Advocate Healthcare II

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MEC Monthly Meeting: May 14, 2009 Enhancing the Medical Staff Organization Planning Workshop: 2009 and Beyond Developing Tactics to Move Forward

Illinois Institute of Technology : Institute of Design Amy Batchu : Amanda Wirth Spring 2009

SG2 Retreat

Enhancing the Medical Staff Organization Purpose The retreat brought leaders together to create objectives on how to enhance the Medical Staff. Process Discuss possibilities Generate objectives Filter objectives Agree on significant objectives Document work

Enhancing: SG2 Retreat

Significant Objectives Top Seven


More input into strategic planning regarding service lines, clinical technology, physician development, facilities.


Streamline infrastructure of medical staff committees and functions.


Improve health of physician practices (i.e., patient satisfaction, help with outpatient EMR, coding, etc).


Encourage more proactive physician engagement with patient safety.


Foster two way communication between administration, medical staff, nursing, etc.


Improve communication between medical staff leadership and medical staff.


Improve new physician orientation.

MEC Workshop

Planning Workshop: 2009 and Beyond Purpose Planning session to align and further focus effort on expanding SG2 objectives. Process Filter objectives Align on objectives Expand objectives Identify possibilities Visualize possibilities

Planning: MEC Workshop

Start with Significant Objectives Top Seven


More input into strategic planning regarding service lines, clinical technology, physician development, facilities.


Streamline infrastructure of medical staff committees and functions.


Improve health of physician practices (i.e., patient satisfaction, help with outpatient EMR, coding, etc).


Encourage more proactive physician engagement with patient safety.


Foster two way communication between administration, medical staff, nursing, etc.


Improve communication between medical staff leadership and medical staff.


Improve new physician orientation.

Planning: MEC Workshop

Filter Significant Objectives Top Seven


More input into strategic planning regarding service lines, clinical technology, physician development, facilities.


Streamline infrastructure of medical staff committees and functions.


Improve health of physician practices (i.e., patient satisfaction, help with outpatient EMR, coding, etc).


Encourage more proactive physician engagement with patient safety.


Foster two way communication between administration, medical staff, nursing, etc.


Improve communication between medical staff leadership and medical staff.


Improve new physician orientation.

Planning: MEC Workshop

Align : Expand : Identify 30

Streamline infrastructure of medical staff committees and functions


Improve communication between medical staff leadership and medical staff

Planning: MEC Workshop

Visualize: Streamline Infrastructure we are people we are physicians we are members we are leaders we are the Medical Staff

Streamline Little resistance to flow Infrastructure Arrangement of and relations between the elements of an organization

Planning: MEC Workshop

Visualize: Streamline Infrastructure

Because we are people we have other things to do.

Planning: MEC Workshop

Visualize: Streamline Infrastructure

Because we are physicians we need the medical staff, but need is diminishing.

Planning: MEC Workshop

Visualize: Streamline Infrastructure

Because we are members we participate, but participation is lacking.

Planning: MEC Workshop

Visualize: Streamline Infrastructure

Because we are leaders we give direction, but direction is difficult to find.

Planning: MEC Workshop

Visualize: Streamline Infrastructure

Because we are the Medical Staff we govern, but governance is inflexible.

Planning: MEC Workshop

Visualize: Streamline Infrastructure

Communication is critical to streamline infrastructure.

Planning: MEC Workshop

Visualize: Improve Communications Improve communication between medical staff leadership and medical staff.

Planning: MEC Workshop

Visualize: Improve Communications Complexity CONTENT






Planning: MEC Workshop

Visualize: Improve Communications



different interests COLLECTIVE

any interest

Planning: MEC Workshop

Visualize: Improve Communications

Lack of Support FRAGMENTED

Lack of alignment INEFFECTIVE


MEC Monthly Meeting

Developing Tactics to Move Forward

Research: 7 Team meetings 4 Participatory workshops 29 Interviews 2 Shadowings 200 Hours contextual research

Physician Values: Relevance Flexibility Collegiality Trust

MEC Monthly Meeting

Developing Tactics to Move Forward External Trends • Government reform: nationalization of health care • Increasing gap between old and young physicians

MEC Monthly Meeting

Developing Tactics to Move Forward External Trends • Government reform: nationalization of health care • Increasing gap between old and young physicians Advocate Structure


MEC Monthly Meeting

Developing Tactics to Move Forward External Trends • Government reform: nationalization of health care • Increasing gap between old and young physicians Advocate Structure


Good Samaritan Strategy Good to Great Clinical Outcomes

Associate Satisfaction

Patient Satisfaction

Physician Relations


Funding Our Future

MEC Monthly Meeting

Streamline Infrastructure: Tactics we are people we are physicians we are members we are leaders we are the Medical Staff

Streamline infrastructure of medical staff committees and functions.

MEC Monthly Meeting

Streamline Infrastructure: Tactics Overall Strategy In order to streamline the infrastructure leaders must address physicians in each layer with a unique process.

MEC Monthly Meeting

Streamline Infrastructure: Tactics

Determine whether another structure might be more appropriate. Adjust structure to better match physicians functions. Familiarize physicians with the new structure.

MEC Monthly Meeting

Streamline Infrastructure: Tactics

Articulate a strategy for the Medical Staff that can be sustained. Guide physicians through times of change.

MEC Monthly Meeting

Streamline Infrastructure: Tactics

Provide alternatives for members to participate in various ways. Enable members to interact and build relationships.

MEC Monthly Meeting

Streamline Infrastructure: Tactics Utilize administration as a liaison between physicians. Collaborate with physicians to counter competitive environment.

MEC Monthly Meeting

Streamline Infrastructure: Tactics Recognize each person’s unique workflow and commitments.

MEC Monthly Meeting

Streamline Infrastructure: Tactics Complementary Objective The infrastructure can be further streamlined with improved communications.

MEC Monthly Meeting

Improve Communications: Tactics Improve communication between medical staff leadership and medical staff.

MEC Monthly Meeting

Improve Communications: Tactics Simplify FOCUS accurately communicate urgent messaging for most essential, timely information only. DOCUMENT personality types and appropriateness to assist others in building relationships based on types.

MEC Monthly Meeting

Improve Communications: Tactics

Adjust SITUATIONAL mention in the message the uniqueness of that special physician PERIODIC curate a message into an inspirational story that resonates with various types of physicians DEEP plan fun interactions to send messages that build trust and pull physicians towards the Medical Staff ANNUAL Understand the demographic makeup Medical Staff every year. Compare technology that is popular.

MEC Monthly Meeting

Improve Communications: Tactics

RESOURCES Request annual list of all support services from the Administrators.


Support & Guide

BUILD RESOURCES Accept first, the value Administrators. Further shape value into a collegial support structure.

UTILIZE resources Understand physician workflows.


CREATE SERVICES Create direct two-way channels. Construct these channels based on patterns of general physician communication appropriateness. CREATE SERVICES Close the loop. Ensure that there is closure or follow up by encouraging use of a direct two-way channel.

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