michael Garwood ’12 was featured in The Repository for his student film about a Civil War Love Story, which was shown in Malone’s Open Frame Film Festival. Michael’s father, David ’88, who produces television commercials in Columbus, was there for the shoot. Actors in the film included Father Brian ’05 and Amy (Ball) Chase ’06 of All Saints Anglican Church in Canton. The church plant’s website is at


Stay Connected!

Take advantage of Malone alumni’s social media offerings The Office of Alumni and Parent Relations offers numerous opportunities for alumni to connect with each other and Malone. Visit our web page at for links to our Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter pages as well as a link to our free alumni app!

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Alumni News

Alumni News


Alumni Career Services Considering a career change? In the midst of a job search? Thinking about graduate school? Ohio is home to the majority of Malone University’s more than 17,000 alumni. Because the state has been hit particularly hard by the recession, the Office of Advancement was compelled to support graduates in a more pragmatic way. Last fall, in response to these challenges, a career services initiative was added to the Office of Alumni & Parent Relations. While the program is new, the director of alumni career services is a familiar face at Malone––Doug Reichenberger. He has served the University since 1994, helping current students prepare for life after college. Now he helps alumni (defined as any students who have attended Malone for two semesters or more) with career counseling, résumé reviews, job-search strategies, and advice or information regarding graduate school. “My desire is to approach the career search with a biblical worldview and help alumni discover their renewed callings,” says Doug. He shares the story of Rob Shardy ’03, who was able to pursue a postbaccalaureate internship with Walt Disney World, even years after graduation. “Rob had always wanted to work for Walt Disney, but assumed that he had missed his opportunity. So we developed a résumé that highlighted his transferrable skills rather than job titles, which caught the attention of the Disney recruiters,” says Doug. “Also, his cover letter shared his passion for working at Walt Disney; so, by God’s grace, he got the interview and nailed it. He begins his six-month internship in June and hopes to be working there full-time in 2013.”

The Alumni Career Services also offers a number of online resources: • – lists upcoming job fairs, services available, contact information • Perfect Interview – a mock interview simulator that you can use to practice interviewing from wherever you are • – job postings for alumni, students, and employers • – offers career assessments and occupational research information Contact Doug Reichenberger via email at or call him at 330.471.8320.

Rev. Paul Stonebraker ’51 on January 10, 2012. He was active in the ministry from 1951– 2008, and he and his late wife, Ruby, had a special ministry to international students. Lois Jean (Cable) Britton x52 on February 11, 2012. Survivors include her husband, Keith ’54. The couple served as missionaries in Brazil for several years and were later on the staff of WEEC Christian radio in Springfield. Pastor John Hionides ’64 on December 17, 2011. Survivors include his wife, Sharon (Kocher) ’65, son, David ’98. The Rev. Dr. John Hionides was born in Katerini, Greece, and came to Malone with plans of being a chemist after graduation. However, he felt called into the ministry and served churches in Greece, Philadelphia, New Jersey, New York, Delaware, Toronto, Boston. He retired in Toronto in 2006. He received master’s degrees from Dallas Theological Seminary and Pennsylvania State University, and a doctorate from Trinity College of the Bible. In 2011, John and Sharon traveled to India to help equip pastors there. Marjorie Winn ’65 on January 25, 2012. Survivors include her husband, Robert ’68, sons Todd and Victor and their families, sister Gretchen Fancey ’85 (husband Dan ’83), and sister-inlaw Janet Durham ’66 (and husband Jerry ’63). Marjorie taught in the Sebring Local Elementary Schools for 30 years and was a member of Winona Friends Church. She was co-director of the Evangelical Friends Disaster Relief Program. Deborah Ann (Hanna) Yoder ’73 on April 13, 2012, following a courageous battle with brain cancer. Survivors include her husband of 37 years, Dr. Mervin Yoder, Jr. ’75, and children, Andrew and Caitlin. Deborah’s legacy includes her service as a founding school board member at Traders Point Christian Academy, founding president of the Parent and Teacher’s Fellowship at the Academy, teaching Sunday School, being a leader in the Women’s Bible Study Fellowship for more than two decades, volunteering in the soup kitchen at Tabernacle Presbyterian Church, and sponsoring many children in child health and education ministries in Latin America and Africa. Ronald Stokes ’99 on September 28, 2011. Survivors include his wife, Lori ’01, and five children Janae, Octavia, KeEllen, M’Kyei, and Darius. Ron was an active member of the Cathedral of Life Church where he served as a sound technician, and was posthumously inducted into the 2011 class of the McKinley High School Hall of Fame for his high school football career. Melissa (Hess) Westfall x94 on April 16, 2012. Survivors include her husband, Greg. Melissa was employed by Surgery Alliance and was a member of ASA Softball, Buckeye Blues, umpire-in-chief for Eastern Stark County Softball Association, and was an usher with the Canton Players Guild.

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weddings Heather Such ’97 and David Hionides ’98 on May 7, 2011. The couple resides Mesquite, Texas. Jennifer Adams ’06 and David Masters on March 18, 2012. Jennifer is the associate manager of concerts and special events for the Cleveland Orchestra. The couple lives in Cleveland. Kelly Abraham ’07 and Adam Lantz on August 20, 2011. Kelly works at The Bank of New York. The couple lives in Pittsburgh, Pa.

Caitlin Travis ’10 to Jock Rottman ’11 on October 15, 2011, at East Richland Friends Church in St. Clairsville. Rev. Jerry Wenger ’76 officiated. Jock is the office manager at CCM Corporation of Wooster; Caitlin is a teacher in the East Holmes Local School District. Caitlin is the daughter of Kim and Bob Travis ’07. The couple lives in Wooster. Jessica Thomas ’11 and Tim Theodorou on October 22, 2011. Jessica is a registered nurse at Mt. Carmel St. Anns Hospital. The couple resides in Delaware.

myster mystery alum Mystery Alum Contest


Who can name these two art students from the ’80s who decided to “complete” the moose head when it was hanging in the lobby of Timken Science Hall? Be the first to identify these Malone alums and win a Malone blanket. Send your answers to or call 330.471.8454.

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Alumni News

Alumni News

uture ioneers A daughter, Emma Renee, to Amber and Eric Wright ’99 on April 22, 2011. Eric is the director of bands at Queen Anne’s County High School. The family lives in Chestertown, Md. A son, David Isaac, to Greg ’95 and Pam (Shields) Rice ’94 on April 11, 2010. Greg is a pastor at Alum Creek Friends Church. Pam is treasurer at their church. The family lives in Marengo. A son, Karsten Tyler, to Julie and Ty Godwin ’96 on June 4, 2011. Ty is an academic counselor at University of Phoenix. The family lives in Avondale, Ariz. Daughters, Lucy Bennett, 6, and Natasha Margery, 3, to Matthew and Heidi (Bennett) Yokom ’96 via adoption from Marioupol, Ukraine. The family lives in Macedonia. A son, Jaxon Charles, to Jason ’98 and Mary (Sherer) Shilling ’01. Born February 5, 2010 in Seoul South Korea, Jaxon came to the U.S. on Nov. 12, 2010. Jason is VP of commercial banking at Westfield Bank in North Canton and Mary is on a leave of absence from teaching third grade at Canton Local Schools. The family lives in North Canton.

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A daughter, Simone Elizabeth, to Kelly and Rev. Matthew Everhard ’99 via adoption on December 21, 2011.

A son, Johnathan Richard, to Richard and Shari (Cox) Hansen ’99 on April 24, 2011. He joins sisters Megan, Mia, and Ashley. A son, Cameron Lee, to Scott ’01 and Paula (Holmes) Calhoun ’01 on June 18, 2011. He joins a brother Carter. The family lives in North Canton. A daughter, Eliana Grace, to Chris and Kelly (Crowell) Cooke ’01 on February 2, 2012. The family lives in Pittsburgh. A son, Cale Allen, to Allen and Lindy (Schier) Hylton ’01 on October 24, 2011. Lindy is an elementary special education teacher. The family lives in Little River, S.C. A daughter, Grace Kaitlyn, to Matt ’00 and Jeannine (Cooper) Ramer ’01 on January 31, 2012. She joins siblings Christian, Cara, and Meredith. The family lives in Uniontown.

Alumni Executive Board President Jason Yost ’99, J.D. President-Elect Lee Wetherbee ’78, Ph.D. A daughter, Delaney Marie, born May 2, 2011 to Derek ’01 and Sarah (Myers) Nottingham ’01. She joins her big brother Miles, age 4. Derek is the school treasurer at Brown Local School District in Malvern. Sarah is a high school English/language arts teacher at Claymont High School in Uhrichsville. The family lives in Canton. A daughter, Addison Brooke, to John ’01 and Jacki (Bertmeyer) Rusch ’01 on October 10, 2011. John is a high-school teacher and Jacki is a nurse anesthetist. The family lives in Wadsworth. A son, Harrison Bond, to Steve and Holly (Bond) Rice ’02 on April 12, 2011. He joins a brother, Lincoln. Holly is a history teacher at Lexington High School. The family lives in Mansfield. A son, Judah Nolan, to Joe and Beth (Hiler) Laprairie ’02 on May 19, 2011. He joins a brother, Asa. The family lives in Port Allen, La. A daughter, Amelia Joy, to Jerrand ’03 and Joy (Limann) Claes ’04 on March 30, 2012. Randy is the principal at Wooster Christian School and will graduate with a master’s degree from Ashland University in August.

A daughter, Camille Jane, to Mark and Julie (Norton) Mabus ’03 on April 12, 2011. Julie is an occupational therapist at Montpelier Hospital. The family lives in Archbold. A son, Nathaniel John, to Jason and Laurie (Ferguson) Fronek ’04 on March 1, 2012. Laurie works in the Surgical ICU as a nurse at University Hospitals of Cleveland. The family lives in Olmsted Falls. A son, Joseph Matthew, to Megan x08 and Matthew Ayers ’07 on July 31, 2011. The family lives in Canton. A daughter, Mia Marie, to Brian and Jessica (Cory) Horner ’07 on August 23, 2011. The family lives in Canton. A son, Georgio, to Tim ’04 and Ashley (Henneman) Mariano ’08 in June 2011. Ashley is the facilitator of a therapeutic after-school program for D and E Counseling. A daughter, Caitlyn Elena, to Ryan and Jessica (Yoder) Schmidt ’09 on September 13, 2011. The family lives in Massillon.

Past President Vic Valli ’74 Secretary Les Widder ’75 Trustee Rod Neuenschwander ’99 Members-at-Large Velma Bridges ’67 Ann Butler ’90 Tawny Cowen-Zanders ’97 Sheila Grate ’91 Rosalie Gregg ’69 Brian Hollingsworth ’02 Dan Kell ’99 Nicole Mosley ’10 Keith Redmon ’88 Christopher Reuscher ’97, J.D. Charles Ring ’06, MMP 188 Raeann Sanor ’95 Mark Schiel ’99 Ben Tillman ’76 Thomas Welsh Jr. ’10 LaMar Wyse ’68

Young Alumni Community Board President Brian Hollingsworth ’02 President-Elect Kristen Moore ’04 Past-President Randy Claes ’03 Secretary Allegra Mooney ’02

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Athletics Update

Athletics Update Event celebrates 50 years of Malone men’s Cross Country and Track & Field This April, Malone celebrated 50 years of men’s cross country and track & field with a program and reception honoring coaches, alumni, and current athletes. The evening included special reflections and a video presentation from athletes including Henry Karki ’65, Rick Pittenger ’76, Wendell Skelley ’76—member of the first National Championship team in 1972; Jeff Gantz ’83; Mark McClure ’91, who is currently head men’s and women’s track & field coach at Malone; Ira Wentworth ’93; Chris Sinick ’10—a member of the legendary “three-peat” team who won three national championships in a row; and current student Nick Fresenko ’14, who shared about meaningful memories and experiences.

became the second. In addition to the three consecutive NAIA national titles from 2007, 2008, and 2009, the squad has qualified for the NAIA national meet each year, having never lost a conference/district meet. The men’s team has 35 top-ten NAIA national finishes; the team has won eight All-Ohio titles, the last one in 2008. Malone is the

only small school to have won the overall Ohio team title, topping the likes of Ohio State and Ohio University. Hazen also coached men’s track & field for 28 years and women’s for three years. He has coached more than 325 NAIA All-Americans in both sports. Tim Mack, a Malone track

“Even right from the beginning as freshmen, we were welcomed by the seniors who put their arms around us and taught us what it took to be a runner.” Jeff Gantz ’83 on entering the Malone program as a highly-touted recruit in the early 80s

Other memories alumni recalled that evening: cross country camp; waterskiing at Atwood Lake; living together on one residence hall floor; in the 1990s, wearing running tights all over campus; alligator hunts in Florida; beating Penn State; beating Ohio University; chasing—and catching—rabbits, chipmunks, and squirrels on campus; Coach hiding in the woods and jumping out to scare runners, often acting like or dressing as a bear; special

championships and conference titles; and simply being part of an athletic family. This fall will begin Malone’s third and final transitional year into NCAA Division II. McClure is looking forward to the challenges that will bring. “Our vision is to be a light on a hill,” he said. “We’ll bring our best because that’s what God calls us to.”

Athletic Director Charlie Grimes, shared that in the 1970s, students were not particularly confident about running long distances. Coach Hazen cured that, he laughed.

The evening also was a testament to the continuing legacy of Coach Jack Hazen—or simply “Coach,” as most of his runners call him. He has served in that role at Malone for 45 of the 50 years of the program, and his men’s cross country program ranks as the all-time winningest by the NAIA.

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athlete from 1990–94 won the Gold Medal for men’s pole vault in 2004 and still holds the Malone record of 17'5" set in 1993. Jack will coach men’s long distance running in the 2012 London Olympic Games and has coached and served on the national level on several other occasions. He has inspired hundreds of his runners to coaching careers as well, as evidenced by a speaker asking all the coaches in the room to stand.

“I came to know Christ through the running program,” shared Gantz. “Even right from the beginning as freshmen, we were welcomed by the seniors who put their arms around us and taught us what it took to be a runner.”

His 1972 men’s team became the first Malone team to earn an NAIA national championship while his 1999 women’s team

The first 50 years: To help commemorate the evening, a large painting was commissioned by local artist Les Troyer. It features classic images of top performers and 42 cross country All-Americans. Prints signed by the artist and Coach Hazen are available for a donation to the Pioneer Club. Call the Office of Advancement at 330.471.8235 to learn more.

Representing their eras: (clockwise from left) Jeff Gantz speaks about being part of “the four horsemen.” Nick Fresenko jokes about signing his letter of intent on a napkin at age six. Henry Karki and Neil Garra ’67 reminisce. photos by Todd Biss Photography

“He told them that he was taking them to Waynesburg for a picnic, so he took them there and then drove away, telling them to be back at Malone by dinner,” Charlie said. “That convinced them that we indeed could do very long distances.”

Double trouble times two: Alums Chrissie (Jeren) Slack ’01 and Suzi (Jeren) Lantz ’00 pose with Coach Hazen and his “twin.”

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Athletics Update

Pioneer Athlete Spotlight: Messner and Furey achieve milestones Messner to compete on U.S. Deaf Women’s Soccer Team

Women’s soccer alum Stacy Messner ’11 will travel to Ankara, Turkey, this July to represent the United States on the national Deaf Women’s Soccer Team. She will compete in the World Championships this summer and the Deaf Olympics in 2013. U.S. Deaf teams won the gold medal at the last two Deaf Olympics—in Australia in 2005 and Taiwan in 2009.

“This experience has helped me to understand the sacrifices a collegiate athlete makes to compete …” Diana Furey on competing in intercollegiate athletics at age 52

At age 52, Furey adds collegiate athletics to her impressive resume

Diana Furey ’13 is a woman her teammates look up to. The 52-year-old completed the Boston Marathon in April—her fourth Boston Marathon and 12th Marathon overall.

“With this opportunity in front of me, I just thought—why not try something that, if I put my mind to it, I know I can do,” says Stacy. “The challenges I’ve been through make me a stronger person… and I can help others through their challenges as well.” Stacy’s degree is in sport management, and she has a minor in coaching. She’s now coaching with the Green Youth Soccer program and is an assistant coach at Green High School. She has played soccer since kindergarten and was one of the best players in Green’s history. Though she only played soccer for one season at Malone in order to keep up in the classroom, she had an extremely successful season as a goalkeeper —helping her team advance to the NAIA Region IX/X semifinals.

Stacy Messner (center) gets together with some of her fellow teammates who also tried out for the U.S. Deaf Women’s Soccer Team. The group was recognized at a recent Columbus Blue Jackets hockey game. photo courtesy of athletics

Stacy was born deaf, but her parents didn’t realize it until she was about three. She learned to read lips to communicate and many people don’t even realize she is deaf. She wears hearing aids and speaks well. “I never felt held back by being deaf,” Stacy says. However, there are distinct disadvantages for soccer players who are deaf: not being able to hear coaches’ instructions, a referee’s decision, or the roar of a crowd. Players also must remove all hearing aids— which can cause issues with balance.

Diana Furey competes in a recent race. photo by Andy Smith

make a difference!

Diana decided to return to college after her oldest three (of four) children had graduated from high school. It was a long process to determine if she could compete collegiately in cross country and track & field, but her times were excellent and she fit in as a member of the team very quickly. “This experience has helped me to understand the sacrifices a collegiate athlete makes to compete,” the exercise science major told The Repository. “I had no idea how difficult it is to juggle the demands of training and competing along with classes, studying, and family life.” Becky Neitzel ’12, who also is from Malvern and met Diana while running, says that Furey is a true teammate. “[She is] a regular college student and member of our team but with much more wisdom and experience,” Becky says.

“I gave my life to God while I was a freshman at Malone,” Stacy says. That decision has given Stacy peace and comfort through new painful times—such as losing her father and grandmother within five months of each other.


Diana had a fifth-place finish at the Ohio Independent Colleges meet in North Canton, shattering a personal best by almost two minutes—just four days after completing the Boston Marathon with a time of four hours and four minutes.

There’s now an easier way for alumni and friends to give to Malone University. Visit, or click on “Give to Malone!” under quick links on our home page to donate online. Every dollar makes a difference!

Stay Up-to-date with Pioneer sports teams! For schedules and current stats, visit Sign up for text message alerts for up-to-the-minute score updates.

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SAVE THE DATE Saturday, October 27

The Installation Ceremony will be held at 10 a.m. A concert by Over the Rhine is planned for Saturday evening as part of Inauguration and Homecoming.

to celebrate the inauguration of our thirteenth president

David A. King

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